What you will find in this edition
- Editor’s Note:
Getting Inspired for 2021 - Business Etiquette:
How to Build Trust in the International Business Arena - Business Technology:
Video Conferencing Security Tips - Executive Psychology:
Coping with Stress During Uncertain Times - Executive Fitness:
The Various Health Benefits of Yoga - International Spirits & Cuisine:
Polish Food from Pittsburgh - Leisure & Style:
Golfing in the Era of Social Distancing - Travel:
Travel and Pets - Corb7 International Services:
Business Listings for Sale, Funding & Free E-Book
International Business
Editor’s Note
Getting Inspired for the New Year!
Entrepreneurship is nothing without first inspiration. We have had the rare opportunity to meet and talk with some very inspirational personalities over the years. As the New Year starts for all of us, we thought might be the perfect time to reach in the archives and share some of our favorite interviews, articles and quotes on the ever elusive topic of motivation. Mario Andretti, Steve Garvey, Lou Ferrigno and more share their perspectives on success and personal discipline.
Great Quotes!
“Unless a man believes in himself and makes a total commitment to his career and puts everything he has into it – his mind, his body, his heart – what’s life worth to him?”
– Vince Lombardi
“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other thing”
– Abraham Lincoln
“We become what we think about.”
– Earl Nightingale
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
– Thomas Edison
Celebrity Interviews!
MARIO ANDRETTI is an all-time racing icon and here he gives some of his insights to success.
– One of Racings’ Best Mario Andretti speaks with Jeff Corbett
LOU FERRIGNO is a bodybuilding and T.V. legend. Even well into his 60’s, Lou remains fit and as determined as ever.
– The Incredible Hulk Lou Ferrigno Speaks with Jeff Corbett
STEVE GARVEY was part of the Dodger organization of the late 1970s and early 1980s which was thought by many to be best in baseball. One thing is for sure, they won and did it often. Steve Garvey was one of the staples.
– Steve Garvey with Jeff Corbett
AMANDA BEARD has been a genuine phenomenon since she broke on to the World’s biggest stage at age 14, winning 3 swimming medals for Team USA at the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympic Games.
– Interview with Amanda Beard
International Business
Business Etiquette
How to Build Trust in
the International Business Arena!
Trust is the foundation of all relationships, so of course if your New Year’s Resolutions include developing stronger business relationships, then trust is an element high on the list.
– Always tell the truth
– Apologize when you have done something wrong
– Do not waste other people’s time
While the above statements are inherent to many cultures, like everything, there is always another correct way. To scale up your success in the global business arena, it is imperative to develop the ability to do nearly everything in the way opposite to what you learned initially.
Do not always tell the truth!
When working in a culture where the concept of face is important, be mindful that ‘truth’ is relative and careful consideration to the time and the place must be taken into account. In some instances, criticism, as well as praise, may be best presented one-to-one, rather than in a group setting. Cultures that are more individualistic are generally more accepting of criticism, whereas collective cultures often operate by a strong shame/honor code and, as such, the implications may be more profound.
Do not always apologize when you have done something wrong!
The phrase ‘I’m sorry’ is often lost in translation due to differing perceptions of culpability. Research by Harvard Business Review has illustrated that Americans see an apology as an admission of wrongdoing, and thereby use the phrase less often. In contrast, Japanese see the statement as an expression of eagerness to repair a damaged relationship without implying culpability and, thereby, apologize frequently.
With the above in mind, do you feel that an apology may always be useful for repairing trust?
Do not waste other people’s time!
When I first moved to Paris from Los Angeles, I was shocked by the long lunch hours taken at work as I felt that time was being wasted. After all, “time is money”.
Quickly I learned that being able to chat about my weekend over a second cup of coffee was the route to greater business success. It is difficult to change our beliefs and attached values but stiffly holding on to beliefs that are set in stone is a quick way to lose international business opportunities. By recognizing that in polychronic cultures, the value placed on building relationships is much higher than the value placed on time, I soon understood that the value of the long lunch (two hours minimum) far outweighed the value of the hands on the clock.
Ask yourself what perceptions and misperceptions may be holding you back from achieving more of your business dreams. Then accept the opportunity to start challenging yourself. Good luck and much success in 2021 and beyond!
Tamiko Brown-Zablith
Minding Manners International
International Business
Business Technology
Video Conferencing Security Tips
In the future, when the world reflects on 2020, the word “Zoom” will no doubt come to mind. Though Zoom first launched its video conferencing software in 2013, that software did not become a fabric of many people’s daily lives until 2020, when a global pandemic was declared and the world suddenly shifted to remote working and virtual learning en masse.
Video conferencing apps like Zoom helped people of all ages maintain connections with their families, friends and professional colleagues throughout the pandemic. In the rush to maintain those connections, security might have been placed on the back burner. But the Federal Trade Commission urges video conferencing users to implement some basic safety strategies so they can protect their personal information when speaking with their friends, families and coworkers via apps like Zoom.
· Make each conferencing session unique. The FTC notes that some conferencing services allow users to use unique passwords and/or identification numbers for each conferencing session. These features are typically set up by session hosts and can reduce the likelihood of strangers entering meetings and accessing users’ personal information. If you are not hosting sessions, urge hosts to utilize features that make passwords unique for each session.
· Install conferencing app updates the moment they become available. Updates are typically designed in response to vulnerabilities discovered since the most recent version of a software was made available. Installing updates when they become available is a good way for video conference users to protect themselves against cyber criminals.
· Don’t open invitations you don’t recognize. The FTC notes that hackers are sending emails that mimic video conferencing invitations. When clicking on such invitations, users may unknowingly be downloading malware that can make their computers and personal information vulnerable to cyber criminals. If you receive an unexpected video conferencing invitation, contact the host separately before opening the invite. In addition, hosts can urge users to contact them directly if they receive an invitation but are hesitant to open it.
· Protect your privacy at all times. Before using a video conferencing app, familiarize yourself with its privacy policies to determine how your information will be handled. Some apps may record conferencing sessions, so it’s imperative that users read privacy policies prior to using an app.
Video conferencing apps helped people stay in touch during the pandemic. When utilizing such apps, users must prioritize security to avoid being victimized by cyber criminals.
International Business
Executive Psychology
Coping with Stress During Uncertain Times!
Stress can affect people’s lives at any moment. Some say that a certain measure of stress can be a good thing that pushes individuals to try their best to overcome obstacles. However, chronic stress is potentially dangerous for the mind and body.
2020 has been a stressful year for many people. A global pandemic that emerged in late 2019 and continued into the new year brought with it many changes – some of which are unprecedented. Concerns about the COVID-19 virus, unemployment, reduced wages, and uncertainty about the future has left many people feeling adrift.
According to the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America survey, the average reported stress level for adults in the United States related to the coronavirus pandemic is 5.9. When asked to rate their stress level in general, the average reported stress for American adults is 5.4. This is higher than the average stress level reported in 2019, which was 4.9, and marks the first significant increase in average reported stress since the survey began in 2007.
Pandemic stress mixed with existing stress may require additional coping techniques.
· Turn negative thinking into positive thinking. The occasional pep talk can help people manage their stress. Rather than saying “Everything is going wrong,” tell yourself “I can handle this, I have done it before.” Find the silver lining in situations and they may not feel so stressful.
· Take things one step at a time. Getting ahead of yourself by looking too far into the future can compound stress. Focus on the here and now. Make to-do lists and take situations as they come day by day or hour by hour. Situations are often fluid, so worrying about something that is weeks away is often fruitless.
· Exercise regularly. Find opportunities to exercise. The Mayo Clinic says exercise in almost any form can act as a stress reliever. Physical activity can release your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries. Exercise also can mimic the effects of stress, helping to condition the body to its effects and buffer the cardiovascular, digestive and immune systems from negative effects.
· Seek out social support. Chances are someone you know also is experiencing increased stress loads. Find the time for conversation, video chats or safe, socially distanced meet-ups with friends. Each person can share their unique frustrations and collectively you can work through the stress.
· Don’t drown in perfectionism. Trying to be mistake-free can trigger anxiety and stress. Being perfect is impossible and everyone makes mistakes. According to Psych Central, mistake-making can lead to growth and experience, while perfectionism may staunch growth because a person is too afraid to take chances. Not every decision you make will be ideal, but each is a learning experience.
Stress is something most people come up against in their daily lives, perhaps more so than ever this year. But stress can be wrangled and minimized.
Executive Fitness
The Various Health Benefits of Yoga
Health-conscious individuals can do many things to improve their overall health. As medical researchers continue to uncover new things about how to achieve optimal health, one practice dating back to ancient times remains a highly effective way to take care of the human body.
Though there’s no written records regarding the origins and invention of yoga, the practice is believed to date back to ancient India. The earliest written record of yoga is “The Yoga Sutra of Pantañjali,” a collection of aphorisms that historians believe was compiled sometime between 500 BCE and 400 BCE.
Despite its age, yoga has not been studied extensively by medical researchers. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, many studies looking into the health effects of yoga have included only small numbers of people and have not been of high quality. As a result, the NCCIH can only say that yoga shows promise in regard to helping people manage or overcome certain health issues, but not that it has been proven to do so.
Though yoga may need to be studied more closely and extensively, many people who include it in their regular health care routines report feeling better both physically and mentally for having done so, and that may not be a coincidence. A 2004 comprehensive review of yoga’s use as a therapeutic intervention published in the Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology indicated that yoga targets unmanaged stress, which has been linked to chronic disorders like anxiety, depression, obesity, diabetes, and insomnia.
In addition to that review, the NCCIH notes that research has suggested yoga can:
· Relieve low-back pain and neck pain
· Relieve menopause symptoms
· Help people manage anxiety or depressive symptoms associated with difficult life situations
· Help people quit smoking
· Help people who are overweight or obese lose weight
· Help people with chronic diseases manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life.
It’s important that anyone considering making yoga part of their health care routines recognize that there are various forms of yoga, some of which are more physically demanding than others. So it’s best if individuals speak with their physicians before trying yoga so they can find the type that aligns best with their current levels of fitness.
Spirits & Cuisine
Polish Food From Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh cuisine reflects this city’s multicultural heritage, especially that of the European immigrants of the early 20th century. Known as the city of steel for much of its modern history, the immigrant population that worked the area’s challenging blue-collar jobs introduced dishes that were robust and able to satisfy a hearty appetite. For our taste, at the forefront of the influence was the Slavic-Americans and their food. Other nationalities certainly had tremendous sway – most notably the Germans and Italians – but there is something special about a homemade pierogie or cabbage roll from Western Pennsylvania. In recent years, Pittsburgh has seen a renaissance in their restaurant scene. As such, virtually every type of ethnic cuisine can be found within the city and it has become a hidden gem for any dedicated “foodie.”
Pierogies: Nothing is more Polish than a pierogie and where else to go for the best pierogies than Pittsburgh! Hidden in the McKees Rocks section of the city – just a few miles from downtown “Pierogies Plus” is nothing short of a jewel. What a find! With all due respect to Mrs.T’s frozen rendition of the same item, you will want to immediately try these easy to order pierogies.
Pierogies Plus, Inc.
342 Island Avenue
McKeesRocks, PA, USA
Phone: 412-331-2224
Life Style
Leisure & Style
Golfing in Era of Social Distancing
Golfers enthusiastically look forward to the day when their favorite courses reopen to players each year. That anticipation was even greater in 2020, when social distancing measures forced many courses to stay closed even as the weather warmed up. Thankfully for golfers, golf courses were among the first businesses given the green light to reopen as governments began to lift restrictions.
Golfing in the era of social distancing may not be quite the same as it was prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, but golfers can still have fun as they hit the links. That’s especially true when they take steps to understand just what it means to golf while social distancing prior to teeing off.
· Assess your personal health before going to the golf course. Golf attracts athletes from all age groups, including some that are more vulnerable to COVID-19 than others. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, age is a risk factor for COVID-19, as older adults are more vulnerable to severe illness if they are infected with the virus than younger adults. Social distancing requires a collective effort on the part of everyone to keep vulnerable people safe, and golfers are no exception. Golfers young and old who are under the weather or experiencing even mild symptoms of COVID-19 should avoid golf courses until they feel better. In addition, young golfers can choose tee times when they’re less likely to come into contact with older golfers. Early morning tee times tend to be popular among older golfers, but speak with staff at the course to see if they have rules in place to safeguard older golfers. If they do, respect those rules. If they don’t, work with staff to choose a tee time when you’re less likely to be around older golfers.
· Disinfect clubs before or after playing. Disinfecting clubs and other equipment before and after playing is a simple measure that can reduce golfers’ risk of getting the virus or spreading it if they have it but are asymptomatic. Simply wipe down clubs and other equipment with disinfectant or an alcohol-based cleanser that is at least 60 percent alcohol. If playing with a friend, resist the urge to share clubs, no matter how tempting it may be to take your playing partner’s new driver for a spin on the first hole.
· Refuse valet service. Many courses have temporarily stopped offering valet services to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Golfers who visit a club that is not taking such precautions can opt to refuse the service. Doing so decreases the risk of getting or spreading the virus by limiting the number of people with whom you come into direct contact.
· Pack supplies. Contact the course in advance to determine if the dining room is open and if the course is providing hand sanitizer at each tee. At-risk golfers may want to skip dining at the course after their round is over, opting to pack their own lunch or eat when they arrive home after playing. If the course is not offering hand sanitizer at each hole, pack your own as an extra precaution.
Golfing in the era of social distancing may be different, but there’s no reason golfers cannot still enjoy time on the links.
Traveling and Pets
Hopefully, We will all be able to do some serious traveling in the near future. If you travel and have pets, you know very well how stressful it can be leaving your family member behind. We recently added a new puppy to our family and needed a method to check on him while we are traveling (even with a house sitter) or just out for a quick meal. Well, Furbo is a pretty cool all-in-one dog sitter that includes a camera, treat popper, barking alerts and night vision. You can also talk to your pet via a microphone – although they don’t seem to recognize voices very well. In any case, the above evaluation was posted on YouTube and seems a fair review.
This might just help your separation anxiety!
Business Services
Business Acquisitions & Funding
“Think Seven Continents,
Think a World of Opportunity”
Vintage Swiss Trust Company for Sale!
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
Price: $78,800
For Details on this listings, Explore Additional Opportunities or Complimentary Consultation:
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Email: contact@corb7.com
* Vintage Swiss Trust Companies provide an excellent International Haven from Domestic Political Instability.
* Free E- Book: “The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership”

Vintage United States Corporations for Sale!
* 26-Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 1995
State of Wyoming
Price: $52,472
* 53-Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 1968
State of Nevada
Price: $89,083
* 113-Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 1908
State of Nevada
Price: $218,800
For Details on these listings, Explore Additional Opportunities or Complimentary Consultation:
Call: +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
Worldwide Business Funding!
We can arrange Senior and Sub-debt Worldwide financing for companies who Cannot obtain adequate bank financing. Our proprietary associations and colleagues operate as an international clearinghouse, representing several hundred non- traditional money sources that are specifically geared to fund troubled or growing companies. These are generally non-bank lenders that provide financing to companies who cannot obtain adequate capital to further develop or maintain their businesses.
Client Profile:
Any company or entity that is unable to secure commercial financing through traditional sources particularly if funding needs are immediate. (i.e., developmental stage companies or companies with losses, negative net worth, tax liens, chapter 11, personal credit problems of principals, etc.). In general, clients will need between 1% -5% of funding request on hand.
Loan Range:
$1,000,000.00 and Up
No Upfront Fees:
We require a small retainer that will be credited against our closing fee, but only after the client has received and accepted our funding sources proposal with specific terms and conditions outlining the financing. Those terms will be based on the client’s representations made on one of our funding worksheets. The initial work that we perform on any new account is at our expense and involves an internal review and analysis of the transaction followed by further review with a specific lender/ investment firm. The lender will be selected on the basis of your industry type, geographic location, loan size, credit profile, type and mix of collateral, etc. The lender must express a defined interest in providing a proposal with specific terms, based on the representations that have been made by the client. We work on a non-exclusive basis and the borrower may choose to accept other financing or pursue other available options at a later date that would preclude a closing from occurring. In that event, the retainer will have covered our costs. This is non-negotiable.
Funding Services Fees:
We typically earn a success fee at closing of 1% to 3% on the funded amount, determined primarily by the loan size but also by the type of transaction and other factors.
To discover if you qualify:
Please click on the following link and fill out the form at the bottom of the page: