What you will find in this edition
- Publisher's Note:
Welcome to February 2024 - Business Psychology:
The Power of Laughter - Cross-Border Business Tools:
Legally Own a Cayman Bank for Profit - Business Etiquette:
Commonsense Etiquette - Business Relocation:
Adapting to Your New Hometown Weather - Investment Strategies:
Own Your Own Tuscan Vineyard - Fitness & Health:
How to Live Longer - Spirits & Cuisine:
German Food Delivered to Your Front Door - Leisure:
Elevate Your Super Bowl Party - Travel:
The Land of "Game of Thrones" - Corb7 International Services:
Swiss Trust Companies for Sale

International Business
Publisher's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Welcome to February 2024!
A lot happening during this month.
January seemed to fly by, didn’t it? A lot will be happening during this February which starts tomorrow.
So, welcome all to February 2024!
We have the Super Bowl on the 11th, Mardi Gras; Fat Tuesday on the 13th, Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday both on the 14th, President’s Day (in the United States) on the 19th, throw in a Full Moon on the 24th, and you have lot of cross-culture happenings crammed into 28 days of the shortest month. Oh wait, it’s also a leap year so there are actually 29 days in February and so those born on February 29th in 2020 can now celebrate their first birthday. Sorry, it's an old joke.
All occurring when many are still trying to write out their New Year’s resolutions. If your one of your resolutions for 2024 is to get in shape, here are some quick and easy adds to help you stay on course.
· Wake up earlier. Waking up a half hour earlier each day can have a substantial impact. That small amount of extra time can be devoted to meditation, deep breathing exercises or even some yoga stretches.
· Move around more frequently. Many people with office jobs spend hours sitting in front of computers. A sedentary lifestyle can have an adverse effect on overall health. Set a timer or use a reminder on a fitness tracker to remind you to get up and move around for a little bit every hour.
· Eat more vegetables. Vague goals like "eating better" are difficult to maintain because there is no specific goal to achieve. Rather, a resolution like eating a fruit or vegetable each day at every meal is something measurable. Vegetables can be hidden in favorite foods, such as desserts. Swap pasta noodles for spiralized zucchini as another easy fix.
· Stand straighter. Posture tends to decline with age, advises AARP. This can cause the spine to lose flexibility. Stretches to maintain posture can help anyone stand straighter and improve long-term health.
· Add "bursts" to your walk. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic tout the benefits of interval training. While high-impact workouts may not be appropriate for everyone, adding little speed bursts to a daily walk can provide significant health benefits. Aim for 30 to 60 seconds of rapid walking at regular intervals to shake up the workout.
· Drink more water. Increasing water intake can help you feel fuller, thus reducing the likelihood that you will overeat. Gradually increase your water intake by adding a few ounces each day until drinking water becomes rote.
· Take a workout outside. Switch up your normal routine by making use of the great outdoors to exercise. Instead of three miles on the treadmill or elliptical machine at the gym, opt for three miles on a local hiking trail.
No matter your specific aspirations for 2024, stay with us and we promise to help keep you on pace with fresh ideas and unique perspectives.
Hope you enjoy this week’s edition of “Global Common Cents.”
For more about my wonderings through Business, Lifestyle, Health, Aging & Travel
please see my blog: JeffCorbett.com

International Business
Business Psychology

The Power of Laughter
A good chuckle protects your workday.
A good joke can liven up any social engagement, but the value of humor goes well beyond breaking the ice at parties and other get-togethers. According to the Cleveland Clinic, laughter can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to lower heart rate and help people breathe more easily. Given such benefits, it's no surprise that laughter has been linked to a host of medical benefits, including stress relief and improved heart health.
Various professionals have studied the clinical benefits of laughter, including Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan at Loma Linda University in California. Here is what these experts say in regard to the benefits of a few good belly laughs.
Boosts immune system
A recent study titled "The Laughter Prescription" and published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine found that the amount of laughter a person experiences is related to the immune system's ability to fight off infections, among other benefits. The study references additional research that indicated spontaneous (not forced) laughter boosts the immune system by increasing natural killer (NK) cell activity. Levels were measured after participants watched a one-hour humorous video. NK cells are lymphocytes with a unique ability to kill a broad spectrum of cancerous and virus-infected cells, according to the National Institutes of Health. Laughing out loud improves immune system function and increases heart rate and oxygen levels.
Lowers blood pressure
Individuals who laugh often have lower blood pressure than those who laugh less often. Lower blood pressure reduces the risk for stroke and heart attack.
Helps heal the brain
Laughing can help reverse symptoms of grief or depression by increasing the pleasure-enhancing neurochemicals in the brain, according to the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute. A good laugh also may help people recovering from chronic illnesses by helping to alleviate fear and anxiety that could otherwise preoccupy the mind.
Suppresses stress hormones
Drs. Berk and Tan found that the stress hormones epinephrine and cortisol decrease following laughter. Laughter may help people feel less stressed and overwhelmed.
Provides a small body workout
Hearty laughter can exercise the diaphragm, contract the abdominals and even work the shoulders and muscles in the face. Laughter also gets the heart pumping at a rate that burns a similar amount of calories per hour as walking slowly.
Provides natural pain relief
Research suggests that laughter decreases inflammation that may contribute to pain. Researchers at the University of Maryland found that laughing also increases blood flow, which may help to reduce pain as well.
Finding ways to laugh more is an easy and fun way to improve overall health.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Legally Own a Cayman Bank for Profit
For many years the "Grisham Effect' had a profound impact.-------
South of Cuba and Northwest of Jamaica, this small island territory is a major international hub and the fifth largest banking center in the world. It is a location where myth and fact have often been blurred by those willing to buy into what has become known as the “Grisham effect.”
As you may recall, the famous fiction writer John Grisham used the Cayman Islands as a backdrop for several of his books. Some of his works were turned into movies with the most celebrated one being, “The Firm,” which starred Tom Cruise and was released in 1993. For many years, the Cayman Islands suffered from the “Grisham effect," as it was painted within his books as location where money can be stashed away by criminals. The beauty of the location added a certain romance to the idea of ill-gotten funds being placed in illicit Cayman banks. The reality, however, is far more boring. The Cayman Islands is a highly regulated and full compliant jurisdiction and as such not exactly an ideal location for drug dealers or anyone else to launder their funds. It is also not a tax haven for US citizens.
It is possible to become an owner of a Cayman Island bank and previous banking experience is not necessary needed. Although, in reality, it greatly improves your chances of approval, and odds are good that your directors will need a stellar CV demonstrating financial experience. There are three types of licenses: Class A, Class B unrestricted and a Class B restricted. Class A allows for doing business with the locals and will not be part of our discussion since it has little practical application for our needs. The other two classes is where we will concentrate.
Please note these are not tax shelter vehicles.
CLASS B Licenses:
* Class B Unrestricted License – unrestricted to the number of clients which it can service.
* Class B Restricted License- restricted in the number of clients which it can service, which will be stipulated in the permit.
A Category B bank permits the holder to undertake full banking services from within the Islands or elsewhere, but prohibits the taking of deposits from any person resident in the Islands, other than another Licensee, or an exempted or an ordinary non-resident company that is not carrying on business in the Islands.
The initial application must be accompanied by a fee of US$2439.02 payable to the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. If the application is successful, a fee of US$85,365 will be payable upon the granting of the Category B license. The fees for the licensing process can range from US$45,000 and upwards. Thereafter, the Annual Fees will be dependent on the amount of assets the bank holds:
* Assets less than US$100 million - US $73,170.73
* Assets between US$100 million and US$500 million - US$85,365.85
* Assets between US$500 million and US$1.0 billion - US$97,560.98
* Assets between US$1.0 billion and US$5.0 billion - US$109,756.10
* Assets greater than US$5.0 billion – US$121,951.22
Paid-in -Capital:
Under the Bank and Trust Companies Law (2013 Revision) all locally incorporated banks are required to maintain (on a paid-up basis) a minimum net worth of CI$400,000 or its equivalent in other currencies except for licensees that hold Restricted Banking Licenses. Restricted Category B Licensees are required to maintain a minimum net worth of CI$20,000 or its equivalent in other currencies. The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority adopts the guidelines set by the Basel Committee for Bank Regulation and Supervisory Practices for the calculation of the capital adequacy ratio (risk asset ratio). The Basel Committee recommends a minimum risk asset ratio of 8%. However, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority requires subsidiaries to maintain a minimum risk asset ratio of 12% and privately owned banks are required to maintain a minimum of 15%.

International Business
Business Etiquette
Commonsense Etiquette
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Good manners cost nothing.
I’ve been re-reading a delightful book written by Eleanor Roosevelt in 1962 titled Book of Common-Sense Etiquette, in which she says:
“Etiquette is not just a matter of knowing how a lunch or dinner should be served, or what the “proper” behavior is in this or that situation. There are many correct ways of behaving in almost any situation, and many proper ways of doing those things for which there are precise rules in formal etiquette books. Yet the formal rules always have had a signal usefulness, and are worthy of respectful attentions, and even though we have renounced some of them, we ought not to belittle this impulse that brought them into being, for it is the very essence of man’s desire to achieve self-respect and dignity.”
Common sense must speak to the rules of etiquette such that good manners end up prevailing.
Developing Good Manners
As children, we instinctively fed ourselves hand to mouth. But when we were taught to use a spoon and fork, ask for an item to be passed to us, and learned that others also would like items passed to them, practical knowledge melded into a social sense that can only develop through experience with other people.
When a child learns to say “Please” and “Thank you,” and smiles at the other person when he says it, he is not only learning manners but also adding to his bank of social knowledge. Manners are a combination of recognition of others and specific know-how. The guiding codes are the rules of etiquette.
Each of us try to act with sound judgment and aim for sensible action in all that we do. Etiquette serves in gaining the practical knowledge that we apply to our ever-changing social and professional situations. It helps us live reasonably and kindly, and desiring it is commonsensical.
Many things we do in the spirit of courtesy and in line with common sense every day:
- Opening and holding doors for others.
- Reciprocating the sharing of dinner with those who invite you to their table.
- Extending verbal courtesies such as “It’s my pleasure,” “Please,” “Thank you,” and “May I?” when interacting with other people.
- Insisting that children need to help with dinner and chores as a regular part of learning to coexist within a family.
- Returning phone calls and emails within a short period of time.
Regardless of your line of work, courtesy and civility are basic to professional conduct.
- Take ownership for the level of work produced.
- Cooperate with colleagues and management.
- Prove dependable and trustworthy and show up on time.
- Give the benefit of doubt.
- Look for the positives and aim for the bright side, taking the proverbial “high road” at every turn.
- Never announce something really important in a text message.
- Keep your focus on where you are, who you are with and why you are there.
- Being clear and concise shows respect for the people with whom you are communicating.
- Actively listen with intention of finding value in what others say.
- Keep the Golden Rule active, doing to others what you would have them do and be with you.
Aiming to be respectful in all of our interactions and following through by keeping our word and taking responsibility for our own behavior develops strength of character. Doing what we know ultimately works is common sense.

International Business
Business Relocation

Adapting to Your New Hometown Weather
by Morayma MaKayCorporate Relocation Consultant & Coach
The art of the move.
Relocating to a new hometown or state brings exciting opportunities and adventures, but it can also mean adjusting to an entirely different climate.
Whether you're dealing with sweltering summers, bone-chilling winters, or humidity that makes your hair stand on end, adapting to new weather patterns is a crucial part of settling in.
In today's article, we'll explore some practical tips to help you embrace and thrive in your new climate and really get to enjoy your new home!
1. Extreme Heat:
a. Stay Hydrated: In scorching heat, your body loses more fluids. Always carry a reusable water bottle and aim to drink more than usual. Adding electrolyte packets or a pinch of Himalayan pink salt to your water will further enhance your ability to hydrate as well!
b. Dress Smart: Opt for light-colored, breathable fabrics that wick away sweat. Don't forget a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses for added protection.
c. Plan Activities Wisely: Schedule outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Midday heat can be brutal.
d. Seek Shade: When the sun is at its peak, find shade whenever possible. Shade can significantly reduce the perceived temperature.
2. Humidity:
a. Invest in Dehumidifiers: If you're dealing with high humidity indoors, consider using dehumidifiers to make your living space more comfortable.
b. Dress Light: Lightweight, loose-fitting clothing can help your body stay cool and comfortable in humid conditions.
c. Use Fans and Ventilation: Proper air circulation can make a significant difference in humidity levels. Ceiling fans and open windows can help.
d. Embrace Indoor Activities: On particularly muggy days, opt for indoor activities like museums, libraries, or shopping centers.
3. Cold Winters:
a. Layer Up: Dressing in layers traps heat better than a single heavy coat. Start with moisture-wicking base layers, add insulation, and finish with a waterproof outer shell.
b. Keep Moving: Physical activity generates warmth. Take advantage of winter sports like skiing, snowboarding, or even a brisk winter hike.
c. Winterize Your Home: Ensure your home is well-insulated to keep the cold out. Seal any drafts and consider adding weatherstripping to doors and windows.
d. Invest in Quality Winter Gear: A good pair of boots, thermal socks, and insulated gloves are essential for staying warm and dry.
General Tips:
a. Stay Informed: Keep an eye on weather forecasts. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare and make informed decisions about your day.
b. Be Patient: Adapting to new weather patterns takes time. Give yourself the grace to adjust gradually.
c. Connect with Locals: Locals can provide invaluable insights into coping with the weather and may share their favorite weather-related tips.
d. Embrace the Season: Find joy in each season's unique offerings, whether it's sledding in the snow, enjoying fall foliage, or basking in the warmth of summer.
Remember, adapting to new weather is a process, and with time and the right strategies, you'll find yourself thriving in your new hometown's climate. We often hear of people who feel like they've made a mistake the first winter they spend in the snow or the first summer they deal with desert climate. It can be a shock to the system at first, but allow yourself to get used to it, and give it some time.
So, put on that sunscreen, grab your umbrella or snow boots, and embrace the beauty of each season in your new home!

International Business
Investment Strategies

Own Your Own Tuscan Vineyard
The food, weather & language are intoxicating.
We love Italy. The food, weather, people & language are simply intoxicating. It is obvious that we are not alone. All throughout the Internet, you can find information about traveling to this beloved vacation spot. Many, however, dream about living in Italy. Perhaps you have even contemplated retiring to your own rustic farmhouse, like the one depicted in the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun." Recently, we came across the video (link offered below) which delves into the particulars of buying property in this wonderful location and thought it worthy to bring to your attention.
A range of tax incentives, relatively lower prices and the potential for working remotely has kindled the desire to buy a first or second home in Italy. There are some restrictions on who can and can’t buy property in Italy, however, it’s largely seen as a “no restrictions” country. Within the video an attorney discusses the basics that you should be aware of if this move is a consideration.
Buying Property in Italy
House Finders Northern Italy
Please keep in mind this information should not be considered as financial advice. Investment decisions should be based on individual research and consultation with a qualified financial professional. The value of investments can fluctuate, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always consider your risk tolerance and financial goals before making investment decisions.

Fitness & Health

How to Live Longer
A few quick tips.-------
There are many reasons to get in shape. Weight loss is a prime motivator, as is reversing a negative health effect, such as high cholesterol or increased diabetes risk. Routine exercise also can improve life expectancy.
WebMD says exercise keeps the body and brain healthy. That's why exercise should be an important component of daily life no matter one's age.
Research published in the journal Immune Aging found that how people age is 75 percent lifestyle and only 25 percent genetics, which underscores the importance of the lifestyle choices people make.
Cardio-respiratory fitness
Many health experts say that cardio-respiratory fitness may be just as valuable a metric to determine overall health as blood pressure and lipid levels. People with a high aerobic capacity can deliver oxygen to tissues and cells efficiently to fuel exercise, according to data recently published in the journal Aging & Disease. In a study involving 11,335 women, researchers compared V02 max, also known as aerobic capacity, in women with mortality data. Women who were fit from a cardiovascular perspective had a lower death rate from all causes, irrespective of the women's weight.
Manage stress and mood
Exercise has direct stress-busting benefits that can promote longevity. The Mayo Clinic says physical activity can increase the production of endorphins, which are the body's feel-good neurotransmitters. In addition, exercise can imitate the effects of stress, helping the body adjust its flight or fight response accordingly, and help them cope with mildly stressful situations. While engaged in exercise, people may forget about their problems as they are focused on the activity at hand.
Improve bone health
Strength training and physical activity can stave off the effects of frailty and osteoporosis, which affects bone strength. A study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine found that hip fractures are associated with diminished quality of life and survival among the elderly. One in three adults aged 50 and over dies within 12 months of suffering a hip fracture, and older adults have a five- to eight-times greater risk of dying within three months following a hip fracture. Building muscle strength, balance and bone density through exercise can reduce falls and frailty, helping to prevent fracture-related health risks.
Addresses sarcopenia
The health and wellness resource Healthline defines sarcopenia as the loss of muscle mass specifically related to aging. Doctors once considered this muscle loss inevitable, and it can affect stamina and lead to weakness. However, new indications suggest that exercise is the main treatment regimen for sarcopenia, particularly resistance training. This is designed to improve muscle strength and help balance hormone levels by turning protein into energy for older adults.
These are just some of the ways exercise can help older adults live longer, healthier lives.

Spirits & Cuisine

German Food Delivered to Your Front Door
A true ethnic treat.-------
German food from Huntington Beach California?
Yes, and it might just be the best sausage that you will ever throw on your grill! Straight from this area of Southern California, reasonably priced and a real treat, the best of Bavaria is available to you and can be at your doorstep within two days.
Recently, we were again reminded how good this delicatessen truly is with a gift that was sent from our nephew and his wife. The quality is outstanding and it is as close to authentic German cuisine as you will find the United States. It prompted me to mentioned it again within our publication.
Our favorite is without question the Kochers Weisswurst (literally means white sausage). The casing is so soft that it will melt in your mouth! Weisswurst is traditionally manufactured early in the morning and prepared to be eaten as a snack between breakfast and lunch. Often the Germans would enjoy it with a soft pretzel and mustard. In any case, this is just one of many options for some of the best German food you can find in the States.
7561 Center Ave. #49 A, Huntington Beach, Ca. 92647
Phone: 714-897-1470


Parities & The Big Game!
Elevate your Super Bowl party!-------
A week from this Sunday, the biggest American football game of the year will happen. The Super Bowl is the most widely watched sporting event in the world. Throughout the Super Bowl weekend, there are countless activities and parties to attend as well as famous celebrities all throughout the city.
Super Bowl LVIII will take place on February 11, 2024 at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, giving sports fans, who also double as game day hosts and hostesses, plenty of time to plan their festivities. Wings, nachos, sliders, and sandwiches are standard fare for game day entertaining, but savvy hosts also must give thought to the beverages they will serve. An assortment of spirited and non-alcoholic drinks are the norm, and many who entertain may think beer is all that's needed for game day fun. However, some may want to elevate their Super Bowl hosting with specially curated cocktails. Here's how to get started.
Team theme
A fun way to serve cocktails is to tie the theme into the teams who are facing off. Research the most popular cocktail for the team's home state or city. For example, San Francisco is known for the Cable Car Cocktail and also strong Irish Coffee which is needed if you have ever been to the Tadich Grill on a cold day. On the other hand, Kansas City is known for a libation called The Horsefeather which is a whiskey cocktail that's a variation on the Moscow mule. It's made with rye whiskey, ginger beer, bitters, and a lemon wedge in a Collins glass.
Offer trendy options
Trends emerge in the world of cocktails, and if you lean into those trends, you're bound to have grateful guests. According to EHL Insights, which provides hospitality and business news, savory and spicy cocktails are becoming increasingly popular as people desire more complex and interesting flavors in their drinks. A "Pineapple Jalapeño Margarita" can pair nicely with bite-sized tacos, or serve a "Cucumber Wasabi Martini" alongside California rolls and fried wontons. The Negroni remains a trendy cocktail and features sweet, bitter and botanical flavors that can work well with Italian cuisine.
Game day punch
If you don't want to worry about having enough supplies on hand for a bevy of different cocktails, have a big-batch punch at the ready for guests. There are many variations, but this recipe for "Whiskey-Apple Cider Punch" can appeal to the masses. It evokes those fall flavors that signal football season, and it works well with many comfort foods. Try it, courtesy of Southern Living Test Kitchen.
Whiskey-Apple Cider Punch
Serves 10
1 cup frozen cranberries, thawed
1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup water, divided
3 cups bourbon
11/2 cups fresh lemon juice (from 14 lemons)
3/4 cup honey
1 24.5-ounce bottle sparkling apple cider, chilled
1 Granny Smith apple, thinly sliced (optional)
Combine thawed frozen cranberries, light brown sugar, and 1/4 cup water in a food processor; process until cranberries are roughly chopped and sugar has almost dissolved, about 30 seconds. Transfer to a large bowl. Add bourbon, fresh lemon juice, honey, and remaining 1/4 cup water; stir until well combined and sugar is dissolved. Pour mixture through a fine wire-mesh strainer into a 3- to 4-quart pitcher, discarding solids.
Chill at least 1 hour or up to 8 hours. Just before serving, gently stir in sparkling apple cider. Pour into glasses and, if desired, garnish with Granny Smith apple slices.
Now you are ready to party!

Croatia this Summer?
The land of "Game of Thrones."-------
One of the hottest summer destinations for 2024 will be Croatia.
This region of the world is quickly becoming the trendiest location for that summer getaway. While many of us are grinding through a very cold and wet winter, we thought it might be fun to review Dubrovnik, Croatia (in the video above) a warm & historic destination that you might want to include in your plans this year. It was also the backdrop for much of the filming for the series "Game of Thrones" which aired from 2011-2019.
Croatia is known for its stunning Adriatic coastline, historic cities, and diverse landscapes, making it a popular vacation destination. Visitors often explore cities like Dubrovnik, Split, and Zagreb for their rich history and architecture. The Dalmatian Islands offer picturesque beaches, and Plitvice Lakes National Park provides breathtaking natural scenery.
It's cuisine is influenced by Mediterranean and Eastern European flavors, featuring fresh seafood, olive oil, and local wines. Whether you prefer cultural exploration, relaxing on the beach, or outdoor activities, Croatia offers a diverse range of experiences for vacationers.
We have been fortunate enough to twice visit this beautiful country and cruise its marvelous coastline. If you have the same opportunity, we would highly recommend the experience.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions
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