What you will find in this edition
- Publisher's Note:
Big Business & Valentines Day! - Business Psychology:
Read a Book to Reduce Stress! - Cross-Border Business Tools:
Two Noteworthy Swiss Professional Organizations - Business Etiquette:
Easing Cultural Differences - Business Relocation:
How Telecommuting is Transforming Relocation - Investment Strategies:
Tips to Secure Your Financial Privacy - Fitness & Health:
How Certain Nutrients Affect Your Body - Spirits & Cuisine:
How Chocolate got tied to Valentine's Day - Leisure:
Did "Usher" bring back Roller Skating? - Travel:
Sleeping at the Airport - Corb7 International Services:
Swiss Trust Companies for Sale

International Business
Publisher's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Big Business & Valentine's Day!
$26 Billon spent in the United States alone!
Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, India, France, Mexico, Brazil, Japan, and many others. It’s a widely recognized holiday for celebrating affection. Many countries, however, celebrate it with different customs. For example, Brazil does not celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14, as it falls too close to the weeklong Carnival celebration. They reserved June 12th as Lover’s Day. Argentinians set aside an entire week in July to celebrate “Sweetness Week.” In Germany, chocolates are often gifted in the shape of a good luck pig. As you can see by these examples, the methods and time of celebration differ with cultures, but no matter where you reside, a form of Valentine’s Day remains a very profitable holiday for consumer products.
In the United Sates it truly is big business!
A survey from the National Retail Federation (NFR) - which has been conducting this analysis since 2004 - is projecting that Americans will spend 26 billion on Valentine's Day in 2024. That projection averages out to approximately $186 per consumer. Fifty-three percent of those surveyed stated that they pan on celebrating.
Here’s how the 53% that plan to celebrate will spend their money:
* 57% Give Candy
* 40% Give a Greeting Card
* 39% Give Flowers
Even the most ardent Valentine's Day enthusiast, however, might not know just why this day designed for lovers to express their affections for one another is celebrated in mid-February. According to the Library of Congress, it's hard to pinpoint exactly why Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14, though the date might have ties to the ancient Roman celebration of Lupercalia. Lupercalia was a spring festival celebrated each year on February 15.
The holiday was moved to February 14 after the spread of Christianity. The Christian faith had several early martyrs named Valentine, and each of them were celebrated with a saint day on February 14th. But the unique history of Valentine's Day and its association with February 14th as well as its romantic sentiments does not end there. The Library of Congress also notes that, in the Middle Ages, people believed birds selected their mates on February 14th. As a result, it was not uncommon for lovers to recite prose to one another on this date.
In his 1382 poem, "Parlement of Foules," English poet Geoffrey Chaucer became one of the first known to connect romance with St. Valentine's Day. Over the next several centuries, the day's connection to romance only grew stronger, and by the Victorian era in England, it was not uncommon for lovers to profess their affections through songs, poetry and even the giving of roses as gifts.
It was during the Victorian era that British chocolate manufacturer Richard Cadbury began searching for ways to use the cocoa butter that his company was extracting during the production of their drinking chocolate. In 1861, Cadbury decided to produce edible chocolates, which he even sold and marketed in heart-shaped boxes decorated with images of Cupid and rosebuds. It would be a few more decades before edible chocolates caught on in the United States, where they remain a must-have item for many Valentine's Day celebrants more than 150 years after Cadbury first began selling them.
For more about my wonderings through Business, Lifestyle, Health, Aging & Travel
please see my blog: JeffCorbett.com

International Business
Business Psychology

Ready a Book to Reduce Stress
A good book helps with business stress.
Millions of people across the globe enjoy curling up with a good book. Though entertainment value might be the force behind books' popularity, the benefits of reading on long-term cognitive health provide another great reason to read. In a 2020 study published in the journal International Psychogeriatrics, researchers reported that people age 64 and older with higher reading frequencies had a reduced risk of cognitive decline.
It's important to note that reading also may help improve mental and physical health. With so much to gain from reading, now is a great time to embrace those book clubs, resolve to read more and explore how picking up a good book may be just what the doctor ordered.
Reduces stress
Immersing yourself in a story requires focus and concentration. According to researchers at the University of Sussex, it took just six minutes of reading for study participants to experience slower heart rates and reduced muscle tension.
Stress is one of the biggest threats to overall health, as the stress hormone cortisol can lead to inflammation in the body that may impede the immune system, according to Piedmont Health. Finding ways to reduce stress, including through activities like reading, is a win for anyone who wants to improve his or her health.
Impacts longevity
According to the 2016 study, "A chapter a day: Association of book reading with longevity," by Bavishi A, Slade M.D., reading exerts its influence on longevity by strengthening the mind. Reading positively impacts the way the brain creates synapses, optimizing neurological function. It also expands vocabulary, and helps with memory.
Changes the brain
A study published in Neuroreport determined reading involves a complex system of signaling and networking in the brain. As one's ability to read matures, these networks become stronger and more sophisticated. MRI scans found that brain connectivity increased throughout studied reading periods and for days afterward.
Increases empathy
Through literary fiction, readers are exposed to the situations, feelings and beliefs of others. This can help a person develop a greater ability to empathize with others, according to Healthiline.
Helps improve sleep
Reading is an effective way to wind down and relax before going to bed. It can be a positive nighttime ritual, provided one reads a paper book or utilizes an e-reader that is not backlit, as bright lights from digital devices may hinder sleep quality. In fact, doctors at the Mayo Clinic often suggest reading as part of a regular sleep routine.
Reduces depressive feelings
Individuals diagnosed with depression may feel isolated and estranged from other people. Books may reduce those feelings by helping a person temporarily escape his or her world into another. Also, books can serve as a common ground through which conversations over shared interests can begin with others.
Reading has many positive health benefits, which is why resolving to read more can be beneficial. This is especially true for anyone responsible for running a business.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Two Noteworthy Swiss Organizations
Professional Swiss organizations.-------
If you are considering the acquisition of a Swiss Trust Company for 2024 then you might want to consider membership to these organizations after gaining ownership. Below are two professional organizations based in Switzerland that we wanted to bring to your attention.
SATC - The Swiss Association of Trust Companies
(established 2007)
The Swiss Association of Trust Companies (SATC) is a professional organization based in Switzerland that represents trust companies operating in the country. Trust companies in Switzerland provide a range of services, including wealth management, asset protection, estate planning, and fiduciary services, to individuals, families, and corporations. These services often involve the establishment and administration of trusts, foundations, and other legal structures to manage and preserve assets. The SATC plays a crucial role in advocating for the interests of its members and promoting Switzerland as a premier jurisdiction for trust and fiduciary services. Additionally, the SATC works closely with regulatory authorities and other stakeholders to ensure compliance with Swiss laws and regulations governing the trust industry. By upholding high professional standards and ethical conduct, the SATC contributes to maintaining Switzerland’s reputation as a reliable and secure destination for wealth management and fiduciary services.
SATC link
STEP - Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners
(established 1992)
The Swiss Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) is a professional organization for practitioners who specialize in trusts and estates. It provides education, training, networking opportunities, and professional development for its members. STEP Switzerland offers various qualifications and certifications in trust and estate planning, and it serves as a platform for professionals to exchange knowledge and expertise in the field. The organization plays a crucial role in promoting high standards of professional conduct and integrity within the trust and estate planning industry in Switzerland.
STEP link

International Business
Business Etiquette
Easing Cultural Differences
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Good manners cost nothing.
People being themselves exemplifies the essence of a culture. But placed side by side in our experiences with others from various cultures, the edges sometimes feel very rough.
Traditions are laced with rules, guidelines, and wisdoms. When a person from one country or region interacts with someone from another, it’s the little moments that call for open-mindedness, patience and pause.
This is what etiquette can do for us - ease those cultural differences.
Appreciating Cultural Differences
As our world becomes "smaller" through increased travel and business opportunities, technology, and immigration, the need for acceptance and understanding is greater than ever.
Visiting or working in other countries requires that you familiarize yourself with customs and etiquette know-how. Learning the bare essentials of another language to meet and greet in that country's tradition is appreciated.
Problems occur, and discord created, when our differences are personalized. If I were to take it personally that someone is not doing something that I view as completely necessary and mannerly, I could be offended. For example, if I am visiting Korea, I need to know that greetings are hierarchical, and I would hesitate to be the first to offer a handshake.
That we all have mindsets is something humans have in common. Barging into a mindset is rude, and we do it a lot of the time. When we assume someone shares our way of thinking, or shares a certain custom, tension or friction is inevitable.
How can etiquette ease tensions when we don’t necessarily know all of the manners and etiquette norms of each group, or the mindsets associated with them?
- Incorporate pause and friendly tone in words and actions.
- Choose open-mindedness. Assuming it isn’t enough.
- Remain sensitive to where you are and who is there and who may be witnessing or hearing you. (Online, in person, in writing.)
- Default to what you recognize as respectful.
- Investigate what strangers are generally not asked and avoid these topics in conversation.
- Remember that small talk is a bridge.
- Choose courtesies that respect another’s personal space.
- Keep your eyes, ears, and common sense aligned with your intentions.
- In the United States, and many other places, a handshake is expected (along with eye contact). But there are a few places where this is not the norm.
- Make sure your handshake is about genuinely meeting and greeting, and not about conveying a set image or impression.
- Keep your hands to yourself - not everyone is a hugger. If you are greeted in an unexpected way, go with the flow and allow the moment with kindness.
- The basic rule of thumb: know what the situation calls for and err on the side of conservative as you dress for success.
- Feel comfortable in the items you wear, including your shoes.
- If you don't speak the language, stay alert to conversation and social cues. Many times, body language will be the bridge.
- Avoid slang and colloquialisms as others won't understand them. They can also be misinterpreted if taken literally.
- When in another country, it helps greatly to know some native phrases: "hello," "good morning," "please," "thank you," etc.
- Avoid profanity, sarcasm and criticism of governments, religion, holidays, and modes of dress.
- Be respectful of symbols that are important to another culture.
- When in doubt, be silent.
- Always know the correct way to hold your dining utensils as appropriate in the culture you are visiting.
- When presented with the food of another culture, remain open-minded and willing to try new things.
- When in restaurants, avoid ordering something not on the menu.
- Drinking alcohol may be expected in some cultural traditions. Always remember - less is more. And if you do not want to drink alcohol, offer a sincere and clear statement of regret (and a medical excuse, if necessary).
- Whether you are the host or the guest, always be grateful and gracious.
Giving Gifts
Gifts may be given to honor a host or a guest. It is wise to study ahead and learn the traditions and norms of giving gifts. They can be deal-breakers if viewed as inappropriate.
No matter the traditions and values in force, we all know when someone is acting with kindness, generosity, and sincerity. Whatever differences between people and between the cultures they claim, easing the moments of tension whenever we can is always a good thing.
To put one at ease means to calm, comfort, or reassure another, to help make one feel comfortable or relaxed or to feel welcome. This is the essence of etiquette.

International Business
Business Relocation

How Telecommuting is Transforming Relocation
by Morayma MaKayCorporate Relocation Consultant & Coach
The freedom to choose.
Relocating to a new city, state, or even country is an adventure that's often full to the brim with some serious questions. Where should I move? What's the job market like? Can I adapt to a new environment?
In the past three years, we've seen the answers to these questions take on a completely different form thanks to telecommuting and online work, and we're here to discuss why!
Unshackling from Location: The Rise of Telecommuting
Traditionally, job opportunities dictated where we lived, but the rise of telecommuting, or remote work, has unleashed a world of possibilities. Now, you can choose where you want to live, and then find the job that fits. This is an absolute game-changer for several reasons.
1. Location Freedom: Telecommuting offers the freedom to live where you've always dreamed. Whether it's the mountains, the beach, or a vibrant city, you can set up your home base there.
2. Work-Life Balance: Commuting often eats into our day, leaving us with less time for the things that truly matter. With telecommuting, you can regain those hours, giving you more balance and reducing stress.
3. Cost Savings: Relocating can be costly, but with remote work, you can choose a more affordable location that suits your budget, all while keeping your job.
4. Access to a Global Job Market: Telecommuting opens doors to job opportunities worldwide. You can work for companies you admire, even if they're thousands of miles away.
How Telecommuting Has Transformed Relocation:
Over the past three years, the landscape of relocation has evolved significantly due to the increasing popularity of telecommuting. Here's how:
1. Increased Flexibility: More employers now understand the benefits of remote work. It's a win-win, allowing employees to tailor their living situation while also improving work-life balance.
2. The Rise of Co-living Spaces: Some remote workers are exploring co-living arrangements, where they share spaces with like-minded professionals. It's a way to connect while enjoying the perks of remote work.
3. Thriving Suburban and Rural Areas: With telecommuting, suburban and rural areas have seen a resurgence. People are rediscovering the appeal of these locations and breathing new life into these communities.
4. Accelerated Technology: The tools for remote collaboration have evolved rapidly. Seamless video conferencing, project management platforms, and cloud-based software make remote work efficient and productive.
It is essential to acknowledge that telecommuting is not an option for everyone or every profession. Fields like healthcare, manufacturing, and some customer-facing roles will almost always require a physical presence. However, for those who can harness the power of telecommuting, the relocation game has truly changed forever!
So, if you've ever dreamt of living in a different place, exploring new horizons, and redefining your work-life balance, the era of telecommuting has opened the door wide open for you. It's time to seize the opportunity and make your relocation dreams a reality because your world is now your workplace!

International Business
Investment Strategies

Tips to Secure Your Financial Privacy
Here are a few well-thought-out tips.
Safeguarding personal financial data has never been more important, as an increasingly digital world has made online banking that much more prevalent. Cyber crimes are a significant concern. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, no less than 422 million individuals were impacted by cyber crime in 2022, and nearly 33 billion accounts were breached in 2023. Cyber crimes are happening every day, even if the public only hears about the largest data breaches.
Financial institutions as well as retailers and other businesses that require the use of personal financial information are obligated to safeguard customer data. According to the Federal Trade Commission, financial institutions protect the privacy of consumers' finances under a federal law called the Financial Modernization Act of 1999, also known as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. That law governs banks, securities firms, insurance companies, and companies providing many other types of products and services. The law dictates how financial institutions can collect and disclose customer's personal financial information.
Individuals also have key roles to play in protecting themselves. Though even the best precautions cannot completely secure your financial privacy, every little effort is worth it to reduce your risk of being victimized by data theft. These tips from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority can help individuals safeguard their privacy.
· You have the right to opt out of the sharing of some of your personal information with affiliates and non-affiliates of a financial institution. For example, you can opt out of receiving prescreened credit offers by way of credit bureaus selling information about you to lenders or insurance.
· Increase awareness of phishing scams. These often are emails that appear to come from legitimate firms or financial regulators asking for personal information. These entities would never ask for account numbers, passwords, credit card information, or Social Security numbers through email. Verify all communication with the financial institution by contacting that institution directly at the number listed on your account statement or bill.
· Be aware of where you click online. Never click on a questionable link or download a suspicious email attachment.
· Strong passwords can keep accounts more secure. Resist the urge to use the same password across many accounts. Once that password is compromised, the cyber criminal may be able to try it on your other accounts. Consider using a password manager to suggest and save strong and unique passwords for each account.
· Utilize multifactor authentication whenever it is available. MFA adds an extra layer of protection by using a password as well as a unique code or biometric to unlock the account.
· Conduct all financial business on a personal device on a secure network. Delete the cache and history frequently to avoid leaving a digital trace.
These steps can help protect financial security. Individuals need to be diligent in safeguarding their information from cyber criminals.
Please keep in mind this information should not be considered as financial advice. Investment decisions should be based on individual research and consultation with a qualified financial professional. The value of investments can fluctuate, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always consider your risk tolerance and financial goals before making investment decisions.

Fitness & Health

How Certain Nutrients Affect Your Body
Protein, carbs & water.-------
The effects of proper nutrition on the body are profound. When paired with routine exercise, a diet that's rich in nutrients can lay the foundation for a long, healthy life.
Many people are aware that their bodies need nutrients like protein and carbohydrates every day, but they may not know just what these and other important nutrients do for their bodies.
The online medical resource WebMD notes that the body uses protein to build and repair tissues. An important component of every cell in the body, protein provides the body with amino acids that help cells in the body perform various functions. Breastcancer.org notes that proteins help the body create hormones and enzymes and keep the immune system healthy. A diet that's low in protein may make people more susceptible to illness and result in longer recovery times.
The Cleveland Clinic notes that carbohydrates, or "carbs," are the body's main source of energy. Carbs are found in most foods, but not all carbs are the same. Foods that contain complex carbohydrates, which include quinoa and oatmeal, are loaded with fiber. It takes awhile for the body to break that fiber down, helping people feel full and stabilizing their blood sugar levels. Simple carbohydrates, which include processed foods such as sugar-sweetened beverages and dairy desserts, are quickly digested, which raises blood sugar levels and contributes to feelings of inflammation.
The body is about 60 percent water, which performs a host of important functions. Water aids in digestion, absorption of nutrients and circulation, and also facilitates the transportation of nutrients through the body. Water also helps the body get rid of waste. WebMD notes that water also helps to energize muscles, which might suffer from fatigue if the body's fluid balance is not maintained. Water also helps the body maintain a healthy temperature.
People consume protein, carbs and water every day. And while they might not know it, people who continue to do so are helping their bodies perform essential functions that dramatically improve their health.

Spirits & Cuisine

How Chocolate got tied to Valentine's Day
Cadbury & Hershey build business empires.-------
Heart-shaped boxes filled with decadent treats are coveted gifts on Valentine's Day. Chocolate lovers typically have a favorite type of chocolate, whether it's creamy filled truffles or chocolate pieces with fruit or nut fillings.
The tradition of gifting chocolate is anything but new. Chocolate and other sweet treats have been offered for centuries as prized gifts. Even ancient Aztecs and Mayans celebrated chocolate and saw it as a hot commodity. Drinks made of cacao beans would be given as presents to people of high status. Chocolate also would be offered to the gods as a token of appreciation. Cacao beans were even used as a form of currency at one point.
During the 17th century, chocolate consumption grew considerably across Europe. Chocolate houses cropped up in London, and the French elite often indulged in chocolate. Chocolate's popularity continued to grow, but the dessert was not linked to Valentine's Day until nearly 200 years later. In the mid-1800s, an enterprising individual named Richard Cadbury was looking for a way to make chocolate even more popular than it already was. He sought out a method to make drinking chocolate more palatable and created "eating chocolates." These chocolates were packaged in decorative boxes. Eventually, Cadbury saw the benefit of putting images of cupids and roses on the boxes. Cadbury even designed chocolate boxes in the shape of hearts that could be saved as mementos. These chocolates soon became intertwined with Valentine's Day celebrations.
On the other side of the Atlantic, Milton Hershey dabbled in commercializing chocolate as well. Hershey began as a caramel maker, but experimented with covering the caramels in chocolate in 1894. Hershey would go on to develop one of the most successful brands of chocolate in the United States, which included the famous Hershey bar. In 1907, Hershey launched production of tear-drop shaped "kisses." (The chocolates were given their unusual name because of the "smooching" noise made by the chocolate when being manufactured.) The kisses became wildly popular and made for affordable chocolate gifts on Valentine's Day.
Many other chocolate manufacturers soon began packaging their chocolates in special boxes for Valentine's Day. Russell Stover and Whitmans are two such manufacturers who have long specialized in heart-shaped boxes or other decorative Valentine's gifts.
Traditionally, men have gifted women with boxes of chocolate for Valentine's Day. However, that role is reversed in other areas of the world. For example, in Japan, women give gifts - namely chocolates - to the men in their lives to express love, courtesy or social obligation. This tradition first began in 1936 when confectioner Morozoff Ltd. ran the first ever Valentine's Day ad in Japan through a local English newspaper. By the 1950s, other Japanese confectioners were following suit.
Chocolate has long been tied to Valentine's Day gifting. Whether one believes that chocolate symbolizes heightened status, acts as an aphrodisiac or is just a special treat, chocolates will likely always be associated with the day of love.


Did "Usher" Bring Back Roller Skating?
The Super Bowl 58 halftime show allows Usher to demonstrate skills.-------
If you watched the American Football championship game also known as the Super Bowl, you likely watched the halftime show featuring singer / song writer "Usher" who demonstrated considerable roller skating skills. Since celebrities have always demonstrated the ability to influence the public, we wonder how popular this sport will be come over the next several months?
Well, a little recreation never hurt anyone. In fact, the activities people choose to engage in during their free time can promote and safeguard their long-term health.
Roller skating is a recreational activity often associated with children, but it can be enjoyed by people of all ages. And though roller skating devotees may already know how beneficial it is for their bodies, novices might be surprised to learn just how much lacing up their skates can do for their overall health.
Roller skating and balance
Roller skating requires pushing off and forces individuals to rely on their gluteus maximus. The online medical resource Healthline notes that the function of the gluteus maximus is to extend and laterally rotate the hip. When glute muscles collaborate as a person roller skates, that improves body stability, helping people to maintain better balance, even when they're not skating.
Roller skating and your core
The Mayo Clinic notes that core exercises train the muscles in this area of your body to work in harmony, ultimately leading to improved stability. When roller skating, individuals rely on their core muscles, making this a core-friendly exercise. If improved stability isn't enough to get people to lace up their skates, it's worth nothing that the Harvard Medical School indicates that a strong, flexible core can benefit the body in numerous ways. For example, low back pain sufferers may be interested to know that exercises that promote well-balanced, resilient core muscles can help to prevent low back pain.
Roller skating and weight loss
Anyone who has ever been roller skating likely knows that it's easy to break a sweat once those skates are laced up. In fact, Healthline notes that a 160-pound individual who skates at a consistent intensity for 30 minutes can expect to burn around 267 calories. Burning calories can help people lose weight, making roller skating a worthy activity for individuals who want to add some fun physical activity to their weight loss routines.
It may have been a while since adults last laced up a pair of skates. But roller skating can be a great activity for anyone looking to get healthy and have a little fun along the way.

Sleeping at the Airport
Flight delays & cancellations.-------
Sever weather this winter seems to be the norm in the United States.
The current El Nino weather pattern has caused hot and dry weather in Asia and heavier than usual rains in parts of the Americas. According to the World Meteorological Organization, “The ongoing El Niño event is expected to last at least until April 2024 but may have reached its peak.” Even with the 2024 El Nino event reportedly reaching its pinnacle, a Nor’easter is currently hitting the East Coast, and two more severe storms are expected to pound California in the coming weeks.
This means two things if you travel – flight delays and cancellations.
Thanks to the bevy of online booking sites, many would-be travelers have taken to planning their own trips. However, travel agents still provide valuable services that savvy travelers know can make the difference between sleeping in an airport and a relaxing experience.
· Support: Travelers who book their own trips via online booking sites or other faceless agencies may have no one to look to for help, should something go awry on their trip. However, travel agents can be a go-to source should something go wrong with a reservation or a flight. Travel agents routinely work with airlines, hotel chains and touring groups, and they no doubt have already handled every type of problem travelers may encounter on their trips. That sense of support and security can help the travelers rest easier should anything go wrong.
As travel delays have become more frequent, it might be time to develop that personal relationship with a travel agent who knows you by name.

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