What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Bitcoin 2022 - Business Psychology:
How to Be Mentally Tough! - Cross-Border Business:
Benefits of Captive Insurance - Business Tools:
Business Funding - Business Etiquette:
Choosing What to Wear for Any Occasion - Executive Fitness:
Massage for Optimal Body-Mind Wellness - Spirits & Cuisine:
Wine Chips - Leisure:
Pros & Cons of Runnin - Lifestyle & Travel:
Kentucky Derby 2022 - Corb7 International Services:
Reasons to Own a Swiss Trust Company in 2022

International Business
Editor's Note

Bitcoin 2022
Andrew Mellon was a Pittsburgher and an iconic member of the historic family that founded Mellon Bank. My father once met Andrew. Dad was a child selling raffle tickets and accidentally (on purpose) wandered onto the Mellon estate, which is now a park in the Shadyside neighborhood of Pittsburgh. As my father told the story, it was an early weekend morning, and Mr. Mellon was standing in his garden wearing a robe and drinking a cup of coffee when my dad approached him and asked if he wanted to buy a raffle ticket. Mr. Mellon was extremely gracious and bought all of them before sending my father on his way. Thus, my family’s brush with Pittsburgh royalty abruptly ended.
Andrew Mellon
In his wildest dreams, Mr. Mellon would not or could not dream of what his bank did in February of 2021. Bank of New York Mellon-Corp., the nation’s oldest bank, started to accept the once-fringe digital currency of bitcoin. The custody bank is now willing to hold, transfer and issue bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies on behalf of its asset-management clients. Thus, it is one of a handful of US banks slowing tipping their toes into the crypto market. As 2022 unfolds, you can expect much more to come and especially with war in Eastern Europe seemingly inevitable.
A brief timeline of bitcoin:
2008: Satoshi Nakamoto published the bitcoin his white paper that established principles for a new electronic cash system. To this day, no one knows who Satoshi Nakamoto really is.
2017: JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon called bitcoin a fraud.
2020: Bitcoin trades above $10,000
2021: As of Tuesday, February 23rd one bitcoin equals $48,376
2022: As of Tuesday, February 22nd one bitcoin equals $38,100
* Bitcoin has had one of the most volatile trading histories of any vehicle and would be considered speculative. Please consult with your investment professional prior to considering taking a position.
One of the premier Crypto Conferences will be held this year in Miami, Florida April 6- , 2022. Bitcoin 2021 was the biggest Bitcoin event in history with a sold-out crowd of 12,000 attendees. The Keynote speaker this year will be Jordan Peterson Jordan Peterson Site and an even larger turnout is expected.
For more information please click below:
Bitcoin 2022

International Business
Business Psychology

How to Be Mentally Tough!
In these days of uncertainty, keeping an upbeat and positive attitude both personally and professionally is a challenge. That is why we offer the video above from Dr. Jason Selk. Dr. Jason Selk is considered to be one of the top performance coaches in the United States. From well-known professional and Olympic athletes to Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 executives and organizations, Dr. Selk has trained individuals and teams to develop the mental toughness necessary for high-level success. We have personally had the opportunity to meet and talk with him on several occasions and found him to be very genuine and insightful in his approach to achieving excellence. We hope you find this video to be as timely as we did.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

What are the Benefits of a Captive Insurance Company?
A Captive Insurance Company is an insurance company that primarily insures the risks of businesses, which are related to it through common ownership usual a parent company. The entity can be domiciled and licensed in a wide number of jurisdictions both domestically or offshore. It is estimated that about 80% of the Standard and Poor 500 companies own one or more captive insurance companies. Using a captive is commonly accepted risk management technique. Below we have provided a link to one of the best videos on the subject which is only four minutes in length.
Click Here for Video
Jurisdictions of Preference:
- Bermuda
- St Vincent
- British Virgin Islands

International Business
Business Tools
Business Line of Credit
We are pleased to bring to your attention a service that could provide a lifeline to your business. Through our associates, we can arrange financing for companies who cannot obtain adequate bank financing. Our proprietary associations and colleagues operate as an international clearinghouse, representing several hundred non-traditional money sources that are specifically geared to fund troubled or growing companies. These are generally non-bank lenders that provide financing to companies who cannot obtain adequate capital to further develop or maintain their businesses.Client Profile: Any company or group that is unable to secure commercial financing through traditional sources particularly if funding needs are immediate.
For Details:
Call Us Now: +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com

International Business
Business Etiquette

Choosing What to Wear for Any Occasion
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Etiquette for the Business of Life
A Have you ever wished for a check-off sheet to choose what to wear on any given day? Many of us have become used to “top-dressing,” that is, looking professional or stylish from the waist up as we attend video conferences from home.
But with the launch back into the physical world where a complete outfit is more appropriate, choosing clothing items that fit various situations feels like a whole new challenge.
Sizing Up the Occasion
When you receive an invitation to a gathering, or you are visiting a client and know what the expected dress code is, deciding what to wear is no big deal. You’ve probably seen these people many times and know what you’ll wear before the event is posted on your calendar.
But if there is no specific dress code, and you’re entering unfamiliar territory, it’s best to research as much as you can and answer the following questions:
- What is expected and fitting at this event?
- Will my choice “blend” with others?
- Is what I am wearing tasteful for this affair? (A short, sassy skirt is great for a party, but not for a wedding. A bright, stand-out jacket should be sidelined for a solemn event.)
- Will I feel comfortable?
The information you gain from your research process may not always yield the perfect outfit, but it will at least land you on middle ground.
Choosing What to Wear
One suggestion for always having the right outfit for any occasion is to find one dress or one suit that you can adjust for casual to dressy depending on how you accessorize it. For example, a dress made of a light material with which you can wear sandals or heels, add a jacket for a more professional look, festive jewelry, or a scarf for a night out, or minimal accessories for a first date.
Choose a suit that can be worn with or without a jacket and with or without a tie. You can also adjust the level of casual to dressy with your choice of shoes.
Having one piece that you can wear for most occasions keeps your wardrobe simple and will help a great deal when the inevitable “what should I wear?” question arises.
The Importance of Caring About Your Appearance
Making an effort with your appearance is applicable whether you are going out for a quick coffee or attending a formal gala. The outfit may vary, but the care and attention you give it should not.
How you dress expresses much about who you are, even when you might tend to default to “it shouldn’t matter.” Even the most casual outfit enhances your look when it is clean, unwrinkled, has all the necessary buttons and clasps, and fits you well.
People form impressions that you have no control over within the first few seconds of seeing you from any angle. Whether you are attending a gathering to look for a date, a mate, or a job, it is important that you be aware of the impression others may form about you from the way you are dressed.
Having a signature outfit or outfits that will carry you through various occasions makes deciding what to wear so much easier. And it saves you a lot of stress as well.
Wearing something appropriate for the occasion demonstrates that you are sensitive to the need for common courtesy and your respect for the occasion, the organizers and the people who attend.

Executive Fitness

Massage for Optimal Body-Mind Wellness
by Nancy HovdeLife Empowerment Coach
You rocked it with consistent workouts all week and although you feel good overall and energetic, you notice the tension, tightness and soreness in your neck, shoulders and back from long hours of sitting at your desk. Perhaps you may get a massage once or twice a year, such as when you are on vacation or if someone gives you a gift certificate. But you perceive regular massage as non-essential or self-indulgent. Sound familiar? Business professionals who value regular exercise and work performance will often hesitate to schedule regular massage treatments.
You may already be aware that a relaxing massage can help with sore muscles, but did you know that regular wellness massage treatments can reduce the built-up stress in your body that leads to anxiety? Studies have shown that massage has also been shown to reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, by up to 30 percent, which supports your body’s ability to fight off anxiety. Regular massage treatments positively support the body and the mind. An optimal wellness plan should include both consistent exercise and regular massage therapy. Why?
Physically, regular exercise has obvious benefits for the body, such as improving your muscle strength and endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently.
Mentally, regular exercise provides several benefits for the mind. Engaging in regular workouts, can support mental health in several ways such as mood, sleep, mindset, self-esteem and may contribute to a more optimistic mindset.
Wellness massage treatment can be used to counteract the pressures of daily life that tend to wear down both the body and mind. Additionally, regular massage treatments provide the following benefits for the body and mind:
Wellness Massage Benefits the Body
- Increased joint range of motion and flexibility
- Decreased muscle spasms, tension and soreness
- Better sleep
- Improve immune function
- Lowering heart rate and blood pressure
Wellness Massage Benefits the Mind:
- Increased sense of well-being
- May reduce mental stress and anxiety by increasing relaxation
- Improved focus, concentration and alertness because massage helps with circulation and energy
Just how often should you schedule a massage? Certainly receiving regular massage treatment will have the most benefit. Generally, it is recommended to get a massage at least once every two or three weeks to help aid in healthy tissue repair and reduce pain felt from the intensive workouts that the body is going through. However, depending on the individual reasons for massage, issues such as chronic pain, injury, insomnia or stiffness from sitting at a desk 40 plus hours per week, you may want to consider once or twice a month. If you are a workout warrior or under major stress, getting a weekly massage may be one of the best decisions to include in your wellness.
What type of massage should you choose? There are many massage treatments available such as the traditional Swedish/relaxation massage, deep tissue, thai massage, aroma therapy, lymphatic, and many more. Ideally, it is best to consult with a licensed massage therapist who can discuss your unique wellness needs and health conditions, so that they can recommend the appropriate massage treatment for you.
So, the next time you notice yourself hesitating to schedule a massage, remind yourself of all the wellness benefits, including your mental health, and then it may make sense to perceive setting aside some time for a massage, as a solid investment for your future wellbeing.

Spirits & Cuisine

Wine Chips
How about wine with chips designed to complement the wine? If we have your attention then the video above is for you.

Pros & Cons of Running
Many love to run as a leisure activity. Few physical activities inspire the devotion that avid runners have for running. Millions of individuals across the globe lace up their sneakers and run for miles on end each day, and the fitness experts at Fitbit note that running is the most popular activity in the world.
The global popularity of running suggests it's an activity that's all gravy and no grief. However, running can take a toll on a body, and individuals who can't wait to lace up their sneakers and hit the road should consider the pros and cons of running before doing so.
· Running and heart health: Running generally has a positive effect on heart health. The heart is a muscle, and much like weight training can help strengthen muscles like biceps and triceps, running can strengthen the heart and make it more efficient. Cardiologists with the Copenhagen City Heart Study noted that jogging increases oxygen uptake, which makes it easier for the heart to pump a larger amount of blood and do its job more easily. In addition, various studies have found that running can reduce individuals' risk for heart disease by a significant percentage.
· Running and mental health: "Runner's high" is a well-documented yet not entirely understood phenomenon. Thought it's often associated with the release of mood-enhancing hormones known as endorphins and characterized as a routine and euphoric byproduct of running, experts at Johns Hopkins Medicine note that research indicates very few runners actually experience runner's high. Instead, runners may feel good after running because physical activity increases levels of endocannabinoids in the bloodstream. Higher levels of endocannabinoids may promote short-term responses like reduced anxiety and a greater feeling of calm. This is an important distinction, as runners who don't feel runner's high after a long run should know that they're likely still gaining some mental benefit from running, even if a long run makes them feel more nauseous than euphoric.
· Running and brain power: Running also has been found to benefit brain power. Researchers at the University of Ulm in Germany found that individuals who jogged for 30 minutes per day three times a week benefitted from a substantial improvement in concentration and visual memory.
· Running and joint health: Though many medical professionals now dispute that there's a link between running and osteoarthritis, running can lead to wear and tear on the joints over time. It's important to note that such degeneration can occur even in non-runners, especially those who live sedentary lifestyles. Being physically active is an important part of maintaining long-term joint health, but individuals who like to run should be sure to devise a balanced workout regimen that includes strength training to make the muscles and tissues around joints stronger. Running without strength training could contribute to unhealthy joints.
· Running and injury risk: All physical activities involve some measure of injury risk, but it's still worth noting that runners are not immune to such risks. The Cleveland Clinic notes as many as 60 percent of runners will experience injuries that sideline them for several weeks or months. Plantar fasciitis, runner's knee, shin splits, and Achilles tendinitis are some injuries commonly suffered by runners. Common running injuries can make it hard to perform any cardiovascular exercise, which can have a significant and adverse effect on runners' overall health.
Though medical experts generally suggest the rewards of running outweigh the risks for healthy individuals, it's still important that men and women weigh the pros and cons before lacing up their running shoes.

Lifestyle & Travel

2022 Kentucky Derby
Want to enjoy the 2022 Kentucky Derby with a VIP atmosphere and amazing views of the races?
Look no farther than the Princeton Group which offers various packages to attend this wonderful weekend and experience of a lifetime. The Kentucky Derby is a perfect place to entertain clients, attend with buddies, or do a couples trip!!
Enjoy this two-day, three-night package with the following amenities:
- Private, 6 person box on Friday for the Kentucky Oaks
- Enjoy this same 6 person box on Saturday for the Kentucky Derby
- Three rooms at the recently renovated Galt House for 3 nights with check in Thursday, check out Sunday.
- Dedicated operational support prior and during the event!
Here is the offer below with a brief itinerary:
Thursday – May 5th – Arrive in Louisville, check-in the Hyatt Regency Hotel. You will have 3 rooms for 3 nights (check in Thursday, check out Sunday). The hotel is located in downtown Louisville, walking distance to many restaurants, bars, 4th Street Live & other attractions.
Friday - May 6th – 6 Tickets to a Horse Farm Tour, this tour includes a visit to a thoroughbred stud farm, where there are past and future Derby stars. Your group will be able to get up close and personal to see the horses as you learn about Kentucky’s horse racing industry. Tour includes a stop for a southern inspired lunch. Transportation is provided. It’s one of the most sought-after tours Derby weekend.
Saturday - May 7th – You are off to the Kentucky Derby in Section 116/117 with a private 6-person box on the finish line!
To receive more information, simply email Angelique Schuler (angelique@princetongroupsports.com) to request details.
The Princeton Group

Business Services
Business Acquisitions

Think 7 Continents, Think a World of Opportunity
1. Financial Services: To use as an alternative to owning a “Captive Bank” or Class B Bank. The cost of time and money to establish ownership of a bank has soared while profit multiples have plummeted. Thus, a Swiss Trust Company can be an attractive alternative for international business.2. Internet-Based Business Owners: Enhance the corporate profile while at the same time establishing a quality European beachhead with an outstanding professional network of attorneys and bankers.
3. Import Industry & Shipping Industry: Control transactions more efficiently and establish true corresponding bank relationships.
4. Eastern European Business Owners: To seek sanctuary from political uncertainty.
5. South Korean Business Owners: To seek sanctuary from political uncertainty.
6. US Real Estate Developers: To raise & manage capital from private overseas investors to fund real estate development in the United States. It furthermore, applies to similar industries.
7. Wealthy Families or Business Partners: To use as a management tool to protect, invest and consolidate wealth by warehousing assets and segregating interests via a mandate for reinvestment reflecting differing tolerance to risk.
8. South African Business Owners: Manage international profits in response to government currency controls in country of origin. It furthermore, applies to other countries with similar restrictions in place.
A Swiss Trust Company is a Non-Banking Financial Business Model that will operate for you as a holding entity and a flagship structure adding prestige and operational authority to any venture. This totally unique corporate structure perpetuates the legacy and tradition of the Swiss financial industry and transitions smartly into any business undertaking that you may embark on.
Swiss Trust Companies are not banks but come as close as you can get without actually being a licensed Swiss bank. Thus, many of the authorities and advantages a bank provides become available to ownership without a large capital requirement and with much lower ongoing costs. Vintage Swiss Trust Companies bestow enormous advantages upon its owner due to its history and date of incorporation, which include the opportunity for profit & asset protection.
Move investment capital faster
Take advantage of growth opportunities resulting in increased profit.
Exercise more control over capital transactions
Reduce third party fees thus creating savings.
Establish a major European beachhead
Protect funds from political instability and consolidate global business interest.
Alternative to captive bank ownership
which can be a very long and expensive process to successfully complete.
Because of success in their respective fields, our client’s business interests and personal interests are often intertwined. To that end, owning a Swiss Trust Company also offers the additional individual benefits of asset protection and estate planning possibilities.
Swiss-friendly approach on Crypto regulations
Switzerland is ranked number one of top ten European countries for starting a blockchain company due to its friendly regulation environment and supportive startup ecosystem with world-class service providers. It is rapidly emerging as a crypto paradise, supported by its banking skills, low-tax-system, elite universities and Switzerland as brand itself which has attracted a large variety of foreign cryptocurrency and blockchain startups. In Switzerland cryptocurrencies and exchanges are legal, and the country has adopted a remarkably progressive stance towards cryptocurrency regulations. The long-term policy regarding crypto-currencies on the part of the Swiss Financial Market Authority and its clarification of many aspects related to their business makes Switzerland one of the best places worldwide to launch an ICO.
Crypto Valley in Zug
The Swiss city Zug in central Switzerland, also known as Crypto valley, is one of the most crypto-friendly cities in the world. Perfectly positioned to get the most out of the decentralized, stable and predictable Swiss political system and its unique business environment, Zug is incomparable for an uncomplicated and pragmatic implementation of business ideas with world-class infrastructure. Zug offers a solid basis for global growth due to its business-friendly philosophy and the openness and easy accessibility of its authorities with short communication channels. With its low-tax-system, pro-business environment and fantastic quality of life Zug has attracted numerous multinationals, creating an international and cosmopolitan culture with an easy access to powerful global networks.
Swiss Trust company as perfect support for US-investors in engaging in business activities related to Crypto
The Swiss Trust company is one of the best known and respected vehicles in the business world. Swiss Trust companies can easily function as a holding entity and a flagship structure for any company and investment. They provide administrators with an excellent level of discretion and security and maintain a great number of types of assets, including shares, commodities, real estate properties, fixed income assets and cash. This flexibility combined with discretion, privacy and prestige makes the Swiss Trust company the perfect business vehicle for US-investors in engaging in business activities related to Crypto, such as ICO, participation and investing in ICO or crypto assets, acting as escrow agent or fiduciary in crypt assets related transactions.
* Free E- Book: "The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership"