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Dallas - Zurich

  • Feature: Common Terms Associated with COVID-19
  • Business Psychology: Online Help for a Challenging Time!
  • Business Tools: Tips for Time Management!
  • Executive Fitness: Garage Gym YouTube Channel
  • Spirits & Cuisine Delivered to Your Front Door:  
    Pierogies from Pittsburgh!
  • Leisure: 
    Easter Celebrations from Around the World
  • Corb7 International Services:
    Business Listings for Sale & Free E-Book

International Business


Common Terms Associated with COVID-19

The novel coronavirus COVID-19 was the dominant story of the first months of 2020. As new information emerged and the virus spread from its epicenter in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, to other areas of Asia, Europe and the United States, various world health experts briefed the public on the proper protocol they believed would help stall the spread of this contagious virus.

The conveyance of this information introduced the public to terminology that previously may only have been known to those within the medical community. So that people may act in a productive and informed manner, here are common words and phrases associated with global health concerns.

Community spread: The spread of a disease among a certain area in which there is no direct knowledge of how or when someone caught the disease.

Epidemiology: This is a branch of medicine that deals with the incidence, distribution and possible control of disease, as well as patterns and determinants of illnesses. An epidemic is a situation when a disease spreads rapidly among many people and in higher concentrations than normal.

Pandemic: This relates to the geographical spread of a disease that affects a whole country or the entire world, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pandemic does not refer to the severity or mortality of an illness, just how far it has traveled.

PPE: This stands for “personal protective equipment.” The Occupational Safety and Health Administration says this is gear worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses. PPE may include gloves, safety glasses, masks, and gowns in healthcare settings.

Presumptive case: A presumptive case or presumptive positive case is one in which symptoms seemingly match the illness but a diagnosis has not yet been confirmed. A presumptive case is not a definitive case.

Quarantine: This is a restriction on the movement of people and goods, which is intended to prevent the spread of pests or diseases. Quarantines may be mandated or voluntary.

Social distancing: Social distancing refers to limiting contact or other interactions with people in an effort to help reduce the likelihood of disease contraction and spread. This largely involves modifying operations so that large crowds do not congregate at places like universities and colleges, sporting events, meetings, and conferences.

Symptomatic: One who is symptomatic shows symptoms of a particular illness or disease.

Bacteria vs Viruses: Bacteria are relatively complex, single-celled creatures, many with a rigid wall, and a thin, rubbery membrane surrounding the fluid inside the cell. They can reproduce on their own.  Most bacteria are harmless. Viruses are tinier: the largest of them are smaller than the smallest bacteria.  Unlike bacteria, viruses can’t survive without a host and most cause disease.

Understanding the terminology associated with widespread illnesses may compel people to take appropriate action.

International Business

Business Psychology

Online Mental Health

Many of us are in lock-down and this can be a very, very depressing time.  Online mental health apps since as the Talkspace App might be an interesting alternative for you.  Talkspace has recently partnered with world champion swimmer, Michael Phelps and the above video provides an interesting introduction.

International Business

Business Tools

Tips for Time Management!

Time management is an crucial skill in the best of times. With many working from home for the first time, it is more important than ever to get it right.

1. Set Priorities: Begin by setting priorities. This involves making a list of all the tasks that need to be completed, and then putting them in order of most essential to least essential. Once you understand where to first devote your attention, address items on the list in order of their priority.

2.  Develop Goals: Goals do not have to be far-off ideas for the future. They can be easily reached today. Simple goals such as, “I want to remove all nonessential paperwork from my desk” can be tackled quickly and without much effort. Goals give a person something to work toward and are important ways to steer you in the right direction. Without goals, you may wander aimlessly. Accomplishing goals of all shapes and sizes gives a feeling of accomplishment.

3. Avoid Distractions: Distractions can pull attention away from important tasks at hand. Distractions can be phone calls, text alerts, personal issues, people in the room, and many other things. Figure out how you work best and minimize distractions so that you can fully focus on your priorities.

4. Stop Multitasking: Unfortunately, multitasking is not the key to getting more things done. In fact, it could actually be hurting performance. Research conducted at Stanford University discovered that multitasking is less productive than doing a single thing at a time. You simply cannot put full effort into multiple things at once – and something will be short-changed if you try.

5. Write Things Down: Keeping information floating around your mind is ineffective and can lead to stress. Put things down on paper or make digital notes to keep track of what needs to get done. Set your targets and break each task down to manageable pieces. Physically cross items off your list as they are completed.

Time management is a skill that can be learned with practice and focusing on elements of success.

Many businesses were thrown into the proverbial deep end when forced to go remote due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Challenges present themselves during such transitions, but these challenges can be overcome with a handful of effective strategies.

Tips for Working at Home:

NPR: 8 Tips To Make Working From Home Work For You
Business Insider | SUCEEDING FROM HOME: Here’s Exactly How To Thrive As A Remote Worker In The Days Of Coronavirus
CBS: Tips For Working From Home During The Coronavirus Pandemic


Executive Fitness

Garage Gym YouTube Channel!

Trying to maintain a workout routine can be difficult while at home.  We recently came across this YouTube channel which reviews “garage gyms” and thought it a timely idea to share!


Spirits & Cuisine Delivered to Your Front Door!


Nothing is more Polish than a pierogie and where else to go for the best pierogies than Pittsburgh! Hidden in the McKees Rocks section of the city – just a few miles from downtown “Pierogies Plus” is nothing short of a jewel. What a find! With all due respect to Mrs.T’s frozen rendition of the same item, you will want to immediately try these easy to order pierogies.

Pierogies Plus, Inc.
342 Island Avenue
McKeesRocks, PA, USA
Phone: 412-331-2224

Click Here to Order



Easter Traditions from Around the World

This Sunday is Easter and obviously  it will be a very different holiday for the entire world.  Nevertheless, we thought it might be an interesting time to look at how the world would normally celebrate this day  Easter celebrations across the globe are steeped in tradition, including some that might surprise even the most devout Christians.

India may not be the first nation to come to mind when thinking of countries in which Christianity has a strong foothold. And while only a small percentage of people in India identify as Christian, Easter celebrations in the country are elaborate. For example, in the small state of Goa, Easter celebrants host carnivals and exchange gifts with fellow Christians. Those gifts include the Holy Cross, which is exchanged after Easter church services have ended. Such services are then followed by Easter parties, where families and friends gather and break bread together, much like Christian celebrants do in other parts of the world.

Residents of Florence celebrate Easter Sunday with a genuine flash. In a tradition that dates back several centuries, Florentines load a cart with fireworks before exploding it outside the famed Florence Cathedral.

Many European Christian communities burn an effigy of Judas Iscariot as part of their Easter celebrations. Christians believe the apostle Judas betrayed Jesus Christ, a betrayal that led to Christ’s crucifixion. Despite some groups denouncing the burning of Judas as anti-Semitic, the practice continues in many countries.

Holy Week commemorates the entire week preceding Easter Sunday, including Holy Thursday and Good Friday. In the Spanish town of Verges, Christians commemorate Holy Thursday by reenacting scenes from the Passion, which refers to the short period at the end of Christ’s life. The “Dansa de la Mort (Death Dance)” is part of that commemoration, and during this dance, participants dress up like skeletons.

Business Services

Business Acquisitions


* 112 Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 1908
Price $207,800
Interested Parties Call: +1-310-415-3545

* 26 Year-Old Vintage US Corporation
Established in the year 1956
Price $39,500

* 1974 Swiss Trust Company
Established 1974
Place of Incorporation Zurich, Switzerland
Interested Parties Call for Details & Price: +1-310-415-3545 

For Details on these listings,  Explore Additional Opportunities or Complimentary Consultation:

Call:  +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)

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* Free E- Book:  “The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership”
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