What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Davos 2023 - Business Psychology:
Self-Discipline & the Martial Arts - Cross-Border Business:
Misleading Offers on the Internet - Business Etiquette:
Leading with the Tone of Your Voice - Fitness & Health:
The Benefits of Activated Charcoal - Spirits & Cuisine:
Polish Food from Pittsburgh - Leisure:
The Basics of Pickleball - Travel:
Kentucky Derby 2023 - Corb7 Funding Service:
Worldwide Funding - Corb7 International Services:

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author JeffCorbett.com
Davos, 2023
This Year's Theme: Cooperation in a Fragmented World
The World Economic Forum (WEF) returned to Davos this week for its first winter session in three years with meetings occurring from January 16th to January 20th. Record numbers of government officials and business leaders are expected to attend. The WEF has become increasingly controversial over the last several years with calls to reform capitalism and no matter your political leanings, it is something to be aware of as we move out of COVID-19.
The ongoing controversy extends far beyond the obvious hypocrisy of the world’s elite jetting in on private planes to discuss carbon footprints while many of us sleep in airports for overcrowded and frequently delayed commuter flights. Much of it has been brought on by themselves – almost as an unnecessary error - with a perceived arrogance that is astonishing and can most recently be traced back to “The Great Reset.”
The 2021 conference which was delayed due to the pandemic had a theme called “The Great Reset” that ruffled more than a few feathers resulting in countless conspiracy theories. The Great Reset Initiative was an economic recovery plan drawn up by WEF in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Originally launched in June of 2020, the three core components of the Great Reset called for creating conditions for a "stakeholder economy," building it in a more "resilient, equitable, and sustainable “way and utilizing environmental, social and governance metrics resulting in green growth, smarter growth, and fairer growth. The plan from which the Great Reset originated was called the Global Redesign Initiative. Drafted by the WEF after the 2008 economic crisis, the initiative contained a 600-page report on transforming global governance.
While some of this might sound warm and fuzzy, as is often the case with vague “woke “policy, it has discernable flaws and was not well received. It also points to the conference biggest problem – arrogance. Within free societies, do we have free markets allowing for open competition or do a few elites get to make decisions affecting us all?
Hopefully, this year, with the war in Ukraine and numerous other pressing global economic concerns those jetsetters can utilize their time in a more productive fashion. Gotta to go now, my flight on Southwest Airlines just called for “Group B” and if I don’t hurry there won’t be any room for me to jam my carryon into the overhead space.

International Business
Business Psychology

Self-Discipline & Martial Arts
Self-discipline is a critical skill for entrepreneurs.
Self-discipline is the ability to push yourself forward, stay motivated, and take action, regardless of how you're feeling, physically or emotionally. Because of the many highs and lows of business ownership this "steady-as-she-goes" attitude and discipline is absolutely critical for success. The marital arts is one space where this skill can be practiced and then transferred into your business life. Much confusion, however, still exists about the various self-defense disciplines.
We offer a brief review below.
No one ever wants to find themselves in a position where they will be forced to defend themselves from a physical attack. But no one is invulnerable to attack, which only underscores how important it is that individuals from all walks of life learn ways to defend themselves.
Martial arts have been employed as self-defense techniques for a number of years. Self-defense is not the only reason to practice martial arts, but various techniques that fall under the umbrella of martial arts can help people stay safe in situations when they feel threatened. The following are various martial arts disciplines people can consider as they seek to learn self-defense.
· Taekwondo: Kicking is emphasized in taekwondo, and various sources indicate the discipline was initially designed as a self-defense strategy. Students of taekwondo will learn to use their feet as they're taught various kicks, and they'll also be taught to punch. Though some argue there are more effective self-defense techniques within the martial arts, taekwondo can be a useful discipline for individuals looking to learn ways to protect themselves.
· Karate: Karate is another helpful discipline to consider for individuals who want to learn how to defend themselves. Students of karate will be taught various strikes, blocks and kicks, making this an especially effective self-defense technique when practiced correctly. There are different styles of karate, so individuals looking to learn it as a self-defense technique are urged to speak to a local karate school to determine which style aligns best with their goals.
· Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a popular choice among people looking to learn self-defense. BJJ teaches individuals to create space between themselves and an attacker or take space away. Ground fighting techniques are a part of BJJ, which many students value because it can help smaller individuals overcome larger attackers. Students will be taught various locks and chokeholds when learning BJJ.
· Krav Maga: Krav maga was developed in the mid-twentieth century for the Israeli Defense Forces. Since then, Krav Maga has been adapted for civilians looking to learn self-defense. In fact, Krav Maga Worldwide considers the discipline less a martial art than a self-defense technique. The Krav Maga individuals are taught for self-defense will utilize techniques from various martial arts disciplines, which has made it among the more popular options for individuals who want to feel more safe.
Various martial arts disciplines can be used to teach self-defense and enhance self-discipline. Individuals are urged to find one they enjoy and can practice without reservation.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Swiss Trust Companies
Misleading offers on the internet.-------
Every week we get inquiries regarding misleading offers posted on other sites via the internet in reference to Swiss Trist Companies. After thirty years in this business space, If the following items were able to be part of a turnkey package without misleading the prospective client then obviously, we would have them contained within our offering.
These offers from other firms on the internet are nothing more than a sales pitch without value.
Bank Accounts:
Regarding Swiss Trust Companies with change of ownership, there has been some recent easing by Swiss Banks. An account is no longer automatically closed when ownership changes but rather suspended until the KYC compliance of the new owners has been successfully concluded. In any case, there really is no strategic advantage for new ownership to have an existing bank account since you will still need to go through the same protocols. Therefore, an existing account does not save you time, money, or the need to travel to meet with the bankers and your administrators. Consequently, just as an extra safety precaution, previous bank accounts are usually closed with our offerings, and new relations will need to be opened. Our Zurich based attorney helps our new clients open bank accounts for no additional fee.
FYI – There are many posts on the Internet that claim to have “already established” bank accounts for Swiss Trust Companies and that will transfer to the company. Because of the previously mentioned procedure, this is nothing more than a sale gimmick with no real value to you as a new owner
SROs are a professional designation and therefore cannot be held by a company but rather if needed, must be held by a “post holder” of the company. Again, when you see this on the internet it is nothing more than a sales gimmick.
The term SRO is an abbreviation for Self-Regulatory Organization. In Switzerland these organizations are subject to FINMA supervision and regulate the activities of financial intermediaries attached to them, including wealth managers according to Article 24 of the Swiss Money Laundering Act (MLA).
SROs are a professional designation and therefore cannot be held by a company but rather if needed must be held by a “post holder” of the company.
If you wish to offer services to “unrelated persons” via ownership of a Swiss Trust Company then you will need to gain membership to an SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization) professional designation. This is a membership granted to an owner (or employee) of a Swiss Trust Company who has passed the introductory course prescribed by FINMA regarding KYC and AML.
The above information has been verified with our attorney & financial representatives in Zurich.

International Business
Business Etiquette
Leading with the Tone of Your Voice
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
There is no way to hear yourself as a listener hears you. Which is why the way you say things – your tone of voice, facial expression, and body language – is just as important as the words you speak. It’s the entire package of communication that creates how someone perceives your message.
I’m reminded of the Scottish poet, Robert Burns, who wrote, “To a Louse.” The key line in the poem is: “Oh would some power the gift they give us to see ourselves as others see us.”
Your Tone of Voice
Sharp, soothing, encouraging, smooth, shrill, cheerful, authoritative, dry – these are all descriptions of tone of voice. Some people have a gift for changing their tone as a particular situation warrants. Others do not have such a wide range of tone.
No matter which category you fall in, knowing your tone of voice and how it might affect your communication skills is very important. As children, we receive feedback from parents, teachers, and other adults who remind us, “Do you hear yourself? Watch your tone.”
But once we reach adulthood, unless our profession calls us to pay close attention, we slip into a tone of voice comfort zone. We go about our days and our business without giving it a lot of thought. That is, unless someone calls it to our attention, directly or through a reaction.
Listeners are more engaged, more interested, and form a more accurate perception of your message when your tone of voice matches the tone of the meaning behind your words. If you intend to be encouraging, but your tone indicates sarcasm, this could create a big misunderstanding.
Hadar Shemish, speech and pronunciation coach, has a great presentation regarding tone of voice. She makes it clear that the way you say things is fueled by your emotions.
Knowing Your Emotions in the Moment
How do you feel right now? If you were to describe that feeling, or provide an explanation for why you feel the way you do, would it be evident in your tone of voice?
You can practice being aware of your feelings and matching your tone and expressions to those feelings.
- As daily life happens, give a name to how you feel at a given moment. “When I see this happen, I get mad.”
- Follow an emotion of choice for a day. You might choose to notice whenever you feel happy or upbeat. Write it down or make a mental note.
- Quiz yourself on how many words you know for your emotions. Write them down.
- Every day, notice and name the emotions you recognize in people’s voices and in their facial expressions as they speak.
- Have some fun with role playing, saying the same sentence in front of a mirror in different tones of voice.
- Record a video of yourself using different tones for different emotions. Watch the video sometime later and ask yourself if the way you say things matches the feelings you are trying to express.
The Way You Say Things – While Listening
Listening skills are attending skills. There are many situations in which saying nothing says it all. A physical presence is all that is necessary. But within that physical presence is a big message.
The ability to be with someone, listening to them, means that you intend to give them your undivided attention. Your message to them is communicated through your facial expressions and body language. You are attending to their presence, their words, and their message with acceptance and an open heart. And you can show this when you:
- Face the person.
- Make eye contact.
- Let your body language reflect their body language.
Trying to put ourselves in the place of another with our imaginations is a principle of etiquette practiced in all cultures. When we actively imagine how we might be coming across, most often things smooth over.
Communicating with empathy and understanding can only happen when words, tone, and physical expressions are aligned. You not only convey your message effectively, but you also create a genuine connection. The way you say things is so important because it doesn’t just determine what someone hears, it creates a perception and leaves an impression of you on someone else. And you get to decide what that impression will be.

Fitness & Health

The Benefits of Activated Charcoal
by Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
It's not surprising that when we hear the word "charcoal" our minds automatically start thinking about backyard barbecues or lumps of coal left behind for those of us that never got off the Naughty List. Rarely does one think of "charcoal" as being one of nature's most powerful curatives.
Now, I'm not talking about the stuff you can go buy at your local outdoor store along with Tiki torches and a new Weber grill. I'm talking about activated charcoal.
This natural compound has been used for centuries, the world over, as a treatment for a variety of maladies. Hippocrates himself was known to prescribe activated charcoal for a number of illnesses. Ancient Egyptians as well as Native Americans have also historically used it to treat bruises, skin conditions, and stomach ailments.
So, what exactly is activated charcoal? Well, while activated charcoal and regular charcoal are almost one and the same, activated charcoal is created with the sole purpose of being used medicinally.
It's made by heating regular charcoal from vegetative sources, like coconuts, and treating it with oxygen until it expands and becomes porous. This porosity is essential for one of activated charcoal's main benefits....the adsorption of toxins. Adsorption, as opposed to absorption, is the process in which a compound is able to attach something to itself via chemical attraction. Activated charcoal works so well because it chemically binds toxins and pathogens to its surface and is able to adsorb thousands of times its weight in these impurities.
Researchers have found that this ancient remedy still works incredibly well to purge the body during accidental ingestion of poisons or drug overdose. It's also highly effective in detoxing the body from lead, mercury, cadmium, and even pesticides. Of course, it's important to take note that in such extreme cases, activated charcoal should be administered by a registered medical practitioner.
Purging the body from overdose or harmful exposure to drugs and heavy metals is by far not the only benefit of activated charcoal. The following is a list of other ailments that respond extremely well to it:
Gastrointestinal Issues
Activated charcoal works on ameliorating gastric issues such as bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, and other digestive problems by entering the digestive tract and intestines, adsorbing the offending organisms, and carrying them out of the body.
Cuts, Wounds, Acne, & Other Skin Issues
This natural remedy works wonders for a multitude of skin issues as it has been shown to neutralize a large number of pathogens when used topically on the offending area. The activated charcoal adsorbs bacteria and toxins allowing the skin to heal itself optimally without the risk of infection.
Insect Bites & Bee Stings
Activated charcoal can be very beneficial in stopping poison/irritants from an insect bite or bee sting from entering the bloodstream if a compress of the charcoal is applied immediately after being bit or stung.
Reducing cholesterol
Some studies have shown that activated charcoal is able to help lower the amount of lipids, cholesterol, and triglycerides in the blood, and lower the chances of coronary arterial disease and other complications attributed to high cholesterol levels.
Fighting Cold & Flu Viruses
Activated Charcoal has the ability of rendering many viruses and bacteria lifeless, adsorbing the toxins and helping stop the spread of pathogens from accelerating throughout the body. This, in turn, shortens the life of colds and flu when taken at the onset of illness.
Oral Health
Due to the fact that activated charcoal is able to get rid of bacteria, it's extremely effective in treating bad breath, slowing the build-up of tartar, diminishes the chances of developing gingivitis, and has the added cosmetic benefit of safely whitening your teeth.
So, there you have it. Getting chunks of coal in your stocking isn't such a terrible thing after all, now is it?
*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. While everything I post I have discussed at length with medical professionals, I strongly suggest that you do the same before trying to self treat or treat a loved one. Everyone has a different biological constitution and what works for some may not work for others. Allergies should also be taken into consideration.*

Spirits & Cuisine

Polish Food from Pittsburgh
Comfort food for the cold weather.-------
Pittsburgh cuisine reflects this city’s multicultural heritage, especially that of the European immigrants of the early 20th century. Known as the city of steel for much of its modern history, the immigrant population that worked the area’s challenging blue-collar jobs introduced dishes that were robust and able to satisfy a hearty appetite. For our taste, at the forefront of the influence was the Slavic-Americans and their food. Other nationalities certainly had tremendous sway – most notably the Germans and Italians – but there is something special about a homemade pierogie or cabbage roll from Western Pennsylvania. In recent years, Pittsburgh has seen a renaissance in their restaurant scene. As such, virtually every type of ethnic cuisine can be found within the city and it has become a hidden gem for any dedicated “foodie.”
Pierogies: Nothing is more Polish than a pierogie and where else to go for the best pierogies than Pittsburgh! Hidden in the McKees Rocks section of the city – just a few miles from downtown “Pierogies Plus” is nothing short of a jewel. What a find! With all due respect to Mrs.T’s frozen rendition of the same item, you will want to immediately try these easy to order pierogies.
Pierogies Plus, Inc.
342 Island Avenue
McKeesRocks, PA, USA
Phone: 412-331-2224
Click Here to Order


The Basics of Pickleball
It's Sweeping the nation.-------
A court sport is sweeping the nation, and it isn't tennis or basketball. According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, 4.8 million people played pickleball in 2021, marking a nearly 15 percent growth in the total number of players from the year prior.
Data from the SFIA suggests pickleball is popular among people of all ages. Total participation among players between ages six and 17 (21 percent), 18 and 34 (29 percent) and 35 and 54 (20 percent) is significant, and players 65 and older also are well represented (18 percent).
As the popularity of pickleball grows, now is a great time to explore the basics of this game that's become a go-to pastime for so many people.
What is pickleball?
USA PickleballTM notes that pickleball combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong. That game is played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes and can be played both indoors and outdoors on a badminton-sized court with a slightly modified tennis net. Much like tennis, pickleball can be played in a singles (one-on-one) or doubles (two-on-two) format.
How long has pickleball been played?
Despite a recent and meteoric spike in popularity, pickleball has been around since 1965. The brainchild of three fathers from Bainbridge Island (which is just a brief ferry ride away from Seattle), the game was invented as a means of entertaining bored children. It has since evolved from those roots and become a wildly popular game across both the United States and Canada, and the game has even begun to spread into Europe and Asia.
How is pickleball played?
An extensive list of the rules of pickleball can be found at https://usapickleball.org/what-is-pickleball/official-rules/rules-summary/. A game is typically played to 11 points, and a team must win by two. Tournament games may be played to 15 or 21, and a team must win by two.
Does pickleball utilize referees?
Recreational games of pickleball can rely on the honor system much like pick-up games of other sports do. However, USA PickleballTM notes that referees and line judges are important components of tournament play. More information about becoming a pickleball referee can be found at https://usapickleball.org/get-involved/pickleball-officiating/.
Why should I play pickleball?
Players enjoy the game of pickleball for a multitude of reasons, including the thrill of competition, the chance to socialize and the opportunity to exercise outside of a gym or home fitness center. But many play the game because they find it fun.
Pickleball has experienced a notable spike in popularity in recent years. More information about the game and how to get involved is available at https://usapickleball.org.


Kentucky Derby 2023
Horse Racing at its Best.-------
Want to enjoy the 2023 Kentucky Derby with a VIP atmosphere and amazing views of the races?
Look no farther than the Princeton Group which offers various packages to attend this wonderful weekend and experience of a lifetime. The Kentucky Derby is a perfect place to entertain clients, attend with buddies, or do a couples trip!!
Here is the offer below with a brief itinerary:
Thursday – May 4th – Arrive in Louisville. Six passes to a client only welcome reception Thursday evening in downtown Louisville with live music, open top-shelf bar, cigars and heavy hor d'oeuvres
Friday - May 5th –Derby Eve Tour - tour of Bourbon Distillery, followed by bourbon inspired dinner and live band
Saturday - May 6th – Six Kentucky Derby tickets - private box with food and drink included
Check out this video of The Princeton Group Louisville: Click Here
For More Information

Business Services
Business Tools
Worldwide Business Funding
Cutting-edge ideas.-------
When Others Say No, We Have Solutions!
We are pleased to bring to your attention a service that could provide a lifeline to your business. Through our associates, we arrange financing for companies who cannot obtain adequate bank financing.
USA Funding!
Funding ranging from $50,000 to $500,000
* Must be a resident of the United States
* 680+ Personal Credit Score in all 3 bureaus
*2 years of personal tax returns showing $50,000 or more of taxable income.
A+ Rated with Better Business Bureau
We offer cash term and credit options for any company, whether they are a brand new start up with no revenue ora seasoned business looking to take things to the next level. Great interest rates!
Click Here to Apply Now
Worldwide Business Funding!
Funding $10 million plus!
Client Profile:
Any company or group that is unable to secure commercial financing through traditional sources particularly if funding needs are immediate.
The ideal client will have committed 10-20% of their own funds to the project and will be looking to fund 80-90% or less. In some exceptional cases, however, 100% funding is available. Clients can be located anywhere in the world. As a starting point please tell us how much funding you are looking for, if you meet the general terms described above and where you are located.
Click Here to Apply Now

Business Services
Business Acquisitions
Corb7 International
"Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity"
Top Reasons to Own a Swiss Trust Company in 2023
Please note that additional licensing may be required depending upon new ownership’s business objectives and activities.
2. US Real Estate Developers: To raise & manage capital from private overseas investors to fund real estate development in the United States. Also applies to similar industries.
3. Wealthy Families or Business Partners: To use as a management tool to protect, invest and consolidate wealth by warehousing assets and segregating interests via mandate for reinvestment reflecting differing tolerance to risk.
4. South African Business Owners: Manage international profits in response to government currency controls in country of origin. Also applies to other countries with similar restrictions in place.
5. Financial Services: To use as an alternative to owning a “Captive Bank” or Class B Bank. The cost of time and money to establish ownership of bank has soared while profit multiples have plummeted. Thus, a Swiss Trust Company can be an attractive alternative for international business.
6. Internet Based Business Owners: Enhance corporate profile while at the same time establishing a quality European beachhead with an outstanding professional network of attorneys and bankers.
7. Import Industry & Shipping Industry: Control transactions more efficiently and establish true corresponding bank relationships.
* 60-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company - AVAILABLE
Established in the year 1962
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
* 21-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company - AVAILABLE
Established in the year 2001
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
Profit, Privacy & Asset Protection.
For Details:
Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
Corb7 International, Inc.
a Business Advisory & Publishing Firm
For more content regarding international business, motivation & lifestyle,
please see my new site: JeffCorbett.com