What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Welcome to the Year of the Tiger - Business Psychology:
Time Management & 2022 Goal Setting - Cross-Border Business:
St. Moritz, Switzerland Cryptocurrency Conference - Business Tools:
International Business Corporations - Business Etiquette:
Reaching Out to Connect in the New Year - Executive Fitness:
Self-Love for the Body, Mind & Soul - Spirits & Cuisine:
The most Popular Ethnic Cuisines - Leisure:
Walking for Enjoyment % Health - Lifestyle & Travel:
How to Find Time to Travel in 2022 - Corb7 International Services:
Free Digital Book

International Business
Editor's Note
2022 - "The Year of the Tiger"
The 24th Winter Olympics will be happening this year in China between Feb 4- 20th, 2022. Because of its human rights controversies, much debate has surrounded China playing host to the games. We thought, nevertheless, it still would be interesting to take a quick look at the Chinese Zodiac Calendar and its history since 2022 is the Year of the Tiger last celebrated in 2010.
The lunar new year is celebrated in many cultures, but perhaps no celebration garners as much attention as China's.
The fanfare begins each year around the beginning of February. The Chinese New Year is marked by 12 zodiac symbols, which are rotated on a 12-year cycle.
2022 is The Year of the Tiger, a zodiac sign last celebrated in 2010. The tiger holds the third sign of the Chinese zodiac, based on the tenacity he showed in crossing the perilous river during the Chinese Zodiac Race. The Jade Emperor didn't know which big cat to include in the race, with the mighty lion garnering consideration. However, the lion's raging temper repelled the Emperor, so the tiger was chosen instead.
The tiger has been a prominent symbol in Chinese culture. It is known as the king of all beasts, and is a symbol of strength, bravery and exorcising evils. People born during a Tiger year may live to seek adventure and have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. They also may be a little reckless and restless. Tigers have big energies and are fiercely independent, according to Chinese astrologer Tiffany Lin. Enterprising and risk-takers, Tigers may be natural born entrepreneurs.
The Year of the Tiger is cause for celebration, and this year's festivities begin on February 1st.

International Business
Business Psychology

Time Management & 2022 Goal Setting!
If you are like most entrepreneurs, the early morning is no stranger to you. You are likely extremely familiar with the 5:00 am wake-up call (or earlier) but also recognize the need to feel fresh and focused for your business day. The solution might just be refreshing your time management and goal setting skills and what better time to accomplish this than at the beginning of a New Year.
Ours is a busy society where everyone is moving rapidly from project to project. As a result, many people may feel that there simply are not enough hours in the day to get it all done.
Quite often people delay certain tasks until the late hours of the night as a way to catch up. But that can be detrimental to health. The National Institute of Health warns that lack of adequate sleep can affect mood, adversely affect relationships, increase anxiety, and possibly contribute to depression. Inadequate sleep is also associated with increased risk of high blood pressure, obesity and heart disease.
Rather than tapping into precious hours of shut-eye, men and women can learn how to manage their time better so they complete more tasks during the day, leaving more time to relax and sleep at night. Effective time management begins with these strategies.
1. Set priorities. Begin by setting priorities. This involves making a list of all the tasks that need to be completed, and then putting them in order of most essential to least essential. Once you understand where to first devote your attention, address items on the list in order of their priority.
2. Develop goals. Goals do not have to be far-off ideas for the future. They can be easily reached today. Simple goals such as, "I want to remove all nonessential paperwork from my desk" can be tackled quickly and without much effort. Goals give a person something to work toward and are important ways to steer you in the right direction. Without goals, you may wander aimlessly. Accomplishing goals of all shapes and sizes gives a feeling of accomplishment.
3. Avoid distractions. Distractions can pull attention away from important tasks at hand. Distractions can be phone calls, text alerts, personal issues, people in the room, and many other things. Figure out how you work best and minimize distractions so that you can fully focus on your priorities.
4. Stop multitasking. Unfortunately, multitasking is not the key to getting more things done. In fact, it could actually be hurting performance. Research conducted at Stanford University discovered that multitasking is less productive than doing a single thing at a time. You simply cannot put full effort into multiple things at once - and something will be short-changed if you try.
5. Write things down. Keeping information floating around your mind is ineffective and can lead to stress. Put things down on paper or make digital notes to keep track of what needs to get done. Set your targets and break each task down to manageable pieces. Physically cross items off your list as they are completed.
Time management is a skill that can be learned with practice and focusing on elements of success. Below are a few links that might also help you with your goal setting for 2021.
A framework specifically designed for the 21st century
Backward goal setting
BHAG: Big Hairy Audacious Goal
Warren Buffett’s “2 list” strategy
The OGSM model: Objective, goals, strategies, and measures
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Cryptocurrency Conference
A very interesting conference will be held in Switzerland January 12th -14th. The Crypto Finance Conference 2022 will in St. Moritz, Switzerland. This symposium is especially noteworthy since it has purposely positioned itself to take cryptocurrency further mainstream. The conference offers attendants educational keynote speakers and insightful panel discussions. We thought it worth your attention and if you would like more information please refer to the link below.

International Business
Business Tools
International Business Corporations (IBCs)
As an entrepreneur, one of the most important decisions that you will ever make is how to structure your business interests. With the dramatic expansion of the Internet more companies than ever hold substantial assets in multiple nations. This, of course, adds to the complexity of structuring requirementsA time-tested corporate vehicle, International Business Corporations, also known as IBC’s, are corporations established under the legislation of an overseas jurisdiction. Often considered a twin sister to the United States Delaware Corporation. there are many similarities between the two but also major differences. Just as is the case in the Delaware, an IBC is a basic corporation which requires only a minimal presence be maintained in the host jurisdiction. To meet this obligation, it is normally enough to have a representative office established and maintained by a local law firm. Operations of the company need not be moved to the host locale. In fact, the IBC is a legal entity that is frequently prohibited from conducting business in its country of incorporation. It is also often free from all local taxes and merely responsible for paying small fixed annual fees. Again, please keep in mind that as an owner, your personal tax obligations and reporting requirements will vary depending upon the owner’s country of origin.
The Three Key Benefits to an IBC:
- Inexpensive to Establish and Maintain
- Enhance Personal or Corporate Privacy
- Provide a Basic Corporate Veil for Asset Protection
Of the three major benefits listed above, we think enhancement of privacy is what sets an IBC apart. Regulatory requirements for IBC are minimal. This often means that the public records of the company are protected by local law or in the case of bearer shares only the incorporation documents, and the registered office and agent are known. This privacy element is not protected when a criminal investigation is underway, or a probe is made by a foreign government for tax reasons. It is, however, very effective to screen the probing eyes of competitors, attorneys initiating frivolous civil lawsuits or in extreme cases governments known for political persecution. The bottom-line is that the owners of the IBC are not widely known, and ultimately privacy is maintained.
Bearer shares
At this point, it is probably best to go into some detail about bearer shares. A bearer share instrument is a security that indicates ownership of an entity by means of possession. Therefore, it is like cash. It differs from registered shares in that no public record is maintained of direct ownership but as stated earlier, the registered office and agent are known. It is noteworthy to mention that in the United States, bearer shares were once a common form for municipal bonds. Also called coupon bonds these tax-free instruments were traded in this form until the early 1980s. The ownership of these bonds was not registered; therefore, they were frequently kept in safety deposit boxes since possession was like cash. In 1983, the U.S. Government sought more knowledge of who owned their debt – even at the local-level – and this option was eliminated. Outside of the United States, bearer shares were once a common form for IBCs which is no longer the case. Very few countries still allow for bearer shares of corporate entities.

International Business
Business Etiquette

Reaching Out to Connect in the New Year
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Etiquette for the Business of Life
Committing to changing habits or incorporating new ones can be draining and disappointing but reaching out to others – even when not second nature – is essentially something we do in one form or another every day.
"Ramping up" by making it a mindful exercise allows us to offer comfort or support, reach for more experiences, broaden our circle of friends, re-acquaint with old friends, and connect with family members.
Always Introduce Yourself
Mask-wearing has had a cocoon effect. Even self-identified extraverts report that that there’s been a holding off their gregariousness that seems to have accompanied over a year of wearing masks or not knowing whether to get engage with people they don’t know.
When we don’t introduce ourselves, we limit opportunities for future engagement. Making your introduction meaningful comes from intention, not from physical engagement. Even if you are avoiding shaking hands, your words, tone of voice, and eye contact will let someone know it is a pleasure to meet them.
Give Up Fears of Imperfection
With masks, we may fear that we aren’t making enough of a connection with someone. Without masks, we may tap into insecurities regarding self-presentation. After all, those masks have kept us somewhat hidden for over a year. Either way, our fear of imperfection can affect how we connect with others.
Consider reaching out to others not only for the benefits of human connection, but to challenge your vulnerable side. Employ self-forgiveness and kindness as an antidote. When you accept yourself as perfectly imperfect, you help other people accept you – and themselves – just as you are.
Avoid Trivializing the Importance of Apologies
No one I know enjoys making a mistake, nor does anyone love giving an apology. Some are quick to point out that if you can’t learn from error you aren’t really learning. It can feel very tempting to hide behind the mask of scrutiny, but if a mistake has been made or a wrong action taken, an apology is called for.
Apology is the essence of forgiveness. Without it there can be no forgiveness. Making a meaningful apology as soon as possible helps a person embrace and experience their mistake and really feel what another person might feel. Recognizing faults as they manifest can be discouraging but is the best opportunity for growth.
Be Intentional
Mindfully reaching out to other people has many benefits. Whether you begin making a point of introducing yourself, embracing vulnerabilities, or apologizing to reconnect through forgiveness, creating a habit of human connection will increase your social circle as well as your confidence.
Check in with yourself each day. Think of someone you’d like to contact, or a situation you can use to introduce yourself or have conversation with. At any moment, you can do a self-check with one question: “Am I reaching out to others today?”

Executive Fitness

Self-Love for the Body, Mind & Soul
by Nancy HovdeLife Empowerment Coach
Depending on where you live, Winter conjures up many different images, including blizzards, snowmen, and holidays. During the Winter months, nature is resting and replenishing itself for the upcoming Spring. As a Life Empowerment Coach, I share with my clients that we should also be focusing on reflection in order to recharge. Post holidays, there is no need to be so hard on ourselves by setting really tight restrictions. Instead, what if we were a little more forgiving with ourselves as we go through the Winter months.
Consider looking at January, February and first half of March, as a time to nurture your body, mind and soul. Choose to be proactive and decide to slow down. We can view the Winter months as a time to shut off from some of the distractions that drain our energy levels. We can use this natural Winter cycle to reset, recharge and get re-inspired. This is a time to perceive “taking care of ourselves” as a well-planned self-love/self-care intention, rather than a chore. I like to use a holistic approach with my clients and together we create wellness goals and embark on a journey to re-discover the self: body/mind/soul. This holistic approach allows my clients to take their personal and professional growth and wellness to the next level. Feel, think and be the best version of themselves.
Did you know that in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is taught that we should live in harmony with the seasons. When we don’t, that’s when disease and illness occur. Living in harmony with the season of Winter means we should avoid eating excessively cold or raw foods, we should focus our attention inward and we should make time to relax and rejuvenate our bodies. Below are some tips to help integrate Winter self-care intentions physically, mentally and spiritually for your Body, Mind and Soul.
Physical: The Body needs Nourishment, Sleep & Movement
Winter is a good time of year to consider which foods or nutrition plan will help you feel most vital physically and provide mental clarity. There are a lot of "diets" out there. It can be very individual when creating the right nutrition plan that allows us to integrate it into a realistic lifestyle. Take some time this Winter to do a little research either on the internet or read books on the nutrition plan that seem to resonate with your unique needs. Sometimes a visit with a holistic healthcare practitioner or wellness coach can be helpful with discovering which foods and nutritional plan is best for you.
Maintaining quality sleeping habits during Winter helps ward off cold/flu by keeping your immune system strong. Be sure your bedroom is quiet, at a comfortable temperature and as dark as possible. It can be helpful to avoid blue light from computers, iPad, t.v. etc at least one hour before bedtime. Instead, read a book or magazine, something that will relax your mind if you've had a stressful day. Or enjoy a great fiction novel that allows you to escape.
Keeping physically fit in the winter is an important part of keeping your mood stable and staying connected to the outdoors. If you live where there is snow, take pleasure in bundling up in layers that will keep you cozy, then head outside, either alone or with a friend or your family. Look around, and notice how different your neighborhood looks in wintertime, and embrace the cool quiet of the season. And if you live where there is never snow in Winter, like I do, but temperatures have dropped, check out a local park or beach for some truly refreshing communion with nature. Find an exercise you enjoy, even if it is just walking. Exercise should not hurt. I do not believe in the saying: “no pain no gain”. Exercise should feel good and be enjoyable. Our bodies are always trying to talk to us. We strengthen the body to still the mind.
Mental: Pure, Uplifted Thoughts & Feelings
Make it one of your intentions this Winter, to always come from a place of love. Practice becoming aware of creating pure and uplifted thoughts and feelings so that everything you do is aligned with love. We can treat others most kindly when we take the best care of ourselves because when we feel our best we can be aligned with love and trust; versus anger or fear.
Do you find yourself feeling blue more often in the winter? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a kind of depression related to changes in light. This usually makes people feel more depressed in cold months, when it gets dark earlier. One solution is doing a search on the internet and you will find a whole range of indoor lights that help alleviate SAD. Try the "dawn simulator," which imitates the sunrise in order to help you wake up naturally. You will definitely start the day in a better mood. Some people swear by creating an ambiance with Himalayan salt lamps, candles, etc. I personally have a Himalayan Salt Lamp and absolutely love candles. Many people find that cuddling time with pets is what helps to uplift their mood, since nothing gives you the warm fuzzies better than something warm and fuzzy, so make time when it's cold outside to snuggle up with your dog or cat. Let your pet remind you of the simple pleasures in life, the joys of making another living thing happy and comfortable.
Don’t let the winter blues sneak up on you! Do something interesting and creative, even if you think it’s outside of your character. Keep yourself busy with activities and adventures. Sign up for that cooking or art class that you’ve been wanting to take. Find a book that challenges your way of thinking. Take on a new challenge at work. Make it something that helps your mind focus on learning something new and interesting. Find the personal value in stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself. When your mind is consumed with something new and exciting, you have less time to be preoccupied with sadness and doubt.
Manage stress as best you can. Maintain balance with work/play/life. As long as I can remember, the restorative power of a hot bath helps bring me calmness and peace. Adding essential oils to your warm water escape can lift your spirits even more than a simple soak. Maybe you are familiar with using essential oils as natural cures for various ailments. Use peppermint to soothe headaches, citrus for rejuvenation, and lemongrass for inner purification. Smelling the oils sends the fragrances to your brain, where they affect your mood.
If you're lucky enough to have a wood-burning fireplace in your home, strike a match and settle in for a pleasant, cozy time. Let yourself relax as you enjoy the sight of the leaping flames and the scent of the burning wood. The mere sight of a crackling fire can get your body feeling warmer.
Sometimes the simple things bring us warmth. What are some of the ways you find joy and warmth in Winter? My favorite is curling up with a really good book under a cozy throw with a cup of herbal tea or hot cocoa and some candles. We still the mind so as to free the Soul.
Soul: The Soul needs Self-Love, Reflective Moments & Deeper Insight
Winter allows us the down time to receive even deeper messages from our Soul. You know, that little whisper nudging us when something good or bad is about to happen. All of us have an inner life - our Soul. The Soul is a living thing that needs nurturing, some TLC and attention. It is easy to take care of all of our "stuff" in Winter - organizing closets, painting rooms and cleaning out garages. While I am all for keeping my life in order and maintaining a clean home, I believe it is crucial to care for our Soul. If you experience feeling overwhelmed at times, this is actually your Soul trying to chat with you. It is telling you to take time out. This isn't being lazy, this is a nourishing time for the Soul and in your best interest for overall wellness. It can be easy to brush this off and keep going, doing and completing errands - "stuff". Allow Winter time to go deep within to reflect, restore and nourish from the inside out. The beauty of Winter is its ability to shift one’s focus from the externals of life to the inner place of introspection and self-reflection. Notice Winter’s stillness, quiet, and reprieve. Take time to “be” and know it is okay to merge with the theme of Winter, a time to slow down and take an internal observation of areas in your life that you would like to release rather than replant into the growing season of Spring.
There are many ways to nourish the Soul during the Winter months. One of my favorites includes a long walk on the beach. I am fortunate to live near the beach and can enjoy walks year around. Other Soul nourishment might include writing/journaling. Reading something inspirational or simply losing myself by reading a really good fiction book. Breathing in the salty air of the ocean or clean mountain air. Visiting a new area (even a new local area can help) and scoping out the beauty, the scene. Indulge or immerse myself in music I love -especially on a walk or during a workout at the gym. Getting pampered - manicure/pedicure, a facial, a massage.
Winter time is a great time to go within and ask yourself some of the deeper questions that help reveal more of your authentic self. When was the last time you took some time to reflect and ask yourself questions such as: "What are the kinds of things I like to do for myself when I need some voluntary solitude, some alone time?" Or "What skill, strength or gift do you wish you could use more fully?" Sometimes it is helpful to review your current situation, habits or routines and ask the question "When you visualize your ideal life, how do you see yourself starting your day?" There are many questions to be asked about various areas in your life. If you would like to receive my Self-Discovery Questions, simply send me an email and I would be happy to share these with you. And if you decide you would like some coaching and support, I look forward to connecting with you!

Spirits & Cuisine

The Most Popular Ethnic Cuisines
The United States is often described as a melting pot because it's home to people from many backgrounds. That diversity is a badge of honor for many in the United States, and it's one that foodies in particular may be especially thankful for. All sorts of ethnic cuisines are available throughout the United States, and a recent analysis of Google Trends data by the international foodie magazine Chef's Pencil found that certain foods are especially popular among diners.
1. Chinese: Chinese food is the most searched for cuisine on Google. Chinese food is especially popular in the northeastern United States, and New Jersey in particular. Residents of Delaware, New York and Connecticut also are enamored with Chinese food.
2. Mexican: The U.S. and Mexico share a border, but the experts at Chef's Pencil note that Mexican food didn't catch on in the United States until 1910. Despite that, Mexican cuisine is the second most popular in the U.S. based on Google trends data. That popularity might be why 9 percent of restaurants in the United States are Mexican restaurants.
3. Italian: Italian cuisine rounds out the top three. Residents of New Jersey and New York find Italian cuisine especially hard to resist, but this beloved ethnic cuisine is wildly popular in various parts of the United States, including Tampa, Florida, and San Diego, California.
4. Thai: If the popularity of Chinese, Mexican and Italian food does not raise an eyebrow, the fourth most popular ethnic cuisine just might. Thai food does not have as lengthy a relationship with American diners as the top three styles of cuisine on this list, having not taken off until the early 2000s. But the popularity of Thai food is undeniable. Readers may be surprised that Google Trends data indicates Thai food has its highest popularity score in Alaska.
5. Indian: The popularity of Indian food is a testament to the allure of spice. Though it's only the fifth most popular ethnic cuisine in the United States, Indian food is wildly popular on both coasts. In fact, Google Trends data indicates its highest popularity scores are in New Jersey and Washington state.
It's worth noting that these delicious ethnic cuisines are not only popular in the United States. Canadians also favor many of the same ethnic cuisines that their southern neighbors enjoy. According to Chef's Pencil, Chinese food is the most popular ethnic cuisine in Canada, followed by 2. Italian; 3. Thai; 4. Indian; and 5. Mexican.


Walking for Enjoyment & Health
Individuals looking for a way to incorporate exercise into their lives need look no further than their own feet. Walking offers numerous health benefits to people of all ages, and it's particularly beneficial to fitness novices. Walking can facilitate a transition between inactivity and increased intensity for those who may have been away from exercise for some time.
According to Dr. Thomas Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, walking is "the closest thing people have to a wonder drug." Any physical activity is a boon to personal health, and walking provides a host of benefits.
1. Strengthens bones: Walking can slow down the loss of bone mass due to osteoporosis. Arthritis.org notes that a study of postmenopausal women found that 30 minutes of walking each day reduced their risk of hip fractures by 40 percent.
2. Boosts cardio endurance: Regular walks can improve cardiovascular endurance, which can help people progress to more rigorous physical activity.
3. Burns calories: People can walk to burn calories and maintain or lose weight. The number of calories burned will depend on how briskly people walk, the distance they cover, their body weight, and the terrain on which they walk.
4. Improves cardiovascular health: The American Heart Association recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week. Walking can fit that bill. Walking five days a week can reduce risk for coronary heart disease by roughly 19 percent, according to a report in the European Journal of Epidemiology.
5. Counteracts effects of weight-promoting genes: Researchers at Harvard Medical School looked at 32 obesity-promoting genes in more than 12,000 people who walked briskly for about an hour a day. Walking reduced the effects of weight-promoting genes by 50 percent.
6. Tame cravings: People who have a sweet tooth can take notice that walking may steer people away from overindulgence. A pair of studies from the University of Exeter found a 15-minute walk can curb cravings for chocolate and reduce the chocolate consumed in stressful situations. Walking also helped to reduce cravings for other sugary snacks.
7. Reduces joint pain: Walking improves blood flow and helps protect the joints. This can keep people from developing arthritis and other stiffness.
Walking has many health benefits that can support the entire body and mind.

Lifestyle & Travel
Finding Time to Travel in 2022
Travel can expose individuals to new environments and cultures and greatly shift their perspectives while providing opportunities to try new things. Obviously, travel during the COVID-19 pandemic is much more difficult. Even so, we still think the benefits outweigh the challenges. Here are some ideas on how to find the time.
The perks of traveling are well known, but that knowledge doesn't mean people are heading off for parts unknown. A report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that, although 73 percent of American civilian workers have access to paid vacations, around half of the entire labor force does not use its vacation time. A fear of returning to a mountain of work or even that taking time off could make them appear expendable and put their jobs in jeopardy may compel some to avoid taking time off. Others may believe they simply do not have the free time to travel or are too busy to plan getaways.
But even the busiest individual can employ strategies to make more time for travel.
· Leave it to a travel agent. Travel agents can book trips at little to no cost to consumers, freeing them from the time constraint of researching and booking trips. Travel agents often tap into their experience to plan adventures that travelers booking on their own may never discover.
· Balance work life and home life. Many people find it difficult to balance life at work and life at home. Overworked professionals can begin to prioritize home life and put it on equal footing with work. That shift can free up more time to travel.
· Travel for work. While it may not be the same thing as traveling for leisure, work travel provides a chance to get away and see new places. Explore job opportunities that put an emphasis on routine travel, which can break the monotony of sitting in the same office day after day.
· Take a sabbatical. A sabbatical is a period of extended time off that employers grant employees. People often take sabbaticals to study, volunteer or pursue professional interests. Travel can be built into a sabbatical and even be a major component of the growth individuals on sabbatical hope to experience.
· Ask for help from others. Family obligations can prevent individuals from traveling as much as they would like to. In such instances, individuals can ask a friend or family member to look after their children for a weekend and offer to reciprocate.
Even the busiest individuals can find time to travel.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions
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