What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
A Great Read for the Times! - Business Psychology:
The Business of Valentine's Day - Cross-Border Business:
1962 Swiss Trust Company - Business Etiquette:
How to Cheer Someone Up - Fitness & Health:
Dos & Don'ts of Weight Loss - Spirits & Cuisine:
How Chocolate got tied to Valentine's Day - Leisure:
$12 Tickets to see the Super Bowl - Travel:
How to Road Trip with an EV - Corb7 Funding Service:
Worldwide Funding Starting at $10 million - Corb7 International Services:
The Ultimate Vehicle for Uncertain Times

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
A Great Read for the Times
The Book "Generations."
Are you looking for an interesting read that might change your entire business perspective?
Well, currently, I am reading a book called “Generations” by William Strauss & Neil Howe that you might benefit from. It is relevant to our business interests discussed within this newsletter because it does an excellent job of outlining the social and cultural wars that we are experiencing – not just here in the United States – worldwide. Obviously, everything we see happening in politics and socially has a tremendous effect on business.
This work was published in 1991 and chills went up my spine when it predicted a catastrophe in the year 2020 which just happened to be the start of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Keeping in mind that this was authored in 1991, the prediction was amazing, and it was based on following patterns and specifically the way generations tend to view and react to world events. Their theory is that each generation belongs to one of four types, and that these types repeat sequentially in a fixed pattern and through observation and understanding critical insights and predictions can be made. The book itself reviews 500 years of American history starting in 1584.
If you are interested in a brief overview, I have proved three links below. If you have not read this work, I would suggest you give it a try. It is remarkable.
Neil Howe: Generational Crisis
The Forth Turning
Tony Robbins speaks with author Neil Howe

International Business
Business Psychology

The Business of Valentine's Day
At $26 Billion it is big business.
A survey from the National Retail Federation (NFR) - which has been conducting this analysis since 2004 - is projecting that Americans will spend 26 billion on Valentine's Day in 2023. That will be up from last year at 24 billion and the downturn in spending adapting to the long shadow of a pandemic.
Even the most ardent Valentine's Day enthusiast, however, might not know just why this day designed for lovers to express their affections for one another is celebrated in mid-February. According to the Library of Congress, it's hard to pinpoint exactly why Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14, though the date might have ties to the ancient Roman celebration of Lupercalia. Lupercalia was a spring festival celebrated each year on February 15.
The holiday was moved to February 14 after the spread of Christianity. The Christian faith had several early martyrs named Valentine, and each of them were celebrated with a saint day on February 14. But the unique history of Valentine's Day and its association with February 14th as well as its romantic sentiments does not end there. The Library of Congress also notes that, in the Middle Ages, people believed birds selected their mates on February 14. As a result, it was not uncommon for lovers to recite prose to one another on this date.
In his 1382 poem, "Parlement of Foules," English poet Geoffrey Chaucer became one of the first known to connect romance with St. Valentine's Day. Over the next several centuries, the day's connection to romance only grew stronger, and by the Victorian era in England, it was not uncommon for lovers to profess their affections through songs, poetry and even the giving of roses as gifts.
It was during the Victorian era that British chocolate manufacturer Richard Cadbury began searching for ways to use the cocoa butter that his company was extracting during the production of their drinking chocolate. In 1861, Cadbury decided to produce edible chocolates, which he even sold and marketed in heart-shaped boxes decorated with images of Cupid and rosebuds. It would be a few more decades before edible chocolates caught on in the United States, where they remain a must-have item for many Valentine's Day celebrants more than 150 years after Cadbury first began selling them

International Business
Cross-Border Business

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The perfect vehicle for uncertain times! Get Defensive.-------
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International Business
Business Etiquette
How to Cheer Someone Up
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
Intentionally aiming for kindness, compassion, consideration, and positivity can change a person’s day and life. The core component in being able to cheer someone up is your ability to meaningfully recognize another person.
Noticing that another person seems to be having a hard time brings about compassion and the urge to somehow comfort them. Etiquette, always situational, relational, and contextual, calls us to find a way to help bring comfort without invading another’s personal space.
Recognizing the Signs
There are signs when a friend, family member, or coworker may need you to provide a reason to smile. Different from prolonged depression but you notice that your loved one:
- Isn’t smiling, laughing as usual.
- Is isolating and not participating as usual.
- Isn’t balancing their normal lifestyle.
- Is seemingly sad and even depressed.
- Is suffering a difficulty or loss.
Finding something good in what might be a very bad moment is meaningful recognition. Everyone needs positivity and cheer in their lives. A moment of recognition and appreciation in seemingly small situations.
I often read “The Positivity Blog,” by Henrik Edberg and am inspired by his great work in laying out what positivity and gratitude accomplishes. Henrik’s post lays out some easy and thoughtful tips to cheer someone up.
Here are a few adaptations that I especially like.
- Surprise a neighbor with your best homemade cookies.
- Express your gratitude for someone who is too often taken for granted.
- During your commute, let someone into your lane and smile.
- Offer to give a hand and stay in the watchful background with a project your colleague is feeling overwhelmed by.
- Volunteer to be the “go to” person for a friend to lighten their load during hard times they are facing.
- Exercise together! Make it happen, even when the person would like to slack off.
- Share a moment of meditation and breathe with them. It will help your loved one to center and focus only on breathing for a few moments, releasing momentary panic or fear.
- Leave a surprise note in a place they don’t anticipate finding anything. A reminder of what this person means to you and examples that prove it.
- Reach out to a friend or family member who are far away. And not just once, but every now and then to let them know they are on your mind. Share a memory and your genuine curiosity about how they are. Suggest a video call or another way to “see” them again.
- Remember to pay it forward yourself as soon as you can. If someone does something to cheer you up and makes you a little happier again—remember to create an upward spiral in your world by sharing that kindness with someone else. So just as you have been cheered up today, you will cheer someone else up before the day is over.
- The noticing might be just what your friend, colleague, or family member needs. It always feels good to hear:
- A sincere compliment.
“Annie, what you do is so far beyond genuine. You show up with sparkling kindness!”
“Derek, you are facing what anyone else could only imagine, yet here you are helping someone on our team.” - A reminder of the person’s value and impact on yours and others’ lives.
- An encouragement letting the person know you support and believe in them.
- A vote of confidence.
- Offer to do something specific to help the person right now.
- Attend to an in-the-moment need such as reaching out with a smile and saying, “Hey, John, I think we need to start this day over!”
Unfortunately, when you’re feeling low the world doesn’t stop. There is still work to be done and expectations to meet. However, take a moment for yourself – for a treat or to fulfill a need that you have:
- Give yourself a reward for making it through the day.
- Take a longer break than you normally would and spend a few moments in the sunshine.
- Change your environment by tidying up your desk, cleaning out your closet, or rearranging some furniture, letting yourself slough off things you really don’t need.
- Run an errand.
- Go for a walk or other recreational activity.
- Soak in a hot bath.
There is always an opportunity to cheer someone up. We all need encouragement from time to time. Not just other people but ourselves as well. When we take the time to notice what is needed in the moment, we more easily show up to do and say the right thing. Which might be as simple as saying, “I hear you. Tell me more.”

Fitness & Health

Dos & Don'ts of Weight Loss
Some healthy ideas.
Maintaining a healthy weight promotes long-term health. Being overweight or obese are risk factors for various conditions, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The World Health Organization reports that the worldwide obesity rate has tripled since 1975. In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight. Of these, more than 650 million were obese.
Health issues related to obesity are largely preventable. Losing weight in a healthy manner is essential for safe and lasting results. Individuals aspiring to lose weight can follow these guidelines on what to do and what not to do.
DO add lean protein sources to your diet. Healthline indicates the body burns calories when digesting and metabolizing protein, so a high-protein diet can help to shed up to 80 to 100 calories per day. Protein also helps you to feel full, reducing the propensity to overeat.
DON'T get hung up on numbers early on. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that even modest weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight is bound to produce health benefits, such as improvements in blood sugar levels, cholesterol and blood pressure. Start small and gradually build up.
DO eat at least four servings of vegetables and three servings of fruits daily. Produce contains an abundance of vital nutrients and is often fiber-rich and low in calories, which helps you to feel full.
DON'T overlook the impact of beverages on weight loss. The calories in sugary beverages, including some all-natural fruit juices, can add up quickly. Stick to water, tea or other unsweetened beverages to help with weight loss.
DO get moving more. The Mayo Clinic notes that while it is possible to lose weight without exercise, getting moving can help burn off the excess calories you can't cut through diet alone. Exercise boosts metabolism and benefits mood and strengthens muscles and the cardiovascular system as well.
DON'T go shopping while hungry. If you do, you may make impulse buys that compromise healthy eating plans.
DO speak with a doctor if you are vetting diet and exercise plans. A healthcare professional can assist you by indicating if a particular diet or fitness routine is acceptable for your age, goals and current health status.
DON'T forget to track eating. Most healthy diets involve some sort of calorie-counting, whether they actually require you to document your intake or use a formula to attribute "points" or another measure related to what you eat. Writing or tracking the foods and beverages you consume will provide the most honest assessment of habits that could affect weight loss.
DO include foods you enjoy. Completely restricting access to occasional treats may cause you to resent healthy eating, which can derail weight loss goals. The principle of moderation can apply to healthy weight loss as long as you account for the more calorie-dense foods.
Losing weight in a healthy manner is achievable when you seek guidance and follow some time-tested techniques.

Spirits & Cuisine

How Chocolate got tied to Valentine's Day
Cadbury & Hershey builds a business model.-------
Heart-shaped boxes filled with decadent treats are coveted gifts on Valentine's Day. Chocolate lovers typically have a favorite type of chocolate, whether it's creamy filled truffles or chocolate pieces with fruit or nut fillings.
The tradition of gifting chocolate is anything but new. Chocolate and other sweet treats have been offered for centuries as prized gifts. Even ancient Aztecs and Mayans celebrated chocolate and saw it as a hot commodity. Drinks made of cacao beans would be given as presents to people of high status. Chocolate also would be offered to the gods as a token of appreciation. Cacao beans were even used as a form of currency at one point.
During the 17th century, chocolate consumption grew considerably across Europe. Chocolate houses cropped up in London, and the French elite often indulged in chocolate. Chocolate's popularity continued to grow, but the dessert was not linked to Valentine's Day until nearly 200 years later. In the mid-1800s, an enterprising individual named Richard Cadbury was looking for a way to make chocolate even more popular than it already was. He sought out a method to make drinking chocolate more palatable and created "eating chocolates." These chocolates were packaged in decorative boxes. Eventually, Cadbury saw the benefit of putting images of cupids and roses on the boxes. Cadbury even designed chocolate boxes in the shape of hearts that could be saved as mementos. These chocolates soon became intertwined with Valentine's Day celebrations.
On the other side of the Atlantic, Milton Hershey dabbled in commercializing chocolate as well. Hershey began as a caramel maker, but experimented with covering the caramels in chocolate in 1894. Hershey would go on to develop one of the most successful brands of chocolate in the United States, which included the famous Hershey bar. In 1907, Hershey launched production of tear-drop shaped "kisses." (The chocolates were given their unusual name because of the "smooching" noise made by the chocolate when being manufactured.) The kisses became wildly popular and made for affordable chocolate gifts on Valentine's Day.
Many other chocolate manufacturers soon began packaging their chocolates in special boxes for Valentine's Day. Russell Stover and Whitmans are two such manufacturers who have long specialized in heart-shaped boxes or other decorative Valentine's gifts.
Traditionally, men have gifted women with boxes of chocolate for Valentine's Day. However, that role is reversed in other areas of the world. For example, in Japan, women give gifts - namely chocolates - to the men in their lives to express love, courtesy or social obligation. This tradition first began in 1936 when confectioner Morozoff Ltd. ran the first ever Valentine's Day ad in Japan through a local English newspaper. By the 1950s, other Japanese confectioners were following suit.
Chocolate has long been tied to Valentine's Day gifting. Whether one believes that chocolate symbolizes heightened status, acts as an aphrodisiac or is just a special treat, chocolates will likely always be associated with the day of love


The Big Game
Super Bowl number 57 is this Sunday.-------
The American Football season will soon culminate in the game of all games with the 57th Super Bowl. It may surprise many that the first Super Bowl was not even a sell out. Here is a quick look back.
Bart Starr vs. Len Dawson and $12 Tickets!
The very first Super Bowl was played at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum on January 15,1967, a 35-10 win for the Green Bay Packers over the Kansas City Chiefs. This game feature two of the best quarterbacks of the era with Bart Starr going up against Len Dawson. Starr – who was NFL's league wide MVP that season - won his first of two consecutive Super Bowl Most Valuable Player awards. The average ticket to Super Bowl I was just $12. Perhaps even more surprising to today's NFL fans, the inaugural Super Bowl did not even sell out. From 1967 to 1970 the first four Super Bowls were played before the merger, with the NFL and AFL each winning two.
Many fans of the National Football League, which is one of the most popular and most-watched sports leagues in the world, may aspire to one day see their favorite teams play in-person in the Super Bowl. While there may be nothing stopping fans' favorite teams from making the big game, fans themselves might be priced out. According to various sources, the current ticket range is between $9,500 to $35,000 with some reports of tickets going for as high as $70,000. Nosebleeds are starting around $5,100 and Private Suites are starting at $540,000 and going much higher. Parking passes alone are going for $300-$800 and that is just to park one car.
Enjoy the game.


How to Road Trip in an EV
Long trips require planning.-------
Seasoned travelers know that few things match the excitement of taking to the open road. Whether you're heading off for parts unknown or following a carefully planned itinerary, a road trip promises to be a unique experience.
Drivers can up the uniqueness ante even further by taking an electric car on their next road trip. Many people who take driving vacations may fly into a new city or country and then rent a car as they prepare to hit the open road. Electric vehicles, or EVs, have become increasingly available in rental fleets in recent years. Travelers interested in trying something new may be intrigued by the chance to get behind the wheel of an EV on their next road trip. This can be a great chance for drivers who are interested in one day purchasing their own EVs to get their feet wet.
Some drivers may not know what to expect when taking a long trip in an EV. Though it's understandable to have some hesitation, the following are some ways to navigate your first extended trip in an EV.
· Determine the charging time of your vehicle. The automotive experts at J.D. Power note that EVs come with different types of charging systems. Level 1 are the most readily available EVs, and these come with a standard 120-volt three prong plug that's common in modern homes in the United States. That's convenient, but charging using a Level 1 outlet may take a significant amount of time and only provide a few miles per hour of charging. If you're renting an EV, confirm which type of car you're getting and emphasize to the rental agency that you prefer a car that can be charged easily and effectively. One that can be charged overnight and provide hundreds of miles of driving time after a full charge is ideal.
· Look for EV-friendly lodging. Many hotels now feature charging stations exclusively for guests with EVs. Some hotels include the cost of utilizing such stations in their parking fees, while others may charge an additional amount. Either way, the convenience of finding a hotel with its own charging station outweighs any extra costs, as cars can be charged overnight while guests are asleep, leaving more time to travel in a vehicle that's fully charged each morning.
· Find some RV parks along your route. RVs have required charging stations for years, so RV parks typically have these stations available for a nominal fee of around $50. RVs typically are Level 2, so EV drivers that require Level 2 charging systems should be able to charge their vehicles at RV parks. In addition, many RV parks now also provide charging stations for Level 1 vehicles, though drivers should confirm which parks have such offerings prior to embarking on their trips.
· Drive in moderate weather. The software experts at Geotab note that cold weather affects EV range. Though battery thermal management systems have been designed to keep batteries within an optimal temperature range to minimize loss in battery performance, battery range is adversely affected when driving in extreme cold. Geotab notes that 70 F is the trip efficiency sweet spot.
Drivers can embrace various strategies to keep electric vehicles running strong on long road trips.

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