Brokering International Business Acquisitions - Since 1991
Dallas - Zurich

What you will find in this edition

  • Interviews from the Archivesc
  • Corporate Inversion
  • International Spirits & Cuisine
  • Executive Fitness
  • Business Tech
  • Good Reads
  • Swiss Trust Company Acquisitions

Interviews from the Archives

Basketball Legend – Bill Russell

March Madness is in full swing in the United States, which is the time of the year when basketball takes the front stage for sport. As such, we dug way back into our archives and pulled an audio tape of us interviewing basketball legend Bill Russell. Over the years, we have had the honor to interview many iconic celebrities, but this was special since he had been a boyhood hero of mine. We found him to be quick witted and very charming.

Interview with Bill Russell


Offshore Strategies

Corporate Inversion


Defined as re-incorporating a company overseas in order to reduce the tax burden on income earned.  Corporate inversion as a strategy is used by companies that receive a significant portion of their income from foreign sources, since that income is taxed both abroad and in the country of incorporation. Companies undertaking this strategy are likely to select a country that has lower tax rates and less stringent corporate governance requirements.  Below is a quick video on the subject followed by an article from Bloomberg News.

As previously mentioned,  we also came across this article in the “Bloomberg” regarding corporate inversion.  It’s worth a quick read

“Endo to Buy Par Pharma for About $8 Billion”
Click Here to Read Article


International Cuisine & Spirits

International Flavors to Your Front Door!

Honolulu Cookie Company


If you have been to Hawaii in the last 15 years, then you know of the famous Honolulu Cookie Company. Established in 1998, this company as an upstart had the foresight to trademark its pineapple-shape shortbread cookie paving the way for future success. Now with numerous locations – including Seoul, Korea – Honolulu Cookie has become a staple. We most recently ran into one of their stores on the main drag in Waikiki and then again, in Las Vegas. Providing a true taste of Hawaii, these gourmet cookies are a real treat, and their gift baskets might just be that unique item you need to send to a friend.

Honolulu Cookie Company

YouTube Video



Executive Fitness

Motivation & Success with Coach John Wooden

Staying with out March Madness theme, we thought it only right to include some thoughts and insights from the greatest basketball coach of all time – John Wooden.    Please click on photos for videos.

Business Tech


This is beyond cool and totally functional for business.  By now you have seen the commercials or perhaps you are lucky enough to own one.  Just speak a command and Alexa will assist you.  The morning flash update is our favorite business application.  It can be tailored to your specific information needs.


Basic Tips & Tricks


Good Reads

Crush It!

Crush It!  
by Gary Vaynerchuk
You can often see Vaynerchuk appearing on CNN for various technology segments. Many find his antics over the top. Personally, I find him entertaining in small doses. In any case, his book; Crush It is a very useful read for anyone concerned about marketing via social media. Essentially, the book encourages people to determine what they are passionate about and pursue monetizing it via the internet. It argues that sweat equity is all ones needs to build a meaningful brand via the web

Check out his YouTube Video Channel:  Gary Vaynerchuk

The book “Crush It”

Business Services

Swiss Trust Company Acquisitions

Our goal is to create cutting-edge periodicals and innovative strategies, which create new avenues of profit.

One of our preferred methodologies is the Swiss Trust Company business model which remains as the perfect alternative to a Captive Bank and grants ownership almost limitless profit opportunities and asset protection. We are the recognized leader, innovator and specialist in the field of Swiss Trust Company acquisition.  Offering more than 25 years of hands-on personal experience, the management of Corb7 International has guided more clients to successful endeavors with Swiss Trust Companies than any other alternative source. We will provide you with a true turnkey acquisition – this will include acquiring the company, Swiss administration and a legal retainer with a top law firm located in Zurich – all for one investment. Our Zurich based associates provide superb administrative services in addition to having the all-important in-house SRO license. It is our mission to save you both time and money when it comes to implementing a successful cross-border strategy. The Trust Company you choose will be FATCA and OECD compliant in addition to having been walked through a strict due-diligence process guaranteeing it to be free of any present or past liabilities. Please note: Swiss Trust Companies are not tax shelters.

Click Here for More Information

Coming Next Week – Two New Offerings


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