What you will find in this edition
- Publisher's Note:
Revisiting the Berlin Wall - Business Psychology:
The Healing Power of Nature - Cross-Border Business:
Economic Citizenship in St. Kitts & Nevis - Business Etiquette:
Being the Best Professional Guest - Business Relocation:
Handling the Emotional Rollercoaster of Moving - Investment Strategies:
Affordable Real Estate in US & Canada - Fitness, Health & Longevity:
Switch to Early AM Workouts! - Spirits & Cuisine:
Pork is it! - Leisure:
Health Benefits of Golf - Travel:
Great Places Around the Globe to Eat Pizza - Corb7 International Services:
My Third Book is Now Available!

International Business
Publisher's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Revisiting the Berlin Wall
Socialism through the Eyes of a 16-Year-Old .
A 16-year-old young man once pleaded his parents for permission to go on a trip to Germany with his high school German class. The parents really didn’t have the extra cash and $350 dollars was a lot of money back in 1974. But they gave in, scratched up the funds, and thus allowed the youth to experience 10 days in Europe. It would leave a lifelong impression on the young man. The young man was me.
Besides getting an education in German beer, it also exposed my classmates and me to the wonderful history and architecture of Bavaria. Through the eyes of a 16-year-old born and raised in Pittsburgh - Munich, the Autobahn, Neuschwanstein Castle to name just a few of the sights – Germany was an exotic and unbelievably beautiful place. Plus, they spoke the language that I was attempting to learn.
Then came the trip to Berlin. As you might recall, German had been split into two different countries in 1945 – East and West - and Berlin sat at a far eastern point of Socialist East Germany. Therefore, for our group to travel from Munich to West Berlin, we needed to proceed up the autobahn and cross over to East Germany and traverse much of the eastern bloc country to reach our destination. It would be an experience not easily forgotten and the contrast between west and east could not have been starker.
West Germany was colorful and upbeat. Free expression and free speech found a home and flourish there after World War II. East Germany, on the other hand, was bleak and gray. Farmhouses were kept far from the freeway heading to Berlin to avoid interaction with westerners and the temptation to escape to the west. We, of course, were harassed at the crossing into East Germany by guards who claimed someone in a red jacket on our bus had taken photographs within the restricted zone which we had been sternly warned about. Absolutely, no pictures were allowed in that area. There was no one with a red jacket on the bus and after about three hours sitting there, the guards had enjoyed themselves enough to allow us to proceed.
Checkpoint Charlie / Berlin Wall circa 1974
Berlin was not a fun place, totally different than Munich, and it was also split into east and west with the Soviets taking the eastern part of the city.
Much of this huge urban location had been leveled during the Allied bombing raids of World War II, and the stress of the war could still be felt in the air thirty years later. From my perspective, the most memorable thing about Berlin was Checkpoint Charlie at the wall which we stood atop prior to visiting its museum. It was awful since it was a wall built – not to keep foreigners out – but exclusively to keep East Germany citizens in. So many had fled the horrors of socialism that they had to build a wall to keep them from escaping. The term Berlin Wall did not fully describe it. East Germany was a prison, and “The Wall” had guards with machine guns willing to fire on their fellow citizens in the blink of an eye. Go a little further from the physical wall and there were landmines, barbed-wire fences and abandoned builds so people would not jump off them into the west and freedom. The museum was a collection of stories representing successful and unsuccessful attempts to flee. Those who took the gamble to cross to the west and were caught died. To this day, I have a nondescript piece of concrete that no one would know what it is but me. It is a six-inch piece of the Berlin Wall.
Those images of East Germany and the Berlin Wall have never left me. Capitalism isn’t perfect, but no system is. Anyone promoting the benefits of socialism does not know history or is simply lying for self-gain.
The Berlin Wall
Addendum: I have previously published this article via this newsletter and several other platforms. It continues to be relevant and again timely with the recent protests on college campuses calling for "death to America." This continued flirtation with socialism and its evil twin communism will not end well if not stopped. During this trip that I outlined in the above article, we also visited the Nazi Concentration Camp Dachau. No words could describe it, and the nauseating feeling that one gets by seeing the museum. Silence is complicity and therefore, it is crucial to have this discussion. The holocaust did happen and those who protest in favor of antisemitism will be on the wrong side of history - again. This time, however, it will be recorded for posterity via social media, video and the countless cameras taking pictures.
For more about my wonderings through Business, Lifestyle, Health, Aging & Travel
please see my blog: JeffCorbett.com

International Business
Business Psychology

The Healing Power of Nature
Get outside.
Being in good health and avoiding various diseases often comes down to a combination of factors. Individuals may be aware that nutrition and exercise play important roles in personal well-being, but it appears that nature may provide its own medicinal benefits as well.
A number of studies have examined the potential healing components of being in nature. The World Health Organization released a report in 2023 titled "Green and Blue Spaces and Mental Health," which indicated that time in nature improves mood, mindsets and mental health. This occurs regardless of whether that nature was "country" regions or urban areas. The following are some of the ways nature can have a healing effect.
· Immunity protection: Trees and plants emit aromatic compounds called phytoncides. When inhaled, these compounds can ignite healthy biological changes similar to the concepts of aromatherapy. When people walk in forests or other green areas, they often experience changes in the blood that are associated with protection against cancer, improved immunity and lower blood pressure, says Dr. Qing Li, a professor at the Nippon Medical School in Tokyo.
· Get a brain break: When spending time in nature, attention is focused on the scenery, the animals and the rest of the environment. This may help quiet the rush of thoughts in the head that clutters the ability to think freely.
· Reduce stress: Stress is a catalyst for a number of adverse health conditions. The Mayo Clinic says stress can cause headache, muscle tension, fatigue, changes in sex drive, and a weaker immune system, among other things. Being outside in nature and away from work and home responsibilities can help reduce stress levels. Dr. Mathew McGlothlin, senior medical director with WellMed Medical Group, says being in nature provides stress relief.
· Get vitamin D: The body naturally produces vitamin D from sun exposure. The National Institutes of Health says it is optimal to have sun exposure for five to 30 minutes a day, most days a week, to absorb UVB rays and effectively make vitamin D. Vitamin D is a nutrient the body needs to build and maintain strong bones. Vitamin D also regulates many other cellular functions in the body, and may be able to prevent cognitive decline.
· Inspires exercise: People may be more inclined to be physically active while outdoors. Hiking, cycling, swimming, and even strolls in the park all make the outdoors more fun. Exercise promotes heart health and helps people maintain a healthy weight.
Nature can have a healing effect, and more time outdoors can promote mental and physical well-being.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Economic Citizenship in St. Kitts & Nevis
A defensive vehicle for uncertain times!-------
A dual-island nation situated between the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea.
Location: 200 miles SE of Puerto Rico.
Capital City: Charleston
Population: 52,000
Language Spoken: English
International Time: EST
Airline Service: Air BVI, American Airlines, American Eagle, BWIA, LIAT, Winair, Carib Aviation
Currency: Eastern Caribbean dollar
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy with Westminster style parliament.
Video Presentation
St. Kitts Citizenship by Investment

International Business
Business Etiquette

Being the Best Professional Guest
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
Setting a tone of professionalism is important when you’re being "professional." This includes how you show up; not just in self-presentation, but in attitude.
When you visit an office, business or workplace, you’ll communicate right away who your hosts are dealing with through your body language, greeting, and whether or not you blend in with the corporate culture of the office.
A professional guest leaves no stone unturned. You've done your homework and know in detail where you are going, how you will get there, with whom you are meeting, and when you should arrive.
Making an Entrance
The people at the front line of most offices have more power than you may think. The receptionist, clerk, or assistant absolutely takes note of your cooperation skills when you are asked to sign in and/or wait.
Your regard for the company policy on visitors is part of the first impression you make as a professional guest. Whether you are selling something or an employee visiting another company location, always remember that the impression you give at the front desk flows throughout the organization!
And don't think your job title or position makes you immune to a negative impression at this level of your visit. Quite the opposite. If you are a VIP at the place you are visiting, you will know it immediately. But if the person at the front line doesn't recognize you and asks you to sign in, friendliness and cooperation could be your golden ticket.
Protocol for Professional Guests
A true professional guest maintains mindfulness and respect for the work environment and people encountered during a visit. Wear an attitude of equality. Every person you meet is worthy of consideration and courtesy.
- Remember names. When making connections and networking, you will always make someone feel important when you remember his name.
- Smile and shake hands. Whether you've met your contacts before or are seeing them for the first time, this standard greeting always makes a good impression.
- Introduce yourself and others. You may assume the person you are visiting knows who you are because you are on her calendar, but still introduce yourself and others with you. This is another standard protocol that makes a good impression as it cements your level of professionalism.
- Maintain formal address. If you're meeting with Stanley Banks, address him as "Mr. Banks" until you are asked to call him by another name. When he introduces himself as Stanley, or says, "Please call me Stan," then you may drop the formality.
- Sit only when invited to. You may be visiting a place of business, but it is still your host's territory. Remain respectful of this by standing until you are asked to take a seat.
- Make small talk 100% positive and friendly. This is a good way to connect and show your human side. And it can set the tone for the remainder of the meeting.
- Be mindful of time. Others are busy, and while your visit is important, it is only one part of their day.
- Follow cues. When you are truly present and mindful, you know when someone is interested and enjoying your company, or if you should take your leave immediately.
Muddling Through
If you happen to be the victim of an unfriendly reception, or inexperienced hosts, do the best you can do. Always remain friendly and respectful. After all, you are only visiting.
There is hope that your professionalism will be an example to them.

International Business
Business Relocation
Handling the Emotional Rollercoaster of Moving
by Morayma MaKayCorporate Relocation Consultant & Coach
The freedom to move.
Relocation is so much more than just moving to a new location, it's also like stepping onto an emotional rollercoaster. The mix of excitement, fear, apprehension, and worry can be overwhelming. In today's blog post, we'll explore the spectrum of emotions that come with relocating and discuss healthy ways to cope with these feelings so that you can truly begin to enjoy the new chapter that lies ahead!
The prospect of a new beginning is exhilarating. Embrace the excitement, visualize your future in the new place, and focus on the positive aspects of the move. Share your enthusiasm with friends and family to amplify the joy, and remember these giddy feelings any time some of the harder emotions start to creep up.
Fear and Apprehension:
Fear of the unknown and apprehension about leaving the familiar can be daunting. Acknowledge these feelings, but also remind yourself of the growth and opportunities that come with change. Break down the relocation process into manageable steps to alleviate the sense of overwhelm, and allow yourself time to breathe and decompress.
Worry and Anxiety:
Worrying about the logistics of the move, settling into a new routine, or adapting to a different environment is normal. Channel this energy into proactive planning. Create detailed checklists, research your new community, and address concerns one step at a time so that you feel organized and in as much control of things as will make you feel more comfortable.
Nostalgia and Sadness:
Leaving behind a place filled with memories can evoke a sense of nostalgia and sadness. Allow yourself to feel these emotions, and consider creating a keepsake or journaling about your experiences. It's a way to honor the past while embracing the future, and gives you something to look back on and share with new friends.
The prospect of being away from familiar faces can trigger feelings of loneliness. Stay connected with loved ones through calls, video chats, and social media. Join local groups or online communities in your new area to start building connections even before you arrive so that you can begin cultivating a sense of community.
Coping Strategies:
- Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Meditation can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety.
- Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings. Journaling can be a therapeutic way to process emotions and track your journey.
- Exercise: Physical activity is a natural stress reliever. Whether it's a workout, yoga, or a simple walk, exercise can improve your mood.
- Talk About It: Share your feelings with friends, family, or even a therapist. Talking openly can provide valuable support and perspective.
- Create a Routine: Establishing a routine can bring a sense of stability amidst the chaos. It provides a familiar structure during the transition.
- Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate each small achievement during the relocation process. It can boost your confidence and morale.
- Explore Your New Surroundings: Familiarize yourself with your new environment. Explore local attractions, parks, and community spaces to foster a sense of belonging.
Relocating is more than a change of address; it's a transformative journey that encompasses a broad range of emotions that may feel different to everyone. Embrace the emotional rollercoaster, and remember, it's okay to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. By incorporating these healthy coping strategies, you'll not only navigate the relocation more smoothly but also emerge stronger and more resilient on the other side.
Your emotions are valid, and this journey is an opportunity for personal growth and discovery. Safe travels!

International Business
Investment Strategies

Affordable Real Estate Markets!
United States & Canada locations.
Much has been made in recent years of the rising cost of housing across North America. A recent report from Zillow indicated the total housing market in the United States had reached a value of $52 trillion, which represents a record and a 49 percent spike since before the pandemic.
Such a dramatic increase in the housing market has had a ripple effect on current homeowners and those looking to become homeowners. Millennials have perhaps bore the brunt of the housing price increase. Already holding one-third of all student loan accounts and 30 percent of the total debt, according to data from the Education Data Initiative, millennials may feel as though homeownership is simply not financially feasible. However, a recent analysis from Rocket Homes and Best Places identified 15 cities where buyers can find affordable homes.
1. Ames, Iowa
2. Burlington, Vermont
3. Portland, Maine
4. Ithaca, New York
5. Iowa City, Iowa
6. Appleton, Wisconsin
7. Charlottesville, Virginia
8. Bangor, Maine
9. State College, Pennsylvania
10. Richmond, Virginia
11. Atlantic City, New Jersey
12. Albany, New York
13. College Station, Texas
14. Norwich, Connecticut
15. Winchester, Virginia
Housing prices also are stretching budgets in Canada, where data from the real estate experts at Royal LePage indicates the average home price will exceed $843,000 in 2024. But much like their American counterparts, Canadians in the market have affordable housing options. The Canadian Real Estate Association notes these are some of the most affordable provinces to buy a home in Canada.
1. New Brunswick
2. Newfoundland & Labrador
3. Saskatchewan
4. Manitoba
5. Prince Edward Island
6. Nova Scotia
7. Alberta
Home prices are high in the U.S. and Canada, but buyers with the flexibility to work remotely can look to various markets in each country for more affordable homes
Please keep in mind this information should not be considered as financial advice. Investment decisions should be based on individual research and consultation with a qualified financial professional. The value of investments can fluctuate, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always consider your risk tolerance and financial goals before making investment decisions.

Fitness, Health & Longevity

Switch to Early AM Workouts
Get up and at it.-------
One of the common complaints among people who want to be more active is that they can't seem to fit exercise in when work, school or family responsibilities get top billing. According to the Better Health Channel, lack of time is a common perceived barrier to physical activity, with men age 30 to 50 saying they are typically too busy with work and family commitments to exercise regularly. And when leisure time is limited, they'd much rather choose recreational activities over heading to the gym.
There are many ways to make exercise fit into a busy schedule, and one of them is to switch when you exercise. Opting for early-morning workouts can free up time later in the day. Plus, there are some benefits to getting a fitness fix in while the sun is rising. Get started with these tips.
· Skip afternoon caffeine and evening alcohol. Getting up early to exercise will likely require an adjustment period. One way to make it easier to rise and shine a few hours earlier is to limit behaviors that can make it hard to get out of bed. Coffee and other caffeinated products can make it challenging to fall asleep at night if consumed too late in the day. Alcoholic beverages, while they may cause you to fall asleep faster, adversely affect sleep quality. When sleep is compromised, you may be more inclined to hit the snooze button.
· Gradually move your wake-up time. Progressing slowly by waking up about 15 minutes earlier each week can help you achieve your goal without it being a big shock to the system. As you build up to the new wake-up time, fit in short workouts in this newly acquired free time.
· Consider a home gym setup. If the thought of venturing out to a gym or another facility in the wee hours of the morning his unappealing, think about outfitting a space in your home with workout equipment. Doing so may facilitate an early fitness routine.
· Prepare workout gear the night before. The lifestyle experts at Real Simple suggest laying out workout gear and other items needed for the day the night before. This way you can get up and out quickly without forgetting things.
· Enlist a buddy to exercise as well. Having someone to whom you are accountable can help keep early workouts on the docket. A workout pal can motivate you to get exercise in, and you can do the same for your partner. If someone is counting on you, you'll be less likely to skip a workout.
There are benefits to early workouts. Healthline says that early morning workouts are best when the heat rises during the day and you'll be doing outdoor activities. A recent study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that those who exercise first thing in the morning often choose healthier foods and eat less the rest of the day. Many who exercise early report greater overall energy and focus throughout the day as well.

Spirits & Cuisine

Pork is It!
Grilling season is upon us.-------
Culinary options multiply when individuals and families are open to trying different foods and recipes. There are many protein sources individuals can consider, and pork ranks highly among them. Pork is consumed worldwide and, when enjoyed in moderation, can be part of a healthy diet.
According to WebMD, ground, cooked pork comes in at roughly 297 calories for a 3.4-ounce serving. One such serving of pork offers 25.7 grams of protein and is richer in thiamine than other red meats like beef and lamb. Thiamine is a B vitamin that is vital to a range of bodily needs. Selenium found in pork is essential for thyroid function.
Pork is considered a "red" meat. Don't let pork's lighter coloring fool you into thinking it is closer to poultry products. Despite that classification, today's pork has about 16 percent less fat and 27 percent less saturated fat compared to the pork of 30 years ago, according to the National Pork Board. In addition, thanks to changes in feeding practices and quality control, pig-borne trichinosis, which was once behind the well-done cooking recommendations regarding pork, has dropped to relatively nil. That means diners may be able to enjoy pork at slightly pinker temperatures than once believed. However, an internal temperature of at least 145 F for whole pork and 160 F for ground pork is recommended, according to Healthline.
Pork is quite versatile, as evidenced by its availability in many different forms. It's amazing to think that breakfast bacon and pulled pork enjoyed at dinner is from the same animal. Pork also shines in lunch meats and specialty cured products like salami and prosciutto. In fact, a typical charcuterie board features a variety of pork products.
With that in mind, when curating food options for your own charcuterie platter, consider these ideal pork and cheese pairings that will delight guests, courtesy of the National Pork Board.
· Prosciutto with parmesan
· Aged country ham with sharp cheddar
· Salami with gouda
· Pepperoni with aged goat's milk
· Guanciale with asiago
· Pâté with gruyere
· Mortadella with Swiss
· Pork rinds with queso fresco
Chopped bacon in cream cheese or neufchâtel also can make a tasty spread for charcuterie crackers or crostini.
Pork is a versatile meat with plenty of flavor and nutrition. It can be worked into weekly meal plans in many different ways.


Health Benefits of Golf!
A game which might help you live longer-------
Playing a round of golf is a great way to spend a morning, afternoon or early evening. That's particularly true when the weather is warm and a golf course is soaked in sunshine and cooled down by warm breezes whistling through the surrounding trees.
Though many see golf as recreation, the sport can offer some notable health benefits. The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews, which was founded in 1754 and has since grown from a small club to one with 2,500 members across the globe, published a golf and health report in 2020. That report highlights research indicating the ways golf promotes both mental and physical health, and such evidence can make anyone feel better about spending a day on their nearest course. With that in mind, individuals can consider these three notable health benefits of playing golf the next time they're thinking about visiting their local course.
1. Golf may help you live longer.
Frustrated golfers who can't master their short game may suggest otherwise, but a study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science and Sports discovered a 40 percent reduction in mortality rates among 300,000 members of the Swedish Golf Federation. That corresponded to an increased life expectancy of roughly five years and applied to golfers of all ages, genders and socio-economic backgrounds.
2.Golf can help combat disease.
A summary of findings conducted by researchers at the University of Edinburgh and published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2016 found that golf can help prevent and treat 40 major chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart attack, stroke, depression, dementia, and cancers of the breast and colon. That link probably has something to do with golf being a physical activity that encourages people to embrace a less sedentary lifestyle. Indeed, the R&A notes that additional studies have found that risk factors for heart disease and stroke, including high blood pressure, are reduced among people who play golf.
3. Golf promotes social interaction.
The Alzheimer's Society reports that social isolation can increase a person's risk for dementia by roughly 60 percent. People who play golf tend to play in groups of two, three or four, and that social interaction can promote social interaction among people of all ages. Social isolation also has been linked to additional mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, so activities like golf that encourage social interaction can help people safeguard their mental health.
A round of golf may be widely viewed as a recreational activity. However, a day on the links also provides some notable health benefits.


Great Places to Eat Pizza
International locations
Pizza is a beloved food that originated in Italy but is enjoyed around the world. While many cultures have made a flatbread product a meal, there is something special about the combination of dough, sauce and cheese on pizza that perhaps contributes to its addictive qualities.
According to the mozzarella distribution company Maestrella, the worldwide pizza market reached US $132 billion in 2021. Pizza is a favorite takeout dish worldwide. Though pizza is beloved in the U.S., Norway ranks No. 1 in pizza consumption across the globe. The U.S. comes in second and the United Kingdom rounds out the top three.
Pizza comes in many options - from Margherita to Chicago to NY style - so there is something for everyone. Furthermore, just about anyone can quickly grab a bite of pizza no matter where they live. There are many beloved and top-rated pizza establishments around the globe. Here's a look at some of them.
10 by Diego Vitagliano, Naples
The team at this restaurant embraces its culinary creativity and utilizes high-quality seasonal ingredients. The pizzas also are quite affordable. This is a premiere spot in Italy. Adding to its allure for pizza lovers is it's in the city of Naples, where pizza is reported to have been invented.
Peppe Pizzeria, Paris
This pizza spot was crowned the best pizzeria in Europe in 2022. Peppe is the nickname of the chef who won the title of World Champion of the best pizza in Naples. This is a prime location to enjoy a delicious pizza in front of the Saint-Germain de Charonne Church.
Una Pizza Napoletana, New York, NY
This Lower East Side establishment is the sixth iteration of Anthony Mangieri's pizzeria. He focuses on naturally-leavened, wood-fired pizzas and is considered a pioneer in Neapolitan pizza in America.
Pizzeria L'Operetta, Singapore
Although this restaurant is not run by Italians and the chef is not Italian, it is said to serve up the best Neopolitan pizza in Singapore.
Pizzeria Mozza, Los Angeles
This pizzeria takes Italian style of pizza craft and melds it with delicious California-grown ingredients for a pizza that wins raves.
Goodfellas, Goa, India
Traditional wood-fired pizzas are the name of the game in this cozy restaurant. Visitors to the region looking for a change from the native cuisine can enjoy a taste of Italy.
Pequod's, Chicago
This Lincoln Park eatery has been producing pizzas since 1970 and is a local favorite. It is so popular that visitors can expect to wait for some delicious deep dish.
Pizza is enjoyed and beloved around the world. Certain establishments are well regarded, but that shouldn't deter anyone from trying their local pizza spots as well.

Business Services
Business Publications
Corb7 International, Inc.
Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity!
"Global Common Cents"
Jeffrey H. Corbett
Cutting-edge ideas.
My New Book is Now Available!
"Challenging Traditional Thought to Gain Elite Performance"
If you are considering a new business venture overseas then this book would be a valuable resource and reference guide. As an added benefit it is FREE!
Click on the above image for your free copy!
Understanding the various ways to structure a cross-border business and which methodology to implement is often the critical difference between success or failure. Thus, the new book "Global Common Cents" is now available.
Cross-border business involves transactions and activities conducted between companies in different countries. It requires navigating international trade regulations, cultural differences, and varying legal frameworks. Companies engaging in cross-border business often face challenges related to currency exchange, logistics, and global market dynamics. Effective communication, understanding local business practices, and compliance with international laws are crucial for success in this complex environment. It's important to conduct thorough research and establish strong partnerships to navigate the intricacies of cross-border business.
About the Author: Jeff Corbett is an entrepreneur, author, and magazine publisher with extensive experience in the global marketplace. He remains an unwavering advocate for international business and personal freedoms. With more than two decades of operational and management experience, Jeff Corbett has developed a keen understanding of how international businesses can get bloated with redundancies, inefficient networks, and exposure to frivolous litigation resulting in the loss of both time and money. To that end, he has promoted an approach which allows an entrepreneur to retool achieving a sleeker, smoother and more strategically focused organization. A believer in bringing critical functions in-house, his clients range from small to mid-cap international concerns that can appreciate the additional control and cost reductions.
Previously, in 1991 Mr. Corbett co-founded Worldwide Business Consultants, Inc, which became a multimillion dollar a year business acquisition concern. WBC was a highly specialized firm that facilitated captive ownership of financial institutions such as banks, trust companies and insurance companies. In 1998, he co-authored an acclaimed book, "Behind the Offshore Veil" which was marketed through his own publishing company and Amazon.com. This work is currently in its third edition and can be found at lUniverse.com. These successes led to the development and publishing of a high-end lifestyle magazine. C&K Magazine was launched in November of 1999. As a quarterly publication C&K boasted a circulation of 110,000. Mr. Corbett served as Publisher, Editor, and frequent contributor to the magazine.
Prior to 1991, Mr. Corbett was employed as a Stockbroker with the firms of Dean Witter Reynolds and then later Kidder Peabody & co. As an investment professional, Mr. Corbett's perspectives regarding the financial markets could be heard on major radio stations or as a much in demand public speaker.
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