Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

Welcome to our blog. For more than 20 years, we have written about the benefits of doing business in Switzerland via Swiss Trust Companies and Swiss Trust Company Ownership. Therefore, much of our focus here might frequently be the advantages of owning a Vintage Swiss Trust Company. We will, however, also cover many other topics relevant to international business such as asset protection, captive insurance, captive banks, and opening new markets. It is our hope that you enjoy and come back often.

Understanding What a STC is and What it is not

Posted On November 29, 2010
Older Swiss Trust Companies (STCs) continue to n be in demand. With this demand has come more information on the internet which can be confusing and seemingly at times contradictory. It is after all the internet and anyone can post anything. The realities, however, of how an STC comes into existence and then becomes available […]... Read more

Offshore Insurance Companies

Posted On November 17, 2010
Captive Insurance Also known as Captive Insurance Companies, offshore insurance companies have as an important part of the global insurance industry. Over the last twenty-five years, multinational corporations and professionals have looked to captives to provide protection against risk while lowering costs. A captive is defined as an insurance company established in an offshore jurisdiction, […]... Read more

Offshore Banking Defined

Posted On November 15, 2010
Offshore Private Banks Broadly defined, Private International Banks (PIB’s), Offshore Banks or Captive Banks are simply banking entities established outside of the United States or the country in which the owner resides. These entities are only responsible for meeting the standards established by the jurisdiction which licensed and regulates the bank. They are not subject […]... Read more

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