What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Your Privacy for Sale!
- Business Psychology:
Coping with Stress During Uncertain Times
- Cross-Border Business:
Own Your Own Tuscan Vineyard
- Business Etiquette:
Focusing on Things Within Your Control
- Fitness & Health:
The Best Indoor Plants for Cleaner Air
- Spirits & Cuisine:
Why a Hot Toddy is a Cure for Colds!
- Leisure:
Weekend Warriors & Arthritis
- Travel:
Travel in Comfort & Style
- Corb7 Funding Service:
Worldwide Funding
- Corb7 International Services:

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Your Privacy for Sale
There was of course, no way of knowing, whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire, was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live, did live, from habit that became instinct-in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”
- George Orwell, 1984
What do you have to hide? If you are like most citizens, the answer is nothing. You work hard, pay your taxes and maintain a clean slate. Your main concerns are family, a home and maybe a luxury item that you allow yourself from time to time. Whether you are considered middle class, upper middle class or financially independent, the odds of your personal privacy being violated probably seems remote. Those who seem concerned with such issues, most likely appear to either be paranoid or involved in illegal activity.
The facts however, paint an entirely different picture. In an age of computers and other sophisticated devices, your privacy has virtually gone the way of “Packman”. Your most sensitive, personal information has a price tag on it and is sitting, for all practical purposes, on the shelf at your local computer store. Current laws are incapable of keeping pace with the technological advances occurring in our society. Like most rights or privileges, once left unprotected, your privacy is easily lost. So, for those productive citizens with nothing to hide, this black-market can create a very uncomfortable feeling of being violated. Even worse, it can cost substantial sums of money should a thief obtain information such as bank account numbers, credit card numbers or other personal data. The strides that computer hackers and other unscrupulous individuals have made against privacy are so vast that a “privacy bill of rights” has been discussed by the United States Congress.
As long ago as 2006, Senator Hillary Clinton called for a comprehensive privacy agenda again including the need for a “privacy bill of rights.” Senator Clinton expressed her perspective on privacy stating, “At all levels, the privacy protections for ordinary Americans are broken, inadequate and out of date. It’s time for a new comprehensive look at privacy. We need consumer protections that are up to date with the technological and national security needs of our time, for a world in which we can be confident that our security and our privacy are both protected.”
Whether or not the American Congress will ever take this issue seriously is a matter for debate. It has been almost twenty years since the “Code of Fair Information Practices” was reviewed. The United States telecommunications laws have not undergone a major underwrite since 1934.
A right to privacy is one of the most basic and natural rights, which is why it is also the most essential to citizens. How many of us can really say our life is an open book? How many would want to do so?
Privacy for Profit
The motive behind violating someone’s personal privacy is not gossip, it’s money. For the most part, those in tune to your private matters are total strangers. This has become a multi-billion-dollar industry with little in the way of checks and balances. The damages being done are subtle, quickly accomplished and not usually detected until much later. It is now possible to break into your home from a computer 3,000 miles away and leave little in the way of evidence. The information being taken can include everything from how much money you make, your medical records, social security numbers, phone call history, purchasing habits, credit card numbers, credit history, cars owned or leased, pets registered, names & ages of children and much more; the list is infinite. In a few extreme documented cases, stalkers have enlisted private information brokers to obtain the home addresses of famous individuals. The results can be tragic.
You can virtually be guaranteed that during the course of reading this article, someone unknown to you, and without your permission, has accessed privileged information. Found in many different forms, these types of unauthorized accesses to information can be as easy as cross-referencing an 800 or 900 phone number that you recently called, to obtain your address. Yes, you can bet that if you responded to an advertisement with those prefixes, that your name, address and phone number will be coded with the product or service as a registered interest and then later sold. Did you ever wonder how you received blind solicitations from companies for a hobby or personal interest? The person accessing your information may be doing it for much more ominous reasons.
Recent statistics show that one of every four Americans has been victim to Identity Theft, one of the most severe types of privacy violations. Your social security number in the hands of a knowledgeable thief can have devastating results. False identities can be established, credit cards used and bank accounts closed.
Selling Information
Selling information is a growing industry. Any list of information merchants starts with the traditional sellers using conventional sources, such as major credit card companies. As much information as they have, or can get, is sold to third party vendors. Credit Bureaus are also in the business of selling information, and maybe most shockingly, a new player has evolved into this marketplace. State and local governments, who many citizens regard as protectors of privileged information, are now engaging themselves in the business of selling data. Cash hungry governments are selling information pertaining to civil filings, court records, traffic ticket information, voter registration, property rolls, etc. This data is being sold to “information brokers” for resale to anyone willing to pay. It has been recently estimated that the US Government maintains 16 files for every man, woman and child living in the United States. With a population of over 350 million that information base has reached an incredible level. The list of those willing to purchase such information include attorneys, collectors, investigators or even potential employers and creditors.
Freedom is the ability to live life in peace without undo intrusions by government agencies, bureaucrats or others that have their own self-interests and agendas.
Privacy Violations
History is filled with examples of governments invading the privacy of its citizens. With the line between legally obtained data and intrusion blurred, action is needed. The problem will continue to exponentially grow without preventive steps.
In 1914, the Supreme Court heard Weeks v. United States, a case concerning the search and seizure of items at a private residence. Evidence gathered against Fremont Weeks proved that he was selling lottery tickets by mail, violating anti-gambling laws in the state of Missouri. The Supreme Court, however, determined that the evidence was gathered illegally, violating Fourth Amendment protections, and therefore could not be used as evidence in a court of law.
The question of what constitutes illegal search and seizure has blurred as property is no longer just physical but often electronic. Well before the development of the Internet, the Supreme Court heard the case of Olmstead v. United States in 1928. In this case, Roy Olmstead was accused of illegally producing and selling alcohol during the period of prohibition. While none of his physical property was searched, Olmstead’s private phone conversations were wire tapped and used as evidence in the case. The Supreme Court found in favor of the People, declaring that the Fourth Amendment was not violated as nothing was physically searched or seized. In a now famous dissenting opinion, Associate Justice Louis Brandeis logically assumed that the Fourth Amendment should be expanded to include telephone conversations. He noted at the time the Amendment was written, the only means to search was by violent physical intrusion; however, with the advent of technology, illegal search would need to be defined much more broadly.
As early as 1928, Americans have factored in changing technology with new definitions of illegal search. Today, computers are regularly confiscated in investigations to track web browsing history, emails, bank records and much more. We open ourselves to public eye when we create electronic profiles through our personal websites, social and professional networking sites. We shop online, we bank online, we pay bills online, and each time we do so we leave our records vulnerable to search by both government agencies and criminal predators. Generally, the increased ability to gather and send information has had negative implications for retaining privacy. As large scale information systems become more common, there is so much information stored in many databases worldwide that an individual has no way of knowing of or controlling all of the information about themselves that others may have access to.
Protecting your Privacy
The right to privacy is one of the most essential and natural rights given to citizens and as such, the need to protect it is vital. While advances in modern technology have made our daily lives much easier, these advances have also opened all individuals to a higher threat of becoming victim to potential privacy violations. Buyer and User beware!
- An Excerpt form an upcoming book by Jeffrey H. Corbett

International Business
Business Psychology

Coping With Stress During Uncertain Times
The aftermath of a pandemic, mixed with Inflation & War are stressors.
Stress can affect people's lives at any moment. Some say that a certain measure of stress can be a good thing that pushes individuals to try their best to overcome obstacles. However, chronic stress is potentially dangerous for the mind and body.
2022 was a stressful year for many people. A global pandemic that emerged in late 2019 and continued through the next few years brought with it many changes - some of which are unprecedented. Concerns about the COVID-19 virus, unemployment, reduced wages, war, supply chain issues and uncertainty about the future has left many people feeling adrift.
According to the American Psychological Association's Stress in America survey, the average reported stress level for adults in the United States related to the coronavirus pandemic is 5.9. When asked to rate their stress level in general, the average reported stress for American adults is 5.4. This is higher than the average stress level reported in 2019, which was 4.9, and marks the first significant increase in average reported stress since the survey began in 2007.
Pandemic stress mixed with worldwide inflation and existing stress may require additional coping techniques.
· Turn negative thinking into positive thinking. The occasional pep talk can help people manage their stress. Rather than saying "Everything is going wrong," tell yourself "I can handle this, I have done it before." Find the silver lining in situations and they may not feel so stressful.
· Take things one step at a time. Getting ahead of yourself by looking too far into the future can compound stress. Focus on the here and now. Make to-do lists and take situations as they come day by day or hour by hour. Situations are often fluid, so worrying about something that is weeks away is often fruitless.
· Exercise regularly. Find opportunities to exercise. The Mayo Clinic says exercise in almost any form can act as a stress reliever. Physical activity can release your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries. Exercise also can mimic the effects of stress, helping to condition the body to its effects and buffer the cardiovascular, digestive and immune systems from negative effects.
· Seek out social support. Chances are someone you know also is experiencing increased stress loads. Find the time for conversation, video chats or safe, socially distanced meet-ups with friends. Each person can share their unique frustrations and collectively you can work through the stress.
· Don't drown in perfectionism. Trying to be mistake-free can trigger anxiety and stress. Being perfect is impossible and everyone makes mistakes. According to Psych Central, mistake-making can lead to growth and experience, while perfectionism may staunch growth because a person is too afraid to take chances. Not every decision you make will be ideal, but each is a learning experience.
Stress is something most people come up against in their daily lives, perhaps , perhaps more so than ever this year. But stress can be wrangled and minimized.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Own Your Own Tuscan Vineyard
The Food, Weather & Language are Intoxicating!-------
We love Italy. The food, weather, people & language are simply intoxicating. It is obvious that we are not alone. All throughout the Internet, you can find information about traveling to this beloved vacation spot. Many, however, dream about living in Italy. Perhaps you have even contemplated retiring to your own rustic farmhouse, like the one depicted in the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun." Recently, we came across the video (link offered below) which delves into the particulars of buying property in this wonderful location and thought it worthy to bring to your attention.
A range of tax incentives, relatively lower prices and the potential for working remotely has kindled the desire to buy a first or second home in Italy. There are some restrictions on who can and can’t buy property in Italy, however, it’s largely seen as a “no restrictions” country. Within the video an attorney discusses the basics that you should be aware of if this move is a consideration.
Buying Property in Italy
House Finders Northern Italy

International Business
Business Etiquette

Focusing on Things Within Your Control
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
One key to living peaceably among others is to focus on the things within your control. In other words, avoid meddling and concentrate on your own affairs.
The advantage to this, as a character in the children’s story, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865), growled, “If everybody minded their business, the world would go round a great deal faster than it does.”
Concerns Mirror Our Cares
Our concerns might be worries over the past, present, or future. Not only in our own lives, but in the lives of others. We can be concerned about what is or isn’t happening politically or economically or the advantages of one group over another.
We might be concerned about the reasons for the neighbors’ barking dog, whether a colleague is dating someone that you don’t like, or whether Aunt Joan’s health is improving. Concerns are stand-alones and we all have them.
But when we concern ourselves with actions or words around someone else’s personal and private affairs, we are crossing the line into meddling or micromanagement.
Accepting What is Not Within Your Control
Focusing or fretting over problems that are not within your control or that are matters of another person’s privacy makes for pushiness and unsolicited advice. Mindfulness of this tendency, however, can assist in moving the focus away from trying to change another or attempting to steer a situation as you alone see fit.
The attitude expressed in the Serenity Prayer is at the heart of good manners and proactively taking a “live and let live” approach. Letting go gracefully of what’s not ours to do or say is etiquette-fully sound. Being able to stop, mid-sentence, to re-calibrate is a masterful gesture of self-command: “Excuse me, I was saying something that needn’t be said. Please go on. What were you saying?” Listening attentively leads us to know when we need to stand back in the moment when we’re tempted by nosiness.
At the Helm of Etiquette-fulness
Extending kindness, friendliness, and helpfulness in ways recognizable to others is etiquette’s charge. Only as individuals can we choose to:
- Be respectful of others’ right to privacy.
- Be flexible in our understanding of others in what seems to be their less than courteous or wise moments.
- Mind our “P’s & Q’s” by watching our language and being on our own best behavior even when others aren’t.
- Compose and re-compose ourselves in challenging situations when we’re tempted by the opinion that we know best.
We benefit by looking for the strengths in others and by remembering and employing the old adage, “No one’s perfect.” When encountering others being not quite as we think they should be, it can help to remember that we, too, have our moments of imperfection in the eyes of others. In these moments, we can be reminded how beneficial it is to keep our focus on what is within our control rather than judging or attempting to direct the business of other people.
When you keep your attention on the things within your control, you don’t get bogged down with the cumbersome business of others. It’s the best way to keep your life simple, lighten your load. With this lightness of being, your world moves with ease and grace.

Fitness & Health

The Best Indoor Plants for Cleaner Air
by Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
Along with all of the conveniences of our modern lifestyles comes the fact that many of us spend a lot more time indoors than we used to. The problems with this new enclosed lifestyle are multiple. Not only do we end up disconnecting from nature and other people, but we find ourselves living in homes and working in offices that are veritable fishbowls of toxic air.
The household cleaners, paint, flame retardants, candles, air fresheners, laundry products, mold, and mildew found indoors create a chemical soup that is being breathed in and overloading our bodies on a daily basis. Sometimes the side effects are immediate and sometimes they take a while to develop. Studies have shown that chronic inflammation, headaches, sinus issues, allergies, bronchial weakness, sleep problems, and a lowered immune system can develop or worsen due to the poor air quality in our indoor spaces.
Leaving a window open around the clock is one way of ensuring some of the toxins don't remain stagnant, but if you live in a large city, the air coming into your home could just add to the problem. Substituting candles by diffusing high quality essential oils cuts down on more toxins, as does replacing all of your chemical laundry and house cleaning supplies with healthier alternatives....but is that enough? Kind of.
If you live or work in an indoor space that has an air filtration system installed, then consider yourself lucky. Unfortunately, these filtration systems are normally very cost prohibitive, and not all buildings can support their installation. The smaller standalone models are also somewhat effective, but can be expensive as you need one for every room of the house in order to make a difference in the air quality.
This is when Mother Nature steps in and, once again, provides exactly what we need in a cost effective, and eye pleasing way.....with plants!
While changing our lifestyles and spending a lot more time outdoors would be the optimal solution for a lot of what ails us....the reality is, that we are headed deeper into a cloistered existence. So, if we aren't going to spend as much time outside as we should, then we need to bring a little of the outdoors in.
A quick trip to your local nursery or home improvement center can completely change the quality of the air in your home, or workplace. One plant in each room et voila....cleaner air! The trick is knowing which plants work best as air filters....and here are the ones that, according to NASA scientists, are going to help you breathe a lot easier!
Pothos: Not only does this plant effectively rid the air of several different types of toxins, it is almost impossible to kill making it the perfect plant for anyone not gifted with a green thumb.
Peace Lily: If you like flowering plants, this is one of the only flowering indoor plants that filters the air and rids it of chemicals such as benzene and VOCs.
English Ivy: This decorative plant removes formaldehyde and other toxins from the air. Warning though....it can be toxic to pets, so it's best kept out of reach or used in animal free homes.
Rubber Plant: If you live or work in an environment that doesn’t get much sunlight, this is the perfect plant. It doesn’t require much light or maintenance but will work hard to keep your air clean. Basements and office cubicles need this!
Boston Fern: This plant is one of the most effective at removing benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air. This does tend to be a higher maintenance plant but a very good one to have if you live near high traffic zones or have an attached garage.
Pygmy Date Palm: While most palm trees are great air purifiers, the Pygmy Date Palm is the perfect size for indoor use as well as is the best at removing formaldehyde from the air.....plus it'll make you feel like you're in the tropics even if you live in Minnesota.
Now, go take this shopping list of vegetation, and get yourself some clean air! We may be the indoor generation, but that doesn't mean we have to relegate our lungs, and ourselves, to breathing poorly.

Spirits & Cuisine

Why a Hot Toddy is a Cure for Colds!
Cold weather is cold and flu season.-------
Cold weather is here and with winter comes the inevitable – flu and cold season. Thus, we went in search of a possible aid to fight off the unpleasant and time wasting effects of being sick. Our discovery? Well, we thought a Hot Toddy was a reasonable answer. It might not be a complete cure, but it truly does have scientifically proven benefits.
Enjoy the video below!
Hot Toddy


Know the Truth About Arthritis
For weekend warriors.-------
Webster defines a "Weekend Warrior" as: : a person who participates in a usually physically strenuous activity only on weekends or part-time. It's first known use is stated to be1981. If you fit into that definition because of choice, limited time or just a good old fashioned stubbornness with a refusal to give up a favorite sport, then you know something about arthritis. Here are some facts that you might want to be aware of.
Arthritis affects hundreds of millions of people across the globe. The Arthritis Foundation® notes that more than 50 million adults in the United States have some type of arthritis, while the European League Against Rheumatism estimates that rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis affect more than 120 million people in the European Union. In Canada, the Canadian Community Health Survey found that 16 percent of Canadians age 15 and older were affected by arthritis.
The Arthritis Foundation notes that arthritis is not a single disease. In fact, the word "arthritis" is something of an umbrella term and an informal way of referring to joint pain or joint disease. While these conditions may produce some common symptoms, such as swelling, pain and stiffness, learning to distinguish between some common types of arthritis can help men and women manage their conditions more effectively.
Osteoarthritis, which is sometimes referred to as "degenerative joint disease" or "OA," is the most common chronic condition of the joints. The symptoms of OA vary depending on the joints that are affected, but pain and stiffness, especially first thing in the morning or after resting, are common. OA can affect the hips, knees, fingers, or feet, and those with OA may feel limited range of motion in their affected areas. Some with OA may hear clicking or cracking sounds when the affected joints bend, and pain associated with OA may be more intense after activity or toward the end of the day.
Inflammatory arthritis
Inflammatory arthritis occurs when the immune system, which can employ inflammation to fight infection and prevent disease, mistakenly attacks the joints with uncontrolled inflammation. Such a mistake can contribute to joint erosion and even organ damage. Psoriatic arthritis, which the Arthritis Foundation notes affects roughly 30 percent of people with psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis are two examples of inflammatory arthritis. Genetics and environmental factors, such as smoking, may trigger instances of inflammatory arthritis.
Infectious arthritis
Bacterium, a virus or a fungus that enters the joint may trigger inflammation and lead to infection arthritis. The Arthritis Foundation notes that the most common bacteria to cause infection arthritis is staphylococcous aureus, or staph. The majority of infectious arthritis cases occur after an infection somewhere else in the body travels through the bloodstream to the joint, though some infections may enter the joint directly through a puncture wound near the joint or during surgery near the joint. Intense swelling and pain, typically in a single joint, are the most common symptoms of infectious arthritis, which is most likely to affect the knee, though it can affect the hips, ankles and wrists. Some people with infection arthritis may also experience fever and chills.
Metabolic arthritis
The body produces uric acid to break down purines, a substance found in many foods and in human cells. But some people produce more uric acid than they need, which they then struggle to get rid of quickly. As a result, uric acid can build up. The Arthritis Foundation notes that this buildup can lead to the formation of needle-like crystals in the joints that cause sudden spikes of extreme pain.

Travel in Comfort & Style
Relaxed Travel Clothing that offers fashion!-------
Have you heard of Pasko travel clothes? Well, if you haven't and you travel, it may well be worth your time to explore. Everyone knows what a pain it is to juggle items through airport security. It can become very easy to loose something of importance. Plus, looking stylish and being comfortable for a long-haul flight can often seem at odds. Pasko Travel Clothes has stepped in to solve both problems with style and comfortable clothes that have secure zippered pockets in all the right places. We are huge fans and always travel wearing Pasko.
You may want to give it a look.

Business Services
Business Tools
Worldwide Business Funding
Cutting-edge ideas.-------
When Others Say No, We Have Solutions!
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Business Acquisitions
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