What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
The Power of Focus - Business Psychology:
Try a Winter Sport for Mental Health - Cross-Border Business:
Traveling with Technology - Business Etiquette:
Etiquette Evolves but Purpose Remains - Fitness & Health:
The Best Herbs to Naturally Detox Your Body - Spirits & Cuisine:
The World's Most Popular Teas - Leisure:
Tips for Adopting a Dog - Travel:
Should You Fly or Drive? - Corb7 Funding Service:
Worldwide Business Funding - Corb7 International Services:
Swiss Trust Companies Updates

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
The Power of Focus
A Must Read Book in 2023!
It is very easy to forget how good of a book "The Power of Focus" is, which was originally published in 2000. And I can't think of a better time to review its easily read pages than at the beginning of a new year. In a period when moral courage and commonsense seems hard find, this is a lasting reminder to focus on what is important to you and remain true to your personal goals. Hope you enjoy the fact that we highlighted it and brought this to your attention.
Some Favorite Quotes:
"Entrepreneurs are famous for getting distracted and losing their focus. Remember, you don't need to be involved with every new idea - just focusing on one or two can make you happy and wealthy."
"Life doesn't just happen to you. It's all about choices and how you respond to every situation. If you are in the habit of continually making bad choices, disaster often occurs. Your everyday choices ultimately determine whether you end up living with abundance or living in poverty. However, life never completely closes the door to opportunity."
"There are two things that make you wiser, the books you read and the people that you meet. Be sure to do both."
The Power of Focus” by Jack Canfield, Mark Hansen and Les Hewitt. Authors Canfield, Hansen and Hewitt offer a step-by-step approach to success by concentrating on our strengths while organizing and intensifying personal vision. The authors of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” provide a systematic approached to success while relating numerous heart warming stories.
I don't keep many of my paperback books - preferring instead to give them away - but this is one that I hold on to and reread often. If you have not read this work, I highly recommend it to be worth your time.
website: The Power of Focus

International Business
Business Psychology

Try a Winter Sport for Menth Health
Get outside for your health during the cold months.
Health and socialization are the driving psychological forces behind the popularity of most adult recreational sports which has obviously taken a hit during the COIVD years. Many people, as a result, are spending winter huddled indoors. Winter sports enthusiasts, however, see the arrival of snow and chilly temperatures as a means to start a season of outdoor fun. Those who perceive winter as a time to embrace their love of sport may appreciate learning more about some of the sports that are most popular during the colder months of the year. Below we offer a few insights.
Ice hockey
Hockey is one of the most popular winter sports. In 1994, Parliament passed the Canada's National Sport Act, which declared hockey the official national winter sport of Canada. The origins of ice hockey are somewhat uncertain, though some historians claim the first set of rules to govern the sport were written by students at Montreal's McGill University in the 1870s.
Downhill (Alpine) skiing
Snow Sports Industries America indicates that, in the 2016-2017 season, more than nine million American Alpine skiers took to the slopes, and the sport continues to attract new devotees each year.
Historians state that skiing evolved as a method to cross the landscape in the winter when marshlands froze over. Cave drawings suggest that man used skis during the last Ice Age in the Palaeolithic period. However, the birth of modern downhill skiing is often traced to the 1850s when Norwegian legend Sondre Norheim popularized skis with curved sides and made skiing a sport instead of just a mode of transport. Skiing ultimately became quite popular in Russia, Finland, Sweden, and Norway. Today there are various types of downhill skiing, including mountain skiing, extreme cat skiing and heli skiing.
Curling may now be seen as a largely Canadian sport, but it is widely believed to be one of the world's oldest team sports, tracing its origins to Great Britain. The World Curling Federation states paintings by the 16th Century Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel portrayed an activity similar to curling being played on Scotland's frozen ponds. The earliest known curling stones came from the Scottish regions of Stirling and Perth, dating all the way back to 1511.
Ice skating
Speed skating and figure skating are derivatives of early ice skating, which is believed to have started in Finland more than 3,000 years ago. Skates were sharpened, flattened bone strapped to the bottom of a shoe and glided on top of the ice. The Dutch added edges to steel blades around the 13th or 14th centuries. Eventually, skating was brought to England from The Netherlands.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Traveling with Technology
International Business often means taking your office on the road.
If you travel for business then you know exactly how important technology is to your career. One of our favorite experts to keep an eye on is Rich DeMuro - also known as "Rich on Tech" - who is a tech reporter for KTLA-TV Channel 5 in Los Angeles. He has consistently offered interesting perspectives. Here he offers tips and tricks to supercharge your searches so you can find exactly what you’re looking for, even faster than ever.
Please Click Here

International Business
Business Etiquette

Etiquette Evolves but Its Purpose Remains
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Etiquette evolves as current culture practices and technology both change. It offers guidelines for respectful behavior based on common sense, fair play, politeness, and concern for others.
Yet, throughout etiquette’s evolution, the component of helping us remain recognizably respectful is always its foundation.
Etiquette Evolves with What, Where, When and How
Because our behavior adjusts to meet various situations and circumstances, so do our etiquette practices. This applies in a general sense as well as in relation to an immediate situation you find yourself in.
Here are some examples of how etiquette evolves to meet a particular encounter:
- In the not-so-distant past it was appropriate for women to stay seated when they were introduced. This difference with the treatment of men is no longer the case. What remains true is that properly introducing yourself and others is important.
- A man not shaking a woman’s hand unless she first offers it is outdated. The pandemic may have changed our willingness to shake hands, but most likely only temporarily. The art of human connection via a handshake is still important.
- It used to be that a man paid for meals and activities when on a date. Now, it is customary that the person who asks for the date picks up the tab.
- When a man and woman walk together on the street, it is no longer an expectation that the man walks on the side closest to the street. Today it’s more about the pedestrian rules of how to pass someone on a busy street and being respectful of others’ personal space.
- Making a toast does not need to involve champagne or wine. You can raise your glass regardless.
- Informal rules applying to weddings have changed, too. It used to be that a person had a year to send a wedding gift to a newly married couple. Now, because of online gift registries and other technology, it is most appropriate to send gifts prior to the wedding.
Why Etiquette?
Etiquette still gets a bad rap as being fussy and old-fashioned. It also comes with baggage associated with social superiority and as having nothing to do with everyday people.
But the world cannot get along without a basic set of rules of sociality. We, as fellow world citizens, have an expectation of living peaceably with those around us. To make this expectation a reality, we need guidelines that encourage respect from everyone.
It’s for this reason that no matter how much etiquette evolves, it will always embody the attitude of respect. And demeaning others is always excluded from etiquette.
Etiquette is an intriguing word! It embraces many roles and responsibilities that guide society. It involves following a moral code of conducting oneself, putting others at ease in your presence, being courteous, kind, and honest – even though the truth may not always be pleasant. It signifies honoring others and striving towards ethical behavior. Though the precise guidelines will change, intentionally.

Fitness & Health

The Best Herbs to Naturally Detox Your Body
by Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
The words “cleanse” and “detox” have taken a life of their own in the past years. They almost have a cult following, but cleansing and detoxing are so much more than a fad, and can be something that all of our bodies need some help with now and then.
The truth of the matter is, that regardless of how well we eat and drink, and how green our choices are about the products we use in our homes, our bodies are caught in the crossfire of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis.
Our livers should be able to keep our bodies naturally cleansed and detoxed, but because the barrage of what we are exposed to is so great, they need a little support now and then. Our air, our water, almost everything we come into contact with, has some sort of volatile organic compound in it that can and does accumulate inside us.
What I’ve learned over the years is that certain herbs help our bodies do what they are meant to do in a natural and non-invasive way. No laxative effects, no fasting, just a good shot of health.
These favorite, tried and true, detoxifying herbs are cilantro, dandelion root, burdock root, turmeric, and milk thistle.
When used regularly, cilantro is extremely effective in helping the body rid itself of damaging heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and lead, that normally accumulate in our organs and tissues. Cilantro contains high levels of cleansing properties that bind to heavy metals and aid your body in disposing of them. Also, full of antioxidants, calcium, potassium, manganese, Vitamins, A, B, and C, as well as abundant phytonutrients, this delicious green herb is nothing short of being a perfect superfood.
Dandelion Root
Dandelion Root has been used for hundreds of years in aiding those suffering from constipation, skin eruptions, and other signs of a body too overloaded with toxins. Dandelion root is full of Vitamin C and luteolin which are very effective at supporting healthy liver function and which also aid in healthy bowel movements and bile production.
Dandelion root has also been shown to be effective in purifying the bladder, blood, and kidneys, ease bloating, regulate blood sugar, and improve blood circulation while also helping your skin stay clear.
Burdock Root
This member of the daisy family, has also been used for generations to aid the body in purging itself of toxins. From Great Britain to Taiwan, burdock root has been hailed as one of nature’s great detox agents and has been shown to promote clear skin, purify the blood, alleviate liver toxicity issues, and due to its high anti-inflammatory properties has been used successfully to treat eczema, and psoriasis. Burdock root contains high levels of inulin which are extremely beneficial for optimal liver function, as well as is a diuretic which aids your body in releasing toxins naturally. Burdock root also contains mucilage which helps soothe gastrointestinal discomfort and bloating.
Turmeric has been hailed as the “King of Spices” in India, and has been well known to offer highly effective levels of anti-inflammatories, aiding in everything from digestion, healthy skin, immune system boosting, blood purification, alleviation of arthritis, and as a liver detoxifier. The main chemical component of turmeric is curcumin which is a powerful antioxidant and which helps keep the liver clean by filtering toxins and stimulating the organ’s natural detoxing process. As an added bonus, turmeric is also delicious and aromatic and is wonderful in soups, teas, and other warm dishes.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle has been used historically in the treatment of liver ailments in Europe. Its high content of silymarin, which is a powerful bioflavonoid complex, has been shown in several studies to help protect the liver and tissues from oxidative damage from free radicals and even casual alcohol consumption. It also aids in the liver’s natural ability to cleanse and regenerate itself.
While there may not be one perfect answer to all that ails us, using a few herbs to help support our bodies is a simple and effective way to give ourselves the little boost of wellness we all deserve!
*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. While everything I post I have discussed at length with medical professionals, I strongly suggest that you do the same before trying to self-treat or treat a loved one. Everyone has a different biological constitution and what works for some may not work for others. Allergies should also be taken into consideration. *

Spirits & Cuisine

The World's Most Popular Teas
Tea is a $38 billion a year industry.-------
An ancient drink with a rich history, tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages around the world. According to legend, the mythological Chinese ruler Shennong discovered tea by accident when the leaves of a nearby plant fell into water he had boiled.
Thanks to the nutritional benefits of tea, including its antioxidant properties, which may help strengthen the immune system, tea has been consumed for millennia. It' become an integral component of cultural rituals and is as beloved for its taste as its medicinal properties. Tea is now a $10 billion industry in the United States and a $38.8 billion industry worldwide.
While there are many different types of tea, they all stem from five basic classifications: black, green, white, oolong, and pu'erh. The variety depends on how the leaves are treated after picking, according to Fresh Tea, a tea information organization. The following is a look at some of the popular varieties of tea.
· Darjeeling: This is a black tea that has a light, nutty taste and a floral smell. It is lighter than other types of black teas.
· Earl Grey: Another black tea, Earl Grey gets its flavor from the addition of bergamot, which is an orange extract.
· Oolong: Some of the more popular varieties of oolong include Da Hong Pao, Dong Ding, Tieguanyin, Baozhong, and Jin Xua. Oolong is semi-oxidized, so it falls between green and black teas regarding its strength of flavor.
· Silver needle tea: This is the most expensive white tea around the world. It has been a favorite among various Chinese dynasties.
· Assam: While many teas hail from China, assam is a black tea that originates from Assam, India. It has a full-bodied flavor and brisk taste.
· English breakfast tea: This is a traditional blend of black teas originating from Assam, Ceylon and Kenya. It has a relatively high caffeine content, so it's energizing and robust.
· Masala chai: Chai is the Hindi word for tea. Masala chai recipes differ, but generally speaking the tea is made from an assam or another black tea mixed with cinnamon, star anise, cardamom, cloves, fennel, ginger, and peppercorn. The tea is blended with milk to make a creamy, spicy brew.
· Matcha: This is a traditional Japanese green tea powder made by grinding up green tea leaves. The flavor is stronger than other green tea brews because the powder is mixed into the water, rather than being steeped.
· Bubble tea: Bubble tea originated in Taiwan. It is made from either black tea or matcha mixed with milk and tapioca balls and served over ice.
· Pu'erh: A unique type of fermented black tea that's traditionally made in the Yunnan Province of China. Pu'erh can be left to age, helping the flavor to mellow.
Tea is consumed daily around the world. Tea aficionados can try the scores of teas available to find their favorite.


Tips for Adopting a Dog
Often an adopted dog will be your best ever!-------
Pet adoption rates soared during the COVID-19 pandemic. The desire to adopt was so significant that animal shelters around the country nearly emptied. According to Dr. Elizabeth Berliner, an associate clinical professor and the director of the Maddie's Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University, as many as one in five pet-owning homes adopted a new pet during the pandemic.
Unfortunately, animal shelters are once again reaching capacity. As with many industries, there simply isn't enough staff to care for all the animals. Furthermore, animal adoption saturation over the past year may have contributed to fewer people seeking new pets. Those who still have room and love to share can put these tips to use as they look for a furry friend to call their own.
· Do your research. Ensuring your pup can seamlessly transition from the shelter to your home requires some pre-adoption legwork. This animal will be occupying a spot in your home and heart for 10 years or more if all goes well. The size of the dog, age, anticipated energy levels, exercise needs, shedding capacity, and overall personality can affect how well the dog fits in. Research breeds and try to find one that suits your household and lifestyle before visiting the shelter.
· Start local first. Don't discount local groups when searching for pets. Many small rescues can't afford the time or money to maintain a website or constant social media presence. But they make up for that by being hands-on when matching pets with people.
· Be sure everyone is on board. All members of the household need to share the same enthusiasm for the dog. Weigh everyone's opinions, but expect that certain people will take on more responsibility for the pet than others.
· Consider your finances. Although adopting a dog is initially less expensive than buying, there's still the adoption fee to consider and other costs that come with dog ownership. Routine vet visits, emergency medical situations, food, grooming, training classes, toys, and other needs should be considered. The American Kennel Club previously found the average annual costs for dog ownership is $2,500. One-time or irregular costs, such as a crate, spaying/neutering or emergency vet care, cost an average of $2,100. However, these rates vary depending on where you live.
· Is space available? Dogs need space. While a chihuahua may need less space than a Great Dane, make sure you have adequate room in a home, apartment and backyard for the breed you are considering.
The day a dog is welcomed into the family is a joyous occasion. That joy only increases when prospective dog owners do their homework and find a dog that will fit right in with their families. Don't forget older dogs! They need a home too and can offer tremendous experiences.


Should You Fly or Drive?
Flight delays are making people think twice about flying.-------
People planning a trip may be considering whether to drive or fly and wondering which is the better value. Each mode of travel has its pluses and minuses and associated costs. When gauging whether to drive or fly, think of the outright and ancillary costs of each type of travel. For example, driving costs associated with vacationing can include fuel, vehicle maintenance, hotel stays, food costs, and tolls. Costs related to flying are ticket prices, any additional checked bag fees, parking at the airport/transportation to and from the airport, terminal food costs, and rental car needs. It is often less expensive to drive, particularly if a person can share fuel costs with another traveler and if the trip can be made with as few stopovers as possible. However, flying can be a more frugal option for solo travelers who can capitalize on flexible schedules and discounted tickets. Also, flying becomes less expensive when baggage needs are minimal.

Business Services
Business Tools

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Business Services
Business Acquisitions
Corb7 International
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