Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

Welcome to our blog. For more than 20 years, we have written about the benefits of doing business in Switzerland via Swiss Trust Companies and Swiss Trust Company Ownership. Therefore, much of our focus here might frequently be the advantages of owning a Vintage Swiss Trust Company. We will, however, also cover many other topics relevant to international business such as asset protection, captive insurance, captive banks, and opening new markets. It is our hope that you enjoy and come back often.

Fraud Alert! Don’t Get Hijacked! It’s not the movie “Captain Phillips”

Posted On February 2, 2014
A good friend recently related to me that someone had tried to hijack his corporation for fraudulent gain.  Fortunately, it was caught before any funds were lost but others have not been so lucky. Frankly, I had never heard of this type of scam and thought it worthwhile to bring to the attention of our […]... Read more

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