What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
The War On Capitalism - Business Psychology:
Warning Signs of Mental Health Issues - Cross-Border Business:
Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program - Business Etiquette:
Live and Let Live Etiquette - Fitness & Health:
6 Health Benefits of Yoga - Spirits & Cuisine:
How to Make Grilling Healthier - Leisure:
7 Great Roads to Drive in North America - Travel:
How to Avoid Rip Currents at the Beach - Corb7 Funding Service:
Any Project, Any Where! - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Discover How to Take Your Business to the Next Level

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
The War on Capitalism
"Education without common sense is like piling a bunch of books
on the back of an ass" - John H. Corbett , Sr. (my Dad)
Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov, was a former Soviet KGB agent who defected to Canada. During a 1985 interview which is offered in the video link below, he states incredible insights to many tactics, which may well be at play in 2023. If you have not previously reviewed the video, I would strongly suggest that you take ten minutes and learn about what is termed as “ideological subversion.” Ideological subversion is defined as a psychological warfare tool to change what people believe or change the perception of reality. As an offensive tactic by hostile intelligence services, large quantities of misinformation and deception are used as weapons against competing nations or political systems. The purpose of such propaganda driven methodology is to attack people at the psychological level in a bid to destabilize and undermine the entire ideological structure of a nation. The ultimate goal is the complete collapse of the target society.
At this point, I would like to offer two quick anecdotes that I think are relevant.
Years ago, I was playing in my usual Saturday morning pick-up basketball game which occurred every week without fail and brought a cross-section of guys ages 35-60 together. Not one participant knew the origins of this outdoor game - it is still played to this day - but all enjoyed the competition and the early-morning California sun. In between games conversations would turn to various subjects and this day, we talked about careers, which was extremely rare. The reason I bring this up now was a shocking comment that was made by a high school teacher and athletic coach. He termed me as a “righteous capitalist” and meant it as a compliment. Keep in mind, this was years before CRT, White Privilege, or any reasonable person would offer socialism as an alternative economic system. At that point, Bernie Sanders was some obscure name and yet here was this strange comment by an educator. It was offered as a compliment but clearly intended it to mean I was one of the few good ones.
Fast forward several years and during the second Obama presidential term, I was attending a cocktail party, and the conversation turned to politics. I voiced disagreement with one of Obama’s recent decisions (do not recall which one) and the Notre Dame graduate I was speaking with called me a racist. This was someone whom I was friendly with, had known for years and he had enjoyed the hospitality of my home. He didn’t even flitch when I informed him that I voted for Obama for his first term. My sheer audacity to disagree with one policy was enough for this person to go off the deep end.
These events represent two small moments in my life but have stuck with me. What strikes me is that the apparent war on capitalism and political dissent (discussion) has been going on for years. How did we get here? While this is not a political column, nevertheless, I simply cannot walk past recent events that have both economic and free market ramifications. I do not offer any answers but certainly have questions. Recently, I came across the video below and found it beyond thought provoking. From my perspective, recent political and economic events go to prove that common sense is the highest level of intelligence. Thanks, Dad, for drilling that into my head.
KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America

International Business
Business Psychology

Warning Signs of Mental Health Issues
Protect yourself.
A recent study from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation estimated that 792 million people across the globe lived with a mental health disorder. If that figure is startling, it's likely even greater as a result of the pandemic and we move further away.
Data from the Kaiser Family Foundation indicated that about four in 10 adults in the United States reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder during the pandemic. That marked a significant uptick since the summer of 2019, when one in 10 adults reported such symptoms.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness notes that each mental illness has its own symptoms, so anyone concerned about their own mental health or the health of a loved one can speak with a mental health professional for more information. In the meantime, the NAMI notes that these are some common signs of mental illness in adults and adolescents.
· Excessive worrying or fear
· Feeling excessively sad or low
· Feelings of confusion or difficulty concentrating and learning
· Extreme mood changes, including uncontrollable "highs" or feelings of euphoria
· Prolonged or significant feelings of irritability or anger
· Avoiding friends and social activities
· Difficulty understanding or relating to other people
· Changes in sleeping habits or feelings of fatigue and low energy
· Changes in eating habits, such as increased hunger or lack of appetite
· Changes in sex drive
· Difficulty perceiving reality (delusions or hallucinations, in which a person experiences and senses things that don't exist in objective reality)
· Inability to perceive changes in one's own feelings, behavior or personality. Some individuals experience a lack of insight known as anosognosia, which NAMI describes as unawareness of one's own mental health condition.
· Overconsumption of substances such as alcohol or drugs
· Multiple physical ailments without obvious causes, such as headaches,stomach aches and vague and ongoing aches and pains
· Suicidal thoughts
· Difficulties handling daily life, including an inability to carry out activities or handle problems and stress that arises each day
· An intense fear of weight gain or concern with appearance
Pre-adolescent children also can experience mental illness, which can manifest itself through these symptoms:
· Changes in academic performance
· Excessive worry or anxiety. Some children may fight with parents to avoid going to bed or school.
· Hyperactive behavior
· Frequent nightmares
· Frequent disobedience or aggression
· Frequent temper tantrums
Individuals who are experiencing any of these symptoms or those who recognize them in loved ones, including children, are urged to contact a health care professional, including their general physicians, who may be able to recommend a mental health specialist.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program by Selina Kolthek
Managing DirectorTrade Commissioner of The Republic of Vanuatu
Website: vicl.vu
Email: Selina@vivi.vu
A pathway to global mobility.
Vanuatu, a breath-taking archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, is blessed with natural beauty, warm people, and a stable political environment. The country has emerged as an attractive destination for investors and entrepreneurs seeking to expand their business horizons, explore new markets, and secure their future.
With the Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Program, eligible individuals and families can obtain a second passport and enjoy the benefits of global mobility, financial privacy, and increased opportunities. This program, which is recognized by the Vanuatu Government, offers a fast-track process to acquire citizenship by investing in the country's development programs.
Vanuatu Investment Citizenship Ltd (VIC), a licensed government agent, and key promoter of the Vanuatu CBI Program, provides a reliable and efficient pathway for investors to obtain citizenship and reap the rewards of this idyllic nation.
What is the Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program?
The Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program, Development Support Program (DSP) was launched in 2017 to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth.
This program allows qualified individuals to gain citizenship and enjoy the privileges and rights of Vanuatu citizens, including visa-free travel to over 100 countries, tax benefits, and access to the country's banking and financial system.
To participate in the program, applicants must fulfil the following requirements:
• Be at least 18 years old
• Have no criminal record
• Have a net worth of at least USD $250,000
• Make a one-time donation starting at USD $130,000 for Single Applicant
The Government donation must be made through an authorized licensed agent, such as VIC, and the applicant must provide proof of the source of funds and comply with ongoing due diligence checks.
Once the application is accepted, the applicant and their family members can obtain citizenship within 4 to 6 weeks, followed by the issuance of a Vanuatu passport. The passport is valid for ten years and can be renewed indefinitely, provided that the holder complies with the country's laws and regulations.
Why Choose Vanuatu for Citizenship by Investment?
Vanuatu offers a unique combination of advantages that make it an excellent choice for investors seeking to diversify their portfolio, safeguard their assets, and enhance their lifestyle.
Some of the benefits of Vanuatu CBI include:
• Strategic Location: Vanuatu is strategically located between Australia and New Zealand, making it a gateway to the Asia-Pacific region. The country has a strong economic and trade relationship with its neighbours, and it offers favourable conditions for business and tourism.
• Political Stability: Vanuatu is a parliamentary democracy with a stable political system, independent judiciary, and low crime rate. The country has a reputation for transparency, good governance, and respect for human rights.
• Tax-Friendly Environment: Vanuatu does not impose any capital gains tax, inheritance tax, or wealth tax. This favourable tax regime makes Vanuatu an attractive destination for high-net-worth individuals and businesses.
• Visa-Free Travel: Vanuatu passport holders can travel without a visa to over 100 countries, including the UK, Russia, Singapore, and Hong Kong. This allows investors to expand their business interests, explore new markets, and enjoy hassle-free travel.
• High Quality of Life: Vanuatu is known for its pristine beaches, tropical climate, and diverse culture. The country offers a wide range of leisure activities, such as hiking, diving, fishing, and cultural events. The local population is friendly, welcoming, and multicultural, creating a harmonious society.
Vanuatu Investment Citizenship Ltd: Your Trusted Partner for Citizenship by Investment Vanuatu Investment Citizenship Ltd (VIC) is a licensed government agent and one of the key promoters of the Vanuatu CBI Program. VIC operates with the mandate of the Vanuatu Government and adheres to strict standards of compliance, transparency, and professionalism.
The CEO of VIC, Dean Kolthek and Managing Director, Selina Kolthek both hold Trade Commissioner positions of Vanuatu to Australia appointed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in recognition of their successful promotion of investment and trade in Vanuatu.
VIC offers a comprehensive suite of services to assist investors in obtaining Vanuatu citizenship, including:
• Initial consultation and eligibility assessment
• Preparation and submission of the application
• Due diligence checks and compliance monitoring
• Passport and citizenship issuance
• Ongoing support and after-sales assistance.
VIC works closely with its network of trusted partners, including lawyers, accountants, and developers, to ensure that investors receive timely and accurate advice on all aspects of Vanuatu DSP.
The Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program, DSP is a reliable and convenient way for investors to obtain a second passport and access the benefits of global mobility, financial privacy, and increased opportunities. Vanuatu, with its stunning natural landscape, stable political environment, and favourable tax regime, offers a unique proposition for high-net-worth individuals and businesses seeking to expand their horizons.
Vanuatu Investment Citizenship Ltd.

International Business
Business Etiquette
"Live and Let Live" Etiquette
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
“Live and let live” is a phrase found in “The Ancient Law-Merchant,” a Dutch commercial law collection complied in 1622. The code of law was avowed by medieval merchants to govern trade between countries. In 1678 John Ray published “A Compleat Collection of English Proverbs,” which also included the phrase in this work known as part of the knowledge base of civilization.
Every day we try to live realistically and optimistically, showing up recognizably respectful throughout all situations. The idiom “live and let live” summarizes the idea that we tolerate the opinions and behaviors of others, and we hope that they will similarly tolerate ours.
Respecting Boundaries
When we live etiquette-fully, we promote respect and other-regardfulness. Learning and practicing etiquette guidelines we find that conflicts and disagreements are minimalized as others’ rights and boundaries are held sacred. The ideal of living in a civil society becomes more real.
Embracing the philosophy means that a person accepts the differences of others without trying to change them, but it does not necessarily mean that you accept or condone the differences. It also implies the recognition of the foolishness of wasting your own precious time by telling others how to live.
When Not to Live and Let Live
But there are places and situations where “live and let live” might not be appropriate.
- If a person’s actions are bringing harm to themselves and others, intervention may be needed in order to protect everyone’s safety or well-being.
- When an individual’s personal space has been violated and discomfort results, the need arises to assert and communicate your concerns respectfully.
- “Live and let live” does not release individuals of responsibility for their actions. Personal accountability is paramount.
As a guiding philosophy for peaceful interactions with others, “live and let live” is always properly etiquette-ful, which will be situational, contextual, and relational and within the context of overarching ethical standards.
Whenever we observe the absence of regard—when others demonstrate disrespectful, inappropriate or careless behaviors—does this give privilege to correct their behavior?
This brings us to another idiom that applies.
Mind Your Own Business
When you mind your own business, you take care of your responsibilities and don’t interfere in the responsibilities of other people. However, if you are a parent, teacher, manager, or employer, you have supervisory and educational roles to play. But like “live and let live,” it is important to be clear on the boundaries for correction. And when in doubt, it’s wise to recall that etiquette errs on the side of no.

Fitness & Health

Six Health Benefits of Yoga
A secret to successful aging.------
Are you ready for warrior pose? Have you engaged in downward dog today? You no doubt understand these questions if you have an even cursory knowledge of yoga.
Yoga is an ancient, ascetic Hindu discipline comprised of controlled breathing, body positions and meditation. The goal of yoga is to attain a deep state of tranquility and spiritual insight. While people may be quick to associate yoga with popular poses, it's the complete package of breathing and reflection that does wonderful things for the mind and body.
Johns Hopkins Medicine says yoga can benefit people of all ages. It can help the healthy, but also can be utilized to treat people recovering from illness or surgery or those living with a chronic condition. While the scientific research into yoga's health benefits is preliminary and not extensive, certain trends have emerged.
1. Improves flexibility: According to Yoga Journal, even the lowest intensity styles of yoga have been shown to increase flexibility. Yoga is especially helpful for adults ages 65 and older, helping to slow age-related loss of flexibility.
2. Brain boost: Gray matter in the brain can diminish as people get older. However, according to a 2015 study funded by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, there is no relationship between gray matter and age among yoga practitioners. In fact, yoga participants showed increased volume in certain brain regions commensurate with the number of years of yoga experience and practice,.
3. Back pain relief: Yoga poses can help alleviate pain in various regions of the body, notably the lower back. The American College of Physicians recommends yoga as a first-line treatment for chronic lower back pain.
4. Alleviate joint pain: Johns Hopkins Medicine says gentle yoga can alleviate some of the discomfort of arthritis, particularly tender, swollen joints.
5. Improved mental health: A 2017 meta-analysis of 23 interventions looking at yoga to alleviate depressive symptoms overwhelmingly indicated yoga can be an effective alternative treatment for major depressive disorder. MDD is thought to be one of the most common mental health disorders in the world.
6. Reduced inflammation: A study published in 2018 in Biological Research for Nursing determined yoga is a viable intervention to reduce inflammation across a multitude of chronic conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, Crohn's disease, and cancer.
In addition to these health benefits, yoga can help tame stress, reduce pain, improve quality of sleep, and even boost immunity. Individuals are urged to start gradually in basic level yoga classes and slowly increase intensity as they grow more comfortable.

Spirits & Cuisine

How to Make Grilling Healthier
Throw the veggies on the grill.-------
Summer is synonymous with many things, including family vacations and relaxing days at the beach. For foodies, perhaps nothing evokes the spirit of summer more effectively than grilled foods.
Grilling is a beloved tradition, but it's not necessarily the healthiest way to eat. Traditional backyard barbecue fare like hot dogs and hamburgers likely won't make physicians' hearts flutter, but there are ways to enjoy the flavor of grilling without compromising a nutritious diet.
· Replace burgers and hot dogs with healthy proteins. The occasional hamburger or hot dog won't do much damage, but people who regularly grill should skip these summertime staples and replace them with healthy proteins. The American Heart Association reports that fish and skinless chicken breasts are healthy alternatives to hamburgers and hot dogs. Burger devotees can still enjoy their go-to grilled food, but replace ground beef with lean ground poultry, which contains less saturated fat than red meat.
· Avoid overdoing it. Most people have overindulged at a backyard barbecue at one point or another. The relaxed, party-like atmosphere of the backyard barbecue makes it easy to snack on chips and other unhealthy fare before moving on to burgers and hot dogs. Hosts can do guests a favor by replacing snacks and sides like chips and potato salad with healthier fare like celery, fruit salad or chickpea salad. Keep portions of grilled fare as close to a healthy size as possible. The AHA notes that a healthy portion of meat is around three ounces and no more than six ounces.
· Create a salt-free rub. There's no denying salt makes food more flavorful. But that flavor comes at a high cost. The health care experts Piedmont note that excessive amounts of salt can contribute to inflammation from fluid retention and increase a person's risk for hypertension, or high blood pressure. Salt may be a go-to for many grilling enthusiasts, but it doesn't have to be. A salt-free rub made with chili powder, garlic powder, paprika, and/or other spices is an effective and salt-free way to add flavor to meat, chicken and fish.
· Grill more vegetables. Grilled vegetables, whether they're part of kebabs or simply grilled alongside the main course, add significant flavor and provide all the health benefits of veggies cooked in more traditional ways. The AHA notes that coating vegetables in a healthy oil like olive oil makes it easy to grill them directly over an open flame without sticking. Cooking in this way imparts that signature smoky, grilled flavor to vegetables.
This summer, grilling can be as healthy as it is flavorful. All it takes is a few simple strategies to make the menu at your next backyard barbecue one any doctor would love.


7 Great Roads to Drive in North America
Take a relaxing drive next weekend.-------
With so much land and a wide variety of terrain, North America is an ideal place to take to the open road. Indeed, car enthusiasts have answered the call of the open road since automobiles became a vital part of people's lives decades and decades ago.
Road trips remain a fun and popular way to travel. With so many miles of highway ahead of them, drivers can consider this list of notable roads in North America as they plan to see some sights from behind the wheel.
· Highway 12 (Utah): The unique landscapes of the American southwest are on display along Highway 12 in southern Utah. Along Highway 12, road trippers can motor their way through national parks while taking in breathtaking natural views and the region's distinct slickrock.
· Lake Shore Drive (Chicago): Though this 15-mile stretch of road won't make for a long journey, it's definitely one to take in when visiting the Windy City. Drive along the shore of Lake Michigan, looking out one side of the vehicle to take in its sandy shores and the other to see the stunning Chicago skyline.
· Pacific Rim Highway (Vancouver): A truly engaging experiences awaits visitors to Vancouver's Pacific Rim Highway, which features the stunning natural beauty Canada is known for. Ancient rainforests, awe-inspiring mountain ranges and sandy, secluded beaches are just a handful of the sights to see along this breathtaking stretch of road.
· Great River Road (United States): Drivers with plenty of time on their hands can traverse the Great River Road, which is a collection of state and local roads that follow the course of the Mississippi River. There's plenty to take in on this stretch of scenic roadway that snakes its way through 10 states.
· Highway 60 Corridor (Ontario): The Highway 60 Corridor passes through the southern portion of Algonquin Park. Geological formations, pristine rivers and expansive forests are just some of the stunning natural features and idyllic settings that await drivers who take to the corridor.
· Highway 50 (Nevada): Though it might seem impossible in a nation with more than 330 million residents, there are still places in the United States where drivers can feel alone and isolated. Perhaps nowhere provides that feeling of solitude better than the stretch of Highway 50 in Nevada. Pony Express stations and other abandoned relics of a bygone era are just a few of the sights to see on this lonely stretch of highway that provides stunning views of the southwest's signature expansive skies.
· Highland Scenic Highway (West Virginia): Drivers who take to the Western Scenic Highway in West Virginia will gain a greater appreciation for the late John Denver's hit song, "Take Me Home, Country Roads." The Highland Scenic Highway snakes through the Monongahela National Forest, which boasts more than its share of breathtaking views. Road trippers should know that the U.S. Department of Agriculture strongly discourages traveling the road between November and April, as conditions can be especially treacherous in winter.
Millions of miles of highways with breathtaking views await road trippers throughout North America.


How to Avoid Rip Currents
A possible danger to your vacation.-------
Accidents and injuries may be the furthest thing on a person's mind while he or she is having fun on the water. However, safety must be a priority when spending time in bodies of water like oceans and lakes.
People who live near oceans and rivers year-round may be familiar with the various ways to stay safe on the water. But those who only spend time on the water once or twice a year while on vacation may have no such familiarity. That can make them vulnerable to various threats, including rip currents.
What is a rip current?
The National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration notes that rip currents are powerful, narrow channels of fast-moving water. Rip currents are prevalent along the eastern and western coasts of the United States and also along the shores of the Great Lakes.
How fast do rip currents move?
The speed of rip currents makes them especially significant threats, as the NOAA reports that they can move at speeds of up to eight feet per second.
How can I avoid rip currents?
The National Weather Service notes that rip currents may be present even on calm, sunny days. Just because it's safe to spend a day on the beach does not mean it's safe to spend time in the water. Only swim at beaches being manned by lifeguards. According to the U.S. Lifesaving Association, the chances of drowning at beaches manned by lifeguards is one in 18 million.
Checking weather reports that include information about water conditions is another way to potentially avoid rip currents. Such reports will not guarantee swimmers won't encounter rip currents, but these reports should still be read before heading to the beach or after arriving at the beach but before going into the water.
Learning to spot rip currents is another way to avoid them. The National Park Service reports that signs rip currents may be present include a break in incoming wave patterns, a channel of churning, choppy water; a line of foam or debris moving seaward; and a difference in water color.
What should I do if I'm caught in a rip current?
The NPS urges swimmers caught in rip currents not to fight the current. The NOAA notes that swimmers caught in rip currents often put themselves at risk of drowning by attempting to swim straight back to shore, which only makes them more tired. The NPS advises swimmers caught in rip currents to swim parallel to the shoreline and to float or tread water if they cannot escape the current. Swimmers also are urged to draw attention to themselves, calling or waving for help, so lifeguards can help them get out of the water.
Rip currents can be deadly for swimmers. Knowing what rip currents are, how to spot them and what to do when caught in one can greatly increase swimmers' chances for survival.

Business Services
Business Tools
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Cutting-edge ideas.-------
Any Project, Any Where!
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Business Services
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Corb7 International
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The Swiss Trust Company Business Model
Strategic Benefits:Profit, Privacy & Asset Protection
- Asset Protection: Obtain a safe haven for either your personal or corporate wealth
- Profit: Acquire ownership of a “Non-Banking Financial Entity” in a major financial center
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- Gain Control: Avoid cumbersome red-tape in which will improve efficiency
- Potential Exit Strategy: Roll existing business into a STC and then list on an exchange
- Portfolio Management: Manage portfolios of Real Estate or Securities
Why Us?
We understand that you have choices when it comes to implementing a cross-border strategy. At Corb7, we are committed to the disciplined pursuit of international entrepreneurial endeavors. As a client, you will benefit from our insistence upon organized, professional and above all ethical guidance. Ultimately, you will receive advice that is straightforward and technically sound while developing strategic relationships with premier financial networks and advisors. Therefore, we would like to offer you the following macro reasons to consider us for your Swiss Trust Company acquisition.
Pricing – saving you money: No hidden fees are what you can expect from us along with fair pricing. This separates us apart from competitors who quote a low initial price but literally add-on tens of thousands in additional costs.
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Top Reasons to Own a Swiss Trust Company in 2023!
Please note that additional licensing may be required depending upon new ownership’s business objectives and activities.1.Eastern European Business Owners: To seek sanctuary from political uncertainty.
2. US Real Estate Developers: To raise & manage capital from private overseas investors to fund real estate development in the United States. Also applies to similar industries.
3. Wealthy Families or Business Partners: To use as a management tool to protect, invest and consolidate wealth by warehousing assets and segregating interests via mandate for reinvestment reflecting differing tolerance to risk.
4. South African Business Owners: Manage international profits in response to government currency controls in country of origin. Also applies to other countries with similar restrictions in place.
5. Financial Services: To use as an alternative to owning a “Captive Bank” or Class B Bank. The cost of time and money to establish ownership of bank has soared while profit multiples have plummeted. Thus, a Swiss Trust Company can be an attractive alternative for international business.
6. Internet Based Business Owners: Enhance corporate profile while at the same time establishing a quality European beachhead with an outstanding professional network of attorneys and bankers.
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Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
Corb7 International, Inc.
a Business Advisory & Publishing Firm
For more content regarding international business, motivation & lifestyle,
please see my new site: JeffCorbett.com