What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Edition Number 350! - Business Psychology:
Fun Ways to Enjoy the Start of Winter - Business Relocation:
How to Get Unstuck When Relocating - Business Etiquette:
Ghosting People is not Etiquette-ful - Fitness & Health:
Potential Medical Benefits of Meditation - Spirits & Cuisine:
Tips for Perfect Holiday Cookies - Leisure:
History of Christmas Lights - Travel:
How to Celebrate the Holidays Away from Home - Corb7 Publications:
Free E-Books - Corb7 International Services:
Swiss Trust Companies Updates

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Edition Number 350!
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for following this newsletter as we mark the 350 edition of our periodical which we consider a major achievement. Every Wednesday at 4:15 am US Pacific / 7:15 am US Eastern / 12:15 PM in London, we make sure that this newsletter is out to you offering interesting business perspectives and entertaining lifestyle ideas. Thank you for your support and a special think you to those that have offered kind words of encouragement over the years.

International Business
Business Psychology

Fun Ways to Enjoy the Start of Winter
Did You Know?
Winter begins on December 21, 2023, and ends on March 19, 2024. Many people lament the arrival of winter, perhaps thinking the colder temperatures and shorter hours of sunlight will compromise their chances to have fun. Even though particularly chilly thermostat readings or stormy conditions can hamper some plans, when people dig deeper they may find that even the coldest days present opportunities for enjoyment.
When winter begins, the following activities can make for an entertaining way to celebrate the arrival of the season.
· Build a snow creation. Use the first significant snowfall of the season to organize a snowman, snowwoman, or snow-animal-making event or contest. Waterproof gloves are a necessary piece of equipment, as are buckets for moving snow, shovels, carving and shaping tools (which can be plastic cutlery), and accessories to dress up the final product.
· Go sledding on the best hills. Sledding is a popular wintertime activity that doesn't require too much equipment. Sleds can be purchased at sporting goods stores or toy stores. Sledders of all ages should consider wearing helmets to protect against injury if they will be traversing especially steep hills.
· Host a winter block party. Many cities and towns across North America participate in WinterFest events, which run the gamut from food and craft festivals to sporting events. Individuals can take cues from these type of activities and plan neighborhood festivals right on their streets. Neighbors can wheel out their fire pits or utilize outdoor propane heaters to keep spots cozy. Hot cocoa and cider stations and warm treats can keep everyone from feeling too cold. Electric slow cookers can keep everything from soups to chilis to stews warm and participants can enjoy a buffet of hearty foods.
· Visit an ice rink. Whether a rink is indoors or outside, ice skating is a quintessential wintertime activity. Skaters of all skill levels can take to the ice and enjoy some exercise and laughs. Check local rink schedules to take advantage of open skate times when hockey games or practices are not dominating the ice.
· Mark the winter solstice. The winter solstice, also known as the start of astronomical winter, is the shortest day of sunlight on the calendar. It occurs when either of the Earth's poles reaches maximum tilt away from the sun. In the Northern Hemisphere, this occurs on December 21, 2023. Because there will be only roughly seven hours of daylight, take steps to make the fact that the sun will set at its earliest a little easier to swallow. Kids can run around outdoors with glow sticks, while adults can deck their homes in twinkle lights if they are not decorated for Christmas. Lanterns, campfires and candles can be lit, and everyone can gather outdoors to chat and socialize.
Winter begins on December 21, 2023, and there are plenty of ways to celebrate this fun, if sometimes frigid, season.

International Business
Business Relocation

How to Get Unstuck When Relocating
The art of the move.by Morayma MaKay
Corporate Relocation Consultant & Coach
Relocating to a new place is like embarking on an exciting journey, but sometimes, the road can get a bit bumpy. If you've ever wondered why some relocations seem to hit a snag, you're in the right place! In this blog post, we'll explore the common reasons people get stuck during the relocation process and provide practical solutions to keep things moving smoothly.
1. Inadequate Planning: Planning is your relocation's best friend. Without it, things can quickly become chaotic. Solution: Craft a well-structured relocation plan with clear timelines and to-do lists to keep you on course. Our relocation course will help you do just that!
2. Emotional Attachments: Leaving behind the familiar can be emotionally challenging. Solution: Recognize your feelings and seek support from friends, family, or a professional to help you navigate the emotional side of the move. We've got special tips on how to approach this in our course as well.
3. Financial Concerns: Money matters can be a significant hurdle. Solution: Create a comprehensive budget that accounts for all expenses, job prospects, and the cost of living in your new area. Organizing your number and thoughts makes a world of difference!
4. Fear of the Unknown: The unknown can be scary. Solution: Arm yourself with knowledge by researching your new destination to reduce anxiety and boost your confidence. Our course will teach you the most effective ways of researching and getting to know your new hometown.
5. Overwhelm: The long list of relocation tasks can be overwhelming. Solution: Break it down into smaller, more manageable steps, and let us help you get organized!
6. Procrastination: Delaying decisions and tasks can lead to stagnation. Solution: Set deadlines and stick to them. We'll give you tips on how to best do this in our course.
7. Clutter and Excess Possessions: Too much stuff can complicate your move. Solution: Declutter before packing to make the process easier. Read our blog on some great tips to declutter your home.
8. Resistance to Change: Some people resist change. Solution: Focus on the opportunities that come with change, both personally and professionally. Change can create some of the best chapters in your life!
9. Lack of Support: Going it alone can be isolating. Solution: Reach out to friends, family, or online communities for support, or consider hiring a relocation expert. Both of us here at Get Ready. Set. MOVE! are very aware of how hard this can be and have experienced moves without lack of support. We get it...and we've got you!
10. Unrealistic Expectations: Expecting perfection can lead to disappointment. Solution: Maintain an open mind and realistic outlook.
In summary, feeling stuck during a relocation is normal, but you can overcome it. We know you can! By recognizing these common roadblocks and taking proactive steps, you can ensure a smoother transition to your new home, and we would love to help you get unstuck.
Relocation is a chance for growth and fresh beginnings, so embrace it with confidence and determination...great things await!

International Business
Business Etiquette
Ghosting People is Not Etiquette-ful
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Ghosting people, abruptly ending communication with someone without explanation, often refers to romantic relationships, but equally applies to friendships and even family and workplace relationships.
If there has been steady communication and suddenly you stop responding, the other person feels rejected, dropped, and even betrayed. There is no “break up” and no closure. It’s a terrible feeling!
The Etiquette-ful Way
It’s only polite, considerate, and respectful to let someone know that you aren’t interested in continuing your relationship as it is currently. Regardless, you don’t want to make an enemy for life, so the way in which you shift your relationship is vital.
Etiquette is always relational, situational, and contextual, so thinking ahead of time about how you want to come out on this can help.
- Relationally, fostering connection is a goal, and that means acknowledging the things you like and have appreciated about the other person.
- Situationally, things have changed, and it is time to cut back on the time you spend with the person in question.
- Contextually, your new rules and how you regulate yourself will be interpreted in context of your new situation.
What to Do Instead of Ghosting People
When a reader wrote to ask if there were a polite way for ghosting people, I had to confess that I have committed that rudeness in the past. Sometimes, we look for the easiest, smoothest way to exit a situation. And while it may work in the immediate present, not handling things in a way that honors the needs of both parties involved can come back on us in the future.
There isn’t just one way to separate yourself or end a relationship with someone, and a permanent ending may not be necessary. But taking the time to decide what the best method is for your situation will be worth it for your peace of mind. Ask to speak with your friend in person, or by phone if you live a distance away. Be honest, brief, and express appreciation for the relationship you’ve had.
1. “Michelle, I appreciate the fun we’ve had in the past, but I’ve realized the best thing for me at this time would be to go our separate ways. Please know that I wish you the very best.”
“Don, I appreciate that you are a fun-loving guy, but my lifestyle is asking me to cut back and focus more on the things that I need in my world. I think a little space to do that is what I need most right now.”
”I love the time we spend together, Marie, but I’m at a place where I need more time for me. I’d rather just get together once a week or so to catch up and have a meal. May I call you in a few days to set something up?”
2. Never blame or shame.
3. Always be silent after you speak and let the other person talk. Listen, and express that you understand what they are saying.
4. Remember that “less is more” when responding, and “I am sorry this has hurt you,” is appropriate.
5. Stay positive and let the other person know that you have learned from your relationship.
Whether you or someone else has been ghosted, there will always be confusion. Empathy should be a number one priority, regardless of which side of the fence you are on.
There are very few circumstances in which ghosting people is the answer to ending a relationship or taking time to evaluate one. Being up front and honest in the kindest possible way, will always be appreciated and creates the opportunity for friendly terms in the future.

Fitness & Health

Potential Medical Benefits of Meditation
Self protection for stressful times.
Meditation has long been part of Eastern practices and recommended by alternative health practitioners. With the widespread adoption of yoga, breathing exercises and general mindfulness, meditation has become much more mainstream and something many traditional physicians now recommend to their patients.
According to the yoga equipment supply company Gaiam, meditation is an approach to training the mind that is similar to the way athletes train their bodies. Many meditation techniques exist, and the term meditation refers to an overall discipline rather than one specific activity. People who have been meditating for some time may be able to rest their brains for extended periods of time. Some may need to work up to it. Others practice focus-specific meditation, which makes them focus on a sensation or a particular object to tune out other distractions. Another option is open-monitoring meditation, which involves paying attention to all of one's surroundings. Instead of reacting, you just notice things as they are.
The brand-building company Buffer says that meditation produces measurable changes in the brain. Modern technology like MRI scans show a decrease in beta waves during meditation. Those waves normally indicate that the brain is processing information. Meditation helps to slow or stop that processing.
Meditation has been long studied as a way to induce relaxation and help alleviate stress. In the 1970s, Herbert Benson, MD, a researcher at Harvard University Medical School, coined the term "relaxation response." In Benson's words, this is "an opposite, involuntary response that causes a reduction in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system." Meditation helps achieve that.
Meditation may produce many different health results. Some are immediate, and others are cumulative.
Here are some changes a person may see:
· better focus while not meditating
· reduced anxiety
· lower blood pressure
· lower blood cortisol levels
· greater feelings of well-being
· reduced feelings of stress
· ability to cope better with challenging situations
· potential benefits on immune system function
Meditation is a skill someone learns with practice. It's never too early or too late to learn how to meditate. Online courses and neighborhood studios can help people get on the road to wellness through meditation.

Spirits & Cuisine

Tips for the Perfect Holiday Cookies
Cookies are a tradition since medieval times.-------
Baking is a holiday tradition in many households. The aroma of freshly baked cakes, pies and cookies wafts through the air of many homes this time of year, and that makes the holiday season even more special.
Cookies are a tradition passed down through the ages. In medieval Europe, small, spiced cookies were exchanged as treats, and people still bake and share gingerbread cookies today.
Cut cookies are some of the most popular cookies to make during the holiday season. Some families may have their share of favorite cookie cutter shapes and dough recipes. Certain techniques can make holiday baking sessions easier and ensure consistent results.
· Work on a lightly floured, cool surface, such as a cutting board or stone counter top. Never work on a warm surface, which can cause dough to spread and stick.
· Roll out the dough between two sheets of baking or parchment paper. Betty Crocker recommends a thickness of about 1/8 inch, unless noted in the recipe. This prevents the dough from sticking, and parchment enables you to easily transfer rolled-out dough to a refrigerator or elsewhere.
· When rolling out dough, portion it out into a few smaller amounts to roll out more easily. This will also help it to chill more readily.
· Cookies cut most easily when the dough is chilled. Refrigerate the dough for as long as possible, ideally an hour or more - even overnight. The more chilled, the firmer the dough will be.
· Rubber rolling pin rings that slip onto each side of the rolling pin can help ensure that the dough is being rolled out to a uniform thickness.
· Dip cookie cutters into flour with each cut. Work from the center and move out to the edges when cutting out your designs. Try to maximize space and avoid scraps and rerolling.
· Some expert bakers say that metal cookie cutters cut cleaner than plastic ones. Whichever cutter you use, cut the cookie by pressing straight down; try not to twist or jiggle the cookie cutter when using it. Doughs with a high butter content can help, as the extra grease helps separate the dough from the cutters.
· If cut cookies have gotten warmer, place them in the freezer for a few minutes to firm up again and then cook. This will guarantee the cookies will not spread or distort while baking.
Extra steps may seem like they will take a lot of time. However, the extra effort and attention to detail will help produce cookies that win rave reviews


History of Christmas Treee Lights
Holiday light bulbs since 1882.-------
Lights on a Christmas tree may seem like a relatively recent phenomenon, but people who can't wait to deck the halls each December may be surprised to learn that this beloved tradition dates all the way back to the late nineteenth century.
Edward Johnson, a friend and colleague of Thomas Edison, introduced holiday light bulbs in 1882. Prior to that, candles were lit on trees and families would briefly gaze at this awe-inspiring bit of holiday decor before the candles were quickly extinguished. Johnson is credited with being the first to suggest light bulbs, which were invented by his friend Edison, be used to light trees in place of candles. While many were impressed by Johnson's eight-bulb holiday display, it remained a novelty until the 1920s, when preassembled lights became more accessible. Since then, Christmas tree lights have taken hold as a must-have piece of holiday decor in households across the globe.

How to Celebrate Holidays Away from Home
When you can't be home for the Holidays.-------
A popular Christmas song attests "there's no place like home for the holidays." For many people, a truer statement couldn't be uttered. But sometimes life gets in the way of an old-fashioned holiday spent at home.
There are a number of reasons why individuals may not be able to spend the holidays at home. Active military service people may not be able to leave their posts to travel home. Some students studying abroad or even far away domestically may find getting back to their homes can be time- and cost-prohibitive. Some people may not be home for the holidays because work obligations keep them out of town, or because they have planned vacations to serve as nontraditional holiday celebrations.
Being away from some familiar sights and sounds of the holidays doesn't mean celebrations should be any less special. Here are tips for celebrating away from home.
· Find people in similar situations. Chances are you will not be the only person away from home, particularly if you are a student or someone on a business venture. Connect with others who are away from their families and do something together for the holidays.
· Partake of local traditional activities. You may be used to baking sugar cookies for the holidays, but in a foreign country, the locals may make another type of dessert. Figure out how the locals celebrate the holidays and then take part in any way you can.
· Volunteer your time. If you will be away or alone for the holidays, volunteer your time to help the less fortunate. Deliver meals to those who are not able to leave home, like seniors, or volunteer at a soup kitchen. Visit a children's hospital and deliver small gifts.
· Engage in virtual fun. Connect with people at home through the power of digital technology. Video conferencing services connect people who can't be together in person. Utilize these apps and services to remote into a holiday dinner or when loved ones open gifts.
· Cook up your favorites. Evoke traditional holiday celebrations by cooking the foods you would normally enjoy at home. Those tastes and smells can transport you back to grandma's kitchen or dad's living room.
· Stay off of social media. Being away from home during the holidays can be challenging, and that challenge can be even greater if you see photo after photo on social media of people you know spending time with their friends and loved ones. Tune out of your social feeds for a few days.
· Invite others to you. Maybe you don't have the means of getting home, but you can bring those at home to you. Find out if anyone can plan a road trip, train ride or flight to where you are and then enjoy the holidays together.
Being away from home during the holidays may not be ideal. However, there are plenty of ways to maintain your holiday spirit when celebrating in unfamiliar surroundings.

Business Services
Corb7 Publications
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"The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership"
Jeffrey H. Corbett

"Global Common Cents"
Jeffrey H. Corbett
How to Achieve Successful Cross-Border Business Structuring for Profit & Asset Protection.
About the Author: Jeff Corbett is an entrepreneur, author, and magazine publisher with extensive experience in the global marketplace. He remains an unwavering advocate for international business and personal freedoms. With more than two decades of operational and management experience, Jeff Corbett has developed a keen understanding of how international businesses can get bloated with redundancies, inefficient networks, and exposure to frivolous litigation resulting in the loss of both time and money. To that end, he has promoted an approach which allows an entrepreneur to retool achieving a sleeker, smoother and more strategically focused organization. A believer in bringing critical functions in-house, his clients range from small to mid-cap international concerns that can appreciate the additional control and cost reductions.

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