What you will find in this edition
- Publisher's Note:
Tiger Woods & Self Discipline - Business Psychology:
The Mid-Life Work Crisis - Cross-Border Business Tools:
Another Noteworthy Swiss Organization - Business Etiquette:
How to Gracefully Exit a Conversation - Business Relocation:
Combating Relocation Stress - Investment Strategies:
3 Tips to Catch-Up on Retirement - Fitness, Health & Longevity:
Is Soup the Ultimate Cold Medicine? - Spirits & Cuisine:
Wine Chips - Leisure:
Help Your Dog Better Understand - Travel:
The Monaco Grand Prix Luxury Experience! - Corb7 International Services:
Global Business Funding

International Business
Publisher's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Tiger Woods & Self Discipline
Don't let the Old Man In.
Last week Tiger Woods competed in the 2024 Genesis Invitational and unfortunately had to withdraw due to illness. Love him or hate him, all eyes are always on him and his miraculous recovery after a horrific car accident.
As you may recall, on February 23,2021, he was speeding down a steep hill on the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Southern California when he lost control of his car, and it flipped over several times. He was lucky. We know the area very well having literally driven down that very hill countless times. The speed which he was reported to be traveling at shocked us. Basically, we had never seen anyone go that fast down that slope.
The accident occurred early in the morning when Woods was driving alone. His vehicle, a Genesis GV80 SUV, veered off the road, rolled over, and sustained significant damage. Woods suffered serious injuries to his right leg, requiring emergency surgery and a lengthy recovery process. The accident led to speculation and investigation into the cause, although authorities determined that there was no evidence of impairment and attributed the crash to excessive speed and driver error. Tiger Woods later stated that he had no memory of the accident.
His comeback and determination, nevertheless, is the real story and why we will continue to watch for him. He almost had his leg amputated from the accident. Yes. Mr. Woods might make questionable personal decisions, but the pure beauty of his athletic self-discipline and ongoing comeback is too hard to pass up.
He is now 48-years old and hopes to compete at least once a month on the PGA tour.
In addition to the medical treatment required due to the car accident, Tiger Woods has undergone numerous surgeries throughout his career, primarily to address injuries to his back and knees.
Some of the notable surgeries include:
Back Surgeries:
- In March 2014, Woods underwent microdiscectomy surgery to relieve pressure on a nerve in his back.
- He underwent a second microdiscectomy surgery in September 2015, followed by a third in October 2015.
- In April 2017, he underwent a fourth back surgery, a spinal fusion, to alleviate back pain and improve his quality of life.
Knee Surgeries:
- Woods has had multiple knee surgeries throughout his career to address issues such as cartilage damage and ligament injuries.
- In 2008, he underwent reconstructive surgery on his left knee after winning the U.S. Open with a stress fracture and torn ligaments.
These surgeries have impacted Woods’ ability to compete in golf tournaments, leading to periods of rehabilitation and recovery. Despite facing numerous physical setbacks, Woods has demonstrated resilience and determination in his comeback efforts. Recently, I came across a phrase that I love – “Don’t Let the Old Man In” – which also the title of a Toby Keith song. Tiger Woods is certainly doing his part to fight off aging and keep the old man outside in the cold.
For more about my wonderings through Business, Lifestyle, Health, Aging & Travel
please see my blog: JeffCorbett.com

International Business
Business Psychology

The Mid-Life Work Crisis
How to protect your mental health during a professional crisis.
Challenges abound in the professional arena. Whether an individual is an executive with a lengthy track record of success or a newly minted graduate just starting out, the next challenge is never too far off. And for mid-career professionals, those challenges could be accompanied by uncertainty about the direction of their careers and what their next step should be.
Around the time they turn 50, many professionals face similar challenges that can lead them to question much about their professional lives. The following challenges won't affect every person over 50, but recognition of them could help mid-career professionals make the most of their remaining years in the workforce.
· Motivation: Professional motivation can wane by the time many professionals reach 50. At this point in their careers, professionals may have decades of experience in a given field, and some may have reached management level within their firms. That combination of lengthy experience and achievement can make it hard to stay motivated, especially for professionals who feel they've gotten as high up the ladder as they can get in their companies. In such instances, individuals can ask themselves what they want next. Identifying professional goals can provide the motivation to go and achieve them. That spark can reignite the passion that helped mid-career professionals get where they are today.
· Hesitancy: Mid-career professionals often have significant obligations at work and at home. Individuals with a family may still have to provide for their children and save for costly college tuition. The pressure to provide for a family, coupled with responsibilities to colleagues at the office, can make some professionals hesitant to pursue professional changes that could positively affect their lives. Individuals who want to make a change but are hesitant to do so can devote considerable effort to finding a solution that won't upset the apple cart. For example, professionals over 50 who feel a career change is in order can begin taking small steps to make that a reality. Doing so while continuing to work ensures personal and professional obligations are met and gets individuals on the road to change they think will provide more fulfillment than their current careers.
· Underutilization: Mid-career professionals who feel they're underutilized at work may feel helpless to remedy their situations. Some might not welcome the upheaval to their routines that a career change would require, while others may question the wisdom of seeking more responsibility at their current firms. In such instances, professionals can look for opportunities to do more. Offer to help when new work projects arise or mentor younger colleagues just starting out.
Mid-career challenges unique to their situations could await professionals over 50. Recognition of these challenges and a willingness to overcome them could lead to greater professional satisfactions.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Another Noteworthy Swiss Organization
A little known chamber of commerce.-------
The Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce (SACC) is an organization that promotes business relations and economic ties between Switzerland and the United States. It serves as a platform for Swiss and American companies, entrepreneurs, and professionals to network, share knowledge, and explore business opportunities.
The SACC provides various services such as events, seminars, and resources to support its members in navigating the complexities of international trade and investment between Switzerland and the United States. Additionally, it advocates for policies that facilitate bilateral trade and cooperation between the two countries.
Click Here for More Information

International Business
Business Etiquette
How to Gracefully Exit a Conversation
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
There are many reasons to exit a conversation but all of them are because you need to place your focus – or your physical presence – somewhere else. There are situations that allow you to walk away and easily leave a positive impression, and other situations that make this far more difficult than it should be.
However, the most important element to remember when you need to exit a conversation is that you do it as kindly as possible. But your level of kindness will also depend greatly on the etiquette of the other person or people involved.
When You Should Leave
Have you ever looked back on a conversation or a meeting and thought, “Why did I stick around and talk to that person?” or “Wow, that was really a waste of my time.” Your reflections on those situations should be your barometer for when to walk away in future conversations.
You may wish you had left a conversation when you felt . . .
- There was no point to it.
- The person made you uncomfortable.
- You couldn’t emotionally handle it in that moment.
- You literally should have been somewhere else.
- You weren’t safe speaking to that person.
If you’re ever on the fence about whether you should start or continue a conversation with someone there is one question you can ask yourself that may make your decision an easy one: Will having this conversation be helpful for me?
There are many ways to approach finding an answer to this question, but it comes down to what you feel in that moment. Do you have an agenda or obligation to fulfill by speaking with this person? Does the person have information that you need or might find helpful? Will having this conversation make you feel better about yourself?
The decision to continue a conversation is always yours. Unless the other person decides to end it first. Then the decision is made for you.
Exit a Conversation Gracefully
While the decision to stay in conversation rests with you, leaving it involves the feelings of the person or people with whom you are speaking. A graceful exit, one that leaves all parties feeling positive about the interaction, is always best.
Your graceful exit will typically have:
- An apology for leaving so soon, or quickly.
- A reason for leaving.
- A “thank you” for the conversation and, perhaps, the forgiveness for making an exit.
- “Mike, I’m so sorry to cut you off, but I see our CFO heading down the hall and I need to give her a heads up about the meeting she’s going into. Thanks, I’ll circle back to you this afternoon.”
- “Trudy, I really want to have this conversation with you, but I am just not ready to right now. Could we please talk about selling Dad’s home in the next month or so? I appreciate you understanding that I need more time.”
- “Annie, it’s been a pleasure speaking with you, but I promised myself that I would leave this event with at least five business cards. I’m going to need to mingle a bit more to make myself a successful networker. Why don’t we meet for coffee later this week? . . . Great! Thank you.”
The grace and kindness with which you are able to exit a conversation depends on how etiquette-ful the other party is. Some people take immediate offense to being left during a conversation. Others are more understanding.
Situations vary but it is important to understand that all you can do is your best. Of course, if you feel threatened, a fast exit is necessary, kindness aside. But when you can, leave on the most positive note you are allowed. And if you promise future contact, keep your word. Even if you aren’t the best conversationalist, people will know they can trust you.

International Business
Business Relocation

Combating Relocation Stress
by Morayma MaKayCorporate Relocation Consultant & Coach
The freedom to choose.
Relocating is a big deal. A really big deal! It's an adventure filled with excitement, but it can also be a stressful experience no matter how much help you may have (if you're lucky to have it!).
The good news? You have the power to make your move a zen-like journey by incorporating self-care and mindfulness into your relocation process one little step at a time.
Here are some of our favorite, tried and true, tips!
Mindful Packing and Decluttering: Packing and decluttering can be therapeutic if done mindfully. Before shoving things into boxes, take a moment to reflect on the memories attached to your belongings. Donate, recycle, or discard items you no longer need, and pack with intention.
The Art of Breathing: The simple act of mindful breathing can do wonders. When stress starts to creep in, pause and take a few deep breaths. It's an instant stress-buster that you can do anywhere, even in the midst of chaos.
Create a Mindful Moving Plan: Create a moving plan with designated moments for self-care. Whether it's a quiet morning coffee or a brief walk, these pauses in your day allow you to reflect and recharge.
Practice Gratitude: Amid the whirlwind of change, take a moment each day to reflect on what you're grateful for. It shifts your perspective and eases stress.
Stay Connected: Relocating doesn't mean leaving your support network behind. Stay connected with loved ones through video chats, calls, and messages. Their support is a source of comfort and strength.
Mindful Unpacking: Just as you mindfully packed, unpack with intention. Arrange your new space with care and thoughtfulness. This creates a sense of belonging and harmony.
Explore Your New Environment: Taking time for exploration of your new neighborhood or city can be a delightful adventure. Take leisurely strolls, discover local gems, and savor the new experiences.
Set Realistic Expectations: Stress often arises from unmet expectations. Understand that the relocation process might have its ups and downs, and that's entirely normal. Give yourself the grace to adapt at your own pace.
Self-Care Rituals: Whether it's a warm bath, a good book, or a favorite hobby, keep your self-care rituals alive during the move. They're your lifelines to relaxation and tranquility.
Meditation and Mindfulness Apps: There are many apps that can guide you through meditation and mindfulness exercises. They offer a structured approach to incorporating these practices into your daily life.
Relocation is an opportunity for growth, exploration, and a fresh start, and when you embrace self-care and mindfulness, you can turn a normally overwhelming transition into a deeply enriching experience.
So, breathe deeply, pack intentionally, and find solace in the midst of change. Your journey is a beautiful adventure waiting to unfold, and YOU are in the driver's seat!

International Business
Investment Strategies

3 Tips to Catch-Up on Retirement
Here are a few well-thought-out tips.
One need not look long or far to be reminded of the importance of saving for retirement. Indeed, it's hard to go a single day without encountering roadside billboards, television and streaming service advertisements, and/or promotional emails touting the retirement planning services offered by an assortment of investment firms. If those adds seem ubiquitous, it's for good reason, as saving for retirement is among the most important steps individuals can take as they look to ensure their long-term financial security.
Despite the widely accepted significance of retirement planning, studies indicate that many people are behind on saving and aware that they're behind. According to a recent survey from the online financial resource Bankrate, 55 percent of respondents indicated they are behind on their retirement saving. In addition, a Gallup poll released in May 2023 indicated that just 43 percent of nonretirees think they will have enough money to live comfortably in retirement. The good news for individuals who are behind or concerned about their financial wellness in retirement is that three strategies can help them catch up on their savings.
1. Take advantage of catch-up rules if you qualify. Laws governing retirement accounts in the United States allow individuals 50 and older to contribute more to their retirement accounts than they're eligible to contribute prior to turning 50. Bankrate notes that current laws allow individuals over 50 to contribute an extra $1,000 per year to a traditional or Roth IRA and an extra $7,500 annually to a 401(k), 403(b) or 457(b) account. In Canada, individuals can contribute the maximum to a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). According to the National Bank of Canada, individuals can contribute up to 18 percent of their annual income to an RRSP, and those contributions are deducted from taxable income. That means individuals are potentially saving more for down the road and paying less in taxes today.
2. Itemize your tax deductions. The online financial resource Investopedia notes that taking the standard deduction is not for everyone. Individuals with significant amounts of mortgage interest, business-related expenses that are not reimbursed by an employer, and/or charitable donations may lower their tax obligation by itemizing their deductions. That reduction in tax obligation allows individuals to redirect those funds to their retirement accounts.
3. Cut back on discretionary spending. Perhaps the simplest, though not necessarily the easiest, way to catch up on retirement savings is to redirect funds typically spent on discretionary expenses like dining out or travel into retirement accounts. One way to feel better about this approach is to remind yourself that the less money spent on dining out and travel now means more money will be available to spend on such luxuries in retirement.
Three simple strategies make it easier to catch up on retirement savings.
Please keep in mind this information should not be considered as financial advice. Investment decisions should be based on individual research and consultation with a qualified financial professional. The value of investments can fluctuate, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always consider your risk tolerance and financial goals before making investment decisions.

Fitness, Health & Longevity

Is Soup the Ultimate Cold Medicine?
A warm bowl of nourishment.-------
Having a cold is not fun. A stuffy nose, sniffles, sore throat, and other symptoms make having a cold a generally unpleasant experience.
According to data collected by the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, the average consumer shops for over-the counter medicine 26 times a year, with peak visits occurring in the wintertime, when colds and flu infections are more prominent.
To make cold-related matters worse, a U.S. Food and Drug Administration panel concluded in September 2023 that the popular decongestant phenylephrine, which is found in many over-the-counter cold remedies, is ineffective when taken orally. Phenylephrine became the standard decongestant in formulations when pseudoephedrine, another decongestant, became more closely regulated due to its usage in the production of illegal drugs like methamphetamine. Phenylephrine products the became the go-to, as they did not need to be stored behind pharmacy counters and "signed out" like products that included pseudoephedrine.
Rather than accepting their cold symptoms this season, individuals may want to turn to something much more natural that also has great promise: soup. It is no old wive's tale that soup can be helpful for colds and other illnesses. In fact, Egyptian Jewish physician Moshe ben Maimonides prescribed chicken soup as a treatment for respiratory tract illnesses as early as the 12th century. Penn Medicine advises that soup can be a go-to food to combat illness because it is light, easy-to-digest, nourishing, and even restorative.
Here's a look at some of the ways soup can help when people are feeling under the weather.
· Hydrating broth: Staying hydrated is one of the ways the body can more effectively fight off illness. Broth-based soups are hydrating and tasty. They may be tolerated more readily than sports drinks or water for a person who needs fluids.
· Soothing: The warmth of soup can soothe an irritated throat. Furthermore, soups usually have softened ingredients in them, making it much less likely that sharp or tough ingredients will scrape an inflamed throat.
· Nutrient-dense: Most soups are loaded with vegetables, beans and other healthy ingredients. They provide many of the vitamins and minerals the body needs, and may even help replenish nutrients that have been depleted due to illness.
· Sodium content: Sodium is an essential mineral the body needs. Proactive Health Labs says soup regulates body fluids and transmits electrical impulses in the body. Sodium in moderation may be good when a person is feeling ill. In addition, sodium and other seasonings in soup can awaken taste buds that are dulled when sick with a cold. Salt also helps alleviate sore throat pain and can help clear nasal congestion.
· Garlic infusion: Soups that contain garlic or garlic extract may reduce the severity of cold and flu symptoms, according to a University of Florida study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition.
Soup may be the best medicine when a person has a cold. Its many properties may help make soup as effective, or even more so, than some products at the pharmacy.

Spirits & Cuisine

Wine Chips!
An interesting twist on a classic snack.-------
How about potato chips designed to complement your favorite wine with a cheese flavor? If we have your attention then the video above is for you.


Help Your Dog Better Understand
Taking a walk is essential exercise & good for their mental health.-------
Using a leash for walking your dog is required by law in many towns and cities. Leashing also helps prevent your little boy or girl from trespassing on neighbor's property and keeps them from jumping on people or other animals.
If you have ever walked a dog then you realize that their nose is frequently on the ground - essentially catching up on neighborhood gossip since they see much of the world through their nose. A leashed dog, however, can be restrained from sniffing the waste of other animals, which may help curb the spread of diseases like distemper or parvo. Leashing also can reduce the propensity for the dog to run away from an owner and get lost.
Despite the benefits of walking dogs on a leash, some dogs are not too keen on the idea. Puppies may acclimate to it over time, but circumstances can make any dog want to escape a leash. The following are some issues that may arise and how to remedy them.
The vast assortment of collars and harnesses billed as "no pull" suggests the issue of dogs pulling on the leash is common. Dogs on leashes that are too long may be distracted and pull more readily. Start out with a short leash and only allow a longer slack when the dog has exhibited an ability to walk diligently on the shorter leash.
Rather than punish bad behavior like pulling, many dog trainers recommend rewarding the good behavior, such as walking without pulling at your side. This praise can be delivered verbally and with plenty of treats.
Lunging and leash reactivity
Dogs may behave differently on a leash than they do when off them. Most dogs who lunge at passersby or bark or snarl may actually crave the attention of other companions but don't have the social skills to engage in a proper meet and greet, according to the American Kennel Club. Should the dog be off-leash, he or she may not behave in the same way.
Lunging and other behaviors may stem from aggression, but it's more likely a cause of fear, says the AKC. It's a mentality marked by an "I'll get that thing before it gets me" outlook designed to make the feared person, dog or object go away. A leash also may cause frustration that the dog can't get to a desired pet or person, and the animal loses emotional control.
A trainer can help owners learn to distract the dog on the leash from others with high quality treats. Strategies to remove leash tension also can cut down on leash reactivity.
Right equipment
Dog owners can experiment with gear to make leash-walking go more smoothly. Traditional collars may put too much pressure on a dog's throat, particularly those who pull. A harness can be a better option. Gentle leaders are a type of head gear that enables pet owners to redirect their dogs more readily. Because they resemble muzzles, some owners may hesitate to use them despite their efficacy. Front clip harnesses and correctional collars might help as well. Consult with a veterinarian or trainer for the best options.
It pays to invest some time teaching dogs to walk calmly on leashes.
For more questions, you may want to contact the American Kennel Club or a similar association in your country of residence.
American Kennel Club

The Monaco Grand Prix!
May 23-27, 2024-------
Luxury Experience
May 23-27, 2023
The F1 Monaco Grand Prix is considered the most exclusive race in the world. The city of Monaco is considered to be one of the wealthiest in the world with 1 in every 3 residents a millionaire!
The Monaco Grand Prix is one of the most prestigious Formula One races held annually in the streets of Monte Carlo, Monaco. Known for its narrow, winding course and glamorous setting, it’s considered one of the most challenging races in the F1 calendar. The race has a long history dating back to 1929 and has been a fixture of the Formula One World Championship since its inception in 1950. The circuit is known for its tight corners, elevation changes, and the famous tunnel section. Due to the tight nature of the circuit, overtaking is notoriously difficult, making qualifying crucial. The Monaco Grand Prix is also renowned for attracting celebrities and high-profile attendees, adding to its allure as a must-watch event in the world of motorsport.
Catch all the racing action aboard a luxury yacht. The yacht is moored at the Nouvelle Chicane and gives unparalleled views of the cars as they come down the hill and work through the chicane.
Your package for Two guests includes the following:
- Two tickets aboard a luxury yacht for the qualifying race, Saturday May 25 and the Grand Prix, Sunday May 26. On board upscale food and beverage included.
- One room at AC Nice for four nights (check in Thursday, May 23 and check out Monday, May 27)
- Friday night client happy hour
- Transportation between hotel and yacht Saturday and Sunday
Dedicated operational support prior to and during the event.
Princeton Group is dedicated to providing you the best possible five-star experience. With over 35 years of direct industry experience, our team will work with you prior and during the event to ensure your event program is a stunning success!
Click Here for More Information

Business Services
Business Funding
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