What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Do They Pay Their Fair Share of Tax? - Business Psychology:
"The Power of Focus" - Cross-Border Business:
Traveling with Technology - Business Etiquette:
How to Place Yourself in Someone Else's Shoes - Executive Fitness:
How to Design the Perfect Home Gym - Spirits & Cuisine:
Best Potato Chip Ever? - Leisure:
Social Media for Couples Over 50 - Travel:
Travel in Comfort & Style - Corb7 International Services:
1962 Swiss Trust Company for Sale!

International Business
Editor's Note

Do They Pay Their Fair Share of Tax?
Apparently, in the United States if you make over $400 thousand per year, you are a tax cheat and pretty much evil. I must have missed that in my college econ classes. Isn’t that what everyone is supposed to strive for? Oh well, one should never let the facts get in the way of a political opportunity.
Politics aside, I would like to ask one specific question. Since we keep hearing from US politicians – especially this week in Washington DC - that “the rich must pay their fair share,” what exactly is that number? Pretty simple question, right? Why then does no one ever want to answer it and give an exact figure? Perhaps it is because the answer does not fit their narrative. Of course, the next logical question would be what do the wealthy pay now? What percentage of the national tax do they pay? It is a simple question to research, and this does have an answer which may surprise most. To that end, we offer the sources and quotes below:
"In 2018, the top 1 percent of taxpayers accounted for more income taxes paid than the bottom 90 percent combined. The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid roughly $615 billion, or 40.1 percent of all income taxes, while the bottom 90 percent paid about $440 billion, or 28.6 percent of all income taxes. "
Please Click Here
"The top One Percent in America earns at least $480,930 per year, according to IRS data that compiled earnings/taxes paid from 2015. While that One Percent of Americans makes about 20% of all dollars earned in America, they pay 39% of all taxes paid to the American government."
Please Click Here
If you fast forward and research the years 2019 and 2020 similar results are provided. The difficulty is that you will also see article after article on how the superrich are tax cheats and hide their money from tax collection. Obviously, they have access to the best accountants and tax attorneys to avoid tax (legal). The claims of fraud from our perspective, however, get pretty thin when pointing to tax evasion (illegal). We just do not see proof of this on a massive scale, hard data points in the opposite direction and when it does occur seems to be a one-off. Why then is it a political talking point? A logical conclusion (and one we offer) is that the rich are an easy target for political gain. The irony (or hypocrisy) of this rhetoric is that most national politicians seem to easily fall into that demonic one percent – even on a government salary. Now, how does that happen?

International Business
Business Psychology

"The Power of Focus"
A Must Read Book!-------
“The Power of Focus” by Jack Canfield, Mark Hansen and Les Hewitt. Authors Canfield, Hansen and Hewitt offer a step-by-step approach to success by concentrating on our strengths while organizing and intensifying personal vision. The authors of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” provide a systematic approached to success while relating numerous heart warming stories.
I don't keep many of my paperback books - preferring instead to give them away - but this is one that I hold on to and reread often. If you have not read this work, I highly recommend it to be worth your time.
website: The Power of Focus

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Traveling with Technology
International Business Often means Taking Your Office on the Road.-------
If you travel for business then you know exactly how important technology is to your career. One of our favorite experts to keep an eye on is Rich DeMuro - also known as "Rich on Tech" - who is a tech reporter for KTLA-TV Channel 5 in Los Angeles. He has consistently offered interesting perspectives. Here he offers tips and tricks to supercharge your searches so you can find exactly what you’re looking for, even faster than ever.
Please Click Here

International Business
Business Etiquette

How to Place Yourself in Someone Else's Shoes
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
We often hear about the importance of putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes to understand and empathize with their circumstances. Etiquette-fully, the first thing to remember is that we all make mistakes, suffer pain, can be joyful, and that each of us is quite unique in all the world.
To imagine yourself in someone else’s shoes and to feel and see the world from their point of view is one way of helping you to withhold judgement of them. At the same time, it is also a way for you to offer comfort and show that you care.
Using Your Imagination
Depending on the issue at hand, imagining yourself in the place of someone else may be easy. Perhaps you have faced what they are going through and can immediately call upon the thoughts and feelings you experienced during that time.
On the other hand, you may not relate to the situation at all. In this case, it will be necessary to put your imagination to work.
- Take a pause and choose to be sensitive.
- Think before you speak and withhold judgements as best you can.
- You may not know the person’s story but imagine what may have led them to their current situation.
- Whether or not you are able to relate to the past or current situation, imagine what it is like to feel the way the other person is feeling. How would you handle those feelings?
- Make eye contact with them if possible. This will help you form a connection.
Once you let your imagination do a little work for you, you may find yourself relating to the person in question. Even if you’ve never been in their situation, actively listening to them, tapping into their feelings, and acknowledging their experience, will go a long way in developing your understanding of them.
Circumstances may or may not be ideal for you to offer advice, but if you do, realize that they may not be able to listen and heed your advice. Make sure you are responding rather than reacting when offering guidance.
Many times, simply feeling heard and acknowledged is enough to be helpful to someone in a difficult situation.
Showing Empathy
Active listening is at the heart of empathy. As you listen to someone you’d like to help, show your level of understanding by encouraging them to keep talking.
- Relax your face and shoulders and nod once in a while so that your body language tells them you are open to listening.
- Acknowledge their experience: “Marie, I think I understand. Tell me more.”
- Wait until they ask for your advice before offering it.
- If they do not ask for your advice and you know you can help, ask them if they are open to listening to you.
- Avoid speaking in absolutes when responding or offering advice – i.e., “You should never go that route,” or “They will always take advantage of you.”
- Be gentle with your responses and thank the person for sharing their situation.
Allowing others to feel vulnerable in your presence can open the door to better trust and communication. We all have challenges that we face, and everyone struggles at certain times. Recognizing our shared humanity and being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes is a comfort to others and a way to honor and accept ourselves, even as we are caring about their well-being.

Executive Fitness

How to Design the Perfect Home Gym
Limited Space Can Be Overcome-------
Exercise is often a social activity, but in the wake of COVID-19, many people have found themselves still training at home. People exercise for many different reasons. Exercise can improve one's appearance, reduce the risk for illness, alleviate stress or anxiety, and even help pass some time.
Building a home fitness room has never been a more timely project, and such a project can continue to provide rewards. Here's how to successfully stock a home gym.
· Find a dedicated space: A home gym will be limited by the amount of space that can be devoted to workouts. Possible fitness room locations include a spare bedroom, a garage, a basement, or an enclosed patio. Measure the space so you can pick and choose equipment that will fit. Leave some floor space empty for movement exercises or mat activities.
· Keep the space bright: Darkness can sap energy levels, so invest in mirrors and adequate overhead lighting to make the space inviting. Natural light can make the exercise area more enjoyable.
· Consider the flooring: New flooring can protect against damage and make an area more conductive to working out. Rubber mats can offset echoes and reduce the noise of running on a treadmill or setting down heavy weights.
· Use space-saving equipment: A home gym space will likely not be as expansive as the space inside a traditional fitness center. Thankfully, many activities do not require a lot of space or equipment. Classic exercises like squats, lunges, push ups, and sit ups require little gear but still produce results. Figure out which equipment you like the most and invest in two or three key pieces. Dumbells of various weights, a medicine ball and a yoga mat can be all you need to create a versatile, effective workout. A TRX system and a door-mounted pull-up bar also are great space-saving options.
· Have a TV hookup:A home gym may benefit from a smart TV that you can use to stream workout videos or catch up on the latest news while running the treadmill or using the stationary bike.
A home gym is beneficial year-round and can be an asset even if you have a gym membership.

Spirits & Cuisine

Best Potato Chip Ever?
A Unique Offering for Your Summer BBQ.
From St. Louis, Missouri The Billy Goat Chip Company may produce the best chips you’ll ever taste! We certainly have become fans of their product. If you share our weakness for potato chips, then this is the product for you. Great website and easy to order online too...
The Billy Goat Chip Company
3136 Watson Road
Saint Louis MO 63139
United States
Phone: 1-314-353-4628
Their Story
To Order Click Here


Social Media for Couples Over 50
It's Not Just for Kids Anymore.
Perhaps due to the popularity of social media among a generation of young people who grew up with it, platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are often associated with people born in the 21st century. However, a recent study from the Pew Institute found that 65 percent of adults between the ages of 50 and 64 used Facebook and 68 percent used YouTube.
Social media is often on the receiving end of negative attention, but it's also a potentially valuable tool that can help men and women over 50 stay connected with their communities. That's not always so easy for adults who no longer have children at home. And as its name suggests, social media can help users connect with others who share their interests. Such connections also can be hard to make for adults over 50.
Adults over 50 may be more comfortable with social media now than they were a decade ago, but it's still a good idea to brush up on basic security measures that can help men and women protect their privacy as they utilize platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
· Protect your personal information: No social media user has the right to access your personal information, including your address, date of birth or other data unique to you. Avoid interacting with anyone who requests personal information, employing the function to block such users from connecting with you when possible. It's also important to keep information about travel plans private. For example, sharing details of an upcoming vacation can serve notice to potential criminals that no one will be in your house, making it a potential target for burglars.
· Aim for quality, not quantity, when building social media networks. Avoid accepting friend requests from individuals you don't know. Cyber criminals often gain access to victims via social media, so limit your social media network to people you know and trust.
· Turn off location information: The technology behind social media is impressive and even makes it possible to determine where users are when they tweet or post to other platforms. But many users, especially those concerned about their privacy, don't want to share location information with anyone, much less strangers. Turn off location information and routinely double check to make sure it's still turned off.
· Discuss privacy concerns before posting to social media: Social media isn't for everyone, and some people may not want photos of themselves or their children posted to platforms like Facebook or Instagram. Prior to posting pictures or information about other people, confirm that they're OK with you doing so.
Adults over 50 are engaging with social media. But no matter how comfortable users become, it's still best to keep various social media safety protocols in mind.

Travel in Comfort & Style
Relaxed Travel Clothing that offers Fashion.-------
Have you heard of Pasko travel clothes? Well, if you haven't and you travel, it may well be worth your time to explore. Everyone knows what a pain it is to juggle items through airport security. It can become very easy to loose something of importance. Plus, looking stylish and being comfortable for a long-haul flight can often seem at odds. Pasko Travel Clothes has stepped in to solve both problems with style and comfortable clothes that have secure zippered pockets in all the right places. We are huge fans and always travel wearing Pasko.
You may want to give it a look.

Business Services
Corb7 International"Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity"
New Offering of a Swiss Trust Company established in 1962!
* 60-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company - NOW AVAILABLE !
Established in the year 1962
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
This Swiss Trust Company will provide new ownership with a tremendous amount of corporate goodwill and prestige. For the right individual or company, this could be an outstanding opportunity aimed at business planning for 2022 and beyond which would include the potential benefits of Profit, Privacy & Asset Protection. Please keep in mind we have done all the groundwork for you and will provide a complete turnkey. The acquisition time is three business days from start to finish and No Travelis required to complete ownership transfer which Saves you Time and Money. Swiss representation is included and stands with one of the oldest and most prestigious law firms in Switzerland providing you Peace of Mind. Finally, Vintage Swiss Trust Companies provide an excellent International Haven from Domestic Political Instabilityfor trustees or asset manager with direct economic or family ties.
So, if you are looking for a business tool which can hit the ground running in 2022 this is an excellent & rare opportunity.
Bottom-line this is an outstanding opportunity at a great price.
Here is a synopsis of the immediate opportunity:
1962 Swiss Trust Company:
* 60-years-old with full authority - turnkey
* Year Incorporated: 1962
* Place of Incorporation: Zug, Switzerland
* Corresponding Bank Relationship: Client’s Choice
* Acquisition Investment: $115,000
* Excellent administration with a prestigious law firm in Zurich offering you peace of mind
* Administration first year fees included in acquisition price
* Initial legal retainer also included
* Administration also has SRO license which is large benefit to meet AML & KYC obligations
Similar offerings have been posted on Deal Stream
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