Business Acquisition Opportunity

42 Year-Old Swiss Trust Company
For Sale
A 42 year-old Swiss Trust Company is coming available for acquisition. This is a totally unique property offering unparalleled prestige and history. It simply does not get any better.
This Trust Company will provide ownership with the greatest amount of corporate goodwill and prestige. For the right individual or company, this could be an outstanding opportunity aimed at business planning for 2019. Please keep in mind we have done all the groundwork for you and will provide a complete turnkey acquisition which saves you time and money. The acquisition time is 3 business days from start to finish. So if you are looking for a business tool which can hit the ground running in 2019 – this may be it. Bottom-line this is an outstanding opportunity at a great price.
Call Us Now: +1-310-601-3115 (USA)
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