What you will find in this edition
- Publisher's Note:
Is the World Upside-down? -
Business Psychology:
Mental Health Benefits of Pickleball -
Cross-Border Business:
Own Your Own Bank in Puerto Rico -
Business Etiquette:
Etiquette & the Happiness Factor -
Business Relocation:
A Guide to Relocation Road Trips! -
Investment Strategies:
Tax Day in the United States -
Fitness, Health & Longevity:
X-3 Training System -
Spirits & Cuisine:
The Masters World Famous Sandwich -
The Masters Golf Tournament 2024 -
How to Reduce the Stress of Flying -
Corb7 International Services:
23-Year-Old Swiss Trust Company for sale

International Business
Publisher's Note

Entrepreneur & Author
Is the World Upside-down?
How does it feel to you?
Does the world feel upside-down to you? If so, you are not alone. Various studies suggest that unhappiness has been rising worldwide for more than a decade. Most frequently, the economy, the cost of housing, political polarization, social media and the threat of war are pointed to as reasons.
If you are looking for a business hub away from the insanity then have you ever considered Switzerland? Switzerland is renowned for its stunning landscapes, including the Alps, pristine lakes, and charming villages. It’s also known for its political neutrality, stability, high standard of living, excellent healthcare, and education systems. Additionally, Switzerland boasts a strong economy, a diverse cultural scene, and a reputation for precision engineering and innovation.
Zurich in particular is a great place to do business. Plus, as an added perk, just one hour drive outside of the city is some of the most beautiful countryside you will ever find. Below is a lake next to the small village of Muhlehorn where my great-grandfather was born.
It might be worth your time to explore as a business hub or for sanctuary away from political insecurity.
Please Click Here
For more about my wonderings through Business, Lifestyle, Health, Aging & Travel
please see my blog: JeffCorbett.com

International Business
Business Psychology

Mental Health Benefits of Pickleball
Benefits to a popular sport.
Anyone who lives in close proximity to a pickleball court can no doubt attest to the popularity of the sport. According to the 2023 Topline Participation Report from the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, pickleball participation grew by 159 percent between 2019 and 2022. Such figures are a testament to the popularity of a sport that has reinvigorated millions of players' enthusiasm for physical activity and team sports.
The thrill of competition and the joy of social interaction undoubtedly have contributed to the popularity of pickleball, but those are not the only benefits to participating in this fast-growing sport. Indeed, there are many potential health benefits to pickleball as well.
· Pickleball provides a fun way to embrace physical activity. It's easy to lose interest in an exercise regimen characterized by time on a treadmill and traditional strength training in a gym setting. Though cardiovascular exercise and strength training are vital components of successful exercise regimens, it's important that individuals make their fitness routines enjoyable, which increases the likelihood that they will remain committed to less sedentary lifestyles. The SFIA report found that players deemed pickleball 150 percent more enjoyable than walking for 30 minutes.
· Pickleball provides social benefits that positively affect long-term health. According to Duke Recreation & Physical Education at Duke University, pickleball has earned a reputation as an inclusive, community-building activity. The socialization aspect of pickleball should not be overlooked when discussing the health benefits of the sport. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, loneliness can increase a person's risk for mental health issues like depression and additional problems like heart disease, dementia and stroke. By engaging in social activities like pickleball, individuals can reduce their risk for loneliness, which can improve their overall quality of life and may lower their chances of developing potentially deadly health problems.
· Pickleball can lead to a healthier heart. A study from Apple that is examining the effects of pickleball participation on heart health has thus far found that playing pickleball helps players reach moderate to vigorous heart rate zones. Cardiologist and Harvard Medical School professor of medicine Dr. Calum MacRae notes that ample time in moderate heart rate zones has been found to improve cardiac fitness.
· Pickleball can benefit brain health. MacRae, one of the Apple study's lead investigators, notes that pickleball is one of various activities that also can improve memory and recall over time. The physical benefits of pickleball may not be lost on players, but some may be surprised to learn the sport offers cognitive health benefits as well. A 2023 study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology found that pickleball participation led to significant improvements in personal well-being, life satisfaction and happiness.
Pickleball courts are packed, and players may or may not realize all they are gaining from participation in this wildly popular sport.

International Business
Cross-Border Business

Own Your Own Bank in Puerto Rico
Business for sale.-------
Relocating Owning a bank in Puerto Rico can offer several advantages:
1. Tax Benefits: Puerto Rico offers attractive tax incentives, including favorable corporate tax rates and exemptions from certain federal taxes, making it an appealing location for banking operations.
2. Access to US Markets: As a territory of the United States, banks in Puerto Rico have access to U.S. financial markets and can benefit from the stability and infrastructure of the U.S. banking system.
3. Strategic Location: Puerto Rico’s geographic location between North and South America can provide opportunities for serving clients in both regions, facilitating international business and trade.
4. Growing Economy: Despite recent challenges, Puerto Rico’s economy is diversifying, with growing sectors such as tourism, manufacturing, and financial services, providing potential for banking growth and expansion.
5. Regulatory Environment: Puerto Rico’s regulatory environment is overseen by both local and U.S. authorities, offering a balance between autonomy and oversight that can be advantageous for banking operations.
6. Cultural and Linguistic Connections: Puerto Rico’s cultural ties to both Latin America and the United States can provide banks with unique insights and opportunities for serving diverse clientele.
7. Potential for Innovation: With a relatively small and agile financial sector, there may be opportunities for banks in Puerto Rico to innovate and differentiate themselves in the market.
An operating international bank in the US territory of Puerto Rico is for sale for $4 million. This is a fully operational bank with correspondent accounts, SWIFT, and 6 employees,.
As an international bank operating in Puerto Rico you are allowed to accept deposits from anyone anywhere in the world (within reason, of course) except persons or companies in Puerto Rico. That’s to say, you can’t compete with the general banks licensed in Puerto Rico.
The tax rate for an international bank operating in Puerto Rico is 4%. There is no US Federal Income Tax. This bank has midlevel correspondent accounts and a basic core system. It is ready to file for Fedwire after an improvement of the core and hiring a few compliance specialists. This international bank has a well qualified team of employees which allows a buyer to take over and hit the ground running. The seller has done an excellent job in moving this bank from the startup stage, which is a 36 to 48 month process in Puerto Rico, to a bank with clean audits that is ready to take the next step.
Regulators will require at least $5 million in paid in capital. Thus, to close this transaction, you will need a minimum of $9m in cash available.
For More Information:
If we can be of further assistance, I would suggest setting up a time when we can speak over the phone during which we can explore if this is the correct vehicle for you to reach your own unique business objectives.
Call +1-310-415-3545
Email: contact@corb7.com

International Business
Business Etiquette
Etiquette & the Happiness Factor
by Candace SmithThe Etiquette Blog
Candace Smith Etiquette
Biography: Candace Smith, wife of Nobel Prize-Winner Professor Dr. Vernon Smith and owner of the extraordinary blog, “Etiquette for the Business of Life” as featured by BBC, Chicago Tribune and USA Today offers her insights.
Fundamental to human nature is the desire to be happy. One thing the pandemic brought us was the time to reassess this basic fundamental.
Relationships are at the core of happiness—relationships with family, friends, colleagues, animals, your environment, yourself and your higher sense of being. Being social creatures, we long for connectedness.
When I teach etiquette seminars, the emphasis is always on the reasons why we would want to apply etiquette: the confidence, comfort, and connectedness it brings.
Connectedness is the essence of happiness, and the happier you choose to be, the more confident and comfortable you are.
Being Connected
Our human need for connection drives us to engage in social interactions with others. These interactions create experiences that lead to acquaintanceship, friendship, romance, dislike, or confrontation.
Etiquette plays a direct role in determining the outcome of your attempts to connect with someone.
Five outwardly etiquette-ful actions to help others connect with you:
- Smile when you speak to someone. Even while wearing a mask, be physical with your smile.
- Looking directly at others when speaking is a necessary part of your smile. Keep the gaze going.
- Keeping your distance, your body language conveys your being present. Arms to your side, palms open when you speak conveys openness. Quick or unnecessary movement, keeping your arms crossed, or appearing distracted, shows the opposite.
- Validating other people’s views, even if you don’t agree, makes them feel as if they’ve been heard.
- Occasioning communication means that you are committed to showing up. Encourage others to speak about themselves. Even if you can’t spend time in person, texting, emailing or social media go a long way in communicating.
- Create a desire to make others feel important. It will challenge your creativity.
- Choose to pay attention! Cut out distractions when communicating. Keep the phone out of sight and off the table when spending time in person.
- Engage even if you don’t really feel like it. Stay positive, share happy news, find something uplifting to share.
- Adopt the philosophy that you are a giver. Then give of yourself.
- Be available to ask others for advice. This is easy if you engage another in something positive about that person’s life and look for something you genuinely appreciate.
When we are etiquette-ful and kind to others and ourselves, we are bound to experience a level of happiness. It is the same concept of the giver of a gift experiencing the same amount of joy and appreciation as the receiver of a gift. Practicing etiquette guidelines during our interactions with people is a form of kindness in action.
Sharing Happiness
Some believe that being joyful is a responsibility of being human. The HeartMath Institute has conducted many studies that help support this belief. Their research shows that the emotions we feel – happiness, anger, uncertainty, fear – are shared energetically when we connect or interact with another being.
Mindful of this, we can all celebrate moments of humility realizing that we can’t begin to know everything, but that we can contribute to the greater good by the little things we do inwardly and outwardly in kindness. From this perspective, we can look around and appreciate everyday experiences – that the sun did rise, that seasons are occurring, and that we are all connected in some way. How joyous! How etiquette-ful!

International Business
Business Relocation
A Guide to Relocation Road Trips
by Morayma MaKayCorporate Relocation Consultant & Coach
The freedom to move. -------
If you have the time, embarking on a road trip to explore potential new homes is an exciting adventure, blending the thrill of travel with the practicality of finding your next hometown!
In today's blog post, we'll delve into what to expect and which essential items to bring along for a smooth and enjoyable relocation road trip...who knows...this may be the trip you find the home you have always dreamt of...and make some core memories along the way too!
Research Your Route:
Before hitting the road, thoroughly research your route. Identify interesting stops, attractions, and potential neighborhoods you want to explore along the way. Utilize mapping apps to plan your journey effectively.
Essential Documentation:
Ensure you have all necessary documentation, including identification, insurance papers, and any paperwork related to your relocation. Keep a physical and digital copy for added security.
Comfortable Clothing and Essentials:
Pack comfortable clothing suitable for different weather conditions. Don't forget essentials like toiletries, medications, and any special items that contribute to your comfort during the trip.
Snacks and Hydration:
Stock up on snacks and water to keep you energized and hydrated during long drives. Consider a small cooler to store perishables and refreshments, minimizing the need for frequent stops.
Navigation Tools:
Have reliable navigation tools such as a GPS device or a smartphone with a navigation app. Additionally, keep a physical map as a backup in case of technology issues.
Entertainment for the Road:
Make the journey enjoyable with a selection of music, audiobooks, or podcasts. Consider creating a road trip playlist to enhance the travel experience.
Safety Essentials:
Prioritize safety with a well-stocked first aid kit, a spare tire, and the tools necessary for basic car maintenance. Check your vehicle's condition before the trip to minimize the risk of breakdowns.
Research Accommodations:
Plan your overnight stays in advance. Research and book accommodations in areas you're considering for relocation. This allows you to experience the local atmosphere and get a feel for potential future neighborhoods.
Capture and Document:
Bring a camera or use your smartphone to document your journey. Capture photos of interesting places, potential homes, and noteworthy details. This visual record can be valuable when reflecting on your options later.
Flexibility in Schedule:
Maintain flexibility in your schedule. Unexpected discoveries or changes in plans might lead you to hidden gems or alter your perspective on certain areas.
Local Cuisine Exploration:
Take advantage of the road trip to explore the local cuisine in the areas you visit. Trying local dishes can offer insights into the culture and lifestyle of potential new hometowns.
Reflect and Review:
At the end of each day, take some time to reflect on your experiences. Consider your impressions of different locations and make notes about what stood out or appealed to you. Use a notes app or a traditional journal so that you can look back on all of your notes and start keeping track of all the pros and cons of each place you visit.
A relocation road trip is not just your average journey; it's a crucial part of the decision-making process for your next chapter. By planning ahead, staying open to unexpected discoveries, and embracing the adventure, you'll not only find a new home but also create cherished memories along the way.
Safe travels!

International Business
Investment Strategies

Tax Day in the USA
April 15, 2024.
* “The income tax has made more liars out of Americans than golf.”
- Will Rogers
* ”The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.”
- Albert Einstein
* In 1988, the Rolling Stones explained why they left England to Washington Post writer, Richard Harrington, for his article entitled “Stone Free." “In 1971, we were forced to make a decision courtesy of the British government – live in England and (because of high taxes) not be able to afford another set of guitar strings or move and keep the band together. Hence, the album “Exile on Main Street."
* Let me tell you how it will be
There’s one for you, nineteen for me
‘Cause I’m the taxman, yeah, I’m the taxman
Should five percent appear too small
Be thankful I don’t take it all
‘Cause I’m the taxman, yeah I’m the taxman
- The Beatles “Taxman”
Next Monday is Tax Day in the United States which is always an inauspicious date. Every April 15th, millions of otherwise upbeat and proactive citizens wait to the very last minute before submitting to inevitable long arm of the taxman. Entire cottage industries of tax attorneys and Certified Public Accountants owe their very existence to this date.
Concepts of income tax have been changing in the United States, as elsewhere, for hundreds of years. “President Lincoln established the Bureau of Internal Revenue in 1862, the direct predecessor of today’s IRS. Originally, those considered wealthy, with incomes above $10,000 were taxed at a 5% rate while 3% were the standard for incomes above $600. Individuals earning under $600 a year were exempt. Tax collectors were paid a commission of 4% on all money collected up to $100,000 and 2% above that level. These actions lead to widespread abuse and corruption. By 1863, the Bureau of Internal Revenue was firmly entrenched as a strong arm of the Central American government, employing an army of four thousand. Only three years later, however, Congress appointed a Special Revenue Commission charged with reforming the scandal-ridden bureau. In 1872, the income tax was repealed.”[1]
Politicians and the public have long struggled with the idea of income tax and what is a fair amount to pay the government to maintain services. Income tax in the United States would not reappear, in earnest until the early twentieth century. “Income tax was seen as being the most efficient means to keep capitalists and monopolists from amassing huge fortunes. Theodore Roosevelt denounced such wealth in 1906 as fortunes swollen beyond all healthy limits.”[2]
Prior to that, the United States Supreme Court issued an exceptionally noteworthy ruling in 1895. The court ruled on a suit brought about by wealthy tax protesters; their claim was that income tax was unconstitutional, as it was not proportioned among all citizens. In other words, a direct tax on the people would have to be equal. This political positioning went back and forth until October 3, 1913, when President Woodrow Wilson signed into law the first personal income tax since the Civil War. Our current income tax can be directly traced to this legislation. Surprisingly, however, the tax law passed at that time was only fourteen pages long, in comparison to the almost incomprehensible code that stands today.
[1]Shelley L. Davis, “Unbridled Power” p.190
[5]Ibid., p.192
Please keep in mind this information should not be considered as financial advice. Investment decisions should be based on individual research and consultation with a qualified financial professional. The value of investments can fluctuate, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always consider your risk tolerance and financial goals before making investment decisions.

Fitness, Health & Longevity

X-3 Training
10-15 minutes per day.-------
The X-3 Resistance Program is a fitness program developed by fitness expert John Jaquish. It focuses on high-intensity resistance training using a specialized barbell system called the X3 Bar. The program claims to provide efficient muscle building, fat loss, and overall fitness improvements through short, intense workouts. It emphasizes the use of variable resistance, which means the resistance increases as you move through the range of motion, making exercises more challenging. The program includes a combination of exercises targeting different muscle groups and is designed to be performed in a relatively short amount of time, typically around 10-15 minutes per session.
I am not affiliated with this product but highly recommend it. Since it is portable and requires little time, you will never miss another workout. Plus, the product is extremely well-made and if you don't get a major burn from these resistance bands then you are simply not trying.

Spirits & Cuisine

The Masters Pimento Cheese Sandwich
An iconic Augusta, Georgia Tradition.-------
The Kentucky Derby has the Mint Julep, the Mardi Gras has the Hurricane and the Masters has their world famous Pimento Cheese Sandwich.
3 cups shredded white cheddar cheese
2 cups shredded yellow sharp cheddar cheese
4 oz crumbled blue cheese
1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1 (4-oz) jar sliced pimentos, drained
1 cup light mayo
2 tbs Dijon mustard
1 loaf of white bread
Combine cheeses, pimentos, mayo and mustard in a food processor and process until smooth. Cover and chill. Spread on bread slices. Makes four sandwiches.
From the book Par 3 Tea-Time at the Masters by the Junior League of Augusta, Ga.


The Masters Golf Tournament
A few insights from Rick Smith.-------
The Masters Golf Tournament is this week with the opening rounds starting on Thursday at Georgia's Augusta National. Last year's champion, Jon Rahm will be defending his Green Jacket.
The Masters Golf Tournament, is one of the four major championships in professional golf. The tournament was initially conceived by Bobby Jones after his retirement from competitive golf, and he wanted to create a prestigious event where he could invite the best golfers to compete. The Augusta National Golf Club, designed by Jones and Alister MacKenzie, was opened in 1933, and the Masters Tournament followed soon after.
Since its inception, The Masters has become one of the most prestigious and eagerly anticipated events in the golfing calendar. It is known for its unique traditions, including the iconic green jacket awarded to the winner, the Champions Dinner, and the Par 3 Contest held on the Wednesday before the tournament begins.
Over the years, The Masters has seen many memorable moments and legendary champions, including Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Tiger Woods, and more. The tournament continues to captivate golf fans worldwide and remains a highlight of the golfing year.
As such, I thought it an appropriate time to highlight some of the insights of Augusta National Golf Course from Rick Smith, who is one of golf’s greatest teachers. Rick’s notable clients have included major champions such as Jack Nicklaus, Lee Janzen, Vijay Singh, David Duval, John Daly and Greg Norman. Rick was also Phil Mickelson's personal golf coach when he first won the Masters in 2004 and in addition was the host of "the Big Break" on the Golf Channel. Several years back, I had the pleasure to interview Rick.
Here are a few insights from behind the scenes that you might not know:
JC: We've seen all the course on TV where you have the immaculate fairways, and the color just jumps off the set with sugar white bunkers and of course, the green jackets. What else makes The Masters so special?
RS: I think the tradition of the Masters even makes it more special than the beauty. The tradition of knowing that Gene Sarazen holed out a double eagle on the 15th, Jack Nicklaus charged in '86 to win with a 30 on the back nine at Augusta. You can almost see Bobby Jones standing there with Alister McKinsey on specific holes designing the golf course. All those things are part of what makes Augusta special and makes the Masters special and then when you take the people that have not won the green jack you know from Ernie Els, Norman to Lee Trevino, they obviously have not won here that makes it even more special.
JC: You mentioned the rules, what might a layperson not know about Augusta and its rules?
RS: No autographs on the other side of the clubhouse at the turn. None, and they enforce it. I think that’s good because it’s like saying to Michael Jordon in between the 2nd and 3rd quarter, “I need you to sign an autograph and will you please tell me about your family.” No one is allowed on the practice-tee other than the player and their teacher. At other events there’s vendors and phones going off, it can get pretty crazy. The other area where their rules differ is the clubhouse environment. It is very strict, and you can’t just get in. You can’t just have a ticket, to get into the clubhouse is hardest ticket in any sport. It’s harder that a Super Bowl ticket. Also, the fact is they have green everywhere. From green cups to green wrap around their sandwiches. By the way, the Pimento sandwich is famous at Augusta. They just do things different, it’s unlike any other event that you’ve ever seen. It’s almost like going back in time.
Rick Smith Golf
Here are some interesting facts about the game:
Golf is played all over the globe. Golf is one of the world's oldest sports, boasting a rich history. Golf is a sport of skill, that can involve not only athletic prowess, but also brain power. .
· To this date, golf is only one of two games to be played on the moon. The other is a javelin throw.
· Long before the advent of tees, golfers played off of hand-built sand piles.
· In 1889, Ab Smith inadvertently coined the phrase "birdie," when he hit a shot he defined as a "bird of a shot."
· Making a hole-in-one during a round of golf is quite a challenge. However, the odds of making two are incredibly low, at one in 64 million.
· Only around 20 percent of golfers have a handicap below 18. The United States Golf Teachers Federation defines handicap as "a measure of a player's current ability over an entire round of golf, signified by a number. The lower the number, the better the golfer is."
· The word "caddy" comes from "cadet," the French word for "student."
· A regulation golf ball contains 336 dimples.

How to Reduce the Stress of Flying!
Boeing's recent trouble add to the stress.-------
Have you recently been on a commercial flight? If you have then you already know. People are frustrated and often angry. Here are some tips to deal with the new reality of travel.
So, let's start with the basics. Of course, some people are simply nervous about flying. The odds, however, of being in an airplane accident are extremely low. According to the National Safety Council, the odds are about 1 in 11 million. Flying, therefore, is statistically one of the safest modes of transportation.
Traveling, nevertheless, by air can be an ordeal for a variety of reasons. Busy airports can be challenging to navigate, especially when pressed for time. There's also the possibility of lost luggage and the anxiety that comes with going through TSA and potentially customs if you are flying internationally. The excitement of an upcoming vacation can be eclipsed by the frustration and stress that sometimes results from air travel. While vacations are often intended to alleviate stress, the sheer task of getting to a destination can compromise that goal.
The good news for reluctant air travelers is that there are many ways to cut down on the stress surrounding flying.
Here are a few of the ways to reduce the stress of air travel:
Enroll in TSA PreCheck: Individuals in the United States who are citizens, lawful permanent residents and U.S. nationals may be able to avoid the long lines at TSA by becoming members of PreCheck. For a fee that covers five years and after a background check, approval, fingerprinting and interview, PreCheck enables members to skip the removal of shoes and jackets as well as other TSA protocol. It is valid for domestic and international flights from more than 200 U.S.-based airports. Similarly, there is a Global Entry program to expedite the customs process.
Download the airline app: There's much to be said about technology, especially when it can streamline travel. Airline apps can be used to purchase tickets and have boarding passes available to be scanned at check-in. In addition, airline apps can keep you apprised of flight delays and boarding gates.
Plan Ahead: Arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare to avoid rushing. Check-in online if possible, and familiarize yourself with the airport layout and security procedures beforehand.
Stay Organized: Keep important documents such as your passport, boarding pass, and ID easily accessible. Have a designated place for storing these items to prevent frantic searching.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before and during the flight to stay hydrated, as dehydration can exacerbate stress and discomfort.
Entertain Yourself: Bring along entertainment such as books, movies, or games to keep yourself occupied during the flight. This can help pass the time and distract you from any anxiety.
Stay Positive: Focus on the destination and the excitement of your upcoming journey rather than dwelling on potential stressors. Remind yourself that flying is statistically one of the safest modes of transportation.
Choose Comfortable Clothing: Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing and shoes to ensure you feel at ease throughout the journey.
Practice Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing, meditation, or listening to calming music can help alleviate anxiety during the flight. Consider downloading relaxation apps or bringing a book to distract yourself.
Seek Professional Help if Needed: If you experience severe anxiety or fear of flying, consider seeking guidance from a mental health professional who can provide coping strategies and support tailored to your needs.

Business Services
Business Acquisitions
Corb7 International, Inc.
Think Seven Continents, Think a World of Opportunity!
The Ultimate Vehicle for Uncertain Times!
Cutting-edge ideas.
Asset Protection from Political Uncertainty!
European Profit Center!
Profit, Privacy & Asset Protection
A Private Trust Company is specifically organized around the purpose of performing broad and discretionary fiduciary, administrative and financial services for its owners. Swiss Trust Companies are unique. While there are many international financial models to choose from an STC is a distinctive structure. STCs allow each owner or shareholder to implement an exact model according to personal preferences and strategies. There are, nevertheless, a few universal benefits to be obtained through acquisition.
Those benefits include:
· PROFIT: It is a perfect alternative to owning a Captive Bank & will save you time and money.
· ASSET PROTECTION: You will obtain a vehicle to protect your wealth.
· PRIVACY: Lower your financial profile and protect yourself.
· GAIN CONTROL: Safe time and money by improving efficiency.
· EXIT STRATEGY: Roll existing businesses into STC and then list on a foreign exchange.
· PORTFOLIO MANAGMENT: Manage portfolios of Real Estate and/or Securities creating additional avenues of profit, enhancing existing client relationships, and augmenting your corporate profile.
Please note that additional licensing may be required depending upon
new ownership’s business objectives and activities.
Swiss Trust Companies for Sale!
Immediately available with outstanding local administration in Zurich via one of the oldest and most prestigious law firms in Switzerland.
2001 Swiss Trust Company:
* 23-years-old with full authority - turnkey
* Year Incorporated 2001
* Place of Incorporation: Zug, Switzerland
* Corresponding Bank Relationship: Client’s Choice
* Acquisition Investment: $95,000
* Excellent administration with a prestigious law firm located in Zurich
* Administration first year fees included in acquisition price
* Initial legal retainer also included
For More Information:
If we can be of further assistance, I would suggest setting up a time when we can speak over the phone during which we can explore if this is the correct vehicle for you to reach your own unique business objectives.
Call +1-310-415-3545
Email: contact@corb7.com
Corb7 International, Inc.
a Business Advisory & Publishing Firm
"Challenging Traditional Thought to Gain Elite Performance"