What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
The Zurich Boogg - Business Psychology:
Atomic Habits - Cross-Border Business:
Start Your Own Country - Business Etiquette:
What to do When Someone Becomes Defensive - Fitness & Health:
The Unrivaled Benefits of Stinging Nettle Tea - Spirits & Cuisine:
5 Foods to Reduce the Risk of Cancer - Leisure:
Weightlifting as a Hobby - Travel:
Tips to Protect Your Home During Travels - Corb7 Funding Service:
How to Monetize Inground Assets - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Swiss Trust Companies & US Companies for Sale

International Business

Editor's Note
Entrepreneur & Author
The Zurich Boogg
Punxsutawney Phil or the Zurich Boogg?
In the United States there is an eccentric tradition of having a groundhog try to predict the end of winter each year. Punxsutawney Phil is the groundhog and central figure to the celebration held in Pennsylvania every year on February 2nd.
Since 1887, Punxsutawney holds a festival with music and food. During the ceremony, which begins well before the winter sunrise, Phil emerges from his temporary home on Gobbler's Knob. According to the tradition, if Phil sees his shadow and returns to his hole, he has predicted six more weeks of winter. If Phil does not see his shadow, he has foretold an early spring. If you have ever seen the movie Groundhog Day staring Bill Murray, then you are aware of the event which has caused this local tradition to get national attention.
Not to be outdone, the people of Zurich have their own tradition to mark the end of winter when they blow up an 11-foot-tall snowman whose head is filled with straw, cotton and dynamite. This traditional spring festival occurs on the third Monday of April (this year it was held April 17th) and is called Sechseläuten, or “Sächsilüüte” as it is known in local dialect. The event is marked by a parade and climaxes in the burning of 'Winter' which takes the form of a snowman called the Böögg. The Böögg's head is packed with fireworks and the exploding head makes a makes a stunnning finale to the day. The origins or the festival go back to medieval times.
One final interesting note, in 2006, the Böögg was abducted by leftist "revolutionaries", who thought the holiday to be a capitalist celebration. Since then, no chances are taken and duplicate Bööggs are held in reserve with the main one stored at a bank - talk about cancel culture.
Click for 2023 Video

International Business
Business Psychology

"Atomic Habits"
A great read.
This is one of the best self-improvement books we have read in a long time and highly recommend it.
“Atomic Habits” by James Clear is a New York Times Best-Seller and a wonderful work. Mr. Clear goes into many theories and practical applications of how to layer small changes on each other to accomplish a large goal. You will be impressed by his down-to-earth approach and no-nonsense verbiage.
An atomic habit is a regular practice or routine that is not only small and easy to do but is also the source of incredible power, a component of the system of compound growth. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.
If you give this book some of your time, even the most accomplished individuals should walk away satisfied and a new awareness of performance. “Atomic Habits” offers the framework for achievement and daily self-improvement.
James Clear
Get 1% Better Each Day

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Start Your Own Country
The Micronation of Sealand.-------
Every once in awhile we like to take a look at the colorful characters that you find internationally which have become better known by the internet.
If you have everfantasized about starting your own country to escape being told how to live your life, well rest assured that there are groups and individuals who have attempted to actually make it happen.
By definition, these countries are considered “micronations,” meaning they are an entity created and maintained as if it were a nation and/or a state, and generally carrying with it some, most or all of the attributes of a nation. Most are geographically very small ranging in size from a single square foot to half a million square miles. Personally, we find the entire concept entertaining and think you will enjoy the video we discovered on YouTube regarding "The Principality of Sealand" which is an offshore platform located of the coast of Great Britain.
Is this the smallest nation in the world? If not, it is certainly close with a fascinating beginning and history.
The Principality of Sealand is an unrecognized micronation that claims HM Fort Roughs, an offshore platform in the North Sea approximately 12 kilometres off the coast of Suffolk, as its territory. Roughs Tower is a Maunsell Sea Fort that was built by the British during World War II.
If you feel like shopping, the official site below has an online giftshop. Here you can become a Baron or Baroness or just purchase a t-shirt.
Sealand Video
Sealand Official Site

International Business
Business Etiquette
What to Do When Someone Becomes Defensive
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
Being caught off guard when someone becomes defensive and makes surprising or shocking remarks is a thought stopper and your automatic emotional trigger is ready to pull. The mindful pause is the first protection to employ when this happens. Let what’s happened sink in so that a context and understanding can form before you draw the proverbial sword of your own defense reaction.
Using Curiosity Instead of Emotion
Reacting with emotion will not serve to alleviate the situation, but curiosity can help you find out what is really going on.
Etiquette-ful response scenario:
- “Beth, I’m taken aback a little here. Do you mind if I ask how you come to that conclusion?”
- Listen carefully then clarify. “Beth, if I’m hearing you correctly, from your point of view, I was being totally insensitive. Am I close to understanding what you’re saying?”
- No doubt Beth will begin sharing more. Your calmness will most likely give Beth assurance that she is being heard.
- Add apology into the equation. “Please accept my apology. I did not realize that we were not in a good place and am grateful that you’ve cleared some of this up. I would never mean to be careless in my speech, and I realize now that you were hurt.”
It may be that settlement of the conflict is far more important than coming out on topic with further disagreement. You might not get what you want—an understanding of your point of view or maybe a compromise, but if you are trying to learn about the other person and their triggers, what might be considered a loss now may be a win in the long run.
When Someone Becomes Defensive to Take a Stand
There are some scenarios when someone becomes defensive because they think they are taking a stand and are putting their beliefs about the situation out in front of you. It may feel like parading to you, but no one should be asked to abandon their beliefs.
By practicing diplomacy, you can be clear on your beliefs in the midst of others standing up for theirs. Kindness and firmness are not enemies, but being tactful can help smooth the path.
- “Beth, do you have time to meet-up for coffee? I would love catching up. Good idea?”
- “I know we don’t always agree on what the facts are, but I want you to know how much I care for you and value our friendship. You have had my back so many times and I want to have yours, too.”
- “I want to move back into our happy zone, and I hope both of us can give up taking what’s happened personally. After all, we are wonderful people and have a beautiful friendship!”
The bottom line is that when someone becomes defensive or passive aggressive, they see the need to protect themselves from what feels like a personal attack. When they tend to take things personally, they are fearful and beneath it all don’t want to be rejected or feel incompetent or judged.
The first rule of etiquette is to be respectful and courteous, so when someone we know, like, and love shocks us, being as calm and as kind as possible is the first step in handling the situation with compassion.

Fitness & Health

The Unrivaled Benefits of Stinging Nettle Tea
by Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
Biography: Morayma Makay is a fashion model, mother, and writer. She has
dedicated the last 20 years to working in the fashion and health fields as
both a researcher and content creator. Most recently, she has launched her own blog Adulthood Rewired and YouTube channel Click Here, to continue sharing her knowledge.
While researching the benefits of herbal teas a while back, I was particularly struck by the seemingly unrivaled benefits of Stinging Nettle. Although its name may sound ominous, Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) is an herb that has been used for centuries in Europe as a remedy for a wide array of ailments.
The tea made from its leaves, is rich in phytonutrients like chlorophyll, lutein, zeaxanthin, quercetin, and beta-carotene, as well as minerals like copper, boron, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and manganese, with a fair dose of Vitamins A, C, K, and the B's....this is one plant beverage we should all be partaking in.
The minerals in Stinging Nettle tea are all known to help with bone density, and the magnesium is also great for natural anxiety reduction. The phytonutrients are an immune boosting buffet, while lutein and beta-carotene are essential for eye health...add in all of the vitamins and you're basically drinking a multi-tasking teacup of health.
As if that weren’t enough, this tea is also incredible for your skin and hair. Now as we well know, two of the areas that start to show aging the soonest are your hair and, of course, your skin. Hair starts to thin out and become more brittle, and skin loses its elasticity. However, this tea (while also hydrating you) addresses BOTH of these things!
Why and how? Well, along with all of the beneficial vitamins, minerals, and nutrients listed above, it also happens to be a rich source of silica and sulfur which are necessary to maintain a healthy hair shaft. A strong hair shaft makes for healthier, thicker, and shinier hair with a lot less fall out.
As a matter of fact, people in Eastern Europe have used Stinging Nettle to prevent balding, and treat dandruff for generations as well. The antioxidants in this tea also act as natural DHT blockers and can enhance blood circulation to the scalp when used as a rinse post shower.
Now, what can Stinging Nettle tea do for your skin? Once again, all of its natural compounds (the minerals, phytonutrients, etc.) act as skin food as well as simultaneously warding off oxidative stress, which if left to its devices, can lead to premature aging.
It also has anti-inflammatory properties that calm the skin keeping it supple and less prone to eczema and other skin conditions including acne. Drinking this tea essentially nourishes your skin from the inside out, naturally plumping it, and allowing for prolonged elasticity.
So, with each cup of Stinging Nettle tea, you're not only slowing down the signs of aging on the surface, but you're also drinking in added benefits.
Some of the other amazing things this herb can do include:
-natural allergy relief (due to the quercetin)
-contains antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties
-is a natural anti-inflammatory (has been shown to effectively treat arthritis)
-can lower blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure
-can help heal the mucosal lining of the stomach to help with nausea, diarrhea, and prevent ulcers
-is an anti-carcinogen
-helps to prevent kidney stones
Stinging Nettle....powerful little plant with an incredible amount of benefits. Now it’s time to get your kettle boiling!

Spirits & Cuisine

Foods to Reduce the Risk of Cancer
Five fruits & vegetables associated with reducing the risk of cancer!-------
The prevalence of cancer is widely known. Affecting people of every ethnicity and across the socioeconomic spectrum, cancer poses a threat to people in all corners of the globe. And that threat could be more significant in the immediate future. Estimates from the International Agency for Research on Cancer indicate that the global population boom and the growth of the world's aging population could result in more than 16 million cancer deaths each year by 2040.
The statistics surrounding global incidence rates for cancer are startling, which can give the impression that cancer is an inevitability for hundreds of millions of people across the globe. However, there's much individuals can do to reduce their cancer risk.
According to the MD Anderson Cancer Center, a healthy diet can help reduce cancer risk. A diet that focuses on plants and emphasizes healthy choices may not eliminate the threat of cancer, but it can be an integral component of a preventive health care regimen. With that in mind, the following are five fruits and vegetables associated with reducing cancer risk, courtesy of the MDACC.
1. Berries: Berries contain antioxidants, which protect the body from cell damage that can contribute to various cancers, including skin cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer, among others. Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries make wonderful additions to anyone's diet.
2. Cruciferous vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, and brussel sprouts, among others. The MDACC notes that studies have indicated that special plant compounds in cruciferous vegetables may protect the body from stomach cancer and cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus.
3. Garlic: The experts at Mount Sinai note that garlic is often linked with reduced risk for heart disease, notably the prevention of atherosclerosis, which affects the arteries through the deposition of plaques of fatty acids along the arterial walls. However, antioxidant-rich garlic also helps the body fight off harmful free radicals that can contribute to cancer.
4. Spinach: The Centers or Disease Control and Prevention notes that colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in the United States. Studies have found that spinach inhibits the growth of colon polyps that can develop into colorectal cancer.
5. Tomatoes: Lycopene is an antioxidant that gives tomatoes their bright red color. According to the National Cancer Institute, though human studies have produced inconsistent results, various in vitro and animal studies have indicated that lycopene may have chemopreventive effects for cancers of the prostate, skin, breast, lung, and liver.
Eating these five fruits and vegetables is not the only way to use diet in the fight against cancer. Individuals are urged to speak with their physicians to learn about the many ways to utilize food in cancer prevention.


Weightlifting as a Hobby
Resistance training is a must for your health.-------
Estimates suggest there are more than 650 skeletal muscles in the human body. Muscles perform a variety of functions that are essential to life. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones via tendons and are vital to movement.
Adding a bit more defined muscle to the body helps people look leaner. Toned muscles also help with balance, proper posture and flexibility. Achieving better muscle tone comes down to embracing a few tips.
· Embrace resistance training. Resistance training refers to exercises that rely on resistance to contract muscles. This also may be called strength training. Lifting weights or doing body weight exercises, such as pushups and pullups are some ways to strengthen and develop muscles.
· Get in the pool. Swimming is a great way to improve muscle tone. Water provides resistance and can make the body work harder through simple movements, all the while protecting against strain on joints.
· Increase sets. Each strength training exercise should consist of around 10 to 12 repetitions of two or more sets. Increase sets once a strength base is established. Select a weight that makes it difficult to complete the final three repetitions in each set.
· Lower body fat with cardio. Cardiovascular exercises help maintain good health by strengthening the body's most important muscle: the heart. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends 150 to 300 minutes a week of cardio activity. Cardio can help burn body fat, which will help reveal the muscles underneath, producing a leaner look.
· Increase protein intake. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends that protein make up 10 to 35 percent of calorie intake if a person is working to gain muscle. Select lean protein sources like chicken, fish and low-fat dairy. Watch the calorie content in protein shakes, as they can add too many calories and are unnecessary in most instances unless one is interested in developing significant muscle mass
· Be patient. Depending on the consistency and intensity of a workout, it can take between four and eight weeks for muscles to begin to get toned.
Anyone who has questions about muscle tone and effective workouts to sculpt muscle should consult with a personal trainer.


Tips to Protect Your Home During Your Travels
Some ideas to protect your home while you travel.-------
Vacation often serves as a well-deserved break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. When relaxing and recharging away from home, the last thing vacationers want to think about is the safety of their homes and everything inside them. However, the National Council for Home Safety and Security and Statistics Canada estimate that more than two million burglaries occur in the United States and Canada every year. That underscores the importance of protecting your home at all times, including when you're not there.
· Create the impression that someone is home. Just because you're heading off for parts unknown doesn't mean you can't create the impression that life is carrying on as usual within the walls of your home. Smart home technology now enables homeowners to set timers on lights and even home electronics like televisions and radios. Homeowners also can ask neighbors to pick up their mail or halt delivery until they return from their trips. Nothing says "no one's home" as definitively as an overflowing mailbox.
· Keep quiet on social media. A Credit Sesame survey of former burglars in the United Kingdom found that 78 percent acknowledged monitoring social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter as they try to find homes to burglarize. Individuals about to go on vacation should avoid sharing that on social media.
· Stay silent while you're away as well. Social media silence should be continued while you're on vacation as well. No matter how tempting it may be to share photos from an exotic location, such posts could catch the attention of all the wrong people. A recent report from MetLife indicated that 35 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 check in from their locations via social media. That can alert criminals that no one is manning the fort back home.
· Switch from a traditional lock and key to a lockbox. Individuals who travel frequently can take a page from the realtor notebook and switch from a traditional lock and key lock system to a lockbox. Lockboxes require that a code is entered before a box containing a key can be unlocked. Homeowners who want this added measure of protection don't even need to put a key inside the lockbox, which typically covers a lock, making it extremely difficult for potential thieves to pick the lock.
Before leaving for vacation, individuals can implement various strategies and safety measures to protect their homes and their belongings while they're away

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Business Services
Business Acquisitions for Sale
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Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
Corb7 International, Inc.
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