What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
87 Thousand - Business Psychology:
"Atomic Habits" - Cross-Border Business:
Ireland's Economy is Soaring! - Business Etiquette:
How to Gracefully Exit a Conversation - Executive Fitness:
How to Speed Up Your Metabolism - Spirits & Cuisine:
The Perfect Stuffed BBQ Burger - Leisure:
Natural Ways to Protect Your Food Garden from Insects - Travel:
Tips for Traveling with Your Dog - Corb7 International Services:
1962 Swiss Trust Company for Sale!

International Business
Editor's Note

87 Thousand
I am not sure who would be interested in becoming an IRS employee – much less a bureaucratic organization being able to recruit 87,000 new personnel within this economy – but that is now on the docket. It seems like a thankless job and very similar to an umpire calling balls and strikes in an American baseball game. Would you rather play the game or stand behind the plate absorbing all the complaints from both sides? Nevertheless, the new legislation just passed by the United States Congress this week calls for the hiring of 87,000 new IRS employees.
According to quick research we did online, the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) pays its employees an average of $76,233 a year. Salaries at U.S. Internal Revenue Service range from $40,548 to $143,561 a year with entry level GS-07 receiving $34,149.
In truth, this is an organization that has had its challenges for quite some time.
As far back as immediately prior to the 9/11 attacks, conflicting political and economic foes were facing-off for an important and historic encounter. At stake was the future of a domestic tax collection agency and the direction of the United States tax system. The climate – then as now - was after a much-contested presidential election and far-reaching political positions by both the Right and Left used visceral to position their own agendas.
The Internal Revenue Service was under fire. Citizens had filed numerous complaints, which had largely been ignored by legislators for decades. The depth of taxpayer bitterness towards the IRS had been buried until many well-documented cases began to surface. In September of 1997, the Senate Finance Committee held three days of hearings to review IRS practices and procedures. More than 1,000 taxpayers had been contacted who claimed mistreatment.
“Our six-month long look at the IRS shows a troubled agency with widespread, serious problems. At a minimum, the cases brought to our attention, paint a picture of an unresponsive agency with some employees who do not care about the taxpayers they serve. At worst, our investigation has uncovered an agency in which a subculture of fear and intimidation has been allowed to flourish – both in the internal treatment of some employees and in the treatment of some taxpayers.”
Chairman William V. Roth Jr. (R-DE)
The complexity and ambiguity of the United States tax code compounded with how its enforcement arm treated taxpayers had created a huge cottage industry. Professionals by the score developed a vested interest in maintaining the status quo that enabled them to peddle their wares as tax reduction specialists rather than seek true reform. So, when we hear certain legislators suggest that these hirings will offer better customer service to the American people, we must ask ourselves what could possibly go wrong? Unfortunately, the answer is a lot.

International Business
Business Psychology

Great Reads: "Atomic Habits"
This is one of the best self-improvement books we have read in a long time and highly recommend it.
“Atomic Habits” by James Clear is a New York Times Best-Seller and a wonderful work. Mr. Clear goes into many theories and practical applications of how to layer small changes on each other to accomplish a large goal. You will be impressed by his down-to-earth approach and no-nonsense verbiage.
An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do but is also the source of incredible power, a component of the system of compound growth. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.
If you give this book some of your time, even the most accomplished individuals should walk away satisfied and a new awareness of performance. “Atomic Habits” offers the framework for achievement and daily self-improvement.
James Clear
Get 1% Better Each Day

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Ireland's Economy is Soaring
Thanks to its 12.5% corporate tax rate major multinational firms love the Emerald Isle. Ireland’s economy expanded 6.3% in the second quarter, compared to the European Union average of 0.6%, China’s 0.4% and the USA’s negative 0.9%.
Location: West of Great Britain.
Capital City: Dublin
Population: 4,937,786
Language Spoken: English, Irish Gaelic
International Time: EST + 5 hours
Airline Service: Delta, Charter flights, Aer Lingus
Currency: Euro
Type of Government: Parliamentary Republic
Ireland is a small island nation, but its diminutive size does not mean it doesn't have a storied history. Celtic influences and Christianity have played a strong role in helping Ireland become what it is today.
Prior to the arrival of Christianity, there was not much written history of Ireland, as much information was passed through rich but spoken tales. It's believed the Celtic culture began to evolve in Ireland between 800 and 400 BC. The ancient Celts were various tribes living in several parts of Europe north of the Mediterranean. Although it's easy to imagine Celtic warriors invading Ireland like the Vikings and Normans did many years later, historians believe the Celts integrated their customs more gradually through trade and travel. The last of the Celts to arrive in Ireland, the Goidelic and Gaelic, are perhaps best known for their influences on the country.
St. Patrick is revered and celebrated for bringing Christianity to Ireland, but in his book, "The Story of Ireland," Irish author Neil Hegarty states that early Christians were most likely Britons who were brought to Ireland as slaves. In 431 AD, Bishop Palladius arrived from Rome to minister to any "Irish believing in Christ." However, St. Patrick is more widely credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland.
Proximity to Britain put Ireland in the eyes of the monarchy. In 1167, Anglo-Normans under the direction of England's King Henry II were able to take possession of the island. When Henry VIII became king in 1541, Ireland became formally united under the British crown.
The area that would eventually be called Northern Ireland has seen its share of conflict. In 1601, Scottish farmers, craftsmen and other settlers arrived at the port of Donaghadee to create the Plantation of Ulster, a British (Protestant) settlement. Gaelic landowners were expelled, and this area would be in turmoil for a century to come.
An effort to regain an Irish-controlled country and one that supported Catholicism became a common theme in Irish history. The Irish Catholic Confederation was one attempt to do just that, as was the Irish Rebellion of 1798. In 1829, Daniel O'Connell's Catholic Association frightened the British with the threat of anarchy in Ireland.
The Easter Rising in 1916, which seized key government buildings in Dublin, would help set the course for the Irish War of Independence. In this uprising, the Irish Republican Army fought against British security forces. As a result of this uprising, Northern Ireland, a small area of the island, was partitioned to become a British-controlled area.
From 1916 to 1937, Ireland held the status of a dominion. In 1937, a new constitution was adopted, and Ireland became a republic, though Northern Ireland remained under British control. Northern Ireland continued to be a conflict-driven portion of the island, and tensions boiled over when British soldiers shot 28 unarmed civilians during a peaceful protest on January 30, 1972, in Derry. Known as "Bloody Sunday," or the "Bogside Massacre," this incident was just one of many significant events that were ultimately referred to as "The Troubles."
More peaceful interactions have occurred in recent years thanks in part to the Good Friday Agreement signed in 1998. Today, Ireland ranks among the 25 wealthiest countries in the world. Though Irish history has its fair share of turmoil, the country has endured and is today among the most influential nations in the world.
U.S. relations with Ireland have long been based on common ancestral ties and shared values. In addition to regular dialogue on political and economic issues, the U.S. and Irish governments benefit from a robust slate of exchanges in areas such as commerce, culture, education, and scientific research.
Ireland is the gateway to Europe for over 700 US companies, who employ over 155,000 people. Multinational companies have chosen Ireland as their strategic European base due to our pro-business environment and attractive taxation rates. Ireland has one of the lowest corporation tax rates in Europe at 12.5%. Many high-tech firms, such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, base their European operations in Ireland. Apple which is the first company ever to be valued at $1 trillion rearranged its tax affairs substantially in 2015 in response to changes in Irish tax law. With sales of some € 119 billion going through its Irish operation, Apple is now Ireland's largest company.
Ireland has never been fully been considered a tax haven by either the OECD or the EU Commission. Legislation, however, heavily favors the establishment and operation of corporations, and the economic environment is very hospitable for all business, especially those invested in research, development, and innovation.

International Business
Business Etiquette

How to Gracefully Exit a Conversation
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
There are many reasons to exit a conversation but all of them are because you need to place your focus – or your physical presence – somewhere else. There are situations that allow you to walk away and easily leave a positive impression, and other situations that make this far more difficult than it should be.
However, the most important element to remember when you need to exit a conversation is that you do it as kindly as possible. But your level of kindness will also depend greatly on the etiquette of the other person or people involved.
When You Should Leave
Have you ever looked back on a conversation or a meeting and thought, “Why did I stick around and talk to that person?” or “Wow, that was really a waste of my time.” Your reflections on those situations should be your barometer for when to walk away in future conversations.
You may wish you had left a conversation when you felt . . .
- There was no point to it.
- The person made you uncomfortable.
- You couldn’t emotionally handle it in that moment.
- You literally should have been somewhere else.
- You weren’t safe speaking to that person.
If you’re ever on the fence about whether you should start or continue a conversation with someone there is one question you can ask yourself that may make your decision an easy one: Will having this conversation be helpful for me?
There are many ways to approach finding an answer to this question, but it comes down to what you feel in that moment. Do you have an agenda or obligation to fulfill by speaking with this person? Does the person have information that you need or might find helpful? Will having this conversation make you feel better about yourself?
The decision to continue a conversation is always yours. Unless the other person decides to end it first. Then the decision is made for you.
Exit a Conversation Gracefully
While the decision to stay in conversation rests with you, leaving it involves the feelings of the person or people with whom you are speaking. A graceful exit, one that leaves all parties feeling positive about the interaction, is always best.
Your graceful exit will typically have:
- An apology for leaving so soon, or quickly.
- A reason for leaving.
- A “thank you” for the conversation and, perhaps, the forgiveness for making an exit.
- “Mike, I’m so sorry to cut you off, but I see our CFO heading down the hall and I need to give her a heads up about the meeting she’s going into. Thanks, I’ll circle back to you this afternoon.”
- “Trudy, I really want to have this conversation with you, but I am just not ready to right now. Could we please talk about selling Dad’s home in the next month or so? I appreciate you understanding that I need more time.”
- “Annie, it’s been a pleasure speaking with you, but I promised myself that I would leave this event with at least five business cards. I’m going to need to mingle a bit more to make myself a successful networker. Why don’t we meet for coffee later this week? . . . Great! Thank you.”
The grace and kindness with which you are able to exit a conversation depends on how etiquette-ful the other party is. Some people take immediate offense to being left during a conversation. Others are more understanding.
Situations vary but it is important to understand that all you can do is your best. Of course, if you feel threatened, a fast exit is necessary, kindness aside. But when you can, leave on the most positive note you are allowed. And if you promise future contact, keep your word. Even if you aren’t the best conversationalist, people will know they can trust you.

Executive Fitness

How to Speed Up Your Metabolism
When attempting to lose weight, men and women can expect to hear or read a lot about their metabolism. The process by which the body converts the foods we eat and the beverages we drink into energy, metabolism is widely misunderstood.
Many people may have been told that a naturally slow metabolism might be to blame for their weight gain. But according to The Mayo Clinic, a slow metabolism is rarely to blame for excess weight gain, which can most often be attributed to both poor dietary choices and inactivity. Certain conditions that slow metabolism, such as Cushing's syndrome or hypothyroidism, can cause excessive weight gain, and people who have been diagnosed with such conditions should consult their physicians for advice on dealing with their conditions. But those without conditions that affect their metabolisms may need to make certain lifestyle adjustments that can speed up their metabolisms and help them lose excess weight.
· Start strength training. Muscle burns more calories than fat, even when the body is at rest. Building muscle is a great way to speed up metabolism. Each pound of muscle your body has burns roughly six calories per day just to sustain itself. That's three times the calories that each pound of fat burns. Add that disparity up over time, and a body with significant muscle is burning considerably more calories than one with excessive fat.
· Stay hydrated. Dehydration takes its toll on the body in myriad ways, including affecting metabolism. Even mild dehydration can slow metabolism. When the body is dehydrated, its ability to use fat as fuel is compromised, slowing metabolism as a result. In addition, muscles need water to generate energy, so dehydrated muscles will not be burning as many calories as those that are fully hydrated. Make an effort to stay hydrated throughout the day, whether you're sitting at your desk in the office or working up a sweat at the gym.
· Snack, but snack healthy. Healthy meals benefit metabolism, but unhealthy snacks can derail your dieting efforts. Metabolism speeds up and burns calories each time the body eats, and many people adhere to the concept of "grazing" for that very reason. Grazing involves eating several small meals every three to four hours throughout the day rather than the more traditional three full meals each day. Grazing devotees feel that the approach burns more calories than more traditional diets, but the difference in calories burned may actually be negligible. Still, healthy snacking can speed up metabolism and help men and women avoid overeating at breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. In lieu of snacking on potato chips or baked goods, opt for healthier fare such as Greek yogurt or a serving of fruits or vegetables.
· Eat more protein. The thermic effect of food refers to the process by which the human body uses energy to absorb, digest and dispose of the food it ingests. Protein stimulates the thermic effect of food more significantly than foods that are high in fat or carbohydrates, so the body will burn more calories digesting dietary protein than it will other foods. In addition to speeding up your metabolism, dietary protein also helps people feel full longer, reducing their risk of overeating.
Understanding metabolism can help men and women as they attempt to lose weight and maintain healthy weights once those extra pounds have been shed

Spirits & Cuisine

The Perfect Stuffed BBQ Burger!
A Wonderful End to Summer.
Backyard barbecue season begins in spring and continues through summer and, where the weather allows, into fall. Barbecues are a perfect summertime soiree, as they're usually laid back affairs and make use of the pleasant weather.
While it's fun to expand your culinary horizons over the open flame of a grill, it's important that you never forget the basics, especially when entertaining crowds who are no doubt looking forward to grilled burgers. Giving the masses what they want is good hosting, but you can still try your hand at a little experimentation when serving burgers at your next backyard barbecue. The following recipe for "Herb Cheese-Stuffed Garlic Burgers" from Andrew Schloss' and David Joachim's "Mastering the Grill" (Chronicle Books) provides the best of both worlds.
Herb Cheese-Stuffed Garlic Burgers
Makes 6 servings
2 pounds ground beef chuck, 85 percent lean
2 tablespoons chopped garlic
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
3 tablespoons herbed garlic cream cheese, such as Boursin
6 hamburger buns, split
Oil for coating grill grate
The Grill
Gas: Direct heat, medium-high 425 F to 450 F; clean,
oiled grate
Charcoal: Direct heat, light ash; 12-by-12-inch charcoal
bed (about 3 dozen coals); clean, oiled grate on lowest
Wood: Direct heat, light ash; 12-by-12-inch bed, 3 to 4
inches deep; clean, oiled grate set 2 inches above the fire
1. Heat the grill as directed.
2. Using your hands, mix the beef, garlic, salt, and pepper in a bowl until well blended; do not overmix. Using a light touch, form into 12 patties no more than 1/2-inch thick.
3. Put a portion (about 11/2 teaspoons) of cream cheese in the center of each of the 6 patties; top with the remaining patties and press together, taking care to seal the edges well. Refrigerate the burgers until the grill is ready.
4. Brush the grill grate and coat it with oil. Put the burgers on the grill, cover and cook for 9 minutes, flipping after 5 minutes, for medium-done (150 F, slightly pink). Add a minute per side for well-done (160 F).
5. To toast the buns, put them cut-sides down directly over the fire for the last minute of cooking.
6. If serving the burgers directly from the grill, serve on the buns. If the burgers will sit, even for a few minutes, keep the buns and burgers separate until just before eating.


"Natural Ways to Protect Your Garden from Pests"
Keep pesky insects from damaging food gardens.
Homeowners frequently enhance their outdoor living spaces with attractive plants and trees. When that greenery also produces food, the results can be both beauty and bounty.
People who plant vegetable gardens and fruit trees in their yards can be blessed with an abundance of fresh pickings once it's time to harvest. In fact, many home gardeners may have visions of warm evenings pulling vegetables right out of the garden and tossing them on the grill or in salads. But insects and animals enjoy fresh produce just as people do. The joy of harvesting from a garden can be diminished when unwanted guests have gotten there first.
Homeowners can employ these all-natural strategies to protect their fruits and vegetables from lawn pests and critters.
· Plant gardens in raised beds. Though they're not a fool-proof deterrent, raised beds can eliminate some garden infiltration by small critters that come up and under from the ground. A raised garden bed can deter rabbits, gophers, groundhogs, slugs, and some other crawling pests. Raised beds also are ergonomical and easily accessible.
· Prepare homemade insecticide. The environmental information site Treehugger provides information on making a homemade insecticide from vegetable oil and a mild soap. Use one cup of oil with one tablespoon of soap (such as Dr Bronner's castile soap). Add this mixture to one quart of water in a spray bottle. This concoction can eradicate aphids, mites, thrips, and more by coating insects' bodies and effectively suffocating them. Soap-and-water sprays or even neem oil sprays work similarly.
· Sprinkle diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth, commonly known as DE, is an abrasive powder comprised of fossilized algae diatoms. It's commonly used as a filter medium in swimming pools, but also makes an effective pesticide. The material's abrasive and absorbent qualities draw moisture out of insects, essentially dehydrating them to death. DE can be sprinkled around the base of plants, but will need to be reapplied after rain and watering.
· Space out plants. One way to reduce insect or animal pest numbers is to ensure ample space between plants. Tightly planted crops create a breeding ground for fungal diseases and also provide hiding spots and warmth for pests. Leaving room between plants can help avoid these issues, according to Gardening Channel.
· Use row covers or garden mesh. Specialized covers and meshes protect fruit and vegetables against insects and animals. Many plants can be covered all year long as long as the covers are lifted during flowering if the crops depend on pollination by bees. Veggiemesh® is a cover that can be laid over plants.
· Interplant crops in the garden. Interplanting is a technique that involves alternating crops, herbs and flowers to confuse the pests so they have a difficult time finding what they want to eat. Alternate rows of vegetables with herbs and flowers that appeal to beneficial insects.
Keeping pesky insects and animals from damaging food gardens can involve techniques that are safe and natural.

Tips for Traveling with Your Dog
After years living under the cloud of a pandemic that limited where they could travel, many people have a strong desire to head off for parts unknown. As individuals and families ponder business trips or vacations, they may think about bringing a beloved pet along.According to a AAA/Best Western survey, 85 percent of dog owners travel with their dogs. The most popular vacations to let pooches tag along include going to the beach, camping and hiking. As a greater number of people are engaging in more activities with their pets, businesses in the travel and hospitality sector are taking notice and have become more accommodating to four-legged guests. However, there's still plenty to learn when taking a dog along as a travel companion. Explore these dog travel tips.
· Invest in a crate. Even if the dog does not need a crate at home, it's best to have one for travel. Crates often are required for airline travel and can keep dogs safer in cars. Many hotels also require that dogs be crated in the rooms to keep them out of trouble and prevent damage. A crate should be large enough that the dog can stand, turn and lie down, according to the American Kennel Club.
· Carry copies of pet-related documents. It's important to prove that the dog is healthy and current on vaccinations. Officials may ask to see documentation when traveling abroad. Some travelers also may want to investigate pet passports. The USA does not require a pet passport, but the European Union pioneered pet passports to enable animals to move more freely throughout its member nations.
· Plan a short excursion first. If you have never traveled with a dog before, make the first trip a short one, such as an overnight or two-day stay. This way, if the trip turns into a fiasco, checkout isn't a week away. Shorter trips also help people figure out what works and what will need to change the next time.
· Expect some fees. Most hotels charge a fee for doggy clients. A fee of $25 to $50 is pretty standard. There also may be a designated pet floor to minimize the chances that guests without pets will be forced to interact with animals.
· Normal behavior may go out the window. A dog who is calm at home may be out of sorts while traveling. It's not uncommon for a dog unphased by people at home to suddenly be anxious and bark at sounds in a hotel hallway.
· Look into pet-friendly restaurants. Smarter Travel says that some hotels won't allow a guest to keep the dog alone in the room. That means meal time can be tricky. Find restaurants nearby that allow pets. Many that have outdoor seating may enable a leashed pet to stay near the seating perimeter.
· Bring water from home. When packing food, pack a few gallons of water as well, even though it can be cumbersome. Some dogs with delicate digestive systems may be upset by drinking the local water. A case of diarrhea is compounded further by having to make it into an elevator and outside the hotel in time.
· Tire the dog out. Exercised dogs tend to be well-behaved dogs. Make time to go on long walks, visit a dog park or engage in other activities that will make the pup tired so it's less likely to cause problems at the hotel.
Learn the ropes of traveling with a dog to increase the opportunities for having lots of fun with Fido in tow.

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