What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
Self-Discipline & Tiger Woods - Business Psychology: How to Manage Stress
- Cross-Border Business:
The Swiss Friendly Approach to Crypto - Business Tools:
International Strategies for Profit & Asset Protection - Business Etiquette:
Overcome Negativity with Your Thoughts & Words - Executive Fitness:
Benefits of Quinoa in Your Diet - Spirits & Cuisine:
Masters Pimento Sandwich - Leisure:
Insights to The Masters Golf Tournament - Lifestyle & Travel:
A Look at the World's Best Golf Courses - Corb7 International Services:
"The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership"

International Business
Editor's Note

Self-Discipline & Tiger Woods
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race” - Calvin CoolidgeVia the business platform LinkedIn, I communicated with Steve DeVore a while back who is the founder of SyberVision Systems. Steve was responsive, extremely gracious with his time and provided some interesting insights which I will share in future publications. If you are not familiar with his company, it was in an intriguing space having produced some of the first digital learning programs in the area of personal development, health, family relations and technology. I will call out one specific program since it changed my life as a young man – “The Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline.” I don’t believe SyberVision is still active creating new content but some of their older programs can be purchased via Amazon and they have aged well.
Self-discipline is a subject that has always fascinated us and remains a clear lynch-pin for business and personal success. Too frequently, however, individuals have viewed it solely in terms of sacrifice. Absolutely nothing could be further from the truth. Any opportunity to focus on both strategic and tactic strategies to gain desired outcomes seems to be an obvious win.
This week Tiger Woods is scheduled to return to compete in the Masters Golf Tournament. Love him or hate him, all eyes will be on his miraculous recovery after a horrific car accident. Approximately 14 months ago, he was speeding down a steep hill on the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Southern California when he lost control of his car and it flipped over several times. He was lucky. We know the area very well having literally driven down that very hill countless times. The speed which he was reported to be traveling at shocked us. Basically, we had never seen anyone go that fast down that slope. Nevertheless, his comeback and determination is the real story and why we will be watching and rooting for him. He almost had his leg amputated from the accident and yet here he is at one of the most prestigious golf tournaments in the world. Yes. Mr. Woods might make questionable personal decisions but the pure beauty of self-discipline and the comeback is too hard to pass up.

International Business
Business Psychology

How to Manage Stress!
Stress is an issue that knows no geographical boundaries. The Regus Group reports that stress levels in the workplace are rising, with six in 10 workers in major global economies experiencing increased workplace stress. Workers forced to take on too much work or those tasked with performing jobs beyond their abilities might not be able to do much to quell those demands. However, they can employ various strategies to manage their stress.
· Embrace planning. A recent survey from psychologist Robert Epstein asked more than 3,000 participants in 30 countries which stress management technique was most effective at helping them overcome their stress. Epstein discovered that participants felt planning was the most effective way to manage their stress. Planning is essentially a proactive approach to managing stress and fighting it before it even starts. Smartphone apps make it easier than ever to schedule your time. Utilizing such apps or opting for the more traditional route by using a day planner can be a highly effective way to manage stress.
· Practice cognitive reframing. Cognitive reframing is another effective stress-management technique that involves changing the way you look at something so your experience of it changes. Psychologists note that cognitive reframing is effective because the body's stress response is triggered by perceived stress and not actual events. So by reframing the way you perceive a potentially stressful event, you can change your body's response to it. This technique is most effective when people are mindful of their thoughts, particularly those that might be negative or stress-inducing.
· Take breaks. A heavy workload may compel people to sit down at their desk and keep working until quitting time. However, that approach takes both a physical and emotional toll. Sitting for long periods of time without getting up not only increases a person's risk for various diseases, but it also can contribute to something known as decision fatigue. Decision fatigue occurs when someone must make frequent decisions throughout the day. Without a break, such persons' abilities to reason becomes compromised, and they may end up making poor decisions or feeling less confident in their decisions, which may increase their stress levels. Frequent breaks, even if they're just brief walks to get a glass of water, can help avoid both the physical and emotional effects of stress.
Stress affects people across the globe. Learning to manage it can make people happier in both their personal and professional lives.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

The Swiss Friendly Approach to Crypto
Swiss-friendly approach on Crypto regulations
Switzerland is ranked number one of the top ten European countries for starting a blockchain company due to its friendly regulation environment and supportive startup ecosystem with world-class service providers. It is rapidly emerging as a crypto paradise, supported by its banking skills, low-tax-system, elite universities and Switzerland as brand itself, which has attracted a large variety of foreign cryptocurrency and blockchain startups. In Switzerland cryptocurrencies and exchanges are legal, and the country has adopted a remarkably progressive stance towards cryptocurrency regulations. The long-term policy regarding crypto-currencies on the part of the Swiss Financial Market Authority and its clarification of many aspects related to their business makes Switzerland one of the best places worldwide to launch an ICO.
Crypto valley in Zug
The Swiss city Zug in central Switzerland, also known as Crypto valley, is one of the most crypto-friendly cities in the world. Perfectly positioned to get the most out of the decentralized, stable and predictable Swiss political system and its unique business environment, Zug is incomparable for an uncomplicated and pragmatic implementation of business ideas with world-class infrastructure. Zug offers a solid basis for global growth due to its business-friendly philosophy and the openness and easy accessibility of its authorities with short communication channels. With its low-tax-system, pro-business environment and fantastic quality of life Zug has attracted numerous multinationals, creating an international and cosmopolitan culture with an easy access to powerful global networks.
Swiss Trust Company as perfect support for US-investors
in engaging in business activities related to Crypto
The Swiss Trust company is one of the best-known and respected vehicles in the business world. Swiss Trust companies can easily function as a holding entity and a flagship structure for any company and investment. They provide administrators with an excellent level of discretion and security and maintain a great number of types of assets, including shares, commodities, real estate properties, fixed income assets and cash. This flexibility combined with discretion, privacy and prestige makes the Swiss Trust company the perfect business vehicle for US-investors in engaging in business activities related to Crypto, such as ICO, participation and investing in ICO or crypto assets, acting as an escrow agent or fiduciary in crypt assets related transactions.
Owning a Swiss Trust Company can offer tremendous benefits for the right client. In this brief video, we offer a comprehensive synopsis.

International Business
Business Tools
International Strategies for Profit & Asset Protection
1) Trust CompaniesA Trust Company is a business entity organized specifically for entering into Fiduciary, Trustee or Agent relationships with individuals or organizations to administer assets. It may act as a portfolio manager, executor,guardian, trustee, custodian of assets, fiscal agent and paying agent for corporations and governments who have issued bonds and provide services such as estate planning etc. Trust Companies frequently have numerous other financial powers, which are only limited by the jurisdiction in which they are established. Trust Companies are not required to exercise all of the powers that they are granted.
In general, a Trust Company is usually owned by one of three types of structures: an independent partnership, a bank, or a law firm. It is frequently seen as an effective alternative to bank ownership. The primary benefits are asset protection (either corporate or personal) and resolution to specific or unique business problems.
Jurisdiction of Preference
- Switzerland
2) Bank Ownership
Bank ownership is not appropriate for every organization because it can be very expensive and time consuming. Thus, it cannot offer an immediate solution to business needs. The rewards, however, may be well worth it. After the tragedy of 9/11, international banking laws and regulations have changed. The bank-chartering process can be an endurance test easily lasting 18-months even in the most accommodating of jurisdictions. Often the complexity of the application provides not only the ability for extensive due diligence but discourages unqualified applicants from even starting the process. In effect, this marathon “weeds out” those parties that are not fully committed to bank ownership.
A bank is defined as an organization usually a corporation chartered by a government which does most or all of the following: receives demand deposits and time deposits, honor instruments drawn on them, and pays interest on them; discounts notes, makes loans and invests in securities; collects checks, drafts and notes; certifies depositor's checks; and issues drafts and cashier's checks. The bank charter is an agreement that governs the manner in which the bank is regulated and operates. It authorizes the existence of the bank by the agency which is primarily responsible for protecting the public from unsafe banking practices.
Jurisdictions of Preference:
- Cayman Islands
- St Vincent
3) Captive Insurance Companies
A Captive Insurance Company is an insurance company that primarily insures the risks of businesses, which are related to it through common ownership usual a parent company. The entity can be domiciled and licensed in a wide number of jurisdictions both domestically or offshore. It is estimated that about 80% of the Standard and Poor 500 companies own one or more captive insurance companies. Using a captive is commonly accepted risk management technique.
Jurisdictions of Preference:
- Bermuda
- St Vincent
- British Virgin Islands
4) Special Purpose Vehicles
A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) is a financial entity created for the purpose of fulfilling a very specific or temporary objective. It is separated from the sponsoring or parent and may be controlled by several companies working together. SPVs are typically used by companies to isolate the firm from financial risk. A company will transfer assets to the entity for management or to finance a large project thereby achieving a narrow set of goals without putting the entire firm at risk. In certain jurisdictions, specific ownership percentages may be required.
Jurisdictions of Preference:
- Ireland
- Jersey
5) Asset Protection Trusts
An Asset Protection Trust is a legal structure that splits the beneficial enjoyment of trust assets from their legal ownership. A Trust is simply a contract between the people who wish to protect assets (the Grantor) and the person who will manage the assets (the Trustee) for the benefit of all Beneficiaries which may include the Grantor other individuals.
Jurisdictions of Preference:
- Cook Islands
6) Foundations
Foundations can trace their origin to approximately 100 years ago in Western Europe. A Foundation is a separate legal entity, without members or shareholders, and is generally established to reflect the wishes of the founder, who may be an individual or a corporate entity. These wishes are contained within the Foundation's Deed of Incorporation and Articles of Association. Foundations can be established for a fixed or indefinite period of time and can be used for charitable, commercial or for family purposes. They are often used for estate planning purposes and as an alternative to Asset Protection Trusts.
Jurisdictions of Preference:
- Liechtenstein
- Panama
7) Offshore IPOs
Taking a privately held entity public offshore might be an excellent means to solve specific and unique business problems or raise equity for a current subsidiary. A very detailed process, it needs to be only handled by an experienced firm.
Locations of Preference:
- Frankfurt Exchange
- Berlin Exchange
- Bermuda

International Business
Business Etiquette
Overcome Negativity with Your Thoughts & Words
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Etiquette for the Business of Life
Hiring It's not as easy to overcome negativity as we would like to believe. When faced with it on a regular basis, it can be quite debilitating to your spirit. Think how you feel when you're having a great day and encounter a negative person. It might be a coworker complaining about a customer, your boss who isn't happy with the report you wrote, or the cashier at the grocery who was rude to you.
Each of these instances can put a little dent in your otherwise sunny disposition. Experiencing several in one day may even send you over the edge.
However, there is a weapon at your disposal to help you overcome negativity. And it's all in your head.
What You Think About You Bring About
The thoughts you think and the words you say come from your greatest source of power - your mind. This is the very reason that what you give primary thought to usually manifests itself in your life in some way.
It is said that negative thoughts do not hold as much power as positive thoughts, but the frequency with which you think negatively can determine your experience. Thoughts that are based in fear, anger, sadness, frustration, and other low-energy emotions will lower your level of positivity and have you run the risk of creating a correlating situation.
It Begins with You
You determine your thoughts and feelings; therefore, you determine the amount of negativity you put out into the world. It's important to remember that your words and attitude affect other people, too.
Some actions to consider that may help you be more positive are:
- Consider your words carefully. Whether you are speaking to yourself or someone else, keep your words kind and respectful. Train yourself to default to the positive.
- Avoid speaking ill of someone. Including yourself. Even as a joke, the "I'm so stupid," or "Gosh, I'm having a really bad hair day," comments will add up and, on some level, you may begin to believe them. Is that how you would treat a friend?
- Surround yourself with positive people. Sure, everyone has a bad day here and there and may need a friend to vent to. But overall, the people you spend time with should have a positive outlook or else you run the risk of being dragged down emotionally. Don't let yourself be taken in by an energy vampire.
One way to overcome negativity is to challenge yourself to go a day without it. Pay attention to the thoughts you have and if something negative creeps in, change it. Smile at yourself in the mirror and say, "I love you." Or you might switch immediately to a thought of a loved one or imagine yourself relaxing on a beach. As hokey as these thought-switching suggestions may seem, they actually do work. And if you meet your challenge and avoid negativity for a day, give yourself a treat. You've earned it!
Put it on Repeat
If you find a phrase or sentence that is meaningful to you and lifts your spirits, write it down and say it often. Many people find that mantras and affirmations are key in the challenge to overcome negativity.
You might consider using an affirmation as a screen saver or place it on the home screen of your phone or other devices. Write them on sticky notes and place them on the refrigerator, bathroom mirror, or bedside table. Anywhere you will see them often.
We can't control the level of negativity coming from other people, but we can combat that energy with our own positivity. Your thoughts and words are completely in your control. Choose them wisely.

Executive Fitness

Health Benefits of Quinoa
Whole grains are vital components of a healthy diet. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), whole grains provide a host of nutritious benefits, including some that were discovered only recently.
The AND notes that whole grains were long seen as rich in fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and heart health. That's still true, and WebMD notes that many whole grains provide between one and four grams of fiber per serving, an amount that puts them on the same level as various fruits and vegetables in regard to fiber content. But recent research has found that whole grains also are rich in protein, B vitamins and trace minerals like iron, magnesium and zinc.
Quinoa is one highly nutritious whole grain that's easy to find and even easier to prepare. Quinoa is considered a complete protein, which means it includes all nine essential amino acids. Why is that important? To understand that, it's best to first consider the importance of protein. Protein is comprised of 20 amino acids, 11 of which the body can produce on its own. For optimal health, the body needs all 20 amino acids. Diet is the only way to get the nine essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. Complete proteins like quinoa provide all nine in a single food, making them especially healthy, convenient options for people looking to ensure they get enough protein in their diets.
As noted, whole grains are good sources of iron, and quinoa is no exception. That's a considerable benefit, as iron is an essential part of hemoglobin, a red protein that's responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.
Quinoa also is a good source of magnesium. That's another significant benefit of including quinoa in your diet, as the Office of Dietary Supplements notes low levels of magnesium have been linked to various ailments, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Pregnant women or women hoping to become pregnant, as well as their male partners, also can discuss the benefits of including quinoa in their diets with their physicians. That's because quinoa is high in the B vitamin folate, which is needed to perform various functions in the body, including the production of red and white blood cells in the bone marrow. Adequate folic acid consumption before and during pregnancy can protect against miscarriages and congenital defects. And while women may be familiar with the importance of folate regarding their pregnancies or future pregnancies, men also may need to monitor their folate intake. A 2013 study from researchers at McGill University in Montreal found that paternal folate deficiency in mice was associated with a significant increase in congenital deformities.
Whole grains like quinoa benefit the body in myriad ways, making them worthy additions to anyone's diet.

Spirits & Cuisine

Masters Pimento Cheese Sandwich
The Kentucky Derby has the Mint Julep, the Mardi Gras has the Hurricane and the Masters has their world famous Pimento Cheese Sandwich. See how to make one in the video above.
3 cups shredded white cheddar cheese
2 cups shredded yellow sharp cheddar cheese
4 oz crumbled blue cheese
1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1 (4-oz) jar sliced pimentos, drained
1 cup light mayo
2 tbs Dijon mustard
1 loaf of white bread
Combine cheeses, pimentos, mayo and mustard in a food processor and process until smooth. Cover and chill. Spread on bread slices. Makes four sandwiches.
From the book Par 3 Tea-Time at the Masters by the Junior League of Augusta, Ga


The Masters Golf Tournament
Insights of Rick SmithThe Masters Golf Tournament is this week Obviously, this year has special meaning as the world looks for an escape from the news of the day and all eyes will be on Tiger Woods. As such, I thought it an appropriate time to highlight some of the insights of Augusta National Golf Course from Rick Smith, who is one of golf’s greatest teachers. Rick’s notable clients have included major champions such as Jack Nicklaus, Lee Janzen, Vijay Singh, David Duval, John Daly and Greg Norman. Rick was also Phil Mickelson's personal golf coach when he first won the Masters in 2004 and in addition was the host of "the Big Break" on the Golf Channel. Several years back, I had the pleasure to interview Rick. Below are some of his thoughts expressed during that interview:
We've seen all of it on TV where you have the immaculate fairways, and the color just jumps off the set with sugar white bunkers and of course, the green jackets. Here are a few insights from behind the scenes that you might not know:
RS: I think the tradition of the Masters even makes it more special than the beauty. The tradition of knowing that Gene Sarazen holed out a double eagle on the 15th, Jack Nicklaus charged in '86 to win with a 30 on the back nine at Augusta. You can almost see Bobby Jones standing there with Alister McKinsey on specific holes designing the golf course. All those things are part of what makes Augusta special and makes the Masters special and then when you take the people that have not won the green jack you know from Ernie Els, Norman to Lee Trevino, they obviously have not won here that makes it even more special.
JC: You mentioned the rules, what might a layperson not know about Augusta and its rules?
RS: No autographs on the other side of the clubhouse at the turn. None, and they enforce it. I think that’s good because it’s like saying to Michael Jordon in between the 2nd and 3rd quarter, “I need you to sign an autograph and will you please tell me about your family.” No one is allowed on the practice-tee other than the player and their teacher. At other events there’s vendors and phones going off, it can get pretty crazy. The other area where their rules differ is the clubhouse environment. It is very strict, and you can’t just get in. You can’t just have a ticket, to get into the clubhouse is hardest ticket in any sport. It’s harder that a Super Bowl ticket. Also, the fact is they have green everywhere. From green cups to green wrap around their sandwiches. By the way, the Pimento sandwich is famous at Augusta. They just do things different, it’s unlike any other event that you’ve ever seen. It’s almost like going back in time.
Rick Smith Golf
Here are some interesting facts about the game:
Golf is played all over the globe. Golf is one of the world's oldest sports, boasting a rich history. Golf is a sport of skill, that can involve not only athletic prowess, but also brain power. .
· To this date, golf is only one of two games to be played on the moon. The other is a javelin throw.
· Long before the advent of tees, golfers played off of hand-built sand piles.
· In 1889, Ab Smith inadvertently coined the phrase "birdie," when he hit a shot he defined as a "bird of a shot."
· Making a hole-in-one during a round of golf is quite a challenge. However, the odds of making two are incredibly low, at one in 64 million.
· Only around 20 percent of golfers have a handicap below 18. The United States Golf Teachers Federation defines handicap as "a measure of a player's current ability over an entire round of golf, signified by a number. The lower the number, the better the golfer is."
· The word "caddy" comes from "cadet," the French word for "student."
· A regulation golf ball contains 336 dimples.

Lifestyle & Travel

The World's Best Golf Courses
The Masters Tournament is the first of golf's four major championships in the calendar year. Competitors tee off at the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, GA this week. Fans are already eager to see who earns the fabled green jacket this year.
Televised golf competitions often inspire people to hit the links. People with a passion for golf may want to check out some of the top courses in the world, as ranked by leading golf resources and experts.
· Ballybunion: This Irish course was touted as "nothing less than the finest seaside course" by famed golf writer Herbert Warren Wind. The course hosted the 2000 Irish Open, but lack of other tournaments can be attributed to its remote, albeit beautiful, location.
· Cypress Point: This club sits at the foothills of the Santa Lucia Mountains at the tip of the Monterey Peninsula in California. Located in coastal dunes and on rocky coastlines, Cypress Point is often noted for its dramatic holes along the Pacific Ocean.
· Pine Valley: Located in Pine Valley, NJ, this course, which is more than 100 years old, boasts some formidable hazards with sophisticated green expanses.
· St. Andrew's: This historic course in Scotland has hosted the Open Championship (once known as The British Open) a record 29 times. Historians believe golf originated in Scotland, and people have been playing on this course since the 15th century. Massive greens, cavernous bunkers and a brilliant layout contribute to its distinguished history.
· Shinnecock Hills: This course in Southampton, NY, is a very old club built in the tradition of Scottish courses. This was likely the inaugural American golf course design, and the Shinnecock Hills Golf Club was one of the five founding members of the United States Golf Association.
· Augusta National: Home to the Masters, Augusta is considered a golf paradise by many. The sheer beauty of Augusta has made it a staple on many golfers' bucket lists, even if only a few may get to walk its fairways with club in hand.
Golf has a storied history, and that history is on display at various jaw-dropping courses across the globe.