What you will find in this edition
- Feature: The Most Powerful Passports in the World
- Business Tools: How to Manage Time More Effectively
- Acquisition Opportunities: What is a Captive Insurance Company?
- Executive Fitness: The Best Anti-Aging Foods
- International Spirits & Cuisine: Farm to Table Business is Booming
- Living & Traveling Offshore: Reduce Your Risk of Getting Sick While Traveling
- Corb7 International Services: Learning Center
International Business
The Most Powerful Passports in the World
Passports are an obvious linchpin to international travel, but all are not created equal. We thought you might enjoy this brief video view on the differences and why they exist.
(Please Click Photo for Video)
International Business
Business Tools
How to Manage Your Time More Effectively!
Hectic schedules can make managing time seem like a riddle wrapped inside an enigma. Many people feel there are not enough hours in the day. But busy men and women need not look for extra hours in the day to manage their time more effectively.
* Examine your existing time management. Before creating strategies for changing the way you manage your time, you first need to understand how you are currently spending it. Jot down what you do during an average week. Include how long you spend conversing, when you start working, how often you check your email, etc. Analyze this time in an effort to determine how much of it is being spent doing something productive and how much is getting in the way of getting things done.
* Complete crucial tasks first. Figure out which of your daily tasks are most important and take care of those first before moving on to less important tasks. This can reduce stress and make you feel more confident that you can accomplish the smaller tasks.
* Write things down. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when there are many things swimming around in your head. Put your to-do list on paper. Seeing it in black and white can help you separate the important tasks from other things that can be put off for the time being or delegated to someone else. If necessary, use a day planner or set notifications on your smartphone.
* Turn off email notifications. Email notifications can be very distracting when you are trying to get work done. Turn these off so you can concentrate more on the tasks at hand.
* Recharge with downtime. Physical and mental fatigue can contribute to procrastination. Plan periodic breaks throughout your day. These breaks can help you be more productive by reenergizing you.
* Avoid instant access. Schedule a time to return phone calls and instant messages rather than thinking you need to reply right away. Some notes may require immediate attention, but many likely do not.
* Block out distractions. Turn off your television and phone and steer clear of social media while trying to get things done. Come back to them later when you’ve completed your tasks.
* Be flexible. What works for another person may not work for you. Therefore, try a variety of strategies to get a better handle on time management until you discover one that works best for you.
International Business
Acquisition Opportunities

What is a Captive Insurance Company?
(Please Click Photo for Video)
Captive insurance companies usually insure or reinsure the risks of their parent and affiliates.
In some cases, however, captives are used to insure risks that are not related to their parent
organization. Captives can be used to provide coverage either directly or by providing reinsurance
of a fronting insurer. Often misunderstood, we over the above video by one of the industry leaders to provide a complete explanation.
Executive Fitness

The Best Anti-Aging Foods
The anti-aging industry is rapidly expanding. We recently came across this video and thought it to be factual and right to the point while avoiding a lot of hype.
(Please Click Photo for Video)
Spirits & Cuisine
Farm to Table Business is Booming!
Consumers’ appetites for local foods are growing, and restaurants have taken notice. Today, many local businesses, including farms and restaurants, have mutually exclusive relationships that make it possible for local residents to enjoy nutritious, locally produced meals.
According to the market research firm Packaged Facts, local foods generated $11.7 billion in sales in 2017 and will climb to $20.2 billion by 2019. Farm-to-table remains a growing trend that benefits farmers, restaurateurs and consumers. This is evidenced by the rising number of farmers markets cropping up in neighborhoods all across the country, as well as the niche offerings by regional food purveyors. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says that, in the last 20 years, the number of farmers markets has grown by more than 350 percent. Many consumers are now choosing “local” for dining at home and when dining out, and this is making a major impact on the nation’s food systems.
Foodies as well as industry experts predict that the local foods movement is a permanent and mainstream trend. In 2017, the National Restaurant Association found the desire for local foods dominated its “Top Food Trends.”
The most in-demands foods include locally sourced meats and seafood as well as locally sourced produce. Consumers also are interested in farm/estate-branded foods. Some restaurants are even producing “hyper-local” food, or herbs and produce grown right on the property.
As the demand for local foods has evolved, so has the term “local foods.” “Local” can be a wide-ranging term that refers to foods produced in a particular town, state or even region. The 2008 Farm Act defines a “locally or regionally produced agricultural food product” as one that is marketed less than 400 miles from its origin. However, a few states have established more stringent rules that indicate “local” constitutes food produced within the borders of a state or within a small perimeter of the state.
The growing preference for locally produced foods is great news for the farmers and small food producers that have long fought for footing among the mega-importers. According to the trade publication Produce Business, even though “local” does not place limits on the size of the farm, the growing desire among consumers to go local is benefitting many small and midsized farms, as consumers are increasingly buying foods grown closer to where they live.
In addition to meats, fruits and vegetables, consumers can find many locally made items that expand the potential for farm-to-table. These include, but are not limited to, artisanal cheeses, wines, beer, baked goods, milk and other dairy, and honey.
Local, sustainable foods are in demand, helping not only local restaurants and merchants, but also the small and medium farms that service these establishments.
Living & Traveling Offshore
Easy ways to Reduce the Risk of Getting Sick While Traveling
With so many people traveling for business or pleasure, it can be easy for illness to spread. Travelers concerned about their vulnerability to colds or other ailments may be unable to avoid cramped airline cabins or crowded restaurants, but there are ways for both business travelers and vacationers to reduce their risk of getting sick while on the road.
Travel and tourism is big business. According to research from the World Travel & Tourism Council in conjunction with Oxford Economics, the travel and tourism industry outpaced the global economy for the sixth consecutive year in 2017.
With so many people traveling for business or pleasure, it can be easy for illness to spread. Travelers concerned about their vulnerability to colds or other ailments may be unable to avoid cramped airline cabins or crowded restaurants, but there are ways for both business travelers and vacationers to reduce their risk of getting sick while on the road.
* Stay hydrated. People may remember to drink water when sitting at their desks in the office or lounging around at home, but travelers who are busy seeing the sights or attending seminars may forget to stay hydrated throughout the day. That can increase one’s susceptibility to illness, as fluids carry nutrients to the cells and flush bacteria from the bladder. Older travelers should be especially vigilant about staying hydrated while traveling, as the Harvard Medical School notes that older men and women do not sense thirst as much as they did when they were younger.
* Continue exercising. Even vacationers whose primary goal when traveling is to relax and unwind may want to squeeze in a little physical activity during their travels. The U.S. National Library of Medicine notes that physical activity can flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways, potentially reducing one’s chances of getting a cold, the flu or another illness. In addition, exercise causes changes in antibodies and white blood cells that could help the immune systems of physically active people detect illnesses earlier than the immune systems of sedentary men and women.
* Purchase hand sanitizer. One of the easiest ways to get sick while traveling is to come into contact with germs. Travelers tend to be out and about instead of locked inside hotel rooms, so their exposure to germs is likely greater while traveling than it is at home. Airport security agents may discard hand sanitizer at security checkpoints, so it may be unwise for travelers to bring sanitizer with them on their trips. Instead, travelers can purchase some at their destinations, carrying it with them and routinely applying it to combat germs.
* Get sufficient sleep. Traveling alters routines, and some travelers may find themselves getting inadequate sleep on the road. Studies have indicated that sleep helps sustain a fully functioning immune system, and that chronic sleep loss, which may be a greater concern for business travelers than vacationers, can impair the immune system. When traveling, men and women should make a concerted effort to get adequate sleep each night.
Traveling can be a jolt to the body and make it more vulnerable to illness. But no matter how often a person travels, he or she can take steps to protect their bodies getting sick while on the road.
Business Services
Learning Center
* Free E- Book: “The Complete Guide to Swiss Trust Company Ownership”
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* Swiss Trust Company Tutorial Video:
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Swiss Trust Company Introductory Video:
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