What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Crazy Uncle Ted's Bank Account - Business Psychology:
Impact of Reading on Menth Health - Cross-Border Business:
Bitcoin Amsterdam Conference - Business Etiquette:
When is it Okay to Ignore a Text or Email? - Fitness & Health:
Avoid Outdoor Training Injuries - Spirits & Cuisine:
Eat a Peach - Leisure & Travel:
Pasko Travel Clothing Going Out of Business! - Corb7 Publications:
Free E-Book - Corb7 Funding Service:
Any Project, Any Where! - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Discover How to Take Your Business to the Next Level

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Crazy Uncle Ted's Bank Account
Would you really want it?
Let’s say for a second that you have a crazy uncle named Ted. He is genuinely a nice guy but ... nuts. Ted has recently cleared out a bank account with UBS and now wants to give it to you. Keep in mind it has zero dollars or Euros in it. Would you want it? Probably not and why would you. Lord only knows what old Ted did within that bank account or if he has a debit card still attached to it. Plus, the bank just called, and you are going to need to produce the same background information to take over that account as if you are opening a new one.
It doesn't make much business sense. Does it?
Why then would you consider buying a vintage company with an existing account previously owned by a total stranger? Again, it doesn’t make much business sense does it? Ahh, but that is exactly what is being sold on the internet. Plus, for this privilege and a few others of dubious value you will get to pay five to six times the real market value often totally $600,000 or more.
The existing bank account pitch, especially when it comes to traditional Swiss Trust Companies, is nothing more than a sales gimmick with no real value. If you go that direction you will pay dearly for it.

International Business
Business Psychology

Impact of Reading on Mental Health
Reading can have a real impact on your health.
Books transport people to different times, provide a sense of escapism and introduce readers to different schools of thought. Individuals may read for pleasure and/or to expand their intellectual horizons.
It's important to note that reading also may help improve mental and physical health. With so much to gain from reading, now is a great time to embrace those book clubs, resolve to read more and explore how picking up a good book may be just what the doctor ordered.
Reduces stress
Immersing yourself in a story requires focus and concentration. According to researchers at the University of Sussex, it took just six minutes of reading for study participants to experience slower heart rates and reduced muscle tension.
Stress is one of the biggest threats to overall health, as the stress hormone cortisol can lead to inflammation in the body that may impede the immune system, according to Piedmont Health. Finding ways to reduce stress, including through activities like reading, is a win for anyone who wants to improve his or her health.
Impacts longevity
According to a recent study, "A chapter a day: Association of book reading with longevity," by Bavishi A, Slade M.D., reading exerts its influence on longevity by strengthening the mind. Reading positively impacts the way the brain creates synapses, optimizing neurological function. It also expands vocabulary, and helps with memory.
Changes the brain
A 2014 study published in Neuroreport determined reading involves a complex system of signaling and networking in the brain. As one's ability to read matures, these networks become stronger and more sophisticated. MRI scans found that brain connectivity increased throughout studied reading periods and for days afterward.
Increases empathy
Through literary fiction, readers are exposed to the situations, feelings and beliefs of others. This can help a person develop a greater ability to empathize with others, according to Healthiline.
Helps improve sleep
Reading is an effective way to wind down and relax before going to bed. It can be a positive nighttime ritual, provided one reads a paper book or utilizes an e-reader that is not backlit, as bright lights from digital devices may hinder sleep quality. In fact, doctors at the Mayo Clinic often suggest reading as part of a regular sleep routine.
Reduces depressive feelings
Individuals diagnosed with depression may feel isolated and estranged from other people. Books may reduce those feelings by helping a person temporarily escape his or her world into another. Also, books can serve as a common ground through which conversations over shared interests can begin with others.
Reading has many positive health benefits, which is why resolving to read more can be beneficial.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Bitcoin Amsterdam
Where Europe meets Bitcoin.-------
Bitcoin Amsterdam will be held on October 12 - 14, 2023 at Westergas. The venue address is Klönneplein 1, 1014 DD Amsterdam, NL. The conference is for all ages and levels of Bitcoiners with easy access for Europeans and global visitors including businesses, investors and professionals. Bitcoin Amsterdam is the largest Bitcoin Conference in Europe powered by Bitcoin Magazine and BTC Inc in partnership with Amsterdam Decentralized.
For more information:
Bitcoin 2023

International Business
Business Etiquette
When is it Okay to Ignore a Text or Email?
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
You might ignore a text or email message that feels unduly confrontive. The sender, noting the lack of response, might clarify. Experience teaches that responding too quickly out of hurt or frustration puts a person in a position of having said something which is later regretted. “Always pause” is a great motto.
In today’s busy, communication-rich environment, immediate responses are not always expected. However, what constitutes “immediately” varies from person to person. When you do decide to respond, the caveat should be, “Sorry for this tardy response.”
An Interesting Phenomenon
Most of us carry phones and notice our messages and email quickly. So, when someone doesn’t respond to a text message you might begin to wonder, and perhaps worry, why. The environment is there to communicate, yet they are not, and the frustration can lead to anxious feelings.
Of course, there are any number of reasons why a person isn’t responding. But if someone chooses to ignore a text or email message from you and it becomes a pattern, it brings into question the type of relationship you have with that person.
Switching the scenario, do you leave others wondering why you haven’t communicated?
Reassessing with Etiquette
Etiquette means that you aim to be relational—you are aware of your interconnectedness with others, engaged, generous, and kind. So, if you decide to ignore a text or email, here are some questions to ask yourself.
- Why do I want to ignore this text or email?
- Do I need to change my relationship with this person?
- Is ignoring the communication etiquette-ful?
Another way to consider how ignoring a message comes across is to change the scenario. If you were passing a friend or acquaintance in a hallway and they asked a question, would you ignore them and keep walking?
Virtual conversations have the same consideration. Responses may be delayed, but a complete lack of response leaves the other person feeling unimportant, or that something is wrong.
If the communication you are receiving is rude or abusive, then you should ignore it. But you will need to consider some type of action to resolve the situation.
Let Etiquette Guide You When You Ignore a Text or Email Message
Being respectfully candid requires employing the realities of etiquette. Etiquette is situational, relational, and contextual. What is the situation? What is my relationship with this person? What are the circumstances that I find myself in? Am I relaying too much in writing and not enough in voice?
We all get busy and let our positive communication skills slip through the cracks. When this happens, own it and let the people you’ve ignored know that you acknowledge the slip. If the written communication is argumentative, acknowledge that you needed a pause so that you could collect your thoughts and formulate your best response.
It may be that what is needed is old-fashioned face-to-face communication. Rather than choosing to completely ignore a text or email message, you might instead write back, “Our communication feels a bit off-track. Maybe we could meet up or talk by phone?”
Re-instating our commitment to etiquette-fulness sets an example to others that civility is not a thin social veneer. It’s the way we want to live and work with others and we should always reassess our communication habits.

Fitness & Health

Avoid Outdoor Training Injuries
Knw your limits & environment.------
Many people take advantage of nice weather by exercising in the great outdoors. Some might skip the treadmill at the gym in favor of running at the park, while others join recreational sports leagues for some exercise and fun in the sun.
But exercising outdoors carries its share of risk. Unlike gyms where machinery clearly advises members about proper form and warns against lifting excessive weight, Mother Nature comes with no such warning labels. As a result, it's up to men and women to make injury prevention a priority when taking their exercise routine outside. The following are a handful of preventative measures that can help exercise enthusiasts avoid injury as they attempt to get or stay fit in the great outdoors.
* Study the terrain. Part of the danger of exercising outdoors is that, unlike a gym fitted with machines designed for the sole purpose of exercise, nature's terrain is unpredictable. Safety features you take for granted at the gym, such as padded floors, are nonexistent outdoors. In addition, certain areas in nature might not be suitable to all athletes. For example, mountain biking is a popular sport, but not all mountain biking trails are the same. Some trails are ideal for beginners, while others are best ridden by more seasoned riders. When your outdoor exercise regimen will be taking you off the beaten path, be sure you know the terrain before you start your workout. Speak with fellow outdoor enthusiasts about which trails or courses are best for someone of your skill level and adhere to their recommendations. When exercising on a trail for the first time, bring a friend along so someone can go get help should an accident happen.
* Stay hydrated. Dehydration is another cause of injury when athletes exercise in the great outdoors. Gyms have water fountains that allow members to take a drink of water when they're thirsty. That water can help prevent dehydration, which can be painful and greatly increase your risk of injury. When exercising outdoors, be sure to bring along enough water so you can stay hydrated regardless of how far away from civilization you may find yourself.
* Honestly assess your abilities. When exercising outdoors, it's easy to overdo it. Warm air and sunshine have a way of encouraging athletes to prolong their workout routines or push themselves a little harder. But pushing yourself past your limits can considerably increase your risk of injury. While it's easy to stay within your limits when exercising indoors, where the environment may encourage you to cut a workout short rather than extend it, it's easy to overextend yourself outdoors when the weather is nice. So it's important for men and women to make an honest assessment of their abilities before beginning an outdoor exercise regimen. Once you know what your body can and can't handle, you can tailor your outdoor workout to one that makes the most of nice weather without putting your health at risk.
* Don't challenge Mother Nature. One of the biggest risks with regard to exercising outdoors is the tendency some athletes have to ignore the elements. Avoid working out in especially cold or hot weather, as such conditions are not conducive to exercise. Extreme weather also reduces the number of people outside, which means there won't be as many people around to help you if you suffer an injury, lose your way or need help with your gear. Exercising outdoors is a great way to enjoy nice weather, but limit such workouts to those times of year when temperatures are most conducive to outdoor activity.
Working out in the great outdoors is a great way to make the most of a beautiful day. But athletes must still take certain precautionary measures to reduce their risk of injury when exercising outdoors.

Spirits & Cuisine

Eat a Peach!
The nutritional benefits of peaches.-------
Pies, cobblers and smoothies might be the first things that come to mind when people think of peaches. Perhaps nutrition needs to muscle its way into that discussion?
Peaches are typically viewed as a sweet treat, particularly in summertime. But peaches also provide a host of health benefits, which can make anyone who enjoys a peach-based sweet treat feel a little better about their indulgence.
Peaches and heart health
Peaches are rich in vitamins and minerals, including potassium. The potassium content in peaches, though moderate, is still significant, as the American Heart Association notes that potassium plays an important role in the management of high blood pressure. In addition, a recent study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that consumption of peach and plum juice provided protection against cardiovascular disease.
Peaches and body weight
One of the keys to long-term health is the ability to maintain a healthy weight from childhood through adulthood. The Cleveland Clinic estimates that a single large peach contains just 68 calories. Peaches also do not contain any saturated fats, making them a good low-calorie snacking option that can help people maintain a healthy weight.
Peaches and cancer risk
A report from the American Institute for Cancer Research linked fruits with a lower risk for cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, lung, and stomach. Peaches are rich in free radical-fighting vitamin C. That could explain their link to reducing cancer risk, as free radicals are unstable atoms that often contribute to cell damage that is a hallmark of cancer. In addition, Medicine.Net reports that peaches are high in polyphenols, which studies have found prevent the formation and spread of cancer cells in lab tests.
Peaches and vision
Peaches also can have a positive impact on vision. According to the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station at Rutgers University, a medium-sized peach provides roughly 6 percent of the daily recommended value of vitamin A. That's helpful for vision, as the American Optometric Association notes that vitamin A supports functioning of the conjunctival membranes and cornea. In addition, the AOA reports that vitamin A deficiency is the leading cause of preventable blindness in children.
Peaches have a well-earned reputation as a sweet treat. However, the powerful peach is more than just a post-meal palate cleanser, and in fact can play a vital role in promoting long-term health.

Leisure & Travel

Pasko Travel Clothing Going Out of Business
This is the last week to order.-------
No, we are not receiving a commission or compensation.
We have been huge fans of this travel gear and really can't believe that this company which was founded by a former GAP executive and appeared on the TV show "Shark Tank" didn't make it. But it didn't and now is your last chance to pick up this high end travel clothing at up to 80% off.
Have you heard of Pasko travel clothes? Well, if you haven't and you travel, it may well be worth your time to explore. Everyone knows what a pain it is to juggle items through airport security. It can become very easy to loose something of importance. Plus, looking stylish and being comfortable for a long-haul flight can often seem at odds. Pasko Travel Clothes has stepped in to solve both problems with style and comfortable clothes that have secure zippered pockets in all the right places. We are huge fans and always travel wearing Pasko.
You may want to give it a look.

Business Services
Corb7 Publications

Swiss Trust Company Ownership
Straight answers.-------
"The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership"
Jeffrey H. Corbett
It is our mission to save you both time and money when it comes to implementing a successful cross-border strategy as well as make a Swiss Trust Company acquisition possible for you within the shortest possible period of time. Offering more than 25 years of hands-on personal experience, the management of Corb7 International has guided more clients to successful endeavors with Swiss Trust Companies than any other alternative source.
Our free edition is now available. Presented in a digital format increasing ease of reading and your ability to use this business tool as a valuable reference piece. Gain Profit, Asset Protection and a European Hub in one of the world's most prestigious and business friendly financial centers! Please note that additional licensing may be required depending upon new ownership's business objectives.
The Ultimate Vehicle for Uncertain Times!
For a Complimentary Consultation:
Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
Corb7 International, Inc.
a Business Advisory & Publishing Firm

Business Services
Business Tools
Worldwide Funding!
Cutting-edge ideas.-------
Any Project, Any Where!
We have solutions.
When Others Say No, We Have Solutions!
Traditional project funding route has been drying up. Banks are not lending; projects don't have the required credit or valuations and are coming out of a very difficult period in our history of business.
We are pleased to bring to your attention a service that could provide a lifeline to your business. Through our associates, we arrange financing for companies who cannot obtain adequate bank financing.
We have solutions.
Worldwide Business Funding!
Funding $10 million plus!
Client Profile:
Any company or group that is unable to secure commercial financing through traditional sources particularly if funding needs are immediate.
The ideal client will have committed 20% of their own funds to the project and will be looking to fund 80% or less. Clients can be located anywhere in the world. As a starting point please tell us how much funding you are looking for, if you meet the general terms described above and where you are located.
For a Complimentary Consultation:
Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com

Business Services
Take Your Business to the Next Level!
Corb7 International
"Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity"
Imagine Your Own Zurich Based European Hub!
The World's Premier Business Location.
The Swiss Trust Company Business Model
Strategic Benefits:
Profit, Privacy & Asset Protection
- Asset Protection: Obtain a safe haven for either your personal or corporate wealth
- Profit: Acquire ownership of a “Non-Banking Financial Entity” in a major financial center
- Privacy: Lower your financial profile and protect yourself from identity theft
- Gain Control: Avoid cumbersome red-tape in which will improve efficiency
- Potential Exit Strategy: Roll existing business into a STC and then list on an exchange
- Portfolio Management: Manage portfolios of Real Estate or Securities
Why Us?
We understand that you have choices when it comes to implementing a cross-border strategy. At Corb7, we are committed to the disciplined pursuit of international entrepreneurial endeavors. As a client, you will benefit from our insistence upon organized, professional and above all ethical guidance. Ultimately, you will receive advice that is straightforward and technically sound while developing strategic relationships with premier financial networks and advisors. Therefore, we would like to offer you the following macro reasons to consider us for your Swiss Trust Company acquisition.
Pricing – saving you money: No hidden fees are what you can expect from us along with fair pricing. This separates us apart from competitors who quote a low initial price but literally add-on tens of thousands in additional costs.
Turnkey – saving you time: Three days start to finish resulting in fast and efficient transfer of ownership.
Experience – peace of mind: While competitors come and go, no one can offer you more experience. We have been involved with the successful implementation of Swiss Trust Company strategies for more than 25 years. Not one of our clients has ever had a transfer of ownership problem. We take pride in our straightforward approach. Therefore, you and your associates are guaranteed that the company is in good standing and without issue.
FATCA & OECD Compliant – peace of mind: Our associates in Zurich will make sure that every Swiss Trust Company client is compliant and current on all filings. No one else will offer you this critical function.
Publications – trustworthiness: Straight answers to your questions. A review of our website, blog, newsletters, and previous publications – including our magazine & book – reveal our knowledge and longevity. The quality and quantity of these writings show our dedication to both our readership and clients.
Top Reasons to Own a Swiss Trust Company in 2023!
Please note that additional licensing may be required depending upon new ownership’s business objectives and activities.1. Eastern European Business Owners: To seek sanctuary from political uncertainty.
2. US Real Estate Developers: To raise & manage capital from private overseas investors to fund real estate development in the United States. Also applies to similar industries.
3. Wealthy Families or Business Partners: To use as a management tool to protect, invest and consolidate wealth by warehousing assets and segregating interests via mandate for reinvestment reflecting differing tolerance to risk.
4. South African Business Owners: Manage international profits in response to government currency controls in country of origin. Also applies to other countries with similar restrictions in place.
5. Financial Services: To use as an alternative to owning a “Captive Bank” or Class B Bank. The cost of time and money to establish ownership of bank has soared while profit multiples have plummeted. Thus, a Swiss Trust Company can be an attractive alternative for international business.
6. Internet Based Business Owners: Enhance corporate profile while at the same time establishing a quality European beachhead with an outstanding professional network of attorneys and bankers.
7. Import Industry & Shipping Industry: Control transactions more efficiently and establish true corresponding bank relationships.
We will Save you Time & Money!
For a Complimentary Consultation & to Explore New Opportunities:
Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
Corb7 International, Inc.
a Business Advisory & Publishing Firm
For more content regarding international business, motivation & lifestyle,
please see my new site: JeffCorbett.com