What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
A.I. & the Need for Critical Thinking - Business Psychology:
What is Occupational Wellness? - Cross-Border Business:
Why Buy a Family Island in the Bahamas - Business Etiquette:
How to Eat French Onion Soup - Fitness & Health:
Holistic Mental Health - Spirits & Cuisine:
Pizza Delivered to Your Table from Italy - Leisure:
Examining the Sport of Polo - Travel:
Tips to Reduce the Stress of Air Travel - Corb7 Funding Service:
How to Monetize Inground Assets - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Swiss Trust Companies & US Companies for Sale

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
A.I. & the Need for Critical Thinking
Good citizenship is analogous to critical thinking!
Monday was laundry day. At the start of every new week, you did your washing and ironing. That’s the way it was. On a bright and sunny day, if your clothes were not hanging by clothespins outside, a neighbor would call over and see if you were ill. After all, it’s Monday and that is what you did. Good, bad or indifferent we loved our habits. It was a simpler time, and those days are gone.
My early childhood, spent growing up in Pittsburgh during the 1960’s was not “Leave it to Beaver” the iconic T.V. show but on the other hand it certainly wasn’t “Pimp My Ride” or "The Beverly Hills Housewives." The world has changed; the most significant reason is the advent of the internet. Times are radically different but are we? Or, do most of us, as Henry David Thoreau once said “lead lives of quiet desperation?” Is it our conditioned fate to drone on with personal rituals and our own “virtual” laundry days without ever questioning why?
Any fan of late night television from the late 1990s till 2009 will recognize the iconic “Tonight Show” and a segment entitled “Jay-Walking” with Jay Leno. It was an uneasy humor that viewers experienced as contestants attempted to answer simple questions. Pavlov’s Dog had a better chance with a ringing bell. Maybe we aren’t smarter than a fifth grader. Advocates of critical thinking have frequently stated that “education should teach how to think and not what to think.” Maybe it is time to expand that argument to include an instruction to think.
Every single day, public relations firms and special interest groups pound us through the media. Content that was once considered editorial is now frequently advertorial. Reported news is an opinion. You cannot avoid it. Therefore, you must either passively accept what is fed as fact or understand that a modern “yellow journalism” exists and question its validity. You make the decision. And now, on top of it all, we have artificial intelligence (AI) posed to enter the marketplace with writing skills that are meant to persuade and bend facts at an even higher level. Did you happen to see the interview with Elon Musk this week regarding Artificial Intelligence on Fox? Simply, wow!!!
Critical thinking is the ability to steer clear of quick judgment and question what is presented as factual. It is not a step-by-step process that can be memorized but rather a skill that is honed with time and use. This discipline is functional in every aspect of life to solve problems and make quality decisions. American academic great, William Graham Sumner, thought that “men educated in it cannot be stampeded by stump orators.”
In the post 9-11 world, hidden agendas are a reality and invisible bureaucrats weld more power than ever before. Within this environment, the application of critical thinking is analogous to good citizenship. Perhaps it is the worthiest goal that any of us can employ.
Yellow Journalism: Yellow journalism is an American term. It was defined as newspapers that present little or no legitimate, well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales. It was a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts. During its heyday in the late 19th century, it was one of many factors that helped push the United States and Spain into war.
A Brief History of Yellow Journalism

International Business
Business Psychology

What is Occupational Wellness?
Happy job, happy life.
Wellness is a broad term that can refer to various aspects of daily life. Disciplines like yoga and meditation might be the first things to come to mind when people think of wellness, but focusing on wellness at work can have positive, lasting effects on overall well-being as well.
Occupational wellness is not necessarily a familiar term, but it's something that most professionals strive for. According to the Student Health and Counseling Services at the University of California, Davis, occupational wellness inspires people to find work from which they will gain personal satisfaction and find enrichment. Occupational wellness promotes the exploration of various career options and the pursuit of those opportunities that most appeal to each individual.
While it may seem like common sense to aspire for an engaging, enjoyable career, the effect that finding such a career can have on overall well-being might not be so apparent. In an analysis of a recent Gallup World Poll, a survey that asks hundreds of thousands of workers across the globe about their jobs and their job satisfaction, Harvard Business Review found there is a correlation between job satisfaction and life evaluations. People who report being satisfied with their jobs seem to be happier overall.
So how can one embrace the concept of occupational wellness? UC Davis offers individuals the following suggestions as they begin their journeys to occupational wellness.
· Perform some self-reflection. Reflect on yourself and what you need out of a job. Are there certain occupational tasks you enjoy? Are there some you find burdensome? Identifying those you enjoy and those you feel are onerous can help you narrow down your options to careers you will find engaging and rewarding.
· Consider unpaid work and volunteer opportunities. Even though they don't pay, unpaid work and volunteer opportunities can still enrich your life and provide personal satisfaction. Such opportunities should not be overlooked.
· Practice open communication and proper conflict management with colleagues. Negative working environments can be stressful, leading to dissatisfaction on the job. Openly communicating with colleagues and resolving conflicts in a proper, professional way can foster a positive working environment, potentially contributing to greater job satisfaction.
Prioritizing occupational wellness can help people live happier, more fulfilling lives.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Why Buy a Family Island in the Bahamas
by Michelle MartinboroughBahamas Realty
Website: BahamasRealty.com
Email: michelle@bahamasrealty.com
Privacy with the beauty of the Caribbean.
What is a Family Island? We're glad you asked! The Bahamas is an archipelago, made up of 700 Islands and Cays. New Providence and Grand Bahama are the two most populated, “main” islands. The Family Islands are a collection of smaller islands and cays scattered throughout the Caribbean Sea.
Life on the Family Island is truly magical, each offering its own uniqueness. Unlike the busy ‘city life’ on the major islands, life on a Family Island is a secluded oasis, welcoming a slower pace. Rush hour and congested crowds elude you, but a beach is almost guaranteed to be just around any corner. You won’t find colossal commercial buildings or megaresorts there, but you will find an abundance of true Bahamian culture and natural beauty surrounding you. You can tell from the laidback demeanor of the locals that life on one of these gems has little to be stressed about; the hospitality and charm abound.
Aside from making the perfect home away from home, owning real estate on a Family Island is also a great investment opportunity for those wanting to grow their portfolio. The Bahama Islands, and particularly the Family Islands, are highly sought-after locales for families, lovers, and friends alike, wanting to celebrate special occasions, enjoy relaxing getaways or just unwind and indulge in the quintessential island lifestyle everyone falls in love with.
Of course, The Bahamas is known for its summertime weather almost year-round, so enjoying time at the beach or on the water are almost certain to top your agenda. Owning a home on one of the Family Islands allows you to enjoy the unspoiled luxury of island life.

International Business
Business Etiquette
How to Eat French Onion Soup!
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
A friend recently shared an interview experience with a person who was applying to work at his law firm. The employment offer was off the table after having lunch with the applicant. The person completely blew eating their French Onion soup! (Details left to the reader’s imagination.)
How to Eat French Onion Soup
It’s interesting how one little bowl of soup can bring about the level of anxiety this one does. Although steeped in tradition, served in French market cafés primarily as late-night fare, the bread and cheese hooding the fragrant broth and onions creates confusion for those hoping to eat it with some semblance of decorum.
So, how DO you eat French Onion Soup with confidence and fewer drips? Etiquette experts, Emily Post and daughter, Peggy, have shared, “With such a soup, a knife is your friend, not your enemy.” That’s right, it is acceptable to use a knife when eating this soup, especially when it helps avoid your wearing strings of cheese on your face.
- Much can depend on the soup as prepared by the chef. If, as in the picture above, cheese has baked down firmly onto the sides of the bowl, the diner must be careful with the first knife move to avoid a possible burst of steam.
- With the soup spoon in your dominant hand and a knife in the other hand, push the cheese from the middle outward to the rim of the bowl.
- Use the knife to cut and nudge bits of cheese onto your spoon. In the case of long strands of cheese that are difficult to get into the spoon, you can twist the strand around the wide part of the spoon and then cut it with the knife.
- You can also switch hands and use the knife to cut the crispy bread, while using the soup spoon to leverage it.
- It's tricky!
If your business includes working with clients, the business lunch is a perfect social occasion with a goal that is professional. On a very small scale it is like a networking event with food and drink involved. And, if you are being interviewed over lunch, know that the potential employer will be imagining how you will interact with their clients. Having good dining skills is paramount.
When you are dining with a potential employer, it’s no time to be adventurous with food. Make sure your meal is within your skill level comfort zone. If you order soup, make sure that it is creamy or a broth and that can easily be eaten with a soup spoon alone, never requiring the use of any other utensil or bread.
When you order soup at a business lunch or dinner:
- Order “easy” to eat soup that will allow you to concentrate on the conversation at hand.
- Never add salt or pepper without first tasting.
- Hold the spoon so that the bowl of the spoon is angled away from you.
- Do not fill the bowl of the spoon too full or make any slurping sound.
A business or working lunch, like any meal, is meant to nourish you and be enjoyed. But primarily, it is intended to make doing business more convenient and in a social context.
In most gatherings where people are eating, we tend to make food the primary subject. But when business is being conducted during mealtimes, business should be the primary subject. Which makes knowing how to eat French onion soup, and many other foods that require special knowledge, worth the time and practice.

Fitness & Health

Holistic Mental Health
by Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
Biography: Morayma Makay is a fashion model, mother, and writer. She has
dedicated the last 20 years to working in the fashion and health fields as
both a researcher and content creator. Most recently, she has launched her own blog Adulthood Rewired and YouTube channel Click Here, to continue sharing her knowledge.
The mind-body connection is an incredibly strong one when it comes to illness and mental health. However, the latter does not seem to get as much attention, unfortunately, and yet it may be one of the most important pieces to the wellness puzzle.
I'm not a doctor, and I do believe that in some cases medication is necessary and helpful. I believe therapy is important as well. However, I don't think enough is being discussed when it comes to managing our health holistically, and even less when it comes to managing our mental health naturally.
So, I wanted to sit and write about a few holistic ways to help support your mental health that have proven to be tried and true over time. Natural remedies that have been recommended to me by the group of holistic doctors and practitioners I worked with, and which have a track record of supporting mood and our ability to cope with stress.
...and here we go....
Magnesium has been studied for decades when it comes to anxiety and depression. It has been shown to have the ability to suppress how the hippocampus stimulates the release of stress hormones as well as can act at the blood brain barrier to prevent the entrance of stress hormones into the brain.
Multiple studies have also shown that administering magnesium can help effectively treat anxiety and depression in people with traumatic brain injuries. Magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate are the two forms that are considered the most beneficial. Magnesium is also great for reducing PMS symptoms, plus you get the added benefit of stronger bones.
This is a fantastic adaptogenic herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to treat stress, anxiety, depression, immune function, and brain function. Modern studies have shown that Ashwaganda can dramatically and effectively reduce cortisol levels in chronically stressed adults.
In one study, Ashwaganda was administered to a group of 64 people undergoing chronic stress over 60 days. Almost 70% of the test subjects had a noticeable reduction in both their anxiety levels as well as their insomnia.
Other studies have shown remarkable benefits of using this herb for people with Parkinson's Disease, various neurological disorders, and extreme forms of anxiety like agoraphobia. As an added benefit, Ashwaganda has also shown beneficial when used for hair loss and infertility (both of which can result from high stress as well).
Holy Basil
Holy Basil, also known as Tulsi, is another adaptogenic herb like Ashwaganda. Adaptogens, by the way, are non-toxic herbs that help your body deal with chemical, physical, biological, and environmental stressors. Holy Basil has a strong history of research backing up its efficacy for treating anxiety, sleeplessness, and for having an overall calming effect. How does Holy Basil do that? By naturally lowering cortisol levels and normalizing the stress response in your body over time.
This is one you want to take on a regular basis when going through stress. It won't give you an instant calm, but will help level you out with consistent use. Holy Basil is also effective for stabilizing blood glucose levels.
Our gut microbiome is connected to everything. Healthy gut means healthier immune system, and healthier gut also means lower incidences of anxiety and depression. As a matter of fact, there have been studies showing that people who suffer from IBS tend to suffer from higher levels of anxiety and depression.
So how can our gut affect our mood? Well, our gastrointestinal system sends messages to our nervous system. When one is out of whack...so will the other be. There are still studies and plenty of research being done to show how probiotics can help with this GI/neuro dance, but it's one small thing you can do to keep yourself feeling whole and well before all the studies hit "publish".
While these holistic remedies are not magic cures, because to be honest, there is no magic cure for your mental health... if you can try a few natural things to help stay within a better balance, then it's worth doing so. Of course, it’s always recommended to run any new supplements you are thinking of using by your healthcare practitioner to avoid any potential allergies or contraindications.
Don't forget that exercise, a healthy diet, practicing mindfulness, and self-care are also essential to staying as mentally healthy as possible!

Spirits & Cuisine

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The pizza is flashed-frozen and put to "sleep" using a state-of-the-art and patented cryogenic chamber!-------
"The Sleeping Pizza" is handmade and shipped to your front door from Naples, Italy. Sourcing only the finest, all-natural ingredients from Southern Italy with no preservatives, no additives and no GMOS, they use first-of-its-kind technology. This is where the nickname The Sleeping Pizza comes in: Within seconds of coming out of the oven, the pizzas are flash-frozen and put to “sleep” using a state-of-the-art, patented cryogenic chamber. The extremely low temperature preserves the pizza and all its fresh ingredients exactly as is ready to “wake up” in just 10 minutes when your craving for Italia calls.
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Examining the Sport of Polo
Maybe take in a match this weekend.
The premise behind so many sports, be it soccer or hockey or American football, is to get a ball into the opposing team's goal area. The sport of polo is no exception, though players must use a mallet to hit the ball while riding horses instead of using their hands or feet to launch a ball into a goal. It is a challenging sport that requires cooperation between rider and horse.
Polo is considered the oldest team sport, though its precise origins are unknown. Sport historians believe it originated in the region once known as Persia (present day Iran) around the 6th century BC. The first recorded polo match occurred in 600 BC when the Turkomans beat the Persians in a public match. Polo may once have been a tool for training cavalry, but it eventually became a sport, spreading quickly across the east.
It wasn't until the mid 19th century that polo established a foothold in Europe. Englishmen Captain Robert Stewart and Major General Joe Sherer were responsible for introducing the game to the west after the pair witnessed a polo match while stationed in Manipur, a state in northeastern India. It would be nearly 20 years later before Americans were introduced to the sport and the first formal American polo club was established.
A polo match is typically played outdoors on a field. The match lasts about 90 minutes and is divided into six timed periods called chukkers. Breaks of three minutes are included between chukkers, and there is a five-minute halftime as well.
Each team is made up of four players. Their positions are designated by the numbers 1 to 4 and are worn on their team jerseys. The roles of players are flexible, and players can make any play that benefits the team.
Players use a wooden mallet to hit a plastic ball down the field toward the opposing team's goal posts. A series of shots are used to move the ball, and these shots include forehand, backhand, neck shots, tail shots, and belly shots. The shot is determined by the side of the horse's body from which the ball is hit. The near side is the left side of the mount, while the off side is the right side of the mount.
Certain defensive and offensive strategies are allowed during play. A certain amount of "hooking," or using a mallet to grab another player's mallet, as well as bumping away of other players is legal. In a ride-off, a player rides his horse alongside an opponent's mount in order to move an opponent away from the ball or to take him out of a play.
Polo ponies
The mounts used in play are called polo ponies, although the horses are not really ponies but full-sized horses. Horses are chosen carefully for their quick bursts of speed and agility. The mount must remain responsive during pressure and not be easily spooked. Trainers acclimate polo ponies to being handled with one hand and help them grow accustomed to responding to changes in the rider's leg and weight cues. Horses begin training early and may require up to two years of training before they can become efficient members of a team. Polo players will rely on different ponies throughout the match, so the animals can rest between chukkers.
Polo is played all over the world. However, it is only played professionally in a few countries, including Canada and the United States. The United States Polo Association is the sport's governing body for polo in the U.S., which is the only country that has a separate league for women's polo; this league is governed by the United States Women's Polo Federation.


Tips to Reduce the Stress of Flying
Airports have become a stressful experience.-------
The excitement of an upcoming vacation can be eclipsed by the frustration and stress that sometimes results from air travel. While vacations are often intended to alleviate stress, the sheer task of getting to a destination can compromise that goal.
Traveling by air can be an ordeal for a variety of reasons. Busy airports can be challenging to navigate, especially when pressed for time. There's also the possibility of lost luggage and the anxiety that comes with going through TSA and potentially customs if you are flying internationally. Of course, some people are simply nervous about flying as well.
The good news for reluctant air travelers is that there are many ways to cut down on the stress surrounding flying.
· Enroll in TSA PreCheck. Individuals in the United States who are citizens, lawful permanent residents and U.S. nationals may be able to avoid the long lines at TSA by becoming members of PreCheck. For a fee that covers five years and after a background check, approval, fingerprinting and interview, PreCheck enables members to skip the removal of shoes and jackets as well as other TSA protocol. It is valid for domestic and international flights from more than 200 U.S.-based airports. Similarly, there is a Global Entry program to expedite the customs process.
· Weigh before you go. Paying extra for luggage is no fun. Measure luggage and put it on a scale before heading to the airport to make sure it does not exceed size and weight limits. Account for any souvenirs or items that you may bring home as well.
· Get a travel perks credit card. Certain credit cards enable you to earn not only points toward travel miles and discounted flights, but also some additional benefits. For example, you may be able to enjoy priority boarding if you are a cardholder or gain access to special member lounges while you wait for flights. These perks can go a long way toward making flying more comfortable.
· Skip the bag check. Pack light and only bring a carry-on bag to save time when the flight lands.
· Download the airline app. There's much to be said about technology, especially when it can streamline travel. Airline apps can be used to purchase tickets and have boarding passes available to be scanned at check-in. In addition, airline apps can keep you apprised of flight delays and boarding gates.
These are a few of the ways to reduce the stress of air travel.

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Business Services
Business Acquisitions for Sale
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Email: contact@corb7.com
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