What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Starting Your Own Country - Business Psychology:
Coping with Season Affective Disorder - Cross-Border Business:
The Micronation of Sealand - Business Tools:
What Ever Happened to the FISK? - Business Etiquette:
Why Negative Self-Talk Isn't Etiquette - Executive Fitness:
Action Overcomes Procrastination - Spirits & Cuisine:
Essential Cooking Skills that You Should Know - Leisure:
Guide to Adopting a Shelter Dog - Lifestyle & Travel:
Travel Insurance During a Pandemic - Corb7 International Services:
Free Digital Book

International Business
Editor's Note

Starting Your Own Country
Every once in awhile we like to take a look at the colorful characters that you find internationally which have been made better known by the internet. To that end, be sure to you review the video in this edition's "Cross-Border" section.
If you have everfantasized about starting your own country to escape being told how to live your life, well rest assured that there are groups and individuals who have attempted to actually make it happen.
By definition, these countries are considered “micronations,” meaning they are an entity created and maintained as if it were a nation and/or a state, and generally carrying with it some, most or all of the attributes of a nation. Most are geographically very small ranging in size from a single square foot to half a million square miles. Personally, we find the entire concept entertaining and think you will enjoy the video we discovered on YouTube regarding "The Principality of Sealand" which is an offshore platform located of the coast of Great Britain.

International Business
Business Psychology

Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder
Winter can be an awe-inspiring time of year. Snow-covered landscapes and opportunities to enjoy sports like skiing and snowboarding make winter a favorite time of year for nature enthusiasts and athletes.
As fun as winter can be, many people struggle with the transition from warm weather and long, sunny days to cold weather and reduced hours of sunlight. Sometimes mistaken or misidentified as the "winter blues," this phenomenon is known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.
What is seasonal affective disorder?
According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, SAD is a type of depression. The NIH notes that a person must meet full criteria for major depression coinciding with specific seasons for at least two years to be diagnosed with SAD. The American Psychiatric Association says symptoms of SAD can be distressing and overwhelming and even interfere with daily functioning.
The APA notes that SAD has been linked to a biochemical imbalance in the brain that's prompted by shorter daylight hours and less sunlight in winter. As the seasons change, a shift in a person's biological internal clock or circadian rhythm can lead to them being out of step with their normal routines. That can contribute to various symptoms, including:
· Feeling sad or depressed
· Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
· Changes in appetite, usually eating more and craving carbohydrates
· Loss of energy or increased fatigue despite increased sleep hours
· Increase in purposeless physical activity or slowed movements or speech that may be noticed by others
· Feeling worthless or guilty
· Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions
· Thoughts of death or suicide
Overcoming SAD
The weather can't be changed, but people can speak with their physicians about the following strategies to overcome SAD.
· Light therapy: According to the APA, light therapy involves sitting in front of a light therapy box that emits a very bright light. In the winter, patients typically sit in front of the box for 20 minutes each morning, and they may see some improvements within one to two weeks of beginning treatment. Light therapy is usually continued throughout the winter.
· Medication: The APA notes that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, are a type of antidepressant that are sometimes prescribed to treat SAD.
· Spending time outdoors: People with SAD who don't typically spend much time outdoors when the temperatures dip may notice their symptoms improve if they make a concerted effort to spend time outdoors in winter.
· Rearrange rooms in the home: The APA notes that rearranging rooms and furniture in a home or office to allow more natural light in during the daytime can help improve symptoms of SAD.
SAD is a legitimate concern for millions of people across the globe. Working with a physician to overcome SAD can help people successfully transition to days with fewer hours of sunlight.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

The Principality of Sealand
Is this the smallest nation in the world? If not, it is certainly close with a fascinating beginning and history.
The Principality of Sealand is an unrecognized micronation that claims HM Fort Roughs, an offshore platform in the North Sea approximately 12 kilometres off the coast of Suffolk, as its territory. Roughs Tower is a Maunsell Sea Fort that was built by the British during World War II.

International Business
Business Tools
Quick Flashback (The FISK)
One of the more interesting offshore entities was the FISK. This controversial structure was designed as a US endorsed tax shelter and well worth a look back.As a matter of official policy, the United States welcomes foreign investment; very few restrictions are placed on such investment and usually only as a matter of national security. As a rule of thumb, the export of goods and the importing of currency are encouraged, while conversely, the importing of goods and exporting of currency are discouraged. “Foreign Sales Corporations” also known as “Fisks” or “FSCs” reflected that perspective.
FSCs were a tax incentive authorized under the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 and manifested in the Internal Revenue Code. Few were aware that they existed, but Foreign Sales Corporations remained recognized and endorsed by the U.S. Commerce Department. As of January 1, 1985, U.S. exporters of products, architectural services and engineering services could qualify for a substantial tax benefit. Congress created the program to give a tax break to companies that export or lease manufactured goods that are at least 50 percent made in America. To employ this program, a manufacturer had to establish an International Business Corporation in one of 35 approved offshore jurisdictions. The IBC or offshore corporation would be empowered to have a bank account and conduct annual meetings. Tax savings ensue with the culmination of an overseas sale, and the benefits could amount to tens of thousands of dollars per year.
The United States has a history of enacting legislation to provide export encouragement or industrial incentives. Tax deferrals or exemptions have been granted to corporations that meet established guidelines. In addition, there are numerous other incentives that have been put in place by the United States government to attract foreign investment. This is commonplace throughout the world. These “tax holidays” are believed to create new jobs within the country and increase exports.
The FISK business model which is now defunct was one in a series of measures designed to support U.S. exporters. It followed on from domestic international sales corporations (DISCS) and was replaced by the Extraterritorial Income Exclusion Act (ETI) in 2000. All of these were successively challenged in—and found to be non-compliant. After much fighting between the United States and the European Union, the issue was taken to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in1999. Eventually, the FISK business model faded away. Nonetheless, it provides an interesting look into the world of “endorsed” tax shelters and tax havens.

International Business
Business Etiquette

Why Negative Self-Talk Isn't Etiquette
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Etiquette for the Business of Life
We are all subject to negative self-talk from time to time. For instance, when you make a mistake, when you don’t receive a promotion, or when someone you are attracted to doesn’t feel the same way, your disappointment can allow negativity to seep in.
Acknowledging a situation is a realistic approach, but when you begin catastrophizing (“I’ll never be successful”) or generalizing (“I always get stood up”), you could be crossing a line into a negative mindset.
Being Unkind
One of the pillars of etiquette-ful behavior is kindness. This includes showing kindness to yourself.
Dealing with unpleasant circumstances or having a bad day are one thing, but when you allow that one thing to define how you feel about yourself your thoughts begin to align with those feelings. You express unkind assumptions to yourself.
Making a habit of this costs you your confidence, causes you to stress over everyday situations, and others may perceive you as a negative person. It’s practically the same result as when you are unkind to other people.
It’s important to recognize when you may be embarking on this slippery slope. Conduct a self-check by asking yourself these questions:
- Is my perception of this situation a positive one?
- Is what I’m telling myself helping or hurting me?
- Would I speak to my best friend this way in this situation?
- What could I tell myself right now that would make things any better?
The first step to overcoming anything is to recognize your behavior and then decide that a change needs to occur. Once you understand that your negative self-talk is hurting you, you can put forth the effort to change it.
- Observation is the key. Choose a length of time or an occasion to observe your thoughts, recognizing those that are negative or positive.
- Play a game of opposites. When you recognize any negative self-talk, consciously change it to a positive statement.
- Be a friend to yourself. Speak to and advise yourself as if you were speaking to your best friend. Because you are!
- Count your blessings – and your successes. Just because things may not be going your way now, doesn’t mean this has always been true. Think of the times you reached a goal, received something wonderful, or of happy times spent with someone you love. If you’ve had it before, or even if you haven’t, you will have it again.
Reducing negativity in your life, attitude, language, and actions is part of practicing etiquette. Kindness and courtesy are more easily shown to others when you can be mindful of feeling them as positive emotions.

Executive Fitness

Action Overcomes Procrastination
by Nancy HovdeLife Empowerment Coach
"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction, ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step." ~ Naeem Callaway
Many business professionals find that we procrastinate. Perhaps you find you procrastinate with your wellness goals or maybe you keep putting off that work project. Perhaps you are thinking about writing a book but are waiting for the right time, so you haven't even started yet. This is self-doubt which leads to procrastinating. Fear is what creates self-doubt.
There are 4 main reasons why people procrastinate:
- A fear of failure
- Striving for perfection
- Low energy levels
- A lack of focus
As a Life Empowerment Coach, I often share with clients, the key to overcoming procrastination is action. Recognize fear for what it is and shift your mindset by releasing the need for perfection. It is time to act - Awareness, Create and Tactics. The next time you find yourself procrastinating, try using the following tips:
Awareness - Get quiet and ask yourself what is it that you are afraid of? Is it fear of failing? Why? Are you striving for perfectionism? All of us have failed at something before. Failure can help us learn how we might do something differently next time. We learn what didn’t work and we have the opportunity to try a new approach. Really think about the consequences and the cost or price of staying stuck and which areas of your life are being affected the longer you continue to procrastinate. How will your life and health continue to be affected if you are not consistent with your wellness regimen? How will your work performance be affected if you are late completing the work project?
Create - Let's fact it. Feeling self-doubt is disempowering. It is not encouraging. Self-doubt can add unnecessary stress, which if left unmanaged, can be detrimental to you physically, mentally and emotionally. So, create a vision. Step into the future: How do you want to feel when you've reached your wellness goal, completed the work project or finished writing that book? How do you want to feel when you’ve accomplished what you set out to do?
Tactic - What tactics will you apply? What is your plan of action? And what is the first tactic you can begin today to get you moving toward your goal? Remember, even the smallest step can count!
Procrastination can negatively impact your health, dampen your mood, hurt your potential and damage your career. So, the next time you find yourself procrastinating, remember to ACT!
Do you find that you often procrastinate and feel frustrated or overwhelmed? If you would like to create positive habits and feel focused and empowered, it can help to reach out to a lifestyle coach.

Spirits & Cuisine

Essential Cooking Skills You Should Know
Mastering an assortment of cooking techniques is a key to becoming a great chef, whether you're an amateur cooking at home or a professional aspiring to earn a Michelin star. By understanding the various ways to prepare and cook food, cooks can work with a variety of ingredients and kitchen equipment en route to creating delicious meals.
Cooking comes down to three basic methods: dry heat, moist heat and combination cooking. Here's a look at some popular ways to cook a meal.
· Broiling: Broiling involves cooking food directly below dry heat. It produces a crispy, crunchy outer layer on the food.
· Roasting: Another dry heat cooking method, roasting involves cooking food in an oven at high temperatures. Roasting is best for large cuts of meat or poultry that are tender and have internal or surface fats to keep them moist.
· Grilling: Dry heat comes from the bottom when grilling over an open flame. Foods are cooked quickly while grilling.
· Searing: During searing, one browns food, usually meat, on all sides using high heat to give the meat color and flavor. Then the meat is finished utilizing another technique, typically roasting.
· Baking: Baking utilizes indirect heat to surround foods and cook from all sides. It is similar to roasting, but the temperature tends to be lower than with roasting. Roasting is used on vegetables, meats and other foods. However, baking is reserved for breads and cakes, among other things.
· Sautéing: When you sauté, foods are cooked quickly over a burner in a shallow pan, using a small amount of fat to coat food for even browning. Sauté is a French term for "jump." Since food cooks quickly, they must be tossed and stirred frequently to prevent burning.
· Poaching: This is a gentle method of cooking in which foods are submerged in liquids in a certain temperature range. The low heat is ideal for delicate items, preserving the flavor and moisture of the food without using fat or oil.
· Stewing: Stewing is ideal for cooks who want to create very tender meats and vegetables. During stewing, food is cooked slowly in liquid over low heat. This helps to tenderize tough cuts of meat.
· Pan-frying: Similar to sautéing, pan-frying involves cooking food that may have coating or breading in a small amount of hot oil.
· Deep-frying: Deep-frying submerges foods in very hot oil to cook it quickly and crisp it up.
· Braising: Like stewing, braising utilizes moisture. To braise foods, place them in small amounts of liquid in a tightly covered pan on the stove or in the oven.
Practicing various cooking methods can help amateur chefs expand their culinary skill sets.


Guide to Adopting a Shelter Dog
Pet adoption rates soared during the COVID-19 pandemic. The desire to adopt was so significant that animal shelters around the country nearly emptied. According to Dr. Elizabeth Berliner, an associate clinical professor and the director of the Maddie's Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University, as many as one in five pet-owning homes adopted a new pet during the pandemic.
Animal shelters are once again reaching capacity. As with many industries, there simply isn't enough staff to care for all the animals. Furthermore, animal adoption saturation over the past year may have contributed to fewer people seeking new pets. Those who still have room and love to share can put these tips to use as they look for a furry friend to call their own.
· Do your research. Ensuring your pup can seamlessly transition from the shelter to your home requires some pre-adoption legwork. This animal will be occupying a spot in your home and heart for 10 years or more if all goes well. The size of the dog, age, anticipated energy levels, exercise needs, shedding capacity, and overall personality can affect how well the dog fits in. Research breeds and try to find one that suits your household and lifestyle before visiting the shelter.
· Start local first. Don't discount local groups when searching for pets. Many small rescues can't afford the time or money to maintain a website or constant social media presence. But they make up for that by being hands-on when matching pets with people.
· Be sure everyone is on board. All members of the household need to share the same enthusiasm for the dog. Weigh everyone's opinions, but expect that certain people will take on more responsibility for the pet than others.
· Consider your finances. Although adopting a dog is initially less expensive than buying, there's still the adoption fee to consider and other costs that come with dog ownership. Routine vet visits, emergency medical situations, food, grooming, training classes, toys, and other needs should be considered. The American Kennel Club previously found the average annual costs for dog ownership is $2,500. One-time or irregular costs, such as a crate, spaying/neutering or emergency vet care, cost an average of $2,100. However, these rates vary depending on where you live.
· Is space available? Dogs need space. While a chihuahua may need less space than a Great Dane, make sure you have adequate room in a home, apartment and backyard for the breed you are considering.
The day a dog is welcomed into the family is a joyous occasion. That joy only increases when prospective dog owners do their homework and find a dog that will fit right in with their families.

Lifestyle & Travel
Travel Insurance During a Pandemic
It is a confusing world to travel in 2022. With many parts of the world open, people looking forward to traveling or vacationing should know that many travel insurance policies do not provide coverage for travelers who decide to cancel their plans due to concerns about a pandemic.
According to AARP, many insurance companies explicitly state in travel insurance policies that pandemics are excluded as reasons for canceling a trip. Travel insurance providers note that exclusion exists because pandemics are extremely unpredictable, which makes it difficult to properly assess the risk of one happening when determining the cost of a policy. In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, some travel insurance providers expressed a willingness to be flexible, with some even offering refunds to customers who became ill with the virus prior to their trips. However, such flexibility is not uniform, and travelers, such as those who have not tested positive for the virus, may need to find alternative solutions if they do not want to travel but have already booked vacations. Travel agents or others who helped book travel reservations may be willing to serve as intermediaries between travelers and hotels or rental property owners to increase the chances that vacationers are not stuck paying for vacations they have no intention of taking.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions
The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership!
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