What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
2021 Expert Perspectives - Business Psychology:
Understanding the Comfort Zone - Cross-Border Business:
Noteworthy Swiss Organizations - Business Tools:
Various IRAs for 2021 - Business Etiquette:
Finding the Perfect Pet Sitter - Executive Fitness:
Accountability is Empowering - Spirits & Cuisine:
10 Gift Ideas for Your Favorite Foodie - Leisure:
How to Pick the Perfect Christmas Tree - Lifestyle & Travel:
2021 Holiday Road Travel Tips - Corb7 International Services:
$20,000 Saving on a Swiss Trust Company

International Business
Thank You for Your Readership!
2021 has hopefully been a bounce back year for you from the pandemic.
During these challenging last two years many of our readers have taken time away from their business days to offer kind words of support to us which has been very much appreciated. This has fueled our continued quest to produce high quality content directed at international business and lifestyle. We present this in a concise manner - keeping each article to a minimum - since we realize that your day is filled with many other necessary "must do" items. To that end, I hope we have offered you unique, entertaining and valuable perspectives that provide you the opportunity for a deeper dive into a specific subject matter should you desire.
It has now been over 11 years since we published our first newsletter in September of 2010. Wow, as the old cliché goes, time does fly! This year we were very pleased and proud to bring onboard some exciting contributions from experts new to our readership. I am confident you have enjoyed their insights and if you have not yet checked out their websites they are listed below for your convenience. On a personal note, it would be much appreciated if you would also review my blog which is new this year and a link is provided below.
Finally, if you have been enjoying our newsletter "Global Common Cents," please consider sharing it with a friend. We produce our newsletter for free and rely on word-of-mouth to grow our audience.
Thanks again. Let's have a great closing to the year and get ready for 2022!
Business Psychology by Toni Delos Santos, 90% Mental: 90percentmental.com
Business Etiquette by Candace Smith, The Etiquette Blog: Candace Smith Etiquette
Executive Fitness by Nancy Hovde, Life Empowerment Coach: UberEmpowerment.com
Global Common Cents Newsletter: Past Newsletters and Subscriptions
International business, motivation & lifestyle Blog: JeffCorbett.com

International Business
Understanding the Comfort Zone
by Toni Delos Santos90% Mental
“All change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous in the end“.” - Robin Sharma
Babe Ruth once said, “don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” This statement is very powerful because when you think about what holds you back from making a change, the answer is most likely the fear of failure. Baseball is well known as a game where you are guaranteed to fail more than you will succeed when you are up to bat. Knowing this fact, it would lead you to wonder how players get motivated to want to bat when there is a 70% chance they are not going to get on base. The answer lies in their mindset.
Being in sales is like baseball in that it is a game of percentages. The more accounts you call on, the higher the chance that you will earn more business. When you call on a new customer, you know that there is a possibility that you might fail to convince them to use your product or service. If the worst happens and they do not see the value in switching to your product, you don’t look for another job because you failed. You will go back to your presentation and think about what you could have done differently to get a different outcome. Each appointment is an opportunity to learn and improve on what you can do differently next time you meet with a similar client.
The first step is to have a clear understanding of the goal that you want to reach. Once you have the vision of what that success will look like, you are ready to implement a strategy. Next, you must understand and accept that failure is going to be part of the process. Whenever you learn a skill, you are not going to automatically be an expert. It takes practice, discipline, and hard work to reach that level. After you have put in the time and you see the improvement and then finally hit your goal, I would be willing to bet it was worth it. Putting yourself out there into the unknown can be scary. It is much easier to stay in your comfort zone. This means that you will be content to live a life of mediocrity. The challenge with staying in your comfort zone is that humans are meant to keep evolving. Learning and growing are what makes us interesting and motivated.
You will never reach your true potential both personally and professionally by taking the easy road. There is no doubt that getting out of your comfort zone can be scary, but in the end, the satisfaction of knowing that you had the confidence to take the leap will be worth it! Ray Lewis once said, “Before anything great is really achieved, your comfort zone must be disturbed.”

International Business
Cross-Border Business
Noteworthy Swiss Organizations
If you are considering the acquisition of a Swiss Trust Company for 2022 then you might want to consider membership to these organizations after gaining ownership. Below are two professional organizations based in Switzerland that we wanted to bring to your attention.
SATC - The Swiss Association of Trust Companies
(established 2007)
SATC link
STEP - Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners
(established 1992)
STEP link

International Business
Business Tools

Various 2021 IRAs
End of the year business planning often brings about discussions about retirement planning which typically in the US include mention of individual retirement accounts, or IRAs. IRAs are retirement investment vehicles that can be used in place of or in conjunction with 401(k) plans.Many investors like IRAs because they give them a certain measure of choice in regard to their investments while allowing investors to postpone paying taxes on gains until money is withdrawn during retirement.
One common misconception about IRAs is that there are only two types, when there actually are many more. Depending on which definitions and resources you go by, there are as many as 11 types of IRAs. Financial advisors can help people choose the appropriate IRA based on their needs and goals. Here's a look at just a few of the more popular IRAs.
Traditional IRA
Traditional IRAs are very popular, according to data from the Investment Company Institute. Classic features include a tax break of up to $6,000 initially, and investment earnings are not taxed as long as the money remains in the account. Money Management International says one advantage of a traditional IRA is that contributions can be taken as tax deductions in the tax year they are made. This type of IRA might be good for someone who anticipates being in a lower tax bracket upon retiring, since taxes are paid when funds are withdrawn.
Roth IRA
A Roth IRA is different than a traditional IRA in various ways. Contributions to a Roth IRA are not tax-deductible, but funds will grow tax-free. Also, with a Roth IRA, the taxes are paid upfront, so account holders will not pay taxes when the money is withdrawn. This is beneficial for those who expect their income tax bracket to rise after retirement.
This type of IRA is a traditional IRA, but one set up and funded for employees by an employer. SEP stands for simplified employee pension. Employers must contribute equally to all employee accounts, and personal contribution limits are much higher for these accounts than on other tax-favored accounts.
Spousal IRA
The financial resource The Motley Fool notes that spousal IRAs are either traditional or Roth IRAs funded by a married taxpayer in the name of his or her spouse who has less than $2,000 in annual compensation. The couple must file a joint tax return in the year of the contribution.
Education IRA (EIRA)
Not all IRAs are strictly for retirement funds. EIRAs help pay for higher education. No tax deductions are allowed, but deposits and earnings may be withdrawn tax-free so long as they are used to pay for higher education.
IRAs are tax-advantaged tools for setting aside funds for retirement and other needs.

International Business
Business Etiquette
Finding the Perfect Pet Sitter
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Hiring a pet sitter is a given in our busy world. As devoted as you are to your pet, leaving them overnight will be necessary at some point. Are you prepared?
Finding the Right Person
Some occasions may lend themselves to what I call a “built-in pet sitter”. This is a trusted close friend or family member who knows you, your pet, and your home well enough to easily step in and take care of things while you’re away.
But when an angel such as this isn’t available, who will you turn to? Finding the right person can be a challenge. I recommend starting with a list of what you will need from the person you hire.
- Do you want them to stay in your home, or are daily visits sufficient?
- Will they be needed for household tasks or only for caring for your pet?
- What skills will they need in order to care for your pet? If your pet has special needs or requires medications, this is a big consideration.
- What is your budget for paying this person?
Getting to Know You
Meeting the person who will be visiting your home and caring for your pet (or pets) while you are not present is absolutely necessary. So is getting to know them – at least a little.
On the other side of the coin, it’s also necessary for you, the pet sitter, to get to know your client. Will this be a person or family and pets that you will enjoy working with?
A preliminary phone conversation will reveal whether or not you have a good feeling about this potential relationship. Do you find their voice, demeanor, and phone etiquette satisfactory? Are you comfortable speaking with them? You can tell a lot about a person from a phone conversation.
Once they pass the phone conversation evaluation, it’s time to meet in person. Both parties should make it clear that the meeting is for consideration purposes only. And make sure that your meeting includes the following:
- A proper introduction to the animals that will be cared for. The caregiver should see them up close (cats are terrific at hiding) and should be given the pets’ names.
- Observation of interactions. Does the pet seem comfortable with this new person? Does the comfort level improve as the visit goes on?
- Assessment of skills. Does the pet sitter indicate in conversation that they have certain care methods and techniques that will be compatible with your pet? Find an opportunity to see this in action by making your meeting time in line with feeding or medication time and ask your potential care giver to help with the task to see how your pet responds. You might also take your dog for a walk as you interview the person, letting them take the lead to help assess compatibility with your dog.
- A tour of the home. Show the person who will care for your pet where food and water dishes, food, medications, treats, toys, etc. are kept and how they are given. If they will be staying full-time while you are away, show them the sleeping arrangements, bathroom, and what is off limits.
- Don’t skip the details. Even though this is a preliminary meeting, if detailed questions arise, don’t put off answering them. If your care giver isn’t allowed to park her car in the driveway, go ahead and tell her. If you are curious about how often the litterbox should be cleaned, go ahead and ask. Details from either the client or the care giver can only be helpful.
A Great Pet Sitter
So, you’ve found a pet sitter you like and trust. Or you’ve found a client whose pets you look forward to spending time with. Ensure everything goes smoothly with these tips.
For the Pet Parent:
- Before the day of arrival, provide a key, code, and any other entry instructions, including alternatives – just in case.
- Make sure your care giver has the name of your vet and the name of an emergency veterinarian clinic.
- Write down food quantities, feeding times, and medication times. Especially if you have multiple pets, it’s important to also label food containers and medications.
- Leave the names of neighbors, friends, or back-up pet sitters in case they are needed.
- Provide all available forms of contact for yourself while you are away.
- Communicate! Let the pet parent know when you leave and arrive, or if you are staying in the home, what your daily schedule looks like. Have all questions regarding the pets and the home answered before your client leaves.
- Keep the home tidy. Even if cleaning isn’t on your task list, ensure that your client comes home to a neat and clean place. Or at least as neat and clean as it was when they left it.
- Send pictures. Sending the pet parent pictures of a happy, well cared-for pet will give them comfort. However, do not post these pictures on your social media without the pet parent’s permission.
- Follow safety rules. Make sure all food and cleaning supplies toxic to pets are put away appropriately, lock doors and windows, set alarms as directed, etc.
- Leave a daily log of events. A written log of events, food consumption, medication reactions, behavior issues, and even cute anecdotes, will be helpful for pet parents.
Keeping pets and humans happy is a big job. But when you show care and attention to both, you can consider it a job well done!

Executive Fitness
Accountability is Empowering
by Nancy HovdeLife Empowerment Coach
I have Arranging for success is creating a solution and empowering yourself through accountability.
Do you find yourself excited to start a new wellness goal, get half way through or even nearly complete it, only to find yourself not finishing what you started? Many times the reason for quitting something before we finish is, we feel bored with the same routine or something isn't as convenient anymore. Sometimes we feel so overwhelmed we feel like quitting.
Developing a strong, solution focused approach is key. Using a solid framework for the process that offers support and motivation for your purpose and desired outcome, as well as holding yourself accountable to your commitments and action steps, can help you effectively complete your wellness plan, a work project or personal goals.
Accountability can be empowering. One can choose a new wellness goal or work project to begin and develop the knowledge, experience and even the skill, but it is the willingness with an action plan and accountability that determines if one truly succeeds with their intentions and goals. I truly believe that we can reach a wellness goal or finish the work project, when we have the focus, plan of action steps and hold ourselves accountable while working towards completion.
What is accountability? Accountability is a traditional, old fashioned method that says you are answerable for your actions. It is the responsibility of your actions and decisions including the implementation within the scope of your role or job description (from a career standpoint), it is the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting consequences.
Now, let's take a look at what is considered unaccountable. An unaccountable person is someone you can easily recognize because they use blaming others, excuses, procrastinate, act confused or ignorant when confronted about why something did not get done, they do the bare minimum required. They will use phrases and words such as “How should I know, it is not MY job”. Or “I was never told I had to”. And “I did not know”. Unaccountable people are slow to act.
Sometimes, you may have the best of intentions yet still do not do what needs to be done, to get to where you want to be. This may be because you procrastinated, and took fewer action steps. When you have either someone to hold you accountable for your goals or you choose to use a method of progress to hold yourself accountable in achieving your intentions, you will find that the benefits are:
- More clarity and focus
- Less Procrastination
- Feeling optimal on all levels: mind, body, soul
- Achievement of results you only dreamed could be possible
- More balanced and a fulfilling life
- More satisfying relationships
Here are some general questions you can use to check in weekly with yourself and see your progress or have a friend or life coach hold you accountable for your goals and ask you these questions weekly:
- What is one action step you are doing with your goal that is working?
- What makes this action step work so well for you?
- What would make it work even better?
- What is missing, which if it were present, would make your goal be perfect?
- What action steps can you take to put in what's missing and have your perfect goal manifest in your life?
- Will you commit to doing that?
- What in the past has gotten in the way or has stopped you from keeping your commitment?
- What do you need to have present or put in place, today, to support you in keeping your commitment?
- How have committing to the action steps and accountability method allowed you to feel more empowered?
That vision you've set for yourself, commit to pursuing specific steps and you will achieve it. You will get there!

Spirits & Cuisine
10 Gift Ideas for Your Favorite Foodie
Many people know someone who loves spending lots of time in the kitchen. Certain home cooks may enjoy whipping up favorite recipes, while others might get excited about experimenting with new flavors and ingredients.
A love of cooking paves the way for many different gifting opportunities. Food-related gifts also come in a wide variety of price points, making it easy for shoppers to spend as little or as much as they want. Check out these 10 gift ideas for the foodie on your holiday shopping list.
1. Sheet pans: They may not seem like the most sexy or high-tech tools of the kitchen, but sheet pans are among the most versatile. They can be used for cookies, sheet pan cakes, oven-frying cutlets or fries, or even serving as the perfect bases for candy brittles.
2. Air fryer tool set: By now many people have hopped on the air fryer bandwagon, but they may not have all of the accessories to take air frying to the next level. From spatulas to tongs to silicone brushes, an air fryer tool set can make meals even more delicious.
3. Dutch oven: You'd be hard-pressed to find a more hard-working tool in the kitchen than a Dutch oven. These heavy, often enameled cast iron vessels come in various quart sizes. They can be used to cook stews, breads, cakes, and much more.
4. Kitchen compost bin: Home cooks who want to cut down on waste will appreciate a countertop compost bin to gather food scraps.
5. Serving board: The rise in cheese and charcuterie boards means cooks will need something attractive to serve their spreads. Wooden and stone boards are attractive when serving sliced cheeses, crackers, chutneys, and other appetizer.
6. Electric wine opener: Wine is the perfect complement to many dishes, and what easier way to open bottles than with an electric wine opener? Many are compatible with almost any bottleneck and can open several bottles on a single charge.
7. Spiralizer: The trend for pasta alternatives continues, and having a spiralizer that can turn vegetables like zucchini into spiraled "noodles" will be handy in most kitchens.
8. Apron and accessories: Home cooks need to protect their clothing in the kitchen. A fashionable apron and matching oven mitts can make a statement and keep clothes clean.
9. Meat delivery: The number of direct-to-home meat shipping providers continues to grow. Have quality cuts of meat delivered right to a home cook's house so that he or she can cut back on trips to the store.
10. New blender: Today's blenders can crush ice, process foods, puree, and chop foods. These versatile appliances make a welcome addition to any kitchen.
Stock up on food-related gifts now for those people on your holiday shopping list who love to cook.

How to Pick the Perfect Christmas Tree
Come the holiday season, perhaps no tradition evokes the warm and fuzzy "feels" more than a family outing to pick a Christmas tree. Whether it's a trek to a live Christmas tree farm or a short drive to the nearest pre-cut tree lot, the process of selecting a tree that will serve as the crown jewel of the entire season is a great way to make lasting memories.
Selecting a tree is a yearly ritual and each person has his or her set of criteria for what makes the ideal Christmas tree. These tips can help families find the right tree.
Choose your species
Do some homework on the type of tree you want prior to buying the tree. Balsam fir and Fraser fir are popular Christmas tree varieties, but there are many others, such as noble fir and Norway spruce. Balsams are known for having the most fragrant smell, but Frasers tend to keep their needles the longest. For those who prefer a Douglas fir, keep in mind that they sometimes drop their needles prematurely due to foliar diseases like needle-cast fungus.
Space for ornaments
In addition to aroma and needle longevity, look for trees that have a desirable shape and allow for adequate space between branches, advises the home and garden resource The Spruce. Trees groomed to be lush and full will look beautiful unadorned, but once ornaments are added, full branches may cause those ornaments to hang low or even fall off. Trees with sparse branches allow for ornaments to hang straight.
Measure your space
Trees in the field or in a lot may look much smaller than they do when brought into the living room. Don't make the mistake of selecting a tree that is too large for your home. The agricultural firm Ragan & Masey says to measure the room from floor to ceiling and subtract the height of the tree stand and tree topper. It's equally important to measure the width of the area where the tree will stand and allow for ample space for foot traffic around the tree.
Perform a needle check
Every tree will drop some needles, and most evergreens hold their foliage. Modest needle loss is not an indicator of a poor tree. However, Decker's Nursery in Greenlawn, NY says if 50 percent of the needles are lost when you swipe your hand down three to five different branches around the tree, the tree likely is not a good choice. In addition, avoid a tree that has glaring defects in the trunk as it can impede water flow through the tree.
Heavier is better
A heavy pre-cut tree means it is full of water and has been cut more recently. A healthy, fresh tree is going to require an effort to lift. Older, dried out trees will not be heavy.
Upon arriving home, make a fresh cut off the tree trunk and get it in water as soon as possible - even if that's a bucket until the tree stand can be set up.

Lifestyle & Travel

2021 Holiday Road Travel Tips
After a 2020 holiday season in which the pandemic forced the postponement or cancellation of festivities, families are planning to get together once again in 2021. Many people will head home for the holidays this year, and the vast majority will take to the highway to do so.
The U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics says the Thanksgiving and Christmas/New Year's holiday periods are among the busiest for long-distance travel. The highways will be busy with motorists criss-crossing the country to visit loved ones. Holiday travel may require covering a long distance in a limited amount of time. Finding ways to be efficient in regard to time management can reduce stress and improve safety.
Travel at night
If you can safely manage it, you may experience considerably less traffic in the evening hours than during other times of day. In addition, if kids are in tow, they may sleep much of the way, helping to reduce the number of times they ask, "Are we there yet?" Share driving responsibilities with another person so that each driver can take a break to prevent drowsy driving.
Get a vehicle maintenance check
No one wants to get stranded on the side of the road with a car filled with gifts and treats. It's well worth the investment to have a mechanic give a vehicle a checkup prior to leaving. Get an oil change even if it's a little early to do so. Look at tire tread wear and ensure that you have the right tires for the road conditions where you'll be headed.
Plan your route
People often rely on mobile phone or dashboard GPS systems to get where they need to go. However, it helps to have a general idea of the route so that if service drops out you can still find your way. Scout out rest stops or acceptable restaurants online prior to leaving so you have a plan for making stops in safe areas.
Stock the car
While presents may be taking up valuable real estate, pack a cooler with snacks and beverages to help reduce how many times you need to get off the highway. Also, games or other forms of entertainment can keep children occupied on long trips.
Slow down in inclement weather
The holiday meal can be reheated if you're late, so don't feel compelled to speed or drive erratically when the weather is stormy. It's not worth the risk of getting into an accident that can cause serious injuries. Travelers United, a nonprofit organization that represents all travelers, also warns that quick storms that pop up after a long dry spell can immediately make road surfaces extremely slippery. Use caution.
Planning and preparation are essential to getting home safely this holiday season.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions

Swiss Trust Company
Acquisition & Great Opportunity with $20,000 Savings
Do to Special Circumstances we are able to offer you this opportunity. This is time sensitive and for the right individual or company, this could be an outstanding opportunity aimed at business planning for 2021, 2022 and beyond with outstanding savings.
Here is a synopsis of the immediate opportunity:
2000 Swiss Trust Company:
* 21-years-old with full authority - turnkey
* Year Incorporated: 2000
* Place of Incorporation: Zug, Switzerland
* Corresponding Bank Relationship: Client’s Choice
* Acquisition Investment: USD $87,800 Now $67,800
* Excellent administration with a prestigious law firm located in Zurich
* Administration first year fees included in acquisition price
* Initial legal retainer also included
* Administration also has SRO license which is large benefit to meet AML & KYC
Please contact us at your earliest if you have an interest.
For Details: Call: +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
or Email: contact@corb7.com