What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
The Roman Colosseum - Business Psychology:
"Own the Day / Own Your Life" - Cross-Border Business:
Swiss Light Banking License - Business Etiquette:
The Recipe for Success - Executive Fitness:
Dangers of Dehydration - Spirits & Cuisine:
Is Alcohol a Friend or Foe? - Leisure:
The Unique History of Labor Day - Travel:
Tips for Labor Day Getaways - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
1962 Swiss Trust Company for Sale! - Corb7 Funding Services:
Global Funding

International Business
Editor's Note

The Roman Colosseum
There is currently a captivating documentary mini-series broadcasted on the History Channel entitled “The Colosseum.” It uses the iconic Roman Colosseum as the focal point to explore and discuss all things that were good and bad with Europe’s largest ever empire. In the last few episodes, the viewer is offered some insights into the fall of the Roman Empire – political corruption, plague, never-ending wars and of course the barbarians who wanted nothing to do with this form of civilization. Emperor Commodus, who ruled from 176 to 192 AD is highlighted as the leader who bought on the beginning of the end for empire as he vilified and targeted members of the ruling Senate, made peace with the barbarians which was doomed to fail, and devalued their currency by minting coins with a lower percentage of silver. Thus, he could produce much more currency, but the decreased value led to hyperinflation.
If you are interested in history, we highly recommend this series and can only hope that the obvious parallels to current events are nothing more than historical coincidence.
The History Channel

International Business
Business Psychology

"Own the Day / Own Your Life"
An Excellent Read for Making Large Changes to Your Life!-------
“Own the Day / Own Your Life" by Aubrey Marcus
This is an excellent work that we highly recommend. You have one life and one shot at living the best life you can and this book gives you a lot of ideas and potential habits to accomplish it. Take a look at the video above an if you like it, we suggest reviewing his YouTube videos which offer a visual experience and insights to many of the chapters of this book.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Swiss Light Banking License
Switzerland Continues to Innovate.-------
To boost innovative financial companies, the Swiss parliament has simplified the regulatory requirements for Fintech companies which accepts public deposits. This regulatory simplification, which was implemented on January 1, 2019, allows for a “Swiss Light Banking License”. The regulatory change will greatly reduce the financial requirements for FinTech companies that accept public deposits.
Under previous regulation, the operations of many FinTech companies often fell within the scope of the Swiss Banking Act and therefore required a full Swiss banking license from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). This Class One Swiss Banking License carries a substantial financial and organizational obligation, and has an onerous licensing process, which has kept many companies out of the Swiss market. For that specific reason, the Swiss Federal Council and Swiss Parliament created a legal framework for FinTech companies.
The new regulations include a “sandbox exemption”, that allows FinTech companies to engage in certain activities which under the previous rules would have triggered the need for a banking license. In general. these companies may accept deposits up to a maximum of CHF 100 million without a full banking license, so long as such assets are not invested or interest bearing.
Three years after this new legislation was put in place it continues to gain popularity with start-ups.
Related Article

International Business
Business Etiquette

The Recipe for Success
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Everyone wants to find a recipe for success. For some it remains elusive. For others, a source of confusion. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The most important ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” If we adapt his philosophy, the answer is simple.
This is what etiquette is all about: living well in the world with others.
Significance and Good Manners
Many teachers are taking “good manners” lessons off the shelves to add to their curriculum, as they realize kindness and sincerity have to be modeled, not only by them as teachers, but by the students they hope will lead successful and full lives in the future.
A teacher-friend shared that her class has created a “catch them in kindness” board. It offers students the opportunity to note another student’s act of kindness. Building self-esteem and character are matters of self-significance, and success without the personal experienced knowledge of significance can be hollow.
How we find the tipping point between personal success and significance depends on each individual, but bottom-line, it may be the point where you identify deeply felt satisfaction.
Where what you’re doing has your mark on it and you know that its accomplishment was a gift to the world, however small, and therefore a gift to yourself.
The etiquette-ful actions that graciously bring about the well-being of someone else in the moment surely add up as you discover and re-discover how important and desirable it is to get along with others. As we successfully add value to ourselves and others in our worlds of work and home with jobs well-done, we catch glimpses of our significance.
Often the day-to-day adding of value occurs in the moments of interaction when we are mindful and respectful of other’s space and feelings. Those little moments of impact on others’ lives are significant!
A Recipe for Success in Action
To be significant and to create self-significance, we must first have the ability to get along with others.
Using this in your recipe for success, as Mr. Roosevelt suggests, requires consistent etiquette-ful action.
No matter your daily lifestyle or routine, you are bound to encounter other people. The ability to get along with them automatically makes everyone’s life easier while, at the same time, increasing your self-significance and building your recipe for success.
10 etiquette-ful actions you might incorporate are:
- Acknowledging the positives in another’s point of view before sharing your own.
- Noticing and commenting on what your spouse, partner, or friend does for your relationship.
- Encourage other people by being authentically friendly and welcoming.
- Admitting your errors to others quickly and cleanly; you learn the most from mistakes.
- Stop yourself when you are being negative and find one positive about the situation. “Marie, I hear myself opposing this view, but the good thing about the view is that you are proposing it, so I will listen more closely.”
- Open the door for the person behind you, even though you got there first.
- Feel and show gratitude – even for little things. Say “thank you” with sincerity.
- When spending time with a group of people, be sure to include everyone in your conversation.
- Listen closely and acknowledge what you hear. Gaining understanding is more important than offering a clever response.
- Embrace positivity. Having a positive attitude draws other people to you.
Considering etiquette-ful mindfulness in getting along with others, we shouldn’t forget an important kindness to ourselves—stepping aside from comparing our successes or significances with those of others.
While each of us is searching for a recipe for success, we must also remember that the recipe is rarely duplicated. It is as individual as we are. Positivity, kindness, respect, and thoughtful gestures in general are perfect ingredients to use. But what each of them looks like when put into action will vary from person to person.
Your recipe for success is your own, just as your source of self-significance is your own. Embracing your individuality will help others embrace and appreciate it, too. It will also help them appreciate themselves!

Executive Fitness

Dangers of Dehydration
It Can Affect Anyone at Any Time.-------
Dehydration is a simple condition to understand, but one that can lead to a host of complicated problems. Many people may be quick to associate dehydration with athletes, particularly those who exercise outdoors in warm climates. But dehydration can affect anyone at any time, which only highlights why men, women and even children should learn to identify signs of dehydration and what to do should it surface.
What is dehydration?
Dehydration happens when the loss of body fluids, namely water, exceeds the amount of fluids that is taken in. When a person is diagnosed as dehydrated, that typically means his or her body has lost so much fluid that is has begun to lose its ability to function normally.
Who is vulnerable to dehydration?
Anyone can suffer from dehydration, which can be especially dangerous to young children and older adults. The Mayo Clinic notes that older adults, who naturally have a lower volume of water in their bodies, may not feel thirsty until they are already dehydrated, so it's important that aging men and women understand that thirst is not always the best indicator that they're becoming dehydrated. Babies may become dehydrated when they get sick with an illness that causes vomiting and diarrhea. But even teens and otherwise healthy adults can suffer from dehydration.
What are the symptoms of dehydration?
Symptoms of dehydration vary with age. Parents of babies and young children should be on the lookout for signs of dehydrations, as infants and even toddlers may not be able to communicate that something is wrong.
Signs of dehydration in infants and young children include dry mouth and tongue, a lack of tears when crying, sunken eyes and cheeks, and a sunken soft spot on the top of the skull. In addition, babies who produce no wet diapers for three hours may be suffering from dehydration. A sense of listlessness or irritability in infants and young children is another potential indicator of dehydration.
Adults who experience extreme thirst may be suffering from dehydration. Less frequent urination and a dark-colored urine when going to the bathroom also is symptomatic of dehydration. Fatigue, dizziness and confusion are some additional indicators of dehydration in adults.
Can dehydration be prevented?
Dehydration can affect anyone, but there are ways to prevent it, even among those people who are especially susceptible to dehydration, such as children and older adults.
Parents of babies who are vomiting or experiencing diarrhea should speak with their pediatricians and discuss the ways to prevent such children from becoming dehydrated. Breastfeeding more frequently and giving the baby a medicine such as Pedialyte® can prevent the occurrence of dehydration in babies who are sick. The Mayo Clinic recommends parents take a proactive approach to preventing dehydration in young children, meaning they should not wait until dehydration occurs or symptoms of dehydration present themselves before taking action.
Adults who want to prevent dehydration should drink plenty of fluids and include lots of fruits and vegetables in their diets. Such foods contain lots of water and can help the body avoid becoming dehydrated.
The Mayo Clinic recommends that athletes begin hydrating the day before engaging in strenuous exercise. A telltale sign of a well-hydrated body is clear, diluted urine. Athletes should replenish their fluids during exercise and continue doing so even after they finish working out or competing.
Older adults should make a concerted effort to drink more fluids when suffering from minor illnesses, which is when such men and women most commonly become dehydrated. Drink extra water when battling influenza, bronchitis or bladder infections, remembering that feelings of thirst often surface only after the body has become dehydrated.
Dehydration is a serious yet preventable threat to men, women and children.

Spirits & Cuisine

Is Alcohol a Friend or Foe?
The Answer is not Cut & Dry!
Alcohol can be both tonic and poison. Literature suggesting that light to moderate drinking presents a plethora of health benefits can be found if people go looking for it. However, alcohol also has its detractors, who say that the risks outweigh the benefits when it comes to drinking. This makes it even more complicated to decided if consuming alcohol is something that can safely be included in one's lifestyle or if it's something to be avoided.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that alcohol can affect every organ in the body. It is a central nervous system depressant that is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestine into the bloodstream. The Mayo Clinic advises that moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits. These can include reducing risk of developing and dying from heart disease. There's a possible reduction in the risk of ischemic stroke, which occurs when the arteries to the brain narrow or become blocked, impacting blood flow. Some think that moderate alcohol consumption may reduce one's risk of diabetes.
The Harvard Medical School indicates that moderate drinking protecting against cardiovascular disease and diabetes makes sense biologically and scientifically. Moderate amounts of alcohol raise levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or "good" cholesterol), and higher HDL levels are associated with greater protection against heart disease. Moderate alcohol consumption has also been linked with beneficial changes ranging from greater sensitivity to insulin to improvements in factors that influence blood clotting.
Alcohol has a dark side, too. Its most pronounced issue is the toll it can take on the liver. Heavy alcohol use can cause inflammation or scarring of the liver. The World Cancer Research Fund also ties alcohol to cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, breast, liver, colon, and rectum. People who cannot control their drinking can develop addictions that affect both their personal and professional lives.
Moderation is essential when consuming alcohol. Those who do not currently drink are not advised to do so just for the potential health benefits. However, people who have one to two drinks (12 ounces of beer, eight ounces of malt liquor, five ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor) on a regular basis and are healthy overall should generally have few problems, according to the Mayo Clinic. Still, it is always best to consult with a physician about alcohol consumption and its potential effects on one's overall health.


The Unique History of U.S. Labor Day
A Celebration of Workers.
Labor Day weekend is much-anticipated. Many people look forward to Labor Day weekend because it offers one last extended break to enjoy summer weather. Though summer does not officially end until September is nearly over, for many people Labor Day, which is celebrated annually on the first Monday in September, marks the unofficial end of summer.
But Labor Day is more than just one final chance to embrace the relaxed vibe of summer and soak up some rays. In fact, Labor Day boasts a unique history that's worth celebrating for a variety of reasons.
What is Labor Day?
The United States Department of Labor notes that Labor Day is a celebration of American workers that dates back to the 19th century. The day is meant to commemorate the contributions workers in the United States have made to the nation, helping to make it one of the strongest and most prosperous countries in the world.
Who came up with the idea of Labor Day?
Despite the fact that municipal legislation surrounding Labor Day was initially introduced in the 1880s, debate remains as to just who should be credited with proposing a day to honor American workers. Some records suggest that Peter J. McGuire, who served as general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and cofounded the American Federation of Labor, deserves the credit for Labor Day. However, the Department of Labor notes that many people believe a machinist named Matthew Maguire (no relation to Peter) was the first to propose a holiday honoring workers in 1882. At that time Maguire was serving as secretary of New York's Central Labor Union, which later adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic. The first Labor Day was ultimately celebrated in New York City on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in accordance with the plans made by the Central Labor Union, which strongly suggests that Maguire does, in fact, deserve the credit for coming up with the holiday.
Why celebrate Labor Day?
Labor Day is worth celebrating because, without the contributions of millions of workers every year, the United States would not be the success story it is and has been for more than 200 years. In addition to the United States, many countries across the globe, including Canada and Australia, have their own versions of Labor Day.
Labor Day weekend might now be seen as the unofficial end of summer. But this Labor Day weekend, celebrants and workers should remember that Labor Day also should be a time to reflect on the value of hard work.

Tips for Labor Day Getaways
The Unofficial End of Summer is Here.-------
Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer. Even though summer officially ends a few weeks after Labor Day, a new school year begins for most students by Labor Day, and the lazy, hazy days spent on the beach give way to a new school year.
It's no wonder that so many people want to capture the last of the summer magic before it's gone for another year; Labor Day getaways help people hold on to summer just a little longer. Explore these tips to make Labor Day trips a bit more safe and convenient.
Leave extra time
Roadways are bound to be busy with other Labor Day weekend travelers, particularly for those headed to seaside locales or campgrounds. One way to avoid some of the traffic is to depart from home in the wee hours of the morning or late at night. Leave plenty of time to get to your destination so you won't be tempted to speed or drive erratically. Utilize GPS and mobile phone mapping apps to identify routes that can help you avoid traffic.
Be cautious of the weather
Extreme temperatures can be a concern even this late in the season. The American Red Cross urges travelers to remain hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids while en route to destinations or while engaging in Labor Day fun. Avoid strenuous exercise during the hottest part of the day. Strong storms can blow through in an instant, so keep track of weather alerts and find shelter if a thunderstorm approaches while on the beach or in other areas where lightning strikes occur more readily.
Plan ahead
Labor Day vacationers number in the millions. Hotels and motels will be in demand, driving up rates, and airfare prices could soar. Book early to secure the best prices available and to guarantee you have accommodations.
Consider a bundled vacation
Package deals at destinations can save you a considerable amount of money. Fly.com allows users to search the site for destination-appropriate packages that can combine airfare with hotel and car rentals to save money.
Look for lifeguards
If the plan is to swim in a lake, river or the ocean, select areas that have lifeguards available. Always swim sober and with a buddy. Even strong swimmers can be caught off guard by the power of water, which can include rip currents or rushing rapids.
Watch alcohol intake
Never drink alcohol while operating a vehicle en route to and from Labor Day festivities. Have a designated driver available if need be. Also, vacationers must recognize that alcohol can contribute to dehydration. Choose non-alcoholic and decaffeinated beverages to stay hydrated in warm weather.
Consider smaller airports
It may seem more convenient to utilize larger airport hubs for travel, but driving a little further to smaller, regional airports can help you save money on fares. Plus, these airports may be less crowded, helping to calm stress and make the overall trip a little easier.
Labor Day travel is about to heat up, and a few tips can make plans go more smoothly.

Business Services
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Business Services

Global Business Funding
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Client Profile:
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