What you will find in this edition
- Feature: Cyber Crime in 2017
- International Business Tools: Part Two: The Swiss Trust Company Business Model
- Acquisition Opportunities: 1931 Swiss Trust Company
- Executive Fitness: Healthy Diet After 50
- International Spirits & Cuisine: Coffee vs. Cancer
- Living & Traveling Offshore: Fiji
- Corb7 International Services: Free E-Book
International Business
Cyber Crime
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With the recent hack into Equifax and all the understandable concern surrounding this data breach, we thought it an excellent time to expand our knowledge of cyber crime. Of course, we could think of no better place to explore than our old buddy TED. In our opinion, TED is one of the best places to go for specifics or informed opinion.
International Business
International Business Tools
The Swiss Trust Company Business Model

Part 2 of Our Series
- Financial Services: To use as an alternative to owning a “Captive Bank” or Class B Bank. The cost of time and money to establish ownership of a bank has soared while profit multiples have plummeted. Thus, a Swiss Trust Company can be an attractive alternative for international business.
- Internet-Based Business Owners: Enhance the corporate profile while at the same time establishing a quality European beachhead with an outstanding professional network of attorneys and bankers.
- Import Industry & Shipping Industry: Control transactions more efficiently and establish true corresponding bank relationships.
- Eastern European Business Owners: To seek sanctuary from political uncertainty.
- South Korean Business Owners: To seek sanctuary from political uncertainty.
- US Real Estate Developers: To raise & manage capital from private overseas investors to fund real estate development in the United States. It furthermore, applies to similar industries.
- Wealthy Families or Business Partners: To use as a management tool to protect, invest and consolidate wealth by warehousing assets and segregating interests via a mandate for reinvestment reflecting differing tolerance to risk.
- South African Business Owners: Manage international profits in response to government currency controls in country of origin. It furthermore, applies to other countries with similar restrictions in place.
Switzerland has been and remains an outstanding business-friendly location. Ownership of a Trust Company here is less expensive to establish and operate than alternatives and thus the profit potential is substantially greater. The ability to provide highly specialized services to wealthy individuals further increases the overall profit potential of private trust company owners. Please be aware that marketing with a Swiss Trust Company is likely to have many restrictions. Again, as always, it is essential to seek guidance from a professional in this industry prior to engaging in ownership.
Two major aspects to be considered that pertain to profit:
1) Operating expenditures. 2) Specific services or products to offer potential clients.
Lower Expenditures, Higher Profit Margins
Profits will always be the measure of a business’s success, and as such; they should offer maximum margins. In terms of bottom line gains, nothing else can add so quickly or so substantially to its profits as a reduction in the overall cost of operations. A Swiss Trust Company offers an entrepreneur the opportunity to profit from his or her efforts and expertise with an extremely low outlay of capital. When compared to an alternative from another jurisdiction, expenditures are often at a rate of one fiftieth the required capital. Even during the initial acquisition phase, which is typically the most expensive, costs can be readily kept at a minimum.
Owning and operating a Private Trust Company can be cost efficient, flexible and uncomplicated. The entity will not have the “storefront” appearance that might normally be associated with domestic financial institutions. Gone are the marquees, lines, vaults and other retail administrative aspects, as well as, the expenses related to such items. The Private Trust Company uses clearing accounts with major international banking institutions for physical deposits and independent administrative firms for all other functions. In this manner, the owner is able to leverage time, meet fiduciary responsibilities and transact business while keeping expenditures to a minimum. As a result, the profit margin is much greater.
Services to Offer
One of the first and most important questions any entrepreneur should ask of themselves is, “What type of company do we want to be?” As previously discussed, complex financial needs of successful individuals and multinational corporations require increased specialization. To avoid the pitfalls of trying to be all things for all people, the owner should be willing to target a specific, niche market. The following provides a glance at various services to present.
Services to Wealthy Individuals
Many businesses market to the wealthy yet few truly do so in a successful manner. The key is not only to offer an important service but to be seen as different from competitors. The ability to stand out from the crowd is the difference between success and failure. Few vehicles can make your operation more unique than owning a financial entity. Services that may be found the most attractive would include:
- Precious Coin Trading & Services
- International Credit Cards
- International Brokerage Services
- Trust Services
- Arbitrage & Currency Activities
- Precious Gem Trading & Services
- Portfolio Management
- Commodities Brokerage

International Business
Acquisition Opportunities
1931 Swiss Trust Company for Sale
86 year old Swiss Trust Company Immediately Available:
(FATCA Compliant, Not a Tax Shelter)
To Inquire:
Call +1-310-601-3115
Email: contact@corb7.com
Executive Fitness
Healthy Diet After 50
A balanced diet is an integral element of a healthy lifestyle for men, women and children alike. But while kids and young adults might be able to get away with an extra cheeseburger here or there, men and women approaching 50 have less leeway.
According to the National Institute on Aging, simply counting calories without regard for the foods being consumed is not enough for men and women 50 and older to maintain their long-term health. Rather, the NIA emphasizes the importance of choosing low-calorie foods that have a lot of the nutrients the body needs.
But counting calories can be an effective and simple way to maintain a healthy weight, provided those calories are coming from nutrient-rich foods. The NIA advises men and women over 50 adhere to the following daily calorie intake recommendations as they attempt to stay healthy into their golden years.
· Not physically active: 1,600 calories
· Somewhat active: 1,800 calories
· Active lifestyle: between 2,000 and 2,200 calories
· Not physically active: 2,000 calories
· Somewhat active: between 2,200 and 2,400 calories
· Active lifestyle: between 2,400 and 2,800 calories
When choosing foods to eat, the NIA recommends eating many different colors and types of vegetables and fruits. Phytochemicals are substances that occur naturally in plants, and there are thousands of these substances offering various benefits. The Produce for Better Health Foundation notes that a varied, colorful diet incorporates lots of different types of phytochemicals, which the PBH says have disease-preventing properties.
The NIA also advises that men and women over 50 make sure at least half the grains in their diets are whole grains. Numerous studies have discovered the various benefits of whole grains, which are loaded with protein, fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients. Whole grains have been shown to reduce the risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer.
Another potential hurdle men and women over 50 may encounter is a change in their sense of smell and taste. A person’s sense of smell may fade with age, and because smell and taste are so closely related, foods enjoyed for years may no longer tantalize the taste buds. That can be problematic, as many people instinctually add more salt to foods they find bland. According to the U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, older adults should consume no more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day. That equates to roughly 3/4 teaspoon of salt. Older men and women should resist the temptation to use salt to add flavor to foods, instead opting for healthy foods that they can still smell and taste. In addition, men and women should mention any loss of their sense of smell to their physicians, as such a loss may indicate the presence of Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease.
Maintaining a healthy diet after 50 may require some hard work and discipline. But the long-term benefits of a healthy diet make the extra effort well worth it.
International Spirits & Cuisine
Coffee vs. Cancer

Coffee compels many people to rise out of bed every morning. While individuals have many reasons to drink caffeinated beverages, the most notable is often the pep such beverages provide. But coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages actually may provide additional benefits, including helping to fend off disease, including colorectal cancer.
The American Cancer Society estimates that, in the United States, more than 95,000 new cases of colon cancer and 39,000 new cases of rectal cancer will be diagnosed in 2017. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in men and women. However, coffee may help reduce instances of colon cancer.
A study titled “Coffee Consumption and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer,” which was published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, found that regular coffee consumption inversely correlates to colorectal cancer risk. Coffee has been identified as a protective agent against colorectal cancer, as several of its components affect the physiology of the colon and can make cancerous cells less likely to take root there. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute also substantiates these claims. Frequent coffee consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer in a number of case-control studies – for both men and women.
Drinking coffee may not only help keep cancer at bay, it may boost the survival rate from colon cancer, too. Information from a study published in The Journal of Clinical Oncology stated that colon cancer patients who are heavy coffee drinkers have a far lower risk of dying or having their cancer return than those who do not drink coffee. Significant benefits start at two to three cups per day. People who consumed four cups of caffeinated coffee or more a day had half the rate of recurrence or death than non-coffee drinkers.
Other data indicates caffeine alone may not be behind the reduced cancer risks and rates – it may be the coffee itself. Researchers at the University of Southern California Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center of Keck Medicine found that decreased colorectal risk was seen across all types of coffee, both caffeinated and decaffeinated. According to Dr. Stephen Gruber, the author of the study, coffee contains many elements that contribute to overall colorectal health, which may explain coffee’s preventive properties. Caffeine and polyphenol can act as antioxidants, limiting the growth of potential colon cancer cells. Melanoidins generated during the roasting process have been thought to encourage colon mobility, and diterpenes may prevent cancer by enhancing the body’s defense against oxidative damage.
Although data continues to suggest that coffee can help reduce colorectal cancer risk and survival rates, additional information is still needed before doctors can start recommending coffee consumption as a preventative measure.
Living & Traveling Offshore
Fiji, The South Pacific
From the art of walking on coals to beautiful beaches and even after a Fijian the coup d’état in December 2006, this South Pacific location is still considered to one of the friendliest places in the world.

Business Services
Free E-Book!
The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership
Jeffrey H. Corbett
About the Author
It is our mission to save you both time and money when it comes to implementing a successful cross-border strategy as well as make a Swiss Trust Company acquisition possible for you within the shortest possible period of time. Offering more than 25 years of hands-on personal experience, the management of Corb7 International has guided more clients to successful endeavors with Swiss Trust Companies than any other alternative source.
This operational and management experience has allowed Jeffrey Corbett to develop a keen understanding for how international businesses can get bloated with redundancies or inefficient networks resulting in the loss of both time and money. To that end, the Corb7 Strategic Development Solution was created by him. This in-depth approach allows an entrepreneur to retool achieving a sleeker, smoother and more strategically focused organization. An advocate for bringing critical functions in-house, his clients range from small to mid-cap international concerns that can appreciate the additional control and cost reductions.