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Dallas - Zurich

Corb7 International
468 Camden Drive
Beverly Hills, Ca. 90210

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Swiss Trust Company Educational Series to Start

Date: 11 May 2016

Swiss Trust Company ownership has gained a tremendous following over the last few years. Unfortunately, much of the information posted on the internet is misleading and potentially damaging to new owners. In response and for the benefit of our clients and subscribers, Corb7 International will begin publishing a weekly educational series the week of May 16, 2016 . This publication will be geared specifically to international entrepreneurs and their professional advisers to explore the benefits and realities of ownership.

Nearly 20 years ago, we literally developed and branded the modern-day use of Swiss Trust Companies for Profit and Asset Protection. This experience combined with our straightforward and no nonsense approach to the subject matter of Swiss Trust Company ownership will offer our readership an important perspective and base of information. Thus, business owners will be able ascertain whether or not this strategy makes sense for them.

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