What you will find in this edition
- Fraud Alert: Business Hijacking
- Business Tools: How Great Leaders Inspire
- Feature: How to Spread the Word About Your Business
- Executive Fitness: The Anti-Gravity Treadmill
- International Spirits & Cuisine: Lobster Gram
- Business Success: The Italian YouTube Superstar
International Business
Fraud Alert
Corporate Hijacking
A good friend recently related to me that someone had tried to hijack his corporation for fraudulent gain. Fortunately, it was caught before any funds were lost but others have not been so lucky. Frankly, I had never heard of this type of scam and thought it worthwhile to bring to the attention of our readership. Far removed from the type of hijacking portrayed in the movie “Captain Phillips,” this is a real threat to small business owners. It is essentially when a fraudster targets a company, re-domiciles or hijacks the company to a new location via corporate filings, and then attempts to open false lines of credit or clean-out existing bank accounts. This all can happen without the real owners of the company realizing until it is too late.
Corporate Hijacking Definition: “Changing, replacing or amending company records such as directors’ company addresses or auditors by a third party totally unrelated and unknown to the current officers. In such instances, access to the victim’s records is obtained illegally and without having legal access to the customer code or password of the company in question.”
It is unfortunate but identity theft is no longer only just a consumer or retail crime. Manuals teaching one how to carry out corporate ID theft can be easily found on the internet. Thieves have learned that businesses also have identities that can be stolen and unsuspecting businesses can be very easy targets. To criminals,business identitytheft means the potential for easy money. One solution to stop hijacking would be for business owners to consider using jurisdictions that protect corporate filings with a password. This simple step may be the easiest and most effective method to discourage thieves. We hope you found this short notice to be of assistance.
International Business
Tools for the Business Owner
New Ideas
One of our favorite YouTube channels is provided by TED, which is devoted to spreading ideas in the form of short, powerful videos. TED which is an acronym for Technology, Entertainment, and Design is a nonprofit outlet owned by the Sapling Foundation that was founded in 1984. As of April, 2014, they have over 1,700 lectures available for free online. The term lecture might not be a correct description because each video is more of an informal chat. We enjoy much of their content and thought you might too. Below we offer recent discussion on leadership.
Video Presentation
International Business
Feature Article
How to Spread the Word About Your Business!
Today’s entrepreneurs face an uphill battle when starting their businesses. Whereas the competition in business has always been stiff, many trailblazers of yesteryear typically competed against only other locally owned businesses. But thanks to the Internet, businesses are now competing on a national, if not global, stage, making it harder than ever for businesspersons to draw attention to their products and services.
According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, roughly 66 percent of small businesses will survive their first two years. While that number should calm the nerves of entrepreneurs familiar with the widely circulated statistic that eight out of 10 small businesses fail, it’s important to note that the five-year survival rate of establishments opened between 1994 and 2010 was just about 50 percent. A 50 percent chance to be in business five years after opening is certainly better than a 20 percent chance, but a 50/50 shot at being in business five years from now is unlikely to excite many prospective business owners.
When starting out, small business owners must find ways to make their presence felt in crowded marketplaces. Though the following strategies might take time and some trial and error before a business starts to draw some attention, small business owners can greatly increase their chances of being successful by committing to marketing.
· Start early. Entrepreneurs need not wait until the doors of their businesses open to start spreading the word. In fact, waiting until the doors open may be too late. Take to social media sites, particularly the ones your target customer base is most likely to use, and establish a profile of yourself and your business. Update the status of your business at least once per week as you draw closer to your grand opening.
· Start blogging. Blogging about your business and posting content to that blog that’s easily shared is another effective way to spread the word about your products and services. When creating content, make sure it can be easily shared through Facebook and other social media platforms. Such content can go from being seen by one potential customer to being seen by hundreds in a matter of minutes.
· Encourage reviews. Few modern consumers make a purchase without first reading some product reviews. A recent survey from Jupiter Research found that 77 percent of people take the time to read reviews of a product or service before making an online purchase. Small business owners can use that to their advantage by encouraging customers to review their products and services. In addition, before opening your business, contact locally based bloggers and offer them the chance to review your products as a means to spreading buzz before opening your doors.
· Seek help from family and friends. Friends and family members are wonderful assets for small business owners. Ask friends and family to spread the word about your business via social media and traditional word of mouth. Many of your friends and family are no doubt proud of you for going out on your own, so expect them to be enthusiastic when asked to help spread the word.
Executive Fitness
The Anti-Gravity Treadmill
For anyone who has been active over a period of time, lower body inquiries are very common. The Alter G Anti-Gravity Treadmill offers a potential solution. Check out the following video which offers have this machine might help rehab inquiries or allow athletes to more frequently train.
Video Presentation
Spirits & Cuisine
Lobster Gram
There may be no better lobster than what you can get in Maine. Now it is available to be delivered to your front door. Lobster Gram had been in service since 1987, delivering Grade A Maine lobsters to anywhere in the United States. They come shipped and ready to cook in a variety of packages. Our favorite is the 4 – five-ounce tail bundle which we love to grill outdoors as a perfect complement to a steak dinner – flawless surf and turf.
Lobster Gram Review
4664 N Lowell Ave, Chicago, IL 60630
Phone: 1-800-548-3562
Business Success

The Italian YouTube Superstar
We thought we’d have a little fun this week and present to you Gianluca Vacchi. Mr. Vacchi is a 49-year-old multimillionaire that has taken YouTube by storm with his dancing lifestyle videos. From his flair to his tattoos, he is hard to miss. His estimated net worth is $450 million, and he likes to document much of his extravagant lifestyle. If you are not familiar with him, we thought you might … enjoy!
Video Presentation