What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
European Union Economic News
- Business Psychology:
The Mid-Life Work Crisis
- Cross-Border Business:
10 Questions to Ask Before Offshoring
- Business Etiquette:
How to Gracefully Exit a Conversation
- Fitness & Health:
The King of Spices: Exploring the Benefits of Turmeric
- Spirits & Cuisine:
Wine Potato Chips
- Leisure:
Help Your Dog Better Understand
- Travel:
Fly Fishing in Montana this Summer
- Corb7 Funding Service:
Worldwide Funding Starting at $10 million
- Corb7 International Services:
Swiss Trust Companies for Sale

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
European Union Economic News
"Golden Visa Programs Ending"
Two recent economic developments occurred in the European Union (EU) within the last week. We thought both noteworthy and underreported. So, we wanted to bring them to your attention.
It was announced that the Irish Golden Visa Program, established in 2012 to create a job and investment incentive has been scrapped. This was a program offering visas to non-EU nationals in return for investment into Ireland. The program provided a wide range of investment options, ranging from €500,000 to €2,000,000, and grants of a residency permit for up to 5 years. Afterwards, if the appropriate conditions were met, it allowed for application for Irish permanent residence or citizenship.
Click for Related Story
In a similar move Portugal will also end its Golden Visa Program which many felt was too successful. The Program was extremely popular with non-EU citizens that were seeking residency and property ownership plus brought millions of Euros into Portugal’s economy. A surge in home prices, however, has the government trying to address the lack of affordable housing and thus the program is being withdrawn.
Click for Related Story

International Business
Business Psychology

The Mid-Life Work Crisis
How to protect your mental health during a professional crisis.
Challenges abound in the professional arena. Whether an individual is an executive with a lengthy track record of success or a newly minted graduate just starting out, the next challenge is never too far off. And for mid-career professionals, those challenges could be accompanied by uncertainty about the direction of their careers and what their next step should be.
Around the time they turn 50, many professionals face similar challenges that can lead them to question much about their professional lives. The following challenges won't affect every person over 50, but recognition of them could help mid-career professionals make the most of their remaining years in the workforce.
· Motivation: Professional motivation can wane by the time many professionals reach 50. At this point in their careers, professionals may have decades of experience in a given field, and some may have reached management level within their firms. That combination of lengthy experience and achievement can make it hard to stay motivated, especially for professionals who feel they've gotten as high up the ladder as they can get in their companies. In such instances, individuals can ask themselves what they want next. Identifying professional goals can provide the motivation to go and achieve them. That spark can reignite the passion that helped mid-career professionals get where they are today.
· Hesitancy: Mid-career professionals often have significant obligations at work and at home. Individuals with a family may still have to provide for their children and save for costly college tuition. The pressure to provide for a family, coupled with responsibilities to colleagues at the office, can make some professionals hesitant to pursue professional changes that could positively affect their lives. Individuals who want to make a change but are hesitant to do so can devote considerable effort to finding a solution that won't upset the apple cart. For example, professionals over 50 who feel a career change is in order can begin taking small steps to make that a reality. Doing so while continuing to work ensures personal and professional obligations are met and gets individuals on the road to change they think will provide more fulfillment than their current careers.
· Underutilization: Mid-career professionals who feel they're underutilized at work may feel helpless to remedy their situations. Some might not welcome the upheaval to their routines that a career change would require, while others may question the wisdom of seeking more responsibility at their current firms. In such instances, professionals can look for opportunities to do more. Offer to help when new work projects arise or mentor younger colleagues just starting out.
Mid-career challenges unique to their situations could await professionals over 50. Recognition of these challenges and a willingness to overcome them could lead to greater professional satisfaction

International Business
Cross-Border Business

10 Questions to Ask Before Offshoring
Make sure it is a good strategy for you.-------
As with any subject, when researching the acquisition or establishment of a cross-border business structure, you should formulate concise and informative questions. The information below is comprised of the most commonly asked questions and should be a solid platform from which to begin your initial stages of due diligence.
Q. Which country would be best suited for my needs?
A. One should first determine what they want to accomplish with the acquisition then research which jurisdictions offer a compatible license. The next step is to familiarize yourself with the qualification process and paid-in capital requirements. Licensing fees, legal fees and capitalization requirements vary considerably when comparing countries.
Q. Which countries should I avoid?
A. Other than countries that simply do not offer the type of license you desire, there are jurisdictions that are being misrepresented in connection with what their legislation. Be certain that you are dealing with a reputable and knowledgeable agent.
Q. What are the qualification requirements?
A. Qualification for ownership generally focuses on the moral character and financial suitability of the individual or group. The applicant must be prepared to submit business and bank references, audited financials, a criminal clearance report and a personal resume.
Q. Are there minimum capitalization requirements?
A. Dependent upon the type (or class) of institution under consideration, there are indeed minimum capital requirements over and above the initial investment for the acquisition. Deposits may range from US$100,000 up to US$1million which may be held in cash or liquid securities. While some countries’ legislation allows for the capital to be held in major banks and brokerages throughout the world, others require the funds be deposited with a domestic institution such as a national or central bank.
Q. Does ownership require previous experience?
A. In many cases, the owners of a financial institution do not need to have banking and extensive financial expertise. Directors and other bank officers, however, must supply sufficient proof of a diverse background in both banking and finance. In many cases, Directors, Secretaries, and other administrative personnel may be hired at reasonable rates.
Q. Will my funds be safe?
A. An offshore financial institution will normally establish depository and correspondent accounts with major international banking and brokerage institutions. It is suggested that owners maintain sole signatory power of the accounts. A separate discretionary account, for example, maintained with a minimal balance, may be desirable if contracting offshore management.
Q. How accessible are my funds?
A. In addition to establishing checking or depository accounts with major financial institutions, as previously mentioned, the owner may want to inquire as to the availability of wire transfer withdrawals via the internet. One other option is to become a member of the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) or EuroClear.
Q. Can I invest in US Government Securities?
A. Yes, dependent upon the brokerage house(s) you choose, you may be able to invest in securities both foreign and domestic.
Q. Am I protected against lawsuits?
A. A private institution will be held responsible for its operations and must adhere to the legislative guidelines of its country of domicile as well as any other country in which it may conduct business. Otherwise, the institution may risk legal ramifications and the possible revocation of its license. However, in most cases it is difficult to initiate a lawsuit or receive a judgment against a private institution without first persuading the host government to conduct their own investigation. With even the most aggressive attorneys, one may find this to be an extremely onerous and expensive process. In addition, private owners may shield their personal assets with an Asset Protection Trust.
Q. Are there tax advantages?
A. Your own personal tax obligations would be determined by the legislation of the government where you are considered a citizen. It is suggested that you consult a tax attorney or certified accountant, familiar with offshore business, regarding these matters.

International Business
Business Etiquette

How to Gracefully Exit a Conversation
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
There are many reasons to exit a conversation but all of them are because you need to place your focus – or your physical presence – somewhere else. There are situations that allow you to walk away and easily leave a positive impression, and other situations that make this far more difficult than it should be.
However, the most important element to remember when you need to exit a conversation is that you do it as kindly as possible. But your level of kindness will also depend greatly on the etiquette of the other person or people involved.
When You Should Leave
Have you ever looked back on a conversation or a meeting and thought, “Why did I stick around and talk to that person?” or “Wow, that was really a waste of my time.” Your reflections on those situations should be your barometer for when to walk away in future conversations.
You may wish you had left a conversation when you felt . . .
- There was no point to it.
- The person made you uncomfortable.
- You couldn’t emotionally handle it in that moment.
- You literally should have been somewhere else.
- You weren’t safe speaking to that person.
If you’re ever on the fence about whether you should start or continue a conversation with someone there is one question you can ask yourself that may make your decision an easy one: Will having this conversation be helpful for me?
There are many ways to approach finding an answer to this question, but it comes down to what you feel in that moment. Do you have an agenda or obligation to fulfill by speaking with this person? Does the person have information that you need or might find helpful? Will having this conversation make you feel better about yourself?
The decision to continue a conversation is always yours. Unless the other person decides to end it first. Then the decision is made for you.
Exit a Conversation Gracefully
While the decision to stay in conversation rests with you, leaving it involves the feelings of the person or people with whom you are speaking. A graceful exit, one that leaves all parties feeling positive about the interaction, is always best.
Your graceful exit will typically have:
- An apology for leaving so soon, or quickly.
- A reason for leaving.
- A “thank you” for the conversation and, perhaps, the forgiveness for making an exit.
- “Mike, I’m so sorry to cut you off, but I see our CFO heading down the hall and I need to give her a heads up about the meeting she’s going into. Thanks, I’ll circle back to you this afternoon.”
- “Trudy, I really want to have this conversation with you, but I am just not ready to right now. Could we please talk about selling Dad’s home in the next month or so? I appreciate you understanding that I need more time.”
- “Annie, it’s been a pleasure speaking with you, but I promised myself that I would leave this event with at least five business cards. I’m going to need to mingle a bit more to make myself a successful networker. Why don’t we meet for coffee later this week? . . . Great! Thank you.”
The grace and kindness with which you are able to exit a conversation depends on how etiquette-ful the other party is. Some people take immediate offense to being left during a conversation. Others are more understanding.
Situations vary but it is important to understand that all you can do is your best. Of course, if you feel threatened, a fast exit is necessary, kindness aside. But when you can, leave on the most positive note you are allowed. And if you promise future contact, keep your word. Even if you aren’t the best conversationalist, people will know they can trust you.

Fitness & Health

The King of Spices:
Exploring the Benefits of Turmericby Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
Biography: Morayma Makay is a fashion model, mother, and writer. She has
dedicated the last 20 years to working in the fashion and health fields as
both a researcher and content creator. Most recently, she has launched her own blog Adulthood Rewired and YouTube channel Click Here, to continue sharing her knowledge.
I often get asked what the one, easiest, and healthiest "thing" you can add to your diet is. My answer is always the same....turmeric! This is one spice that pretty much everyone has heard of and perhaps already has in their pantries. It's affordable, it's easy to incorporate into so many dishes and drinks, and it makes the perfect first step towards having a healthier lifestyle.
Turmeric has been hailed as the King of Spices, and comes from the curcuma longa root which happens to be a part of the ginger family. Its deep orange-yellow color comes from its most active compound, curcumin, which is actually what gives turmeric its incredible benefits. This is a spice that is widely used in Indian and Middle Eastern cooking and has also been used for time immemorial in these regions as a form of natural medicine.
The curcumin, or curcuminoids, in turmeric are what make it such an anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-microbial, and antioxidant powerhouse. This simple looking powder has the ability to neutralize free radicals while reducing the odds of heart disease, cancer, and other health conditions when used on a regular basis. Studies have also shown that turmeric can be useful in reducing the inflammation caused by Rheumatoid Arthritis as well as can mitigate depression and can even help keep your skin healthy and blemish free.
Impressive, right? Well...there's more! Turmeric, and the curcumin it is full of, can also boost the brain-derived neurotrophic factor which helps to maintain and increase the brain neurons and neural pathways that positively affect the area of the brain involved in body weight, memory, and learning functions. What else can turmeric do? It can help with digestion, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, help tackle the dreaded weekend hangover, and can help slow down cognitive decline.
Turmeric is also super user friendly, unlike a lot of other health supplements, because it can so easily be added to anything from coffee to tea, smoothies, baked goods, and pretty much any dish. You can even make turmeric gummies for your kids and turmeric dog treats which are perfect for any pup dealing with aging and arthritis. You can even boost this health booster even more, and make it super digestible by taking it along with a pinch of black pepper and a bit of fat (meat, nuts, oils, etc.) to increase its bioavailability.
There's nothing daunting about adding turmeric to your daily health regimen. It's easy and accessible to anyone! Probably the most important thing you can do when adding turmeric to your diet is to make sure you are using a high quality powder without fillers or extras.
While some beauty experts advocate using turmeric as a DIY facial mask ingredient, be warned that turmeric can be staining. Finding serums, pre-made face masks and creams with turmeric as a main ingredient would be the optimal way to give your skin that healthy boost it needs without turning yourself bright orange!
So....if you are new to the holistic health world, or are just looking to add something to your already existing healthy lifestyle, I highly recommend adding turmeric to your day...every day!

Spirits & Cuisine

Wine Chips!
An interesting twist on a classic snack.-------
How about potato chips designed to complement your favorite wine with a cheese flavor? If we have your attention then the video above is for you.


Help Your Dog Better Understand
Taking a walk is essential exercise & good for their mental health.-------
Using a leash for walking your dog is required by law in many towns and cities. Leashing also helps prevent your little boy or girl from trespassing on neighbor's property and keeps them from jumping on people or other animals.
If you have ever walked a dog then you realize that their nose is frequently on the ground - essentially catching up on neighborhood gossip since they see much of the world through their nose. A leashed dog, however, can be restrained from sniffing the waste of other animals, which may help curb the spread of diseases like distemper or parvo. Leashing also can reduce the propensity for the dog to run away from an owner and get lost.
Despite the benefits of walking dogs on a leash, some dogs are not too keen on the idea. Puppies may acclimate to it over time, but circumstances can make any dog want to escape a leash. The following are some issues that may arise and how to remedy them.
The vast assortment of collars and harnesses billed as "no pull" suggests the issue of dogs pulling on the leash is common. Dogs on leashes that are too long may be distracted and pull more readily. Start out with a short leash and only allow a longer slack when the dog has exhibited an ability to walk diligently on the shorter leash.
Rather than punish bad behavior like pulling, many dog trainers recommend rewarding the good behavior, such as walking without pulling at your side. This praise can be delivered verbally and with plenty of treats.
Lunging and leash reactivity
Dogs may behave differently on a leash than they do when off them. Most dogs who lunge at passersby or bark or snarl may actually crave the attention of other companions but don't have the social skills to engage in a proper meet and greet, according to the American Kennel Club. Should the dog be off-leash, he or she may not behave in the same way.
Lunging and other behaviors may stem from aggression, but it's more likely a cause of fear, says the AKC. It's a mentality marked by an "I'll get that thing before it gets me" outlook designed to make the feared person, dog or object go away. A leash also may cause frustration that the dog can't get to a desired pet or person, and the animal loses emotional control.
A trainer can help owners learn to distract the dog on the leash from others with high quality treats. Strategies to remove leash tension also can cut down on leash reactivity.
Right equipment
Dog owners can experiment with gear to make leash-walking go more smoothly. Traditional collars may put too much pressure on a dog's throat, particularly those who pull. A harness can be a better option. Gentle leaders are a type of head gear that enables pet owners to redirect their dogs more readily. Because they resemble muzzles, some owners may hesitate to use them despite their efficacy. Front clip harnesses and correctional collars might help as well. Consult with a veterinarian or trainer for the best options.
It pays to invest some time teaching dogs to walk calmly on leashes.
For more questions, you may want to contact the American Kennel Club or a similar association in your country of residence.
American Kennel Club


Montana Fly Fishing this Summer
Time to make your reservations.-------
Montana is synonymous with world-class fly fishing. If you are considering making a trip this summer, the time is now to make your reservations since most top outfitters quickly book out.
Last June, I had the opportunity to again experience this wonderful part of the United States. Just a short 40-minute drive from Butte airport is an outfitter called the “Complete Fly Fisher” which offers an incredible fishing experience on the Big Hole River and near the Wise River. This lodge/outfitter delivers guided float fishing (on three-person rafts) and first-class dining at the beginning and the end of each day. Brown, Rainbow and Brook trout are likely to be caught during a typical day, and all fishing is catch and release. My personal best was a 20-inch Brown (see picture) but maybe you can do better.
The Big Hole River has been called, “The Last Best River.” It’s one of the greatest dry fly-fishing rivers found anywhere in the world. The angling opportunities are diverse and divine. Every conceivable angling circumstance and water type associated with fly fishing for trout are found on the Big Hole. With five species of game fish, the river is unique among trout streams in the lower 48.
We spent five days fishing the rivers and my last day offered something that I had never seen before when our guide threw a white fish to a bald eagle after whistling to get its attention. The eagle swooped down and caught the fish in midair. You can only experience this type of majestic nature in Montana.
The Complete Fly Fisher

Business Services
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Cutting-edge ideas.-------
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