What you will find in this edition
- Feature:
Tax Day in the United States is April 18th
- Business Psychology:
The Health Benefits of Hobbies
- Cross-Border Business:
Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program - Business Etiquette:
When is it Okay to Ignore a Text or Email? - Fitness & Health:
Cortisol: What it is & How to Manage it! - Spirits & Cuisine:
How to Pair Food with Exercise - Leisure:
Hidden Dangers of Grilling - Travel:
2023 Summer Travel Expected to be Busy! - Corb7 Funding Service:
How to Monetize Inground Assets - Corb7 Acquisition Services:
Swiss Trust Companies & US Companies for Sale

International Business
Editor's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Tax Day in the US!
April 15th is this Saturday!
This week Tax Day in the United States occurs which is always an inauspicious date. Every April 15th, millions of otherwise upbeat and proactive citizens wait to the very last minute before submitting to inevitable long arm of the taxman. Entire cottage industries of tax attorneys and Certified Public Accountants owe their very existence to this date. This year we await the rival of 87,000 new IRS employees and wonder what will be the inevitable outcome.
It should be noted that in 2023 the actually filing date is Tuesday, April 18th. That is because April 15th falls on a Saturday this year and the following Monday is Emancipation Day, a recognized holiday in Washington D.C. Most, however, will still consider the 15th the day of reckoning with the taxman.
Concepts of income tax have been changing in the United States, as elsewhere, for hundreds of years. “President Lincoln established the Bureau of Internal Revenue in 1862, the direct predecessor of today’s IRS. Originally, those considered wealthy, with incomes above $10,000 were taxed at a 5% rate while 3% were the standard for incomes above $600. Individuals earning under $600 a year were exempt. Tax collectors were paid a commission of 4% on all money collected up to $100,000 and 2% above that level. These actions lead to widespread abuse and corruption. By 1863, the Bureau of Internal Revenue was firmly entrenched as a strong arm of the Central American government, employing an army of four thousand. Only three years later, however, Congress appointed a Special Revenue Commission charged with reforming the scandal-ridden bureau. In 1872, the income tax was repealed.”[1]
Politicians and the public have long struggled with the idea of income tax and what is a fair amount to pay the government to maintain services. Income tax in the United States would not reappear, in earnest until the early twentieth century. “Income tax was seen as being the most efficient means to keep capitalists and monopolists from amassing huge fortunes. Theodore Roosevelt denounced such wealth in 1906 as fortunes swollen beyond all healthy limits.”[2]
Prior to that, the United States Supreme Court issued an exceptionally noteworthy ruling in 1895. The court ruled on a suit brought about by wealthy tax protesters; their claim was that income tax was unconstitutional, as it was not proportioned among all citizens. In other words, a direct tax on the people would have to be equal. This political positioning went back and forth until October 3, 1913, when President Woodrow Wilson signed into law the first personal income tax since the Civil War. Our current income tax can be directly traced to this legislation. Surprisingly, however, the tax law passed at that time was only fourteen pages long, in comparison to the almost incomprehensible code that stands today.
Whether or not one files on April 15th or April 18th this year, many US citizens will be feeling anxiety over the next week as tax season begins.
[1]Shelley L. Davis, “Unbridled Power” p.190
[5]Ibid., p.192

International Business
Business Psychology

The Health Benefits of Hobbies
Hobbies can have a very positive effect on health.
Maintaining physical and mental health often requires a multi-faceted approach. Eating well, exercising and reducing stress are part of a healthy regimen, but those are not the only components of a healthy lifestyle.
Hobbies can have a positive effect on overall health. Hobbies can seem like ways to simply pass the time or alleviate boredom. But a deeper exploration could shed light on just how healthy hobbies can be. In fact, it is essential to carve out time for hobbies because they can be so beneficial.
According to a study published in Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, participation in leisure activities positively influences self-perceived well-being and depressive symptoms. "The blue zone" refers to the areas of the world that have the longest-living people on the planet, which include Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; and Ikaria, Greece, among others. Participation in activities that bring out a creative side leads to an increased sense of well-being that is good for long-term health. They also can reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone, and it can negatively affect energy, mood and sleep.
While most leisure activities regularly engaged in can have positive effects on health, those that focus on a combination of physical and mental stimulation are most beneficial. Women looking to change their daily routines may want to focus on these health-boosting hobbies.
· Dancing: Laugh, sweat and learn some footwork in a dance class. It can make exercise fun for those who find traditional exercise does not keep their attention.
· Kayaking: There's something serene about being on the water away from the hustle of life on land. Kayaking strengthens the body, but the calm of taking in the water and scenery nourishes the mind. Experts agree that outdoor hobbies add another benefit since sunlight helps the body release neuroreceptors that trigger more positive thoughts.
· Gardening: Gardening is physical, requires planning, involves spending time outdoors, and yields tangible results through thriving plants. These are all factors that promote good health.
· Fostering animals: Fostering animals offers them an opportunity to spend time in domestic settings before being adopted by permanent owners. For the foster person, having a dog involves going out on walks and play sessions in the backyard. A sense of purpose comes from helping out needy animals, and this hobby also taps into physical wellness.
· Volunteering: Being a presence in your community can foster social engagement and boost emotional health. It also can keep you physically active.
Various hobbies can be good for the mind and body, which makes it worth anyone's effort to make more time for recreation and leisure

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program
by Selina KolthekManaging Director
Trade Commissioner of The Republic of Vanuatu
Website: vicl.vu
Email: Selina@vivi.vu
A Pathway to Global Mobility.
Vanuatu, a breath-taking archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, is blessed with natural beauty, warm people, and a stable political environment. The country has emerged as an attractive destination for investors and entrepreneurs seeking to expand their business horizons, explore new markets, and secure their future.
With the Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Program, eligible individuals and families can obtain a second passport and enjoy the benefits of global mobility, financial privacy, and increased opportunities. This program, which is recognized by the Vanuatu Government, offers a fast-track process to acquire citizenship by investing in the country's development programs.
Vanuatu Investment Citizenship Ltd (VIC), a licensed government agent, and key promoter of the Vanuatu CBI Program, provides a reliable and efficient pathway for investors to obtain citizenship and reap the rewards of this idyllic nation.
What is the Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program?
The Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program, Development Support Program (DSP) was launched in 2017 to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth.
This program allows qualified individuals to gain citizenship and enjoy the privileges and rights of Vanuatu citizens, including visa-free travel to over 100 countries, tax benefits, and access to the country's banking and financial system.
To participate in the program, applicants must fulfil the following requirements:
• Be at least 18 years old
• Have no criminal record
• Have a net worth of at least USD $250,000
• Make a one-time donation starting at USD $130,000 for Single Applicant
The Government donation must be made through an authorized licensed agent, such as VIC, and the applicant must provide proof of the source of funds and comply with ongoing due diligence checks.
Once the application is accepted, the applicant and their family members can obtain citizenship within 4 to 6 weeks, followed by the issuance of a Vanuatu passport. The passport is valid for ten years and can be renewed indefinitely, provided that the holder complies with the country's laws and regulations.
Why Choose Vanuatu for Citizenship by Investment?
Vanuatu offers a unique combination of advantages that make it an excellent choice for investors seeking to diversify their portfolio, safeguard their assets, and enhance their lifestyle.
Some of the benefits of Vanuatu CBI include:
• Strategic Location: Vanuatu is strategically located between Australia and New Zealand, making it a gateway to the Asia-Pacific region. The country has a strong economic and trade relationship with its neighbours, and it offers favourable conditions for business and tourism.
• Political Stability: Vanuatu is a parliamentary democracy with a stable political system, independent judiciary, and low crime rate. The country has a reputation for transparency, good governance, and respect for human rights.
• Tax-Friendly Environment: Vanuatu does not impose any capital gains tax, inheritance tax, or wealth tax. This favourable tax regime makes Vanuatu an attractive destination for high-net-worth individuals and businesses.
• Visa-Free Travel: Vanuatu passport holders can travel without a visa to over 100 countries, including the UK, Russia, Singapore, and Hong Kong. This allows investors to expand their business interests, explore new markets, and enjoy hassle-free travel.
• High Quality of Life: Vanuatu is known for its pristine beaches, tropical climate, and diverse culture. The country offers a wide range of leisure activities, such as hiking, diving, fishing, and cultural events. The local population is friendly, welcoming, and multicultural, creating a harmonious society.
Vanuatu Investment Citizenship Ltd: Your Trusted Partner for Citizenship by Investment Vanuatu Investment Citizenship Ltd (VIC) is a licensed government agent and one of the key promoters of the Vanuatu CBI Program. VIC operates with the mandate of the Vanuatu Government and adheres to strict standards of compliance, transparency, and professionalism.
The CEO of VIC, Dean Kolthek and Managing Director, Selina Kolthek both hold Trade Commissioner positions of Vanuatu to Australia appointed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in recognition of their successful promotion of investment and trade in Vanuatu.
VIC offers a comprehensive suite of services to assist investors in obtaining Vanuatu citizenship, including:
• Initial consultation and eligibility assessment
• Preparation and submission of the application
• Due diligence checks and compliance monitoring
• Passport and citizenship issuance
• Ongoing support and after-sales assistance.
VIC works closely with its network of trusted partners, including lawyers, accountants, and developers, to ensure that investors receive timely and accurate advice on all aspects of Vanuatu DSP.
The Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment Program, DSP is a reliable and convenient way for investors to obtain a second passport and access the benefits of global mobility, financial privacy, and increased opportunities. Vanuatu, with its stunning natural landscape, stable political environment, and favourable tax regime, offers a unique proposition for high-net-worth individuals and businesses seeking to expand their horizons.
Vanuatu Investment Citizenship Ltd

International Business
Business Etiquette

When is it Okay to Ignore a Text or Email?
by Candace Smith
The Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
You might ignore a text or email message that feels unduly confrontive. The sender, noting the lack of response, might clarify. Experience teaches that responding too quickly out of hurt or frustration puts a person in a position of having said something which is later regretted. “Always pause” is a great motto.
In today’s busy, communication-rich environment, immediate responses are not always expected. However, what constitutes “immediately” varies from person to person. When you do decide to respond, the caveat should be, “Sorry for this tardy response.”
An Interesting Phenomenon
Most of us carry phones and notice our messages and email quickly. So, when someone doesn’t respond to a text message you might begin to wonder, and perhaps worry, why. The environment is there to communicate, yet they are not, and the frustration can lead to anxious feelings.
Of course, there are any number of reasons why a person isn’t responding. But if someone chooses to ignore a text or email message from you and it becomes a pattern, it brings into question the type of relationship you have with that person.
Switching the scenario, do you leave others wondering why you haven’t communicated?
Re-assessing with Etiquette
Etiquette means that you aim to be relational—you are aware of your interconnectedness with others, engaged, generous, and kind. So, if you decide to ignore a text or email, here are some questions to ask yourself.
- Why do I want to ignore this text or email?
- Do I need to change my relationship with this person?
- Is ignoring the communication etiquette-ful?
Another way to consider how ignoring a message comes across is to change the scenario. If you were passing a friend or acquaintance in a hallway and they asked a question, would you ignore them and keep walking?
Virtual conversations have the same consideration. Responses may be delayed, but a complete lack of response leaves the other person feeling unimportant, or that something is wrong.
If the communication you are receiving is rude or abusive, then you should ignore it. But you will need to consider some type of action to resolve the situation.
Let Etiquette Guide You When You Ignore a Text or Email Message
Being respectfully candid requires employing the realities of etiquette. Etiquette is situational, relational, and contextual. What is the situation? What is my relationship with this person? What are the circumstances that I find myself in? Am I relaying too much in writing and not enough in voice?
We all get busy and let our positive communication skills slip through the cracks. When this happens, own it and let the people you’ve ignored know that you acknowledge the slip. If the written communication is argumentative, acknowledge that you needed a pause so that you could collect your thoughts and formulate your best response.
It may be that what is needed is old-fashioned face-to-face communication. Rather than choosing to completely ignore a text or email message, you might instead, write back, “Our communication feels a bit off-track. Maybe we could meet up or talk by phone?”
Re-instating our commitment to etiquette-fulness sets an example to others that civility is not a thin social veneer. It’s the way we want to live and work with others and we should always re-assess our communication habits.

Fitness & Health

Cortisol: What it is and How to Manage it!
by Morayma Makay
Health & Natural Aging Content Creator
Adulthood Rewired Blog
Biography: Morayma Makay is a fashion model, mother, and writer. She has
dedicated the last 20 years to working in the fashion and health fields as
both a researcher and content creator. Most recently, she has launched her own blog Adulthood Rewired and YouTube channel Click Here, to continue sharing her knowledge.
Whether it's discussing politics or current events at the dinner table, dealing with deadlines, managing your family’s multiple schedules, or parenting in today’s wild world....stress is a MAJOR part of our daily lives. All of this can easily leave us feeling like we're swimming in cortisol.
What is cortisol? Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced in our adrenal glands and regulates a pretty wide range of processes throughout our bodies. Some of these processes include managing our metabolism, enhancing how our brains use glucose, reducing inflammation, keeping our heart and blood vessels functioning optimally, and supporting immune responses. It also plays a really important role in helping our bodies respond to stress. So, it sounds like a good thing, right? It can be....but too much cortisol can derail you in pretty nasty ways.
Our bodies can typically adjust the amount of cortisol we need during normal day to day activities and stressors. The problem is, if we are caught in a cycle of constant stress our bodies end up stuck in fight or flight mode and cortisol levels grow out of control.
Too much cortisol production can then lead to anxiety, depression, insomnia, digestive issues, headaches, cognitive issues, heart problems, and even weight gain. Cortisol levels that stay high long-term can also lead to diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, menstrual issues, and other chronic conditions.
Now, before you stress out even more than you may already be with the realization that stress can basically make you very unhealthy (no big surprise there)....there ARE ways that you can help balance cortisol. Stress may make you feel completely out of control, but the truth is, we really can take small steps both mentally and physically to get ourselves back under control. At least somewhat!
It may seem overwhelming and like there is no good answer to the stress and cortisol takeover so many of us feel on any given day. However, it is vital to remember that our health is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER and if you can take a few minutes a day to breathe deeply then do it.
Every baby step towards reducing stress is major. Box breathing, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising regularly (even if this just means taking a walk every day), meditating, enjoying a hobby or a good book, taking a relaxing bath, connecting with a friend, writing in a journal....ALL of these things work so well in helping you reduce your stress levels which in turn keep your cortisol levels where they need to be.
It also helps to look into adding an adaptogen supplement to your diet such as Ashwaganda, Ginseng, or Rhodiola. Adaptogens are key to helping your body handle stress and keeping cortisol levels balanced. Of course, it is always recommended that you speak with your health care practitioner prior to adding any new supplements to your diet in order to avoid allergic reactions or contraindications with any medications you may currently be taking.
Remember, chronic stress can lead to higher than normal cortisol levels, and higher than normal cortisol levels can be damaging to your overall health and wellbeing. It may be impossible to live a stress-free life, but we can do little things every day to help our bodies and minds handle stress in a healthier way.

Spirits & Cuisine

How to Pair Food with Exercise
They go hand-in-hand.-------
Food pairing is often discussed in terms of which wines best complement particular dishes. But pairing food with exercise merits consideration, as it can create the balance needed for overall health.
Food plays an important role in workouts, giving individuals the energy necessary to perform at their peak. Timing meals appropriately and knowing what to eat before or after a workout can make a difference.
Creatine benefits weight lifting
Creatine is an organic acid that is an important ingredient for short duration, high-intensity exercises, such as weight lifting. According to Kelly Pritchett, Ph.D., RDN, director of the nutrition graduate program and assistant professor of nutrition and exercise science at Central Washington University, foods rich in protein from meat, poultry and fish can help optimize stores of creatine. Creatine also may be found in foods and beverages targeted to athletes, like protein shakes and snacks.
Pre-workout mixes include protein and carbohydrates
A snack or mini meal one to three hours before a workout is ideal so that digestive issues don't occur during a workout when the body directs more blood to muscles than digestion. Food pairings that include a high quality carbohydrate, like whole grain bread or oatmeal, with a protein source, such as peanut butter or milk, can be key. Blood sugar will stay steady with whole grain carbs, and the protein will help you to feel full and avoid overeating after a workout.
Glucose, glycogen and running
Distance running or other exercises that require endurance, such as skating or biking, require ample energy stores. Although low-carbohydrate diets are popular for people looking to lose weight, they're not ideal for people who engage in endurance sports and need carbohydrates for energy, states Johns Hopkins Medicine. Endurance athletes need more carbs than those who aren't training. These activities use both glucose in the blood and glycogen, which is sugar stored in the liver and muscles. Eating plenty of healthy carbs helps bolster energy stores. Whole fruits and grains are good sources of carbohydrates.
Benefits of bananas
For those with limited time to grab a bite before a workout, bananas might be the perfect option. According to WebMD, bananas have easily digestible carbs that will not weigh you down. The potassium in bananas also may help prevent muscle cramps during and after workouts.
Power up with potatoes
Potatoes are whole foods, meaning they contain a balance of all the essential amino acids, despite being low in whole protein. They're also rich in vitamin B6, which is critical to protein metabolism, says Mark Anthony, Ph.D., adjunct professor of science and nutrition at St. Edwards University, Austin. Potatoes also contain the right mix of sodium and potassium to maintain an electrolyte balance in the body.
Recover right
A mix of carbohydrates and lean proteins also is ideal for exercise recovery. Mix in good fats like avocado and olive oil. Carbs will help replenish depleted levels of glycogen and high-quality protein will help build and repair muscle. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids to replace what was lost while working out.
Food and exercise go hand in hand. It's important to eat well to keep the body in top form.


Hidden Dangers of Grilling
Watch that wire brush.
Grilling season is about to heat up. Many foods taste even more delicious when cooked over an open flame. Burgers, chicken, sausage, and even vegetables are delectable with a little sear and smoky flavor.
According to home industry advisors at The NPD Group, more than 14 million grills and smokers were sold between April 2020 and February 2021, amounting to a 39 percent increase in dollar sales during the first year of the pandemic, compared to the same period the year prior. Grilling is not something that has gone away simply because pandemic precautions have been lifted. It's still a popular way to cook food, especially when entertaining in warm weather.
The National Fire Protection Association advises that seven out of every 10 adults in the United States have a grill or smoker. And while home fires are associated with such appliances, there's another danger associated with grills - particularly regarding how they're cleaned.
Popular stainless steel or brass wire brushes commonly used to clean grills may be effective, but they can be quite dangerous as well. Consumer Reports states that thousands of people visit emergency rooms each year after having ingested wire bristles that stick to the grill surface and end up in cooked food.
Recently, a pediatric emergency doctor in St. Petersburg, Fla. posted a now-viral TikTok video explaining how a four-year-old boy she treated developed ear pain after eating at a barbecue. It took a barrage of tests before doctors eventually determined the boy had a two-centimeter-long metal wire lodged in his peritonsillar tissues in the throat (nearby to the ear, thus causing the pain), and an abscess had developed around it. The boy had been eating a hamburger, so it is presumed that a metal wire from a grill cleaning brush had become lodged in the burger and then in his throat.
Wire bristles also can wreak havoc in the stomach and intestines if they are consumed. Infections may occur, even leading to sepsis if not treated promptly.
Fortunately for avid grillers, they don't need to turn in their spatulas just yet and give up on grilling. In fact, embracing new ways to clean grills can ensure everyone gets to eat great food without getting sick.
· Invest in alternative cleaning tools. Pumice stones and coil-shaped bristle-free brushes can effectively lean grills without employing wire bristle brushes.
· Use oven cleaner. Rather than scrubbing, grab oven cleaner spray and use it on the grill. Wipe off the residue when foods stuck on the grill dissolve.
· Rely on aluminum foil. Aluminum foil wads can replicate the scouring power of steel-wool pads. Wait for the grill to cool down a bit before using the foil to clean.
· Inspect the grill. If you still use a wire brush, make sure to toss it if the bristles start to come loose. Also, wipe the grill down with a damp cloth prior to grilling to catch any errant wire bristles prior to cooking.
Taking measures to clean grills without wire brushes can ensure a season's worth of safe and delicious cooking.


Summer Travel Still to be Busy!
Economic slowdown not expect to hit travel industry.-------
Despite global financial uncertainty, many people are still planning to spend on travel in 2023!
A recent survey from Booking.com found that 73 percent of respondents were more optimistic about travel than they were in 2022. The survey also studied why people are looking to travel, and the most popular type of vacation was a nostalgic getaway, which 88 percent of travelers planned to take in 2023. That's likely due to people looking back to the days before the COVID-19 pandemic with a strong sense of appreciation. Individuals also seem to see travel through a somewhat therapeutic lens, as 42 percent of survey respondents indicated they want a break that focuses on their mental and physical health.

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Business Services
Business Acquisitions for Sale
Corb7 International
"Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity"
Swiss Trust Companies
* Features & Benefits:
Profit, Privacy & Asset Protection
A Private Trust Company is specifically organized around the purpose of performing broad and discretionary fiduciary, administrative and financial services for its owners. Swiss Trust Companies are unique. While there are many international financial models to choose from an STC is a distinctive structure. STCs allow each owner or shareholder to implement an exact model according to personal preferences and strategies. There are, nevertheless, a few universal benefits to be obtained through acquisition.
Those benefits include:
· PROFIT: It is a perfect alternative to owning a Captive Bank & will save you time and money.
· ASSET PROTECTION: You will obtain a vehicle to protect your wealth.
· PRIVACY: Lower your financial profile and protect yourself.
· GAIN CONTROL: Safe time and money by improving efficiency.
· EXIT STRATEGY: Roll existing businesses into STC and then list on a foreign exchange.
· PORTFOLIO MANAGMENT: Manage portfolios of Real Estate and/or Securities creating additional avenues of profit, enhancing existing client relationships, and augmenting your corporate profile.
Swiss Trust Companies for Sale!
* 61-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company - AVAILABLE
Established in the year 1962
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
1962 Swiss Trust Company Presentation
Acquisition Investment: $115,000
* 22-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company - AVAILABLE
Established in the year 2001
Place of Incorporation Zug, Switzerland
Acquisition Investment: $85,000
For Details:
Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
Vintage U.S. Corporations
* Features & Benefits:
Profit, Privacy & Asset Protection
For Non-U.S. citizens, owning a shelf corporation in the United States may enhance privacy and open new markets. Since the United States is not a participant in the OECD Common Reporting Standards, it is often looked upon as a privacy haven for non-citizens looking to invest here. The Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”), was created by the OECD in 2014 pursuant to a meeting of the G-20 nations in Australia and calls for the automatic exchange of financial account information between agreeing jurisdictions.
US Corporations for Sale!
* 95-Year-Old US Company - AVAILABLE
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Place of Incorporation Nevada
* 28-Year-Old US Company - AVAILABLE
Established in the year 1995
Place of Incorporation Wyoming
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Call +1-310-601-3115 (Beverly Hills Office)
Email: contact@corb7.com
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