What you will find in this edition
- Editor's Note:
The Twitter Wars -
Business Psychology:
Tips to Boost Mental Wellness -
Cross-Border Business:
Bermuda Captive Insurance Conference -
Business Tools:
Swiss SRO Membership -
Business Etiquette:
Spring Cleaning Your Habits -
Executive Fitness:
7 Important Benefits of Walking -
Spirits & Cuisine:
The Sleeping Pizza from Italy -
Rolex's New Left-Handed Watch for 2022 -
Lifestyle & Travel:
Monaco Grand Prix 2022 -
Corb7 International Services:
Swiss Trust Companies Immediately Available

International Business
Editor's Note
The Twitter Wars
The US media has let us down - again. Instead of being the overseers of both political parties and holding each accountable, the media has tossed aside neutrality and become activists thrusting us into propaganda wars and censorship by social media giants. It is their job to be the umpire, be fair and call balls and strikes. You have one job – just do it.
In the United States, the First Amendment to Constitution guarantees the freedom of speech and the press. In the year 2022, we have seen both trampled. Regardless of your politics, the media should be holding both sides equally answerable and not stoking the fires of discord. Elon Musk’s recent bid to buy Twitter is just the latest example of hypocrisy. Not that long ago he was well-regarded and even celebrated in some circles. Now many in the mainstream media are calling him a threat to democracy. Seriously, where do they come up with this stuff?
Personally, we are rooting for Mr. Musk. Perhaps we are old fashioned, but we think free speech is good for democracy and thus good for business. You go Elon!

International Business
Business Psychology

Tips to Boost Mental Wellness
The most successful health care regimens incorporate a number of variables to help individuals achieve optimal health. Physical health garners considerable attention when developing a health care regimen, but it's equally important that individuals prioritize mental health as well.
Mental health has garnered considerable attention in recent years, and that's not solely a byproduct of the pandemic. Prior to the onset of the pandemic, in 2019 the World Health Organization launched the WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health (2019-2023). That's an effort to ensure access to quality and affordable care for mental health conditions in 12 priority countries. The WHO initiative reflects the growing recognition of the importance of mental wellness and its role in overall health.
Protecting mental health and boosting mental wellness can have a profound impact on individuals who are struggling with stress, anxiety and depression. The National Council for Mental Well-Being recommends these strategies to boost mental wellness and protect mental health.
· Express your feelings. Individuals should not feel the need to keep their problems to themselves. Speak with someone you trust about your feelings and share details of any problems you may be having. Keeping feelings bottled up inside can compound issues that are already adversely affecting your mental health.
· Establish boundaries. Individuals should not feel compelled to engage in activities they don't enjoy or no longer want to do. It's everyone's right to say "no," and exercising that right can improve mental health for individuals who routinely find themselves saying "yes" to activities they no longer enjoy. For example, many working professionals may feel compelled to respond to work emails long after quitting time. That can have an adverse effect on mental health by making individuals feel as though they're constantly working. Answering emails only during working hours can provide the mental break individuals need to unwind and relax.
· Recognize the role physical health plays in protecting mental health. The National Council for Mental Well-Being notes that physical self-care helps individuals manage symptoms associated with mental health challenges. Eating right, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep can help individuals overcome mental health challenges and reduce risk for conditions such as anxiety and depression.
· Find a healthy hobby. A healthy hobby can quell boredom and serve as a coping mechanism when issues like stress and anxiety begin to feel a little overwhelming. A healthy hobby can serve as a distraction and provide a getaway when individuals feel as though their mental health is suffering.
· Don't hesitate to seek help. Individuals have no issue visiting their physicians when they experience physical symptoms of illness or injury. That same lack of hesitation should be present when mental health issues arise. Mental health professionals can provide the same valuable services for mental health that physicians do for physical health.
Strategies to protect mental health is are important components of health care regimens. Individuals can learn more at mentalhealthfirstaid.org

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Bermuda Captive Insurance Conference
September 12-14th
A captive is defined as an insurance company established in an offshore jurisdiction, created and controlled by either a parent company or professional association through which their own risk is insured. Those insured risks are frequently re-insured through a large multinational carrier.
The cost of insurance represents a considerable expense for most businesses. In recent years, premiums have skyrocketed leading many professionals to explore creative cost reduction strategies. One imaginative – yet proven – strategy is the use of wholly-owned subsidiaries to meet insurance needs which can control or even cut expenditures. Captives can be established to self-insure part or all of property loss, product liability, work compensation, malpractice and virtually any other coverage. Consequently, the driving force behind the move to offshore captive insurance extends virtually across all industries including, but not limited to: medical malpractice, workers compensation, manufacturing, financial, energy-related, and real estate developers, just to name a few. Over 350 of the Fortune 500 companies in the United States have insurance captives. As a result, Captive Insurance Companies have become a growing and significant sector of the global insurance industry.
1. Instances when insurance cannot be purchased from commercial insurance companies for a business risk. In many instances companies within an industry form a joint captive insurance company for that reason.
2. In very specific cases, premiums paid to a captive insurance company may be deductible as a business expense for tax purposes according to the Internal Revenue Service. It is important to note that the IRS has established very strict guidelines to qualify for tax benefits and the use of a professional is critical. The rule of thumb is that the insurance company will need to be adequately capitalized and offer sufficient third party (non-related) insurance to qualify.
3. Insurance can be obtained through the international reinsurance market at a more favorable premium with higher limits of coverage.
4. Investment returns can be obtained directly on its invested capital.
Bermuda stands as the world's leader in Captive Insurance. As such, their annual conference is consider one of the most important in the industry.
Conference Information
International Business
Business Tools
Swiss SRO Membership
The term SRO is an abbreviation for Self-Regulatory Organization. In Switzerland these organizations are subject to FINMA supervision and regulate the activities of financial intermediaries attached to them, including wealth managers according to Article 24 of the Swiss Money Laundering Act (MLA).
SROs are a professional designation and therefore cannot be held by a company but rather if needed must be held by a “post holder” of the company.
If you wish to offer services to “unrelated persons” via ownership of a Swiss Trust Company then you will need to gain membership to an SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization) professional designation. This is a membership granted to an owner (or employee) of a Swiss Trust Company who has passed the introductory course prescribed by FINMA regarding KYC and AML. Frankly, an SRO might be a nice designation to have whether or not you offer services to third parties. In any case, it is not a major endeavor and can be arranged through our associates in Zurich for a few thousand dollars. They will make the recommendation of which SRO is appropriate for you after reviewing your business objectives and arrange everything for you.
International Business
Business Etiquette

Spring Cleaning Your Habits
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Etiquette for the Business of Life
When we think of spring cleaning it is usually in the context of deep cleaning spaces in our homes. What better time of year to work outside that box and sweep away any negative etiquette habits that may be holding you back?
Identifying Negative Etiquette HabitsYou can’t correct something if you don’t know it needs correcting. Consider situations you’ve experienced and reflect on how they could have been handled differently.
- You attended a networking event and didn’t meet anyone you wanted to follow up with.
- After a conversation at a party, you noticed that some friends gave you the cold shoulder.
- You were very much offended when your brother asked about the promotion you did not receive.
- You felt a little left out of conversation at a recent dinner party.
Social interactions can be tricky sometimes. You want to stay on top of your game, but one slip-up or one comment made by someone can cause your emotions to take over and trip you up. The best method to remedy this is to put habits in place that keep your actions and reactions consistent.
Spring Cleaning Those Old Habits
Once identified, it’s time for spring cleaning the habits you want to be rid of. The best way to be rid of one habit is to replace it with a more beneficial one. Following the list above, you may consider these replacement habits:
- If you have a habit of attending networking events and not proactively introducing yourself to other attendees, begin setting a goal to meet a certain number of new people before you leave the event. Begin with aiming to meet three new people and move up from there as your confidence grows.
- Attending parties is great fun, but if you have a habit of imbibing a little much and being offensive, you may find your friends less than amused. Consider seeking help through professional counseling or Alcoholic Anonymous. Or try changing your habit by allowing yourself one alcoholic drink during the evening and then switching to soda or water.
- Taking full responsibility for your own actions and decisions is not only a mark of maturity, but also etiquette-ful. It indicates you know your own mind well enough that the questions and opinions of others do not offend you. You can understand and appreciate the individuality in each of us.
- Conversations ebb and flow during a gathering of people. Practice the habit of recognizing this and filling in the gaps by always having a list of conversation topics on the tip of your tongue.
Out with the Old
It takes time to form new habits. However, once you’ve identified a habit you wish to replace with another, it is easier to catch yourself and use the new habit instead of the old one.
Spring cleaning your negative etiquette habits provides a time to reflect on the person you wish to be. It’s only when you know the answer to this that you can decide what personal habits and practices will make you into that person.
This year, take your spring cleaning to another level. Tackle those household chores with vigor, and then turn your efforts within. Let your best self-blossom!
Executive Fitness

7 Important Benefits of Walking
It might seem too simple an activity to be real exercise but trust us walking is an outstanding exercise for both your physical and mental health.
Individuals looking for a way to incorporate exercise into their lives need look no further than their own feet. Walking offers numerous health benefits to people of all ages, and it's particularly beneficial to fitness novices. Walking can facilitate a transition between inactivity and increased intensity for those who may have been away from exercise for some time.
According to Dr. Thomas Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, walking is "the closest thing people have to a wonder drug." Any physical activity is a boon to personal health, and walking provides a host of benefits.
1. Strengthens bones: Walking can slow down the loss of bone mass due to osteoporosis. Arthritis.org notes that a study of postmenopausal women found that 30 minutes of walking each day reduced their risk of hip fractures by 40 percent.
2. Boosts cardio endurance: Regular walks can improve cardiovascular endurance, which can help people progress to more rigorous physical activity.
3. Burns calories: People can walk to burn calories and maintain or lose weight. The number of calories burned will depend on how briskly people walk, the distance they cover, their body weight, and the terrain on which they walk.
4. Improves cardiovascular health: The American Heart Association recommends adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week. Walking can fit that bill. Walking five days a week can reduce risk for coronary heart disease by roughly 19 percent, according to a report in the European Journal of Epidemiology.
5. Counteracts effects of weight-promoting genes: Researchers at Harvard Medical School looked at 32 obesity-promoting genes in more than 12,000 people who walked briskly for about an hour a day. Walking reduced the effects of weight-promoting genes by 50 percent.
6. Tame cravings: People who have a sweet tooth can take notice that walking may steer people away from overindulgence. A pair of studies from the University of Exeter found a 15-minute walk can curb cravings for chocolate and reduce the chocolate consumed in stressful situations. Walking also helped to reduce cravings for other sugary snacks.
7. Reduces joint pain: Walking improves blood flow and helps protect the joints. This can keep people from developing arthritis and other stiffness.
Walking has many health benefits that can support the entire body.

Spirits & Cuisine

Pizza from Italy Delivered to Your Front Door!
"The Sleeping Pizza" is handmade and shipped to your front door from Naples, Italy. Sourcing only the finest, all-natural ingredients from Southern Italy with no preservatives, no additives and no GMOS, they use first-of-its-kind technology. This is where the nickname The Sleeping Pizza comes in: Within seconds of coming out of the oven, the pizzas are flash-frozen and put to “sleep” using a state-of-the-art, patented cryogenic chamber. The extremely low temperature preserves the pizza and all its fresh ingredients exactly as is ready to “wake up” in just 10 minutes when your craving for Italia calls.
Talia di Napoli
Click Here to Order

Interested in a left-handed watch? In Geneva, Switzerland last week the iconic Rolex watch maker just unveiled their 2022 collect and this might just be what you are looking for! Please see the video above for a complete review.

Lifestyle & Travel
Monaco Grand Prix 2022
Luxury Experience
May 26-30, 2022
The F1 Monaco Grand Prix is considered the most exclusive race in the world. The city of Monaco is considered to be one of the wealthiest in the world with 1 in every 3 residents a millionaire!
Enjoy exclusive hospitality with food and beverages on Saturday and Sunday on an upscale Yacht. You will also have hotel accommodations directly on the French Riviera.
We have limited hospitality options available on Saturday and Sunday with hotel accommodations in nearby Nice. Your exclusive 2 person package will include:
- Four nights in two single occupancy rooms in a hotel located directly on the French Riviera
- 2 tickets with exclusive five-star hospitality on a luxury Yacht on Saturday and Sunday
- Hospitality includes premier food and beverages
- Transportation from hotel to the race on Saturday and Sunday
- Dedicated operational support prior and during event
Princeton Group is dedicated to providing you the best possible five-star experience. With over 35 years of direct industry experience, our team will work with you prior and during the event to ensure your event program is a stunning success!
For More Information

Business Services
Business Acquisitions
"Think Seven Continents,
Think a World of Opportunity"
Swiss Trust Companies for Sale:
40-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company - SOLD
Established in the year 1982
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
36-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company - Immediately Available
Established in the year 1986
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
Corresponding Bank Relationship: Client’s Choice
Acquisition Investment: $110,000
Excellent administration with a prestigious law firm located in Zurich
Administration first year fees included in acquisition price
Initial legal retainer also included